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Found: 2871 articles, showing 1030 - 1040
... happening everywhere. It is part of the human scene. So don't make much fuss about it, and don't get disturbed. You say: I FIND MYSELF MOSTLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN AND VERY RARELY DEEPLY TO A MAN. Good -- at least you find yourself attracted to somebody. There is a possibility of love. There are people so dull, so dead, so insensitive, that they only feel attracted towards money, or political power, or fame...

.... You are in a far better situation; at least you are not in love with money. Even Ori Oristotle was in a far better situation than the people who are in love with money. But these people are not thought to be perverted. They are the REAL perverts: money is their whole life, their devotion; money is their god. You are attracted to women: perfectly good. Go deep into relationship with women. If you...
... resides in you. If I can help you to remember this, that's all. Zareen, that's why you feel the difference but you cannot figure it out. This is the difference. All religions are ways; all religions are new directions for the ego, new projections, new desires, and sometimes far more dangerous than the ordinary desire is. A man desiring money is not in such a mess as a man who desires God, because money...

... can be FOUND by desiring; money can ONLY be found by desiring, and God can never be found by desiring. God can only be found by non-desiring. So miserable is the man, most miserable is the man who desires God. The man who is greedy for money is not in such a great mess; he is far more sane -- because money can be found only if you desire and work hard for it, compete, struggle. If you desire...
... to Bombay where he caught a plane. He had managed to salvage some of his money when shipwrecked. However, during the flight he was hijacked by the hijackers. But the hijackers decided to set him free in the desert. He walked to a village and waited for the bus to take him to the Himalayas. Within a few months the bus came and he caught it to the foothills of the Himalayas. He then spent a long time...

... be desired and longed for. Truth is not there outside you to be possessed. Truth is something that flowers in you; you don't take it from anybody. And if you attain to truth, it is not like money that somebody else has lost because you have it. It is not a quantity in the world, it is a quality of being. When Buddha becomes enlightened it is not that somebody else is suffering: Buddha has usurped...

... have been nature painters. Nature is more beautiful because many, many people have seen beauty in it and that has become a heritage that has penetrated our beings. Truth is not like money, truth is like beauty. The more people see it, the more clear it is. The more people have it, the more people can have it. There is no question of coveting. But the woman had only heard, the woman had only gathered...

... rumors about the Fruit of Heaven. Now she must be feeling very miserable, in despair: "Others have attained and I have not attained. I have to show to the world, I have to prove myself." This is an ego trip, this is not true search; this is the same ego trip. Some people are trying to collect more and more money so they can stand on the pile of money and declare to the world, "Nobody has...
... who wants to die? We want silence also as a decoration, as a medal, so we can brag that "Not only have I got money, I have also got meditation." So that we can brag that "Not only am I rich outwardly, I am rich inwardly too.". The first interest in searching for silence arises out of the ego. And the ego itself is the barrier. So when you come in contact with a master or with an...

... will be far richer than it was, because now you will be fully alert of it. You will be conscious too. To be consciously a child is to be a saint. There is a story of the little boy of six years of age together with his girlfriend of five year of age who approach his mother with the news that they are going to get married. "And what are you going to do for money?" the mother asked. "...

..." - because he is thinking he is a changed being. He is not. First he was running after money, now he is running from money, but the running continues. First he was continuously hankering for this woman and that, now he is continuously afraid of women. But he remains obsessed with the same idea; for or against makes no difference. He is focussed on the same target. First he was in lust, now he is...

... become awake and was listening. Great haggling was going on and talk about money, and she was also interested. And she did not want to disturb him; something great was happening. "Eighty, eighty-one, eighty-two..." and it went on "... ninety-nine." And Mulla said, "Ninety-nine, no! A hundred! I will take only a hundred." And then suddenly he opened his eyes, and the wife...
... am this, I am that" - you are bringing more and more bricks to make the prison called ego. And this is what we go on doing in our whole life. Earn more money, have a bigger bank balance, and your ego will feel more grounded, more supported, more secure. Become famous: the more people know about you, the more you will think you are. Hence the constant search for attention. If nobody pays any...

...;Become a musician, even if you remain a beggar." And the parents wanted him to become a doctor or an engineer - now there is going to be trouble. The child, if he becomes an engineer, will have much money, prestige, power, but he will miss his soul. He will never come to know any joy in his life; he will know misery, he will never know any rejoicing. But the parents are more interested in money...

.... "And now I'm going to scream." "Please don't!" the man said. "Okay, but it'll cost you money," the boy said. "Here's five dollars." "I'm going to scream!" said the small voice. "Okay, here's ten dollars!" "I'm going to scream," the small voice said. "Here's twenty dollars." Finally, when the boy turned down thirty-five...

