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Found: 2072 articles, showing 130 - 140
... price of your whole kingdom - just a glass of water! And you think you have conquered the whole world? From today start saying you have conquered a whole glass of water." When man reaches to the cherished goals, then he becomes aware that there are many things around them. For example, for your whole life you try to earn money, thinking that one day when you have it, you will live a relaxed life...

.... But you have been tense your whole life - tension has become your discipline - and at the end of life, when you have achieved all the money you wanted, you cannot relax. The whole life disciplined in tension and anguish and worry won't let you relax. So you are not a winner, you are a loser. You lose your appetite, you destroy your health, you destroy your sensibility, your sensitiveness. You...

... - in the developed countries, there are poor people also, but they don't suffer from depression - and now you cannot give a man any more hope to remove his depression because he has all, more than you can promise. His condition is really pitiable. He never thought of implications, he never thought of by-products, he never thought of what he would lose by gaining money. He never thought that he would...

.... The old man was very beautiful. He was the greatest bidi manufacturer in the whole of India. He had everything that you can imagine, but he was absolutely unable to enjoy anything. Enjoyment is something that has to be nourished. It is a certain discipline, a certain art - how to enjoy - and it takes time to get in contact with the great things in life. But the man who is running after money...

... more for money, for power - because they have seen the top, and there is nothing there. They went to the very highest rung of the ladder and found that it leads nowhere; it is just a ladder leading nowhere. While you are somewhere in the middle, or lower than the middle, you have a hope because there are other rungs higher than you. There comes a point when you are on the highest rung and there is...

... only suicide or madness - or hypocrisy: you go on smiling till death finishes you, but deep down you know that you have wasted your life. In the East depression has never been a problem. The poor learned to enjoy whatsoever little they had, and the rich learned that having the whole world at your feet means nothing - you have to go in a search for meaning, not for money. And they had precedents: for...

... meditation; otherwise, this depression is going to kill people. And these people will be the talented ones - because they achieved power, they achieved money, they achieved whatsoever they wanted... the highest degrees in education. These are the talented people - and they are all feeling despair. This is going to be dangerous because the most talented people are no more enthusiastic about life, and the...

... untalented are enthusiastic about life but they don't even have the talents to get power, money, education, respectability. They don't have the talents, so they are suffering, feeling handicapped. They are turning into terrorists, they are turning towards unnecessary violence just out of revenge - because they cannot do anything else. But they can destroy. And the rich are almost ready to hang themselves...

... be a condemnation of the whole Christian church. So no fine; they can simply answer whether it is true or not. But the thing is out; it cannot remain that way for long. They will have to accept the fact. Our commune was destroyed by Christians hiding behind the politicians. They have money, they have votes, so any politician is vulnerable to their influence. And all over the world they are doing...
... had seen it in an action: the woman was not looking to the right and not looking to the left... she was just looking in the middle, focussed in the middle. The middle is the point from where the transcendence happens. Think about it, contemplate about it, watch it in life. A man is running after money, is mad, money-mad; money is the only god.... One woman was asking another, "Why have you left...

...;I worship money, and he is broke." There are people whose only god is money. One day or other, the god fails - it is bound to fail. Money cannot be the god. It was your illusion, you were projecting. One day or other you come to the point where you can see that there is no god in it, that there is nothing in it, that you have been wasting your life. Then you turn against it, then you take an...

... opposite attitude: you become against money. Then you leave the money, you don't touch the money. You are continuously obsessed now; now you are AGAINST the money but the obsession remains. You have moved from the left to the right, but your center of consciousness is still the money. You can change from one desire to another. You were much too worldly, one day you can become other-worldly - you remain...

... the same, the disease persists. Buddha says: To be worldly is to be worldly, and to be other-worldly is also to be worldly; to be for money is to be mad after money, to be against money is to be mad after money; to seek power is foolish, to escape is also foolish. Just to be in the middle is what wisdom is all about. FOR THE FIRST TIME Saraha saw it actually there - he had not even seen it in Sri...
..., we cannot support. The government has to be above these religious creeds and cults. Jews have their institutions, Christians have their institutions -- this is not possible. Government is secular. Politicians have their own way, so what he has done -- because he could not manage the Supreme Court -- he has decided to give money to the parents of the children, not to the institution but to the...

... parents, and now it is up to the parents: where they want to send their children, they can send. That means, in a round about way the Christian schools, the Catholic colleges will receive the money but now it will come through the parents. Q:* YOU SAID "HE HAS GIVEN THE MONEY" -- MEANING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? A:* Yes. That's a decision.... It will be given to find a way around...

