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Found: 3417 articles, showing 1370 - 1380
..., not would Mussolini. The war created the context: they were able to be as violent as possible. They were able to butcher people, to murder people, in millions. People immediately pay attention when you are violent. If you live a peaceful life, no newspaper is going to report about you in your whole life. But if you kill somebody or you commit suicide, you will be immediately in the newspapers. Just...

... against love, against life, because he needs soldiers for death, to die and to kill. The priest also wants people not to love life. If they love life they will not bother about the temples and the churches and the mosques. And if they really love life they will find God through life - the priest will not be needed. The priest is needed only when people have gone astray from life - only then can he...

.... Otherwise life is so tremendously satisfying - who bothers? Who cares? Reverend Jones was able to kill nine hundred people, innocent people, for a simple reason: he was training them for death. You will be surprised to know that in Jonestown, lovemaking among the members of the sect was not allowed. Celibacy was enforced. There were hard strict rules: the people were not allowed to go outside the commune...
... are missing their happiness which is already there. Everybody is running here and there looking for something that he has inside himself. It is so ridiculous,' Bodhidharma used to say, 'that's why I go on laughing.' There have been other Masters who will hit you if you ask how to become enlightened. Rinzai hit a man because he asked how to become a Buddha. When he hit him, the man was puzzled...

... - 'Have I asked something wrong?' he said. And Rinzai said, 'What more can there be? What more wrong is possible? What greater absurdity can one ask? You want to become a Buddha? You are already a Buddha. How can a Buddha become a Buddha? The very effort is futile. Hence I have hit you - so that I can give you a little piece of awakening, a shock. Maybe in that shock you can see that you are a Buddha...
... inside the door. The speculator hit upon a trick which he hoped would relieve the congestion. He produced a scrap of paper and a pencil from his pocket and scribbled a note: "Oil discovered in hell," which he dropped on the floor. Soon the note was picked up and read. The man who read it whispered to a few other persons and slipped away. Those in whom he had confided similarly whispered to...

... you been to somebody else?" He said, "Yes, I have been with a certain master." "And what have you learnt there?" The monk said, "I will show you - I have learnt yoga postures." And he sat in a SIDDHASAN - in a Buddha posture - with closed eyes, unmoving. Ikkyu laughed, hit him hard on the head, and said, "You fool! We don't need any more Buddhas - we have many...

... compassion - because out of a hard person only violence can arise. And sometimes it happens: the person may believe in non-violence, but out of a hard person only violence is possible, non-violence is not possible. My own understanding of Jain monks is - I have seen many of them - they teach non-violence, but they live in deep violence. Of course, they don't kill others, but they kill themselves - that is...
... become an object - to reduce God to an object is to destroy him, is to kill him, is to murder him. The real God always happens as the innermost core of your subjectivity - not there, but here. Not then, but now. Not out, but in. And that "in" also is only for a moment - once God has happened, that "in" also disappears. Then there is nothing outer, nothing inner: all is one. This is...

..., horrible, nauseating. And he started trembling, and a thought arose in him: "Now I am sure to be killed. These people are going to kill me." And he was killed. This parable is an ancient parable, of immense significance. It portrays your whole life. Your mind is the wish-fulfilling tree, KALPATARU - whatsoever you think, sooner or later it is fulfilled. Sometimes the gap is such that you have...

... it. Remain aloof, detached. And that aloofness and that detachedness has not to be a forced thing. If it is forced, you have missed the point. It has to be out of your understanding. If it is forced, it will kill your senses; if it is out of understanding, your senses will become more alive. THE VAST FLOOD ROLLS ONWARD BUT YIELD YOURSELF; AND IT FLOATS YOU UPON IT. And remember, if you are not...
... any distinction between the Master and the disciple. In Zen there are stories that sometimes the disciple would hit the Master, and the Master would laugh. They are stories of great love, they are stories of great faith and trust. They show that now the distinction is no more there; now nobody knows who is who. The Master is the absence of the ego, and when the disciple's ego also disappears, there...

... cannot be two absences. For example: in your room there are two chairs; two chairs are present, two presences. You remove two chairs - now can you say that there are two absences because two chairs have been removed? No, there is only one absence; simply absence. You can remove a thousand chairs but the absence will not be of a thousand chairs; it will simply be absence. A Master is an absence, an...

... cannot be indifferent to it. Just see: if you cannot even allow your Master to touch your feet, what else are you going to allow? Peter will say,'I am ready to die for you. You can kill me if you want, but I won't allow you to touch my feet.' But the basic thing is in saying 'no' to the Master. You can feel ready to die because in dying you will feel very ego-fulfilled - 'I am becoming a martyr.' The...
... being. You can deceive others, you cannot deceive yourself. But there are also very, very clever people who can deceive themselves also. They are the worst enemies of themselves. Mulla Nasruddin had been pulled from the river in what the police decided was a suicide attempt. When they were questioning him at headquarters he admitted that he had tried to kill himself. This is the story he told: 'Yes, I...

... tried to kill myself. The world is against me and I wanted to end it all. I was determined not to do a half-way job so I bought a piece of rope, some matches, some kerosene and a pistol. Just in case none of those worked I went down by the river. I threw the rope over a limb hanging out over the river, I tied the rope around my neck, poured kerosene all over myself and lit the match. I jumped off the...

