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Found: 3417 articles, showing 1580 - 1590
... fulfills it; it can compromise if that fulfills it. Why did you compromise? What can the world do to you? At the most they can kill you. The rebel from the very beginning decides, "I would prefer to accept death but I will not compromise." You were not fighting, struggling, to destroy your ego. You were fighting to strengthen it, to make it more powerful. And then a moment came when you were...

... to follow him to his home. By and by, his wife also became involved. And S.S.Roy said to his wife, "This is strange, you always seem to be on his side. He is enough! If you want to support somebody, support me! He will kill the arguments of both of us." His wife said, "But he's so true and so sincere - not interested in defeating you. You are interested in defeating him. I have been...

... law is against it, their own wife, if she finds out, will kill them. The woman they are chasing is somebody else's wife - if he finds out, he will start cleaning his gun! It is difficult. Monogamy has made it very attractive to chase women. This society, this commune is completely free from all rubbish of monogamy, of husbands, of wives; it is completely free. That's the trouble. In monogamy you are...
... was going to Gauhati, it took six days, and so many trains to be changed.... But it was a great experiment to be with someone for forty-eight hours - and I would not speak. He would try... he would say, "Where are you going?" And I would say, "I am going to Calcutta. I am coming from Jabalpur. My father's name is this. My mother's name is that. My profession is" - just to hit the...

... Herod who was on the throne in Judea heard this Jewish story, that soon the messiah is going to be born, "and once the messiah is born you will be redeemed from all suffering." Naturally Herod thought, "This means you will be redeemed from slavery too, you will become free from the Roman empire." He asked his soldiers, "Find all the children below two years of age and kill...

...." While coming back they started talking: had anybody committed any mistake or anything? One man said, "I have committed one mistake, but I was afraid to say so, because you will kill me." He was the cook - the best cook in Hoshyarpur - who was preparing food for the eleven members of the commission. They said, "What mistake?" A small spice in India - jeera, it is called, a...
... have to meet that woman again at the coming station where you are going to get down. You think a thousand and one things, that 'Miracles after all happen. She can get lost. Somebody may steal her, or somebody may kill her; anything is possible in this big world, so many things happen every day.' But nothing happens. You find your wife there, you are standing there and you are again saying sweet...

... away from the tree. I said, "The tree is not that strong yet. You may kill the tree. You please come in the house, and if you want to hug the trees, I have many big trees; you can do as much hugging and wrestling and gymnastics and whatsoever, as you want to do. But this tree, don't torture it!" Suddenly anger: "What!" he said, "Are you saying I am torturing the tree? I was...

... cannot imagine it: my whole body felt the ache, particularly my ribs. And I told my friends, "Please, these hugs - I am not ready to receive that much love. It is too much. You have to prevent it, otherwise I will stop coming to Punjab." These idiots don't know that "hug" does not mean that you crush the other person. And certainly they were doing it very lovingly, but you can kill...
... gets embedded in your foot, you can use a second thorn to remove it; but once the thorn is out both become equally redundant. My words will not deliver Truth. but they can act like the thorn to remove the thorn of illusion of knowledge that you hold as your own. When this happens, my words will have served their purpose and become equally useless. Words, be they from anybody, do not convey Truth. But...

... - thousands of layers gathered over numerous lives. Start to peel them, one by one; keep on till all of them are removed. Then what will be left behind? Nothing but the void; and this void, this emptiness, is the Truth which abides. If we remove the objects in a house, the furniture, the Portraits, the calendars, the utensils etc., something still remains behind which cannot be removed - the emptiness. This...
.... And then if you can manage to do this, the other thing is to choose physical food which does not help aggression and violence, which is not poisonous. Now even scientists agree with this, that when you kill an animal, out of fear he releases all kinds of poisons. Death is not easy. When you are killing an animal, out of fear a great trembling arises inside. The animal wants to survive; all kinds of...

... that even Olympic runners will be left behind. Just think of yourself running if somebody is behind you with a dagger to kill you. You will do the best you can do, your whole body will be geared to function at its optimum. When you kill an animal there is anger, there is anxiety, there is fear. Death is facing him; all the glands of the animal release many kinds of poisons. Hence the modern idea is...
... dangerous to you, that this will kill you, but he smokes every day and it doesn't kill him! So you may write it on every packet of cigarettes -- nobody bothers about your warnings that "This is harmful to health," that "This is harmful to life." Who cares? -- because experience says something else! You smoke every day, dozens of cigarettes, and you don't die and you have not died yet...

... dependent forever. They give you crutches, but they don't make you stand on your own feet. Avoid the priests. Whenever you go to any kind of experts, their whole effort in fact is how to make you dependent on them. The star of a Broadway hit was visiting friends when talk got around, as usual, to psychiatry. "I must say," said the hostess, "I think my analyst is the best in the world! You...

... speed, your mind was becoming hotter and hotter, on a single point for years. Bukko says, "I tell my disciples, now it is time to drop it, and let the mind cool down." ... THERE IS A COOLING DOWN, IN DUE TIME THEY HIT ON WHAT THEIR OWN TRUE NATURE IS, AS THE SOLUTION OF THE KOAN. When the mind cools down, that is almost the equivalent of mind being put aside. In one case it is sudden...

... world, as if for those few minutes there is no world; only you and this space that you are running towards with the speed of light, like an arrow, to hit some unknown center of your being. And just gather the experience, the joy, the blissfulness, and come back. Come back with your buddhahood as a fragrance around you. And then watch -- in your day-to-day life, working, all kinds of things -- just out...
... improving it, removing all flaws, bringing more and more metre, grammar, better language, better words, better sounding words, more music. For months he would polish and change, and by the time he thought it was right to go to the press I would declare, "Now, you send it to the doctor for a post mortem - it is dead! You killed it." Watch: perfectionist parents always kill their children...

.... Perfectionist saints kill themselves and kill their followers. It is very difficult to live with a perfectionist saint - he is boring, monotonous, and condemning. Whenever you go to him he will be looking from his perfectionist attitude, and you will be reduced below your humanity. And he will enjoy condemning you - you are a sinner. This is wrong, that is wrong - everything is wrong. I am not a perfectionist...
... was not a torture. He was given poison and within minutes he was dead. His death was a silent one. The way Jesus was crucified is one of the most violent ways... sometimes it takes three days for the person to die. Just nailing a man on a cross cannot kill him immediately. Blood starts oozing from his body slowly slowly. Life starts oozing out, but very slowly. Even the weakest man will take at...

... be sent over to drink with you until the urge passes. The sixth question: OSHO, I AM A JEW, ITALIAN, AND A PSYCHOLOGIST! IS THERE ANY HOPE FOR ME? Anand Shravan, YOU ARE REALLY FORTUNATE! There is every hope for you; in fact, you cannot miss. Even if you want to miss you cannot, because the Jew is going to kill the poor Italian, and the psychologist is going to kill the poor Jew, and when there is...
..., because even a Buddha has to miss many times. If you miss, just get up and risk again. Some time, in some unknown manner, the whole existence culminates to help you. Some time and in some unknown way, you hit the target exactly the right time when the door was open. But you have to hit many times. You go on throwing your arrow of consciousness. Don't bother about the result. It is very dark and the goal...

... understand Patanjali - this is a very fundamental thing. If you make your effort continuously for many lives, the ego is bound to arise. You have to be very watchful. You should work, you should make all efforts, but don't gather the ego. Then there is no need to surrender; you may hit the target without surrendering. There is no need because the disease doesn't exist. If the ego is there, then the need...

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