... the Supreme Court. Q:* WHO WILL GIVE THE MONEY, BHAGWAN? A:* It is president of the United States, who is trying to support Christianity, who really wants, who himself is a fanatic Christian, a fundamentalist Christian and who wants the whole country to become Christian. And these are the ways: of indoctrination, enforcing. Now if institutions cannot be given, then give to the parents and the...

... who have the festival. There is no other festival going on anywhere. To just destroy our festival, naturally, just for five days a person will think many times whether to come from Calcutta or from Japan or from Australia or from England, wasting that much money and just within five days, even he has not recovered, rested, and he is to go back. Q:* I'M SURE YOU WILL FIND A WAY OF MAKING THOSE FIVE...

... such a dance and such a song. All that I wanted these people that we are not asking any favor from you; we are putting money from our own sannyasins. We have not asked a single cent from you; just we want, please don't waste our time! You know perfectly well that you are going to be defeated, but you can waste our time. So we -- rather than creating -- four-hundred legal experts are simply wasting...

...-oriented, and suddenly she saw so much money she had never dreamt of: two hundred million dollars were in her hands. Forty-three million dollars she has kept in Switzerland -- which were bound to come here, that is a theft -- in her own name. But she is simply foolish. Now she is purchasing a hotel in Germany and once she purchases it -- because that money was coming from German sannyasins and German...

... communes... that money either belongs to German communes or it belongs to this commune, and she is purchasing a hotel, five-star hotel in Germany -- she will be soon, if these people don't catch in, then German sannyasins are going to put her into jail. From where she got the money? She is not rich, neither the other people in her group are rich. Forty-three million dollars -- from where she got? Q:* DO...

... YOU HAVE EVIDENCE THAT IT IS WITH HER IN FACT? A:* Yes, because her secretary who left her two years before because she had cancer, she has come back. She is going to give her affidavit and her testimony, that she remembers the number of the account, the bank, how much money. And she also remembers that when she got this money, she started dealing in drugs, she started smuggling things from one...

..., doing any kind of work, comes from one of the richest families in England -- so there is no question of that money can become important to her -- and is ready to do anything. She was very friendly to Sheela, but Sheela could not take her into her group for the simple reason because her love towards me and to the commune is so much that she will not do any such thing that goes against my ideology, so...

... Sheela: she had never seen so big money, she had never seen so much power, in my name she had ten thousand people who could have died or done anything.... She was just a waitress in a hotel... and the mind has not changed -- again she has purchased a hotel! Q:* YOU LEFT INDIA RATHER ABRUPTLY AND CAME HERE. MANY RUMORS HAVE BEEN FLOATING AS TO WHY YOU LEFT, WHY YOU CAME, WHAT ARE THE REASONS. WOULD YOU...

... he said, "I cannot annoy him, he is fanatic, so you will have to wait." And my health went on deteriorating and finally Morarji went away.... Then the Maharashtra government became interested in another thing, that I should not move out of Maharashtra, because that brings their tourism finished. Thousands of foreigners are coming, they bring money and Poona has become world- famous, all...
... person. All their violence became exploitation: they cannot cut off your head, but they can suck your blood. And they became the richest people in the country, for the simple reason that all their violence became concentrated only on one thing, and that was money. This was not evolution. These people were not better people. The teaching of nonviolence has not helped them to become better -- they have...

... become worse! They are the greediest, the most materialist, the most money-minded; their whole world is money, because every other avenue is closed. They talk about money, they think about money, they dream about money. And they can do anything to accumulate money. Whenever you enforce something, the result is not going to bring a betterment. They have not become compassionate; to be nonviolent means...
... million dollars. They have been siphoning money from the European communes into this bank account. The information came once before also, when I was silent. Sheela simply mentioned that some woman had informed the government that "Savita and I have a bank balance, but we are having that bank balance for you. In case you have to leave America we will need it to create a commune in Switzerland."...

...; I said, "The bank account is for me and I am not aware of it? You never told me. At least let me know how much money is in the account." They never told me. She said, "I will find out." I asked Savita just two days before she left. She said, "I will find out." You don't forget forty-three million dollars! And now the account will be used by all this criminal gang. The...

... money belongs to European communes; it was meant to come here for the construction of the commune. I said in the press conference that we are left by Sheela and her gang with a fifty-five million dollar debt. About forty-three million of the mystery is solved. Now it is only a question of a twelve million dollar debt, and that too will be solved! It will just take time to figure out their books - here...

