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Found: 2871 articles, showing 2570 - 2580
... counter to buy three tickets. Behind the wicket stood a gorgeously buxom young lady wearing a dress of outrageous decollete. The young priest was visibly flustered. Finally, he blurted out, "Please let me have three pickets for Titsburgh." When he realized what he had said, he was mortified, and ran back to the other two priests. The second took the money and approached the window. Here he too...
... does not care about truth, he simply cares about whosoever pays the money. He is far worse than a prostitute. The prostitute only sells her body and the legal expert sells his mind. He is ready to be purchased by anybody - whosoever is ready to pay the price. He does not care about what is right and what is wrong. But if you become a meditator you will start caring about what is right and what is...
... to know sex, to know what money can bring, to know what power can give you, then you are not ready. The spiritual urge is not one urge in many urges, no. When all the urges have lost their meaning then it arises. The spiritual urge cannot exist with other urges - that's not possible. It takes possession of your complete being, utterly. It becomes the only one desire. Only then a Master can be of...
... fainting condition?" "I would give him some brandy," was the answer. "And if there was no brandy?" "I would promise him some." said the priest. The priest has always been saying that. The priests are the great promisers -- they go on issuing promissory notes. They go on saying, "Don't be worried. Donate, make a church, give money to the poor, make a hospital, this...
... looking out in things, in money, in power, in people. That is your mistake that you are looking out, not in. And they go on making the same mistake greater. They tell you it is far away, that is still out of you. It is the god in the heavens, which is simply a lie. All that is needed is to tell you that you are the temple of god, that there is no other temple. That if you want to go anywhere, go inside...
... prestige. They have poured all their money into Israel, they have come from all over the world to live in their own land. And the Mohammedans are forcing them to go back - "It is not your country." The American cunningness has never reached higher than that. In such a sweet manner, they persuaded the Jews - who themselves were asking, "We need a land, our own country." Now they are...
... body will be hungry, but the mind is consoled by the dream. AND THE PASSIONATE SAY, "NAY, BEAUTY IS A THING OF MIGHT AND DREAD." Those who are full of passion, for them beauty is a question of might and dread. Just because they are powerful they think beauty can be reduced to a commodity. All that you need is power, all that you need is money, all that you need is might. And might is always...
...? Those seventy cats." And because he did not fight - he went behind his ranks to avoid those cats - he was defeated; otherwise Nelson had not the guts to defeat Napoleon. Nelson was no comparison to the great warrior Napoleon; but those cats were even bigger warriors. In fact, psychoanalysts have come to the conclusion that the people who become interested in power - either of money or of politics...
..., your money is lost, your bank becomes bankrupt, your house is on fire - and you can cross the boundary in a single moment. There is not much distance to travel and you can go mad. You were already mad but just waiting for the boiling-point. It can come any moment. Why is this happening so much in the West? Why is everyone going for psychoanalysis? Really, those who cannot go for psychoanalysis are...
...;That's good. I offer them to the Ganges. Can you help me a little?" The man said, "What kind of help?" "Just go -- behind the temple is the Ganges. Throw the whole bag into the Ganges. Now it is MY money not yours, so you need not be worried about it." The man was in shock -- "I got caught in unnecessary trouble. One thousand gold rupees ... people would certainly say that...

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  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).