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Found: 3417 articles, showing 1700 - 1710
..., against the priests, against the rabbis. He was so angry that single-handed he drove all the money-changers from the temple, a whip in his hand. And he was shouting at the top of his voice, and they became frightened - his anger was so intense, passionate. It is not just an accident that the people he was born to had to kill him. He was really angry, he was in rebellion. Remember, the perfectionist will...

... so dry. desert-like. He will make you a desert also. He will kill you as you are, he will reduce you to a certain formula a prescription, a morality, a religion - but he will not leave you in freedom. He will be a bondage, a prison. Avoid, if you can avoid, perfect people. It is very difficult to find them in the first place - but if you can find them, escape as fast as you can and never look back...

... remove the weeds, you have to change the soil, you have to throw out all the stones. Meditation prepares the bed. And only in a prepared bed can you plant roses. Otherwise weeds will overrun your roses and weeds will exploit the whole soil and your roses will not get much - they will be poor roses. And if there are stones in the ground the growth of the roses will be stunted. First prepare the ground...
... impossible!" A buddha trying to become a buddha is impossible. Hence a good hit was needed to bring you back home, to bring you back to your senses... that you are asking nonsense. You are a buddha. Sometimes it has happened that just the hit and the person has become enlightened. It must be the right time. It must be the man has been searching for many lives and is tired of the whole journey, weary...

... of the whole journey, and was ready - as if the last straw was needed for the camel to drop down, and the hit worked as the last straw. But this is true - you are already that which you are seeking. The seeker is the sought. And the goal is not somewhere far away in the future. It is just underneath your feet. It is exactly where you are standing. You may take time to realize it, you may take lives...
..., people are afraid of deep intimacy. People's love affairs are just hit-and-run affairs. They don't go deep into each other's being because going deep into each other's being, the fear is there - because the other's pool of being will reflect you. In that pool, in that mirror of the other's being, if you are not found, if the mirror remains empty, if it reflects nothing, then what? People are afraid of...

... called you Rama so you became Rama; they called you Chris, you became Chris. They could have called you something else, but now if somebody says something against Rama or Chris you are offended, you go mad. You are ready to kill or be killed - for a name which is only a utility, not a reality. So is the case with the 'I': it is also a utility. One has to call oneself something, otherwise things become...

... are clear; the mind is not noisy, you are in a state of melody, and then something strikes home, suddenly goes in like an arrow and penetrates the being. And one never knows when that moment will come. So I go on talking to you every morning, I go on shooting arrows in the dark. I know you are there - somebody is bound to be hit. Your time, your moment, will also come. Be a little more patient. The...
... man had not come to ask anything of Rinzai. One morning he came and sat near Rinzai. Rinzai said, "Do you want to ask me anything?" The man replied, "Do you want to show me anything? I do not want to ask anything. If someone is eager to show something, let him show it!" Rinzai was taken aback by the reply and thought, "This man is dangerous. He will either kill the goose or...

... this six-day experiment I have brought you to such a point that I now ask you to add one small thing to it. There will be a great explosion if that is added, so be prepared for it. When you look at me, gaze fixedly, do not blink your eyes, and at the same time, with each out breath make the sound Hoo, Hoo! This sound of Hoo, Hoo will hit powerfully on your dormant kundalini. The Sufis have researched...

... deeply into the sound Allah Hoo! They start with the sound Allah Hoo, then by and by the word Allah is dropped and only Hoo remains. Shout Hoo forcefully, and as you do so, your navel will contract. Let your Hoo strike powerfully below the navel. This will make your navel contract completely and strike against the kundalini. It is the place where the kundalini is. It will be hit hard. Generated by...
... REASON FOR THEM, THEN? A:* The reason for those guards is because I have been attacked many times in my life: I have been poisoned; an attempt was made to kill me with a knife before then thousand sannyasins -- and twenty police officers, because they got the message that something was going to happen that morning, so they reached in time before the knife was thrown at me. The man was caught red-handed...