..., and all over the world. Perhaps this forty-three million was from the time this sannyasin was Sheela's secretary. But that was four years ago. In these four years she may have accumulated more money. And the excuse she must have been giving to people is that it is needed for the master. I was not even aware that I am so rich. I am the poorest man on the earth - nothing belongs to me. From my shoes...

... up to my hat, everything belongs to the commune. If I have to leave the commune, I have to leave naked! There is no other way. And I wonder how I am going to get a ticket back to India. I don't have a single dollar. For twenty years I have not seen money. My people have loved me so much, they have taken care of me. There was no need for me.... I have not yet seen, in four years, what the dollar...

... love to take you all to hell, because hell must be a tremendously beautiful place where all these geniuses have gathered. And once we reach there, we are going to make it a really great oasis. It is not Oregon. You will not have to face idiotic hostility. You will be received with great joy. But all other religions have been telling you, "Donate; that is the greatest virtue." The money goes...

... to the priest. The money goes to the bishop, to the cardinal, and finally it reaches to the Vatican. Now, my suggestion is that the Vatican should be turned into an AIDS home, because they are responsible for homosexuality. They should be forced to accept their criminal act. To teach people celibacy, to teach that monks cannot have any love relationship with a woman, and nuns cannot have any...

... Catholics, and money goes on pouring into the Vatican. So the Emperor Wu asks the first question to Bodhidharma, "I have donated so much. What is going to be my reward?" He was not aware that Bodhidharma was a very straightforward man. He said, "Nothing. Instead, you should be punished." The emperor could not believe it. He said, "But all the monks have been telling me, 'Donate...

.... Make temples. Make caravanserais. Make hospitals, schools. Give in charity to the monasteries.' And you are making just the opposite statement." Bodhidharma said, "In the first place, from where did you get all this money? For that you will be punished. Secondly, these people have been exploiting you, and you are a just an idiot. No virtue in it, only stupidity." To talk to the emperor...

... you experience it. But give it a try. You will not be losing anything. Love is not something like a commodity, that if you give it you will have less of it. It is not money, that you had ten dollars and five you have given; now you have only five dollars left. Love is not a commodity. It is not a quantity; it is a quality. Give it, and you will be surprised that from unknown sources, from everywhere...
... untrue did not matter because I was not going out. So it was really great opportunity for her to betray the commune, to betray a great trust, to betray love. And what she has gained? What those twenty people's gang has gained? They have become criminals for their whole life. We have not lost anything. They have stolen money, but money does not matter much. I have millions of friends around the earth...

... who can again give the money, that is not a problem. Forty-three million dollars she has put in her own name in Switzerland, in some bank account. But it will not be easy to take it out, because how she is going to show that money anywhere in any way? She does not come from a rich family. She was just a hotel waitress. And she will end into being a hotel waitress again. I had made her almost a queen...

.... And she had chosen the right time. I go for a ride in the mountains between two and four. Exact at four she left. And because the commune was unaware, they thought just the way they always come and go she is going. So their luggage was not searched, their persons were not searched, the airplane was not searched. How much money they have carried with them was not searched. They certainly must have...

... carried a lot of money. Just for twenty persons traveling to Europe, living in Switzerland, they will need money. When I came back from the mountains I saw the airplane leaving. Then I inquired that, "This is not for the plane to leave." And I was told that Sheela and twenty other peoples have gone for a trip to Europe. And I was told that Sheela and twenty other peoples have gone for a trip...

... to Europe. She has teken with herself all the tapes of telephones, all the bugging tapes. And she must have carried money. She must have carried everything that could have proved dangerous. And if they were caught right now, here, things would have been far simpler. Now the trouble is the attorney general of Oregon is really a creep. We have given every testimony, witnesses, evidences of all the...

... people for election. We are bringing them here because we have surplus money, three million dollars, and we want to do some humanitarian work." That's what she told me. I asked her that, "I don't understand why you are bringing these street people here. I myself am not interested in mixing my people with that kind of people, who have been brought up in crime, in rape, in murder, in theft...

..., addicted to all kinds of drugs. I don't want them for three months to be here amongst my people. If you want them to help, you can help them anywhere else. You can give them money if you have surplus money. But don't bring them to this place. All of my sannyasins are of a different class. Most of them are graduates, have masters' degrees, have Ph.D. degrees. There are D.Litts. "Now these people you...
... earn money for herself, is not dependent on the husband's bank account; if she is not forced to remain within the boundaries of the house, taking care of the children, preparing food, washing dishes and clothes. But that's what Gorbachev is trying to do now. All the women of the Soviet Union should revolt against it, and all the women outside the Soviet Union should support the Soviet woman's fight...

