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Found: 3417 articles, showing 2090 - 2100
...: BUT WHEN YOU FIRST EMBARK ON THE PATH, YOUR AWARENESS WON'T BE FOCUSED. It will be wavering. YOU'RE LIKELY TO SEE ALL SORTS OF STRANGE, DREAMLIKE SCENES. BUT YOU SHOULDN'T DOUBT THAT ALL SUCH SCENES COME FROM YOUR OWN MIND AND NOWHERE ELSE. So don't become attached to any dreamlike scene, howsoever sweet. Gautam Buddha is reported to have said, "If you meet me on the path, immediately kill me...

.... And it is so alive that there is every possibility that you may get deluded. Hence, Bodhidharma is making you aware that anything that happens on the path in your meditation is just a projection of your mind and nothing else. Remove it; whether it is Buddha or Christ or Krishna does not matter. You have to go far; you have to go to a point where nothing appears, where all projections of the mind are...
... your hands and shaken you. Very few understand. In most of the cases people become angry, they become annoyed, because you are disturbing their sleep. They are sleeping and having beautiful dreams, golden dreams, sweet dreams, and you are disturbing their sleep. That's why they had to kill Jesus, murder Mansoor, poison Socrates -- these people were great disturbers. They were disturbing your sleep...
... even run if somebody were going to kill them. They cannot run, their dress is such, their dhoti would fall down - it is so loose that how they manage is a miracle. Now these are not the people who fight. This doctor was opposite me, so we became friends. But he was a torture. Usually, homeopaths don't get many patients, so he was torturing me as much as possible. But I used to take my revenge, and my...

...! So be careful. If you want freedom from any woman, bring her here. No problem for you, she will make you free on her own accord. And a miracle is also possible, that your girlfriend and you may be able to enter into meditation together. And that will be the real meeting. Otherwise, only bodies meet - which is not a meeting. That is only a hit-and-run affair. If you can also be consciously together...
... of innocence. No primitive man ever needed anything like Encounter; his whole life was an encounter! But now, when you want to hit, you say hello and when you want to kill, you smile. And not only is the other deceived, you also believe that your smile is true. And people are so polite that they tolerate you, they accept you, they don't look at what you are doing. If you don't interfere with them...
.... Not really, not physically, but deep inside he has dropped the clinging with the father and the mother?" Ajai Krishn is forty-five years old and still clinging with the apron of the mother! Now when he is going to become mature? It is time. One should kill... not the mother on the outside, but the clinging in your inner world. That's what Jesus means when he says, "Unless you hate your...

... snapped at the other driver, "Why don't you watch where you're going? You are the third car I hit this morning!" When a customer was told he could no longer buy his favorite patent medicine, he angrily berated the druggist. "But I tell you, it has now been banned," the druggist insisted. "Now you need a doctor's prescription because it is habit-forming." "It is not...
... the future? Postponement is suicidal. Life is slow; that's why you cannot feel it. It is very slow, and you are insensitive; otherwise postponement is the only poison. You kill yourself by and by. You go on postponing - and you go on missing the life that is here and now. For those who have attained to the here and now, the whole life starts showering flowers on them. Many things start happening...

... positive, like a shadow is bound to be with you. If you want no shadow, you will have to kill yourself. Then only can the shadow disappear. But nothing is wrong in a shadow. If you are there, nothing is wrong. If love is there, nothing is wrong. Somebody asked Saint Augustine, "Tell me in one sentence, in a simple sentence, the whole message of Christ, because I am an ignorant man, and I cannot...
... the other. How can you kill for eating? It becomes simply impossible. Not that you practice it - if you practice it, it is false. If you practice not to be a thief it is false; you will be a thief, you will find subtle ways. If you practice nonviolence, your nonviolence... there will be violence hidden behind it. No, religion cannot be practiced. Morality can be practiced; that's why morality...

... proved that he acted when he was completely unconscious. Why? Because how can you make a person responsible? You can make him responsible for drinking, but you cannot make him responsible for murder. If a madman kills somebody, he has to be forgiven because he is not himself. Responsibility means remembering. Whatsoever you have done, I tell you, don't be worried by it. It has happened to you because...
... than a good laughter. Laughter is very vital. I would like my sannyasins to be laughing sannyasins. I would like the world to know my people as the most laughing, dancing, singing people. I don't want any sad, serious-looking people here. I don't want any long faces here. Yes, when you come you come with a long face, but then I have to hit you and sooner or later you lose your mask - because that is...

... only a mask. No child is born with a long face; every child is born with laughter, with a great joy which is ready to explode. We destroy his joy. My effort here is to release that joy again, to bring your childhood back to you. The fifth question: Question 6: OSHO, I THINK I KNOW THAT IF I KNEW HOW MUCH YOU GIVE THE AGONY OF THE ECSTASY WOULD KILL ME. DHARMA CHETANA, IT IS TOO LATE! YOU have been...
... the sun. If the earth moves around the sun, then the sun is the center. He said,'I can admit that I have committed a mistake, and I confess, but there is one thing I must tell: whether I confess, whether I admit it or not, makes no difference. The earth moves around the sun. It will not change its course just because Galileo asks to be forgiven. You can kill me, and I am ready to ask to be forgiven...

... everything that happens, even sadness. Even death has to be loved; only then will you transcend death. If you can accept death, love and welcome it, now death cannot kill you; you have transcended it. When sadness comes, accept it. Listen to its song. It has something to give to you. It has a gift which no happiness can give to you, only sadness can give it. Happiness is always shallow; sadness, always...
... who can hit me so hard, who could show me my stupidity." Vishva, you can drop your mind this very moment because the mind cannot hold you. Mind is just a mechanism, a machine; you can get out of it any moment. But you have invested so much in it that YOU cling to IT, and then you go on asking how to get out of it. The doors are open; there is nobody preventing you. You can come out of it! But...

... is sitting on a bench outside the house enjoying the moonlight. Maria turns to Ze and says, "Ze, do you know something? Tomorrow it is going to be twenty-five years that we have been married!" And Ze answers, "Yeah!" "Twenty-five years... Uau! Ze, it is a lot!" "Yeah!" "Look, Ze, why don't we catch some of the chickens in the yard and kill them for...

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