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Found: 2871 articles, showing 1200 - 1210
... foolish questions. Even at the very edge, when death is coming, we go on asking the same routine, rotten questions, and we go on seeking for answers. I have heard, it happened in a bank, the bank robber shoved a note across to the teller which read: "Put the money in a bag, sucker, and don't make a move." The teller quickly wrote out a note and shoved it back: "Straighten your tie, stupid...

...;Before I leave my body I would like to know one thing - whether this man I have been serving for thirty years has yet attained or not." The suspicion is natural, because the man has not yet abandoned the whip and the rope. The prostitute asked, "What am I supposed to do?" The woman said, "I will give you as much money as you want. You just go in the middle of the night. He will be...

.... Knowing also, he goes on moving in the old trap, in the old track, in the old routine. He is a weakling - that he knows, repents. Many times he decides not to go into the old trap again, but again goes. He knows his weaknesses, his limitations. His ego cannot be very sharp. It happened: Mulla Nasruddin went to a psychiatrist. He said, "I don't have much money, I don't have any time to waste on that...

... stupid. His love affair is a stupid affair; he is in love with elephants: money, power, prestige. He knows well that this is not possible; he knows that somehow he is going wrong, but feels incapable of resisting, feels incapable of stopping himself, feels weak. He cannot have a great, sharp ego. But the religious ascetic, one who has moved away from the world and has gone to the Himalayas, feels...
.... HE DOES NOT GET RID OF ILLUSION, NOR DOES HE SEEK FOR THE (SO-CALLED) TRUTH. He is not a seeker, because a seeker lives in the future. To live in the future is to live in desire, and to live in desire is to live in the world. This is Zen renunciation: not to live in the future, because the future is not; not to live in desire. It does not matter whether you desire money or meditation, SAMSARA or...

... hoping that this happens. Do you call these people religious? Then who will be unreligious? It is the same kind of disease. Remember it always, the mind is so cunning that it can change the disease to the opposite disease, but the innermost reality remains the same. You were depending on money; you can renounce the money and depend on renunciation. You were thinking money is going to make you happy...
... wanted to leave all his money, all his heritage, in my name, because he had only two daughters who were married and he had no son. So he loved me like a son, and he also loved me like a master. He was the age of my father. His one hobby was to travel third class and in a passenger train, never express or mail. So it was very difficult. He wanted to travel with me; I wanted to travel with him - I was...

... move." It was a wastage of time... five days, but it was a real joy. People would not take money from him for the milk or the tea... they had become accustomed to him so much they would say, "We always wait for you. You are the only permanent customer. Otherwise on a station, a railway station, who is a permanent customer? Go on coming, don't stop traveling third class on the passenger...

..., billionaires. One man purchased a whole hill. He risked everything. He was a rich man. He risked everything and purchased the whole hill in order to have that much gold. And he brought the latest machinery to dig the gold.... They went on and on digging - no sign of gold. His money was finished, his courage was finished, his friends deserted him. His family started saying to him, "You are mad. Stop all...

... purchased it, and gave him the whole price for which he had purchased the hill and the machinery. Even the man was a little afraid of receiving all that money. He said, "But do you know I have been trying hard and the gold has not been found yet?" He said, "I have heard everything. You don't be worried. If you can risk, I can also risk." And you will be surprised that just the first...
... state of insecurity, where there was no support, no friends, no acquaintances, no one to be called one's own. Wherever there might be sickness, death, dangers, no money - he wanted to enter such a state of insecurity. So the one who chose insecurity was a sannyasin. But later on sannyasins created a good security, better than the people living in the society. A person living in the society has to earn...

... his living but a sannyasin does not. He is even more secure. He simply receives it. He gets clothes, he gets houses, he does not have to live without anything. The only difference is that he does not even have to earn it. The difficulty and insecurity of earning money is also finished. Someone else manages it for them, someone or other makes the arrangements for them. So a sannyasin became a person...

... tomorrow there may be danger. There is no certainty about anything. It is possible that the wife who is loving today may not be loving tomorrow. The husband who is loving today may not be loving tomorrow. There is no certainty about tomorrow. Today there is money, tomorrow there may be no money; today there are clothes, tomorrow there may be no clothes.... In the person who totally accepts this...
... corporations, head who controls the whole money; now the family is worried that he is coming here too much. Every month for one week he is here. He wanted to become a sannyasin. The family went to some deprogrammer, but the deprogrammer said that, "He is not a young kid that you can deprogram -- he is seventy year old -- and if you try or force him to bring here, you will be really forcing him into...

... understand me and is in need of me. Just he has to come know about me. So make an effort that the rich people in Switzerland become aware of me, that I can give them what they cannot purchase. I can give them which no money can ever purchase. Q:* DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL RAJNEESH PROJECTS FOR SWITZERLAND ALREADY? A:* No. But I have my commune there. They are working well, perfectly well. And soon they will...

... family started feeling guilty that they are destroying my health, I am working whole night, then in the day I am going to the university, and here and there I find time to sleep. My father came to me with tears in his eyes; he said, "Forgive us, but please accept... stop what you are doing and drop this service. We will be sending you enough money." But I said, "It was decided: I will...

.... He said, "I will not go from the hostel, till you receive." I finally had to receive but I told him, "I am taking this money only because of your tears. I don't want anybody to be miserable, otherwise I don't deserve it. I am accepting it because you will never be able to forgive yourself and I don't want anybody to feel guilty on my account." There is no need to force anybody...
... things only when there is scarcity. Now money, wealth, everything is so scarce, that people hoard it. In Russia, communism has failed. It is enough proof that the whole philosophy is absurd. They have succeeded only distributing poverty. They have distributed equally, but they have made the whole country poor. I would not like the world to be equally poor; I would like people to be abundantly rich so...