... bank, put the pistol to my head and pulled the trigger. 'Guess what happened! I missed. The bullet hit the rope before I could hang myself so I fell into the river and the water put out the fire before I could burn myself. And you know, if I had not been a good swimmer, I would have ended up drowning my fool self!' That's how things go.... You want to do a thing and yet you don't want to do it. You...

... within you. Your laughter is not pure; your laughter can be changed into crying very easily, your crying can be changed into laughter very easily. You know it. You love a person and you can hate him any moment. You were ready to die for him, and now you are ready to kill him. A friend can become foe any moment. Man is contradictory, schizophrenic. And the blind man said, 'IN ALL MY EXPERIENCE, HOWEVER...
... other shore - - so much so that the very desire for the other shore became their hindrance. To destroy that hindrance, to remove that obstacle, Buddha uses the negative way. But man is such a fool! The masters move very cautiously, they take every step very cautiously, because man is such a fool. They take every precaution not even to use any word which can be misinterpreted - but all words can be...

...." He had a mad elephant. He told his whole court to watch. The mad elephant was brought into the courtyard of the palace and the poor philosopher was left alone with the mad elephant. The mad elephant started chasing him, and the philosopher started crying, "Save me! He will kill me - save me!" He was crying and weeping. And the mad elephant took him and threw him at least thirty feet...

... lullaby by his side. You have to shake him, you have to throw ice-cold water into his eyes - and of course it looks cruel. He may be having sweet dreams, and you are throwing cold water into his eyes! A real master is hard. A real master is always watching for the right moment to hit you, to hammer you. And he is trying to find the weakest point in you so that you can be exposed easily - exposed to...

.... Very few courageous ones are going to stay with me. The cowards will escape. They will find many rationalizations. One coward wrote a letter to me yesterday. I will not tell you his name, because he is new and it is not right to hit him so hard immediately! He wrote a long letter saying, "You talk about freedom, you talk about love, you talk about how to get rid of churches, beliefs, rituals. I...
... naked. But a practiced thing is not a real thing; all that is cultivated is false. The teacher was very much impressed - but in fact it was also part of the anger of this man... who could burn his house, who could kill his wife, who could throw his innocent child into a well and kill him. This man was capable of doing anything! He could throw off his clothes and be naked. It looks like great...

... the staff in your hand! No, I will not ask the fourth time. I know that you killed your wife, you killed your child - you can kill me!" People don't change: so unconscious, so deeply unconscious are the desires, longings - anger, greed, sexuality - that on the surface they may seem to be changing, but deep down they don't change. By changing your character you can't change your consciousness...

..., that: Unless you are like a small child you will not enter into my kingdom of God. Be a child again. Your knowledgeability is a great obstruction in the way - remove it. Be innocent. AT THE END OF THE WAY IS FREEDOM. And if you can fulfill these simple things - awareness, rightness, innocence - which are just three faces of the same phenomenon of being conscious, of being meditative, then: AT THE END...
... and the disciples were crying and weeping, and the doctor knew that within seconds Gurdjieff was going to disappear. His legs had become numb - they had gathered too much water and the water had to be removed - and the doctor knew that he might not even be able to completely remove the water because before the water was removed, Gurdjieff would be gone. And he asked Gurdjieff - -because giving him...

... Hindu; you can become a Buddha, but never a Buddhist. And remember, if you really want to become a Buddha, then avoid the doctrine that has gathered around Buddha. The Zen people say 'If you meet Buddha on the way, kill him immediately!' They even go to this extent: they say 'If you repeat the name of Buddha, rinse your mouth out immediately!' Not that they are disrespectful about Buddha, they have...

... kill themselves - but it is a bargain. A man of meditation, understanding, has no motive, NO BARGAIN WITH REALITY. How can you bargain with reality? The whole idea is silly. A man of meditation is good because it feels good to be good; there is no motive. He is virtuous because being virtuous he feels so happy and so delighted. He loves, he shares, just like a flower shares its scent, its fragrance...

... illusion of being happy; it keeps you asleep. But if you are interested in becoming alert, awakened, then it is dangerous. Then you are undoing your very longing to become awakened, enlightened. You are undoing it by your drugs. I have heard.... A travelling salesman in the deep South hit one hotel where the rooms were infested with giant, economy-size mosquitoes. Furthermore, he was told that no...
... about things. They are so full of their own madness that they think everybody else is mad. Their projections are such, they feel that they are being persecuted, everybody is going to murder them or kill them. Once it happened :I had to live in the same room with a professor for a few months. He was a schizophrenic. When he was good he was utterly good, a really nice fellow, but when he was bad he was...

... the heroine in the film. They had booked a beautiful castle somewhere in Germany for only one day. And the whole crew waited and all the actors waited, and Eva Renzi never turned up! Almost in tears, everybody left. And in the evening she turned up, laughing, smiling. And the director says he became so crazy that he hit her with a chair! And then he felt bad too. He had a heart attack; for three...

..., four months he had to rest. He says that anybody who can live for one hour with Eva Renzi will hit her! Now the poor woman must have been in deep suffering. She is crazy! She would have been immensely helped if she had been a little patient, if she had been here a little longer. But these patterns go very deep. These patterns go so deep that it is almost impossible to help such people. She was in one...

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