... are socialist parties, and their only function is to prevent people from becoming communist. They are being paid by the capitalists -- as far as India is concerned I am absolutely certain. I know, because the same man offered me money also.... The head of India's biggest super-rich family was Jugal Kishore Birla. He was giving monthly salaries to Jaiprakash Narayan, who was the head of the Socialist...

... slaughtered." I simply got up and I said, "Throw your blank check to the dogs! I am going." Govinddas was very much embarrassed, because they all felt great respect for his money and his support. And I told him, "You have asked me to come, and you have insulted me! Nothing can be more insulting than offering money as a bribe, trying to purchase a man. You cannot purchase me -- nobody can...

... have money, and they need money for their elections. No poor man can stand for election because it takes so much money to fight an election. Even in a poor country like India you need at least a million rupees to fight an election. From where are the people going to get that much money? And that one million rupees is the minimum. It depends on the constituency, and it depends on the rival candidate...

.... If he is throwing away two million rupees, you have to throw away more than two millions; otherwise you are finished. And in a poor country, an uneducated country, people are ready to sell their votes. In India, anybody who has money can win an election. Not a single poor man has reached the parliament in forty years' time, and it will never be possible, because how can you fight? You need hundreds...

... never before mentioned in the seventy years of the Soviet Union's life. It was a communist country. For the first time we hear it is a socialist country. And he wants private property to come back, he wants foreign money to be invested in the Soviet land. He is completely destroying everything for which so much sacrifice has been made. It is still time for the Soviet Union to stand up against this man...

... should have remained with his people, even if he was to be murdered. And when he escaped he did not bring the Buddhist scriptures with him, he brought seventeen camels loaded with gold, because he knew that it would be impossible to get back to Tibet. A man who has betrayed his own people... and they are being killed every day. He has taken the money of the people. It was not his private money. No lama...

... can have private money -- a lama is a Buddhist bhikkshu, he cannot possess anything. The money belonged to the taxpayers, the poor Tibetans. All the gold that was in the possession of the Lhasa Palace of Dalai Lama -- he ran away with all the gold, leaving the Tibetan people in the hands of China. And they are being killed every day, butchered, tortured. And you will not believe... Every child has...

... have heard that her first question was not about whether Sanjay was alive or dead -- this is the politician's mind -- her first question was, "He was carrying two keys. Where are those two keys?" One of those two keys belonged to all the money that she was gathering for the coming elections, and the other key was to a safe in which she was keeping all the files against all the politicians...

... belonged to Indira. And Sanjay was very ambitious to become the prime minister after Indira Gandhi. He was younger than Rajiv but more political and more crazy for power. The rumor is that he even slapped Indira Gandhi once because she would not give him the keys. Finally he got those two keys, which were of immense importance: all the money -- one never knows how much money it was; it must have been a...

... piles so you can't see his face. You just find his hand underneath the table with your hand, and you cannot even report who has asked you for money because you have never seen the face, you just see the hand! And these people like Rajiv Gandhi are keeping the same British Empire bureaucracy -- no change at all. The country is becoming every day poorer, with more population, more population.... No guts...

... country to such a power.... Millions of people in the Soviet Union must be feeling that Gorbachev is destroying their dignity. They will belong to a backward country. Once their doors are open to capitalist money and to all kinds of spies from capitalist countries, once Gorbachev reduces his army and weapons, the country will be in need, just as other poor countries are in need, of foreign aid. I hope...

... dying without milk. Just put yourself in that situation.... So the women ate their own children, or those who were a little more conscientious sold their children, so others ate them and they got the money to purchase something to eat. But it is the same, just a little roundabout. And there are cannibals, you know, in Africa. All the missionaries know -- missionaries are the only people who get caught...

... to be supported because he was diverting the poor people from the communists. Poor people were thinking that if just by being asked, the landlords are giving their land, what is the problem? Why unnecessary violence? Why does revolution have to be violent when without violence people are giving their land? And they thought, if people are giving land, they will also give money... because Vinoba...

.... But as I experienced meditation and groups and the change that came to me, now I am really a sannyasin. And I am not hypnotized and I am not brainwashed." But they would not publish his story. He simply renounced his post -- and he was their best journalist -- and came back to India. And he lived here, he lived in the commune in Germany, in America, and he is making money to come back here so...

