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Found: 2871 articles, showing 2550 - 2560
... happiness?" He looked surprised. He was never expecting that. He said, "What do you say - I, and happy?" "Yes, I have never seen such a happy man. And that's why I would like - enlighten me a little - what are the causes of your happiness?" The man started enumerating, "I have so much money, a beautiful wife, children, palaces, cars, swimming pools, this and that." But...
... more and more money into the homes. But for what? There seemed to be no meaning in it. So they decided to invite a sage who used to live in the hills, to tell them the secret of life. Because all that this world could give, they had, but everything seemed to be pointless. The sage came. Before he even uttered a single sentence, he knew what was going to happen. But still he spoke. He said, "...
... the priest got to Brennan's Bar and Grill, the owner did not like the idea of contributing two hundred dollars. "But Brennan," said the priest, "just think - Deegan, Dugan and Donelly gladly contributed to the chimes, and you should be represented with a donation." "Well, Father, it is an awful lot of money." "But think how proud you will feel, along with Deegan...
... worldly as others. He has only changed the name of his god, that's all. Before he used to call it money, now he calls it meditation. Before he used to call it material, now he calls it something else - God. But, the achieving mind is there, and an achieving mind is the hindrance, the only barrier. ACCOMPLISH DO NOTHING. Enjoy not doing anything. Simple - but it looks difficult. It looks difficult...
... naturopathy - he did everything. He had enough money to waste, enough time, so there was no problem there. He had moved all over the world to get rid of the constipation, but the more he had tried the worse the constipation had become: deeprooted. He had come to me and he said: What to do? I told him: Constipation can only be a symptom, it cannot be the cause. The cause must be somewhere else in your...
... Templeton award - but all these awards are political! It is a big award, one hundred and sixty thousand pounds; one hundred and sixty thousand pounds is big money. Why is it being given to a man who has no experience of religion at all? - this award is meant for those who will bring religion and science closer. He has no religious experience, and as far as science is concerned he is fifty years behind; he...
... history. In fact the lesser the religious leader was, the more he was against them, because his whole profession was at stake. Can't you understand simple business? The religious leaders were doing a tremendously beautiful business: no investment, all profit, no income tax. The religious profession is really the only superb business. You don't have to invest any money into it, no risk of losing, no risk...
... biology? They cannot even go to a prostitute, they don't have the money. So rape remains the only possible outlet for their biological instinct. Don't be hard on the rapist. And don't be hard on the woman who has been raped. These are problems created by the society. Be hard on it! In my commune it is absolutely impossible that anybody should rape. I receive letters every day from my women sannyasins...
... take him to any party, because people would think, "From where did you get this beggar?" And she lived very luxuriously. They had enough money, enough land; they belonged to the highest the super-rich class in Russia. She was continuously torturing him. Their life was nothing but a torture, unending torture. And he was such a simple and good-hearted man he could not even think of a divorce...
... where they get bribes and money and everything, for giving secrets. They are all connected to one country or other; they are agents. They have one face before the masses, the poor masses, and their reality is something totally different. And they were also afraid because Indira was absolutely incorruptible. That was one thing she had learned from Jawaharlal. He was incorruptible because he was not a...

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  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).