... the most dangerous place! Ninety-nine percent. Only one percent manage to die in varieties of ways. So this is nothing wrong. Just if people want to fight, have a good fight -- enjoy it, celebrate it! Oregonians will be fighting with hostility and we will be fighting with songs and dances and celebration. Perhaps they will be able to kill us, but they cannot kill our spirit -- the spirit of ecstasy...
... TECHNOLOGY? YOU SEEM TO BE. ANSWER: I am. I am in favor of technology, but in a technology which does not go against life, does not go against humanity, does not go against environment. Technology is in our hands. It can destroy, it can create. Technology itself has no value system. We provide the values. I am not against technology. It is like a sword. You can kill a person or you can save a woman from...

... single crime has happened, no rape has happened, no theft has happened, no murder has happened, no suicide has happened. And we are the illegal city. You should declare New York, San Francisco, illegal cities, because everything illegal is happening every moment. Such a innocent city, where nobody is doing any harm to anybody, is illegal. And the people who decide it don't come here, because they know...

...... and this is not the only commune. We have hundreds of communes around the world on the same pattern. And we are trying in every way to prove that people can live so happily, so blissfully, so lovingly, there is no need for anybody to murder, to commit suicide, to become homosexual, to suffer from this ugly disease AIDS. All my sannyasins around the world had gone through the test. I said, "...
... only help if the sickness is real. If the sickness is unreal, then allopathy is dangerous, because you are giving medicines for a sickness which does not exist. Your medicines will have their own after-effects, because all medicines have poisons of all kinds. They are meant to kill certain virus, certain causes of sickness. But if the sickness is only in the mind, just an idea, then allopathy is...

..., scientists, philosophers, mystics, perhaps may stand by the side and let the crowd go by. These type of people don't like crowds! We have to remove the crowd from the traffic jam and bring those people who are standing by the side of the road. And we know now that the cell has everything. It can be read, that what it is going to be, what are its potentialities, how long will be its life, what kind of...

... diseases the person will suffer, what kind of color the person will have. Because the living cell has everything built in, and we can change it. That too is now possible. Why unnecessarily this man should suffer diseases when we can remove from the plan from the very beginning? We can reprogram the person. We can take out all the possibilities of sicknesses. We can take out old age. We can let the person...
... suspects that the wife is having some relationship with somebody - and can you find a husband who does not suspect, or can you find a wife who does not suspect? - then that is enough reason to kill the woman. And Islamic law allows it; it is not murder. You are killing your own woman, your own wife - it is like destroying your own chair! Who can prevent you? It is your own chair. You can burn your...

... people than anybody else. And all their bloodshed was only a question of words - words became so important. With foolish people it happens always: the reality fades away and words take its place. The word "God" becomes more important than the reality of God; the word "love" becomes more important than the phenomenon of love. Then they can kill each other for the word. It is...
... from the side of the road and hit Berkeley's foot with the rock. Berkeley screamed, and the blood started oozing out of his foot. Dr. Johnson laughed and he said, "Now what do you say? Is this rock real or not? And what is this scream all about if the rock is only a thought? How can it hit you? And from where is the blood coming out, and why? You are just being hit by a thought?" Berkeley...
... Bodhidharma that when he became enlightened he laughed for many months, he would not stop - at the whole ridiculousness of it, that people are already there and trying to reach. In their very striving they go on missing. And whenever anybody used to ask Bodhidharma about enlightenment, either he would hit him or he would laugh. What else can you do? This man deserves to be hit. When somebody asked...

... Bodhidharma how to become a Buddha, he slapped him immediately. And the man said, 'What are you doing, Sir? I have come to become a Buddha.' He said, 'I am making you. If a Buddha comes and asks me how to become a Buddha, what am I supposed to do? I will hit him!' Maybe that slap brings you back home. That's why Zen people have been throwing the disciples, beating them. And it has happened sometimes, it has...

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