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Found: 3417 articles, showing 2110 - 2120
.... I looked at my dress and I could not find that it is feminine; it is comfortable, it is beautiful. I am not a soldier who has to be in clothes so tight that just his tight clothes make him kill somebody, so tight he just wants to get out of the clothes. I am a lazy person. My clothes are nothing - just a loose robe. Without any effort I can take it off, put it on. And strange, that a clergyman...

... house. Any moment, if anything happens, they don't want to lose time taking me to Portland or to Bend or to Redmond. And I never interfere with anybody. If this is their joy, they should do it. Who am I to interfere? If somebody wants to kill me, I will not interfere even in that. But if somebody wants to save me, do you want me to interfere in it? And these guards have done no harm to anybody in four...
... doing: creating fictions, exploiting people - their imagination, their fear, their greed, their misery, their suffering, their poverty, everything. But the moment science started discovering things every religion became very alert, and ready to stop science in every possible way, because if truth is revealed, the untruth dies by itself; there is no need to kill it. It simply disappears. Hence I say to...

... like giving a sword, a naked sword to a child to play with. Either he is going to hurt himself or kill somebody, but something wrong is going to happen. You cannot conceive that anything good is going to happen out of it. The brahmins in India have used the discipline of the mind for thousands of years to keep the whole country enslaved under them. In India, in five thousand years no revolution has...
..., 'Kill this man!' and the love says, 'Rather, it will be better if you hit yourself.' But there is nothing to worry about. Just take it as a normal thing; it happens to everybody. Sometime or other this dichotomy of the mind surfaces. Be indifferent. And in Vipassana it can happen sometimes that one feels very very sensual, because you are so silent and energy is not dissipated. Ordinarily much energy...
... a perversion. They cannot even kill an ant, but they can kill a great argument - and they enjoy killing. In India, Jainas, all the Jainas, have become business people. Why did it happen! It happened through the idea of non-violence. One cannot conceive the relationship, but if you look deep into it . . . the Jaina rules say you should not cut a tree, you should not uproot a tree, because trees...
... those blocks in you. They are not to be removed, there is no need to remove them. They have to be removed when the energy is not enough to remove them; then outer processes have to be used. For example, Rolfing can be helpful but only when the energy is not enough. Postural Integration is helpful but only when the energy is not enough. But when the energy is like a flood, no Rolfing, no Postural...
... men -- the king is born. When the king of the Romans heard that a child was going to be born who would become the king of men, he became so afraid that he ordered a massacre: to kill all the children below the age of two years. When the three wise men of the East reached the capital in search of the child Jesus, the king heard of it. He invited them to the palace, and he asked them for what they had...

..., so if you succeed in finding him please come and inform me." But he was planning to kill the boy, and the three wise men understood it because they could see in his eyes. He was a cunning man. Politicians are cunning. After they had met Jesus and worshipped Jesus, they had to find another route because they were afraid that the king would be waiting, and they didn't want to become a part of...
... surprised. You have a built-in process to take you to the farthest shore. People make love in such an ugly way that if children sometimes see their parents making love, they think they are wrestling, fighting -- that Daddy is going to kill Mum! Groaning, breathing in an ugly way, violent, their movements have no elegance. It is not a dance; certainly it is not a dance. And unless it becomes a dance it...

... and laid his gift at the foot of the manger. The second followed, laying his gift at the foot of the manger also. It happened that the third was much taller than the first two, and as he entered the stable he hit his head on the beam. In great pain he shouted, "Jesus Christ!" At which, Mary looked up at him, smiling, and said, "Oh, what a beautiful name! I was going to call him Fred...
... you are offended by my statement I can take it back, I can refute it. If you want me to write another treatise, I can write that too. But nothing will change by that. Who cares about my statement? Neither the sun nor the earth." Organized religion tried to kill science -- they could not, because truth cannot be killed. Slowly slowly science has possessed the whole territory of the objective...

... belly, a belly laugh. Your whole body goes into a spasm, it is orgasmic. A good laugh is tremendously meditative. An English gentleman went to his surgeon saying, "Old chap, I have this damned desire to be an Irishman. Can you perform some operation to make me one?" "Well," replied the surgeon, "it is a fairly risky business, you know. We have to remove ninety percent of your...
... and you are hit with a lulu and still you call it 'my child'. You have been just a passage in the great play of existence. Just as there are liberation movements, women's lib movement, so a new movement should be mounted: children's liberation movement. Nobody should be allowed to possess children. Possessiveness should not be allowed! Nobody should say 'my child'. All children are of God. You can...

... beach. You are still the children collecting wild flowers. You are still the children trying to catch hold of a butterfly. That purity of childhood is still there; it has not been taken away from you - it has only been superimposed by seriousness, ego, mind. It is there! The rock is blocking the fountain, but the fountain has not disappeared. Remove the rock and the fountain flows again in all its...
...; to be interesting you need a certain intensity. Nice people are boring. You can have nice people around only for a little while, you cannot live with nice people for long: they will kill you with boredom. They don't have any spice in them, they don't have any salt, they don't have any taste at all - they are tasteless. In that sense you are right. But that is enough to create many jokes. In fact...

... polluted. If you wanted some smoke to go in your lungs you had to make private arrangements! Now it is universal. And I am not against it because at the most it can kill you a little earlier. So what? If you don't live eighty years and only live seventy-eight, does it matter? In fact, the world is so overcrowded that everybody will be happy that you are gone. Do you know how much we celebrate when...

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