... self-respect. All Americans are parasites. And what you are doing with those red people? You are giving them pensions -- that is a very psychological way to avoid any revolt -- because those people need not work so what they will do with the money? They will gamble, they will drink, they will use all kinds of drugs, so they are rowdy, drugged -- and who bothers about the country? And they will...

... Copernicus are gone, when you could have a small lab of your own in the house and do experiments -- those days are gone. Now science has developed so much, it needs billions of dollars for any new experiment. So individuals cannot afford it. Give to the world academy of sciences all the power, all the money that you can afford, and all your weapons, and invite Soviet Russia also -- but you take the...

... are making much fuss continuously, but they don't understand that one hundred sannyasins are paying four times more and only twelve Antelope people are paying four times more! But if we want to develop that city, make the roads better, the water supply better, the fire brigade up to date, then money is needed. But we can give them certainty, that if they purchase all our properties before moving, we...
... purchased the property and we have paid more money than needed. All your ancestors from Columbus onwards entered America without any visa, without any green card. So what right these people have to decide about me? Q:* YOU HAVE (UNCLEAR) THAT YOU'D LIKE TO SEE THIS GROUP, THE RAJNEESHEES, BECOME AN INTRINSIC PART OF THE STATE OF OREGON, BUT HAVEN'T THE ANTAGONISMS REALLY IN THIS LOCAL AREA GONE SO FAR...

... IS THE COMMUNE? A:* Not at all. Q:* SO SHE DIDN'T RUN OFF WITH ANY...? A:* No, she managed the money that was to come to the commune during these three years slowly slowly from European communes, donations, small parts she started accumulating in a Swiss bank. Q:* HOW MUCH...? A:* In her own name. Forty-three million dollars. Q:* YOU CAN PROVE THAT THROUGH THE BOOKS, THAT IT IS INDEED FORTY-THREE...

...-three millions are very heavy on her and she wants to give us the whole details. Q:* SHE'S GOT FACTS, FIGURES, PAPERS...? A:* Yes, everything. But commune has not missing anything, because though that money never reached commune, so it is not in commune's papers. So commune is not in debt. But Sheela has stolen that much money on the way, and she has done many kinds of crime which slowly are...
... the goal - totally, and work as hard as possible to achieve the goal.' Now, I can understand his problem. In the world, searching for trivia, the business attitude is perfectly right. Money will not come as a gift. If you simply sit under a Bodhi tree, sitting silently and watching for when money will be coming from all directions and will shower on you, it doesn't happen. It will never come...

.... Sitting under the Bodhi tree, nobody will approach and tell you: 'Please come and become the president of the United States.' That is not going to happen either. In the worldly things, which are trivia, you have to work hard. That is the law of the world, because in the world you have to compete. And there are millions of people rushing for money and power and prestige - you are not alone, it is a...

... better. Then you can defeat other people who are not so mad. Only the mad people succeed in politics, in money, in the world of power. Violent people succeed. But what is their success? They succeed, but what exactly is their success? When they succeed they come to know only that their whole life has failed. You have heard the proverb 'Nothing succeeds like success'? That is utterly nonsense. I say...
... prove, I have to justify myself, I have to defend myself, I have to fight. And not only fight, I have to win. ' Ambition is immaturity. It is very rare to find a mature person. If you can find a mature person you have found a Buddha. Otherwise all are desiring in different ways. Somebody is desiring money and somebody is desiring moksha. Somebody is desiring power and somebody is desiring God. And...

... are very very ready to get into new dreams because they are naturally fed-up with the old dreams, repetitive dreams - the wife, the husband, the money, the power. Then somebody comes and says, 'What are you doing? Leave this to ordinary mortals. You are a spiritual being. Come, and I will tell you how to develop spiritually.' And naturally one is fed-up with the old games, finished with the old...

... you just to be awake. Just open your eyes! You are in the Garden of Eden - just open your eyes. I am not here to give you any other dream. If you want to dream, old dreams are perfectly good - and you are so much attuned with them, why change? Money will do, why a new dream of meditation? Old games are perfectly good. New games will give you a little trouble - you will have to turn and toss in your...

... published, it was a one-thousand-page book, but the pages were not cut - only the introduction pages were cut. And there was a notice on the book that 'If you can go into the introduction and you really want to read the book, then cut the other pages. Otherwise you can give it back to the publisher and take your money back.' Even to go a hundred pages into that introduction is a very arduous journey...
... else. I have heard.... The parson of a tiny congregation in Arkansas rashly lit one night with the entire church treasury, and the local constable set out to capture him. This he did. Dragging the culprit back by the collar a week later, 'Here is the vermit fox,' announced the constable grimly. 'I am sorry to say he has already squandered our money, but I drug him back so we can make him preach it...

... remains superficial. I have heard.... An old maid died, and her two friends went to have a gravestone made. 'Do you have a suitable epitaph?' asked the engraver. 'We thought: "Born a virgin, lived a virgin, died a virgin" would be nice,' answered the woman. The engraver answered, 'Why not save money? Just put: Returned unopened.' And that's what happens to the man who lives in the jungle state...

... where he will be tomorrow. But good; things have started moving. They can move in a wrong direction, true, but they can move in a right direction too. Movement is good. Now the right direction will be needed. One thing has happened, now the direction will be needed. The first is very worldly, believes in the bank balance and the life insurance; the first is very greedy for power, money. The second...

... does not believe in security; he trusts life more than life insurance. He believes in love more than in the security you can have in a bank balance. he is not money-minded, he does not hoard. He is not moral in the sense that the first is moral, but he starts having a new sort of morality - a revolutionary morality, a personal morality. The first type's morality is social, the second type's morality...

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