... don't see any problem," gasps Doctor Peek. "Go on! Go on!" cries Gloria, moaning louder and louder. Suddenly, Gloria lets out a loud, orgasmic shriek -- "Now, doctor! NOW! I cannot see a thing!" Paddy makes a lot of money on his used furniture stall one year, so he shuts up shop and goes to Paris for a holiday. Two weeks later he is back in Ireland, sitting in the pub and...

... trivia -- money, power, prestige. You are moving into a totally different dimension, diametrically opposite -- just trying to find the origin of your life. The origin is also the goal. When the origin is found, you have found the goal. The circle is complete. From the same silent space you had arisen, just like a wave arises in the ocean and again disappears in the ocean... Meditation is a way of...
... work has lost something very significant - his creativity. Now, twenty-four hours a day he is empty; he lives like a ghost, a posthumous existence. Money he will have, but not the pride of being human. And if people are not working they are going to become lazier and lazier; they will become drunkards, they will become gamblers. They will have to do something; nature has not created you to be retired...

... your jobs, away from your work, away from your friends. Yes, you will be given money - money to commit suicide, money to lose your dignity, money to remain twenty-four hours a day in an air-conditioned nightmare.... A conscious humanity cannot tolerate this. The fault is of the governments. People should not be taken from their jobs. I know it for a fact that whenever a person gets retired he dies...

... are many things which machines should do, and there are many new things which we should find for man to do. One of the greatest projects would be to make this earth as beautiful as possible. That would employ millions of people. Why waste money on unemployment wages? On the one hand you are destroying money; on the other hand you are destroying people. It should be stopped, and stopped immediately...

... asked, "Help us. This poor guy thinks that he is dead." And the madman laughed and said, "Can a dead man be psychoanalyzed? Why are you wasting your money?" The psychoanalyst also felt a little embarrassed about how he was going to deal with it; it was such a new problem. Sigmund Freud did not mention it, neither did Jung nor Adler. This was an absolutely new problem. But he said...
... floor in the compartment with tears. He said, "I have never returned money to anybody; ten rupees I am returning. And you are ready to come with me to count whether they are dead or alive! And you are ready to give an advance for those who are alive because they will die...!" I said, "One thing is certain; don't take ten if you are feeling hurt. Take at least one - for you!" He...

... said, "First, I will live with YOU!" I said, "This is great! And when you become bored, tired, because I don't want to give more money to you?" He said, "I will move. I have many friends all over the country." And it is true. He had many friends. He had qualities to create friends: he was a very good chess player, a very good conversationalist, very good in many games...

... borrowing money. And I said to him, "It is strange that you go on borrowing money. What about returning it?" And he said, "Everybody knows that I never return it and there are other people from whom I borrow. I never borrow from the same person again. I use that money to create the atmosphere to borrow more money from somebody else!" Just before I went to America, he came to see me. He...

... was perfectly happy. He said, "In this world where everybody is deceiving everybody else, not to deceive is to be stupid. Just don't deceive the same person again, because that is not right. When there are other new pastures available, why go on harassing one person? I never harass, that's why people give me money because they know: once they have given me money they are free from harassment...
... explain from where I got the money. I have never paid any fine anywhere in the world. I don't know even the names of the people who paid the fine. Even my jailer was surprised, because they were not expecting it, knowing perfectly well that I don't have a single cent to pay. And imposing four hundred thousand dollars... it is nearabout sixty lakh rupees. From where am I going to pay it? But I am not a...

... America, justice is part of business. Accept two crimes and the other thirty-two crimes disappear - and any two crimes; they were not even insistent about what crimes. And the two crimes were so stupid that nobody can think that a person should be fined even if he has committed them. Four hundred thousand dollars... and to ask a man, knowing perfectly well that he has not touched money for almost thirty...

... pay the tax, then I have to pay tax on the money that I am paying as tax. Naturally... where is it going to end? Whenever I pay tax, I owned that money - on that money I have to pay the tax again. And it will go on infinitely. Either you stop at the first step or there is no way to stop. And they know perfectly well that I don't have any money, I don't have any possessions. Everything the people who...

.... "After all I've done for him? Well, screw the bastard!" "I did," says Maureen. "You go back to work tomorrow." Moishe Finkelstein is walking down the street one night in New York. Suddenly a man jumps out from the side alley and puts a gun to Moishe's head. "Give me your money," he threatens, "or I'll blow out your brains!" "Blow away," says...

... Moishe. "In America you can live without brains, but you can't live without money." Okay, Maneesha? Yes, Beloved Master. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...

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