... dollars, the man said, "All I have is forty dollars." "I'll take it." At last, the husband left and the man was able to get out of the closet and make a hasty exist. That afternoon, the mother took the boy with her on a shopping trip. "I want to get that bicycle," he said. The mother said, "No, you can't. It costs too much money." The boy said, "I've got...
... live without any fear, because we are part of this existence. There is nobody to be afraid of. The existence is not antagonistic to us, it protects us. But the mind is the by-product of fear, and because of the fear it goes on creating its own security. Have more money, have a bigger house, have respect, prestige, political power. Win friends, influence people, so you are secure. You have so many...

.... Harrington looked slightly stunned. "Valuable?" and he held up his scarred hand. "These samples are very hard to get hold of." Just look around yourself. Look at people, watch. People are accumulating rubbish. In the name of money, in the name of knowledge, in the name of virtue, people are accumulating rubbish, all kinds of rubbish. And that is their security; they think it is going to...

...; apologized Arnold. "I thought this was a park." The gentleman looked sympathetically at the ragged hobo. "Mister, are you happy living this kind of life?" "Sir, money and worldly goods do not make happiness," preached the hobo. "To me, happiness is the freedom to roam without the pressures of society and the economy. The sky is my roof and the world is my bed. Give me all...

... this, a piece of bread, a can of baked beans, and my happiness is complete." "I admire your simplicity and I admire your sincerity," said the gentleman and handed him a hundred- dollar bill. "Sir," commented the hobo as he took the money, "you have made me very unhappy." Just look at people. The richer they get, the more unhappy they look. It should not be so; why...

... on doors, on everybody's doors, unconditionally. But very few open their doors. Those who open them, they become really rich, they become kings, because the kingdom of God is theirs. And those who are too much involved inside their houses - arranging their furniture and putting things right and counting their money - they cannot hear the knock. The knock is very silent, it is a whisper: you have to...
... will not be able to carry your money or your power. You will be standing naked, utterly ashamed. There is a beautiful story: When Alexander the Great was coming to India, he met one strange man, Diogenes, on the way. Diogenes is one of the rare flowerings of human consciousness. Alexander was interested in the man; he had heard many stories about him. He was afraid to go to him. It was below him, it...

... Diogenes was lying on the river-bank, on the sand, taking a sunbath naked. He was a beautiful man. When there is a beautiful soul, a beauty arises which is not of this world - which is illogical. If Alexander looks beautiful, it is logical, remember, because he has all that you think one should have. He has power, money; he has all that one can think or imagine to have. His beauty that of possessions...

... just by a single touch. Those ghosts were simple. The ghosts that Sigmund Freud has created are very difficult: you have to lie down on a couch for five years, and then you get up and with you all the ghosts get up. And again you are lying on another couch with some other psychoanalyst, and the same story will be repeated again and again. Slowly slowly, if you don't have much money, understanding...

... will arise that one has to live with these ghosts. There is no point... why not enjoy them? But if you have money then there is a great problem; then the understanding will never arise. In rich people understanding never arises because they can afford it. Understanding arises only in poor people because they can't afford it, they have to understand. They are forced to understand. That's why...

... psychoanalysis is not a business in poor countries. Who can afford lying down on a couch for five years talking nonsense to a stupid person looking at you? Nothing happens. But in the West people have money and time - and what to do with it? And communication has become so impossible. Nobody wants to talk to you, so you have professional listeners - those are the psychoanalysts. Those are professional...
... getting hold of it, of being it? One wants something new. And that which you have you lose all interest in. That's why you are missing God, because God you already have and you cannot be interested in him. You are interested in the world, in money, in power and prestige - those things you don't have. God is already given. God means nature. Who bothers about nature? Why think about it when in the first...

... that Buddha brings to the world - and that understanding has become a ripe fruit in Zen. That is the fundamental contribution of Buddha. A man remains artificial in the so-called world - earning money, power, prestige. And then one day he becomes religious, but again he is moving into another kind of unnaturalness. Now he practises yoga, stands on his head - all stuff and nonsense. What are you doing...

... things, but those are all again the same. The pattern is the same, the gestalt is the same. The change is very slight. The quality is the same. You were earning money, now you are more interested in heaven, the next life. You were interested in what people think about you, now you are interested in what God thinks about you. You were interested in making a beautiful house here, now you are interested...

... rung there is another rung. And you are curious: "Maybe something is there!" so you go one step more. Another rung is waiting for you, and you become curious and you start moving. That's how people move in the world of money, that's how people move in the world of politics. And it is not only that you have to move: because many people are going on the same ladder, you have to push others...

.... And the true sage has no ego; he is an ordinary man. He is utterly ordinary - that is his extraordinariness! SHOULD YOU SEEK THE WAY OF THE BUDDHA ALL NIGHT LONG, SEARCHING, YOU WILL ENTER INTO YOUR OWN MIND SHOULD YOU SEEK THE WAY OF THE BUDDHA ALL NIGHT LONG... The ordinary mind is interested in the outside. The outside is intriguing, wondrous, worth exploring. So we explore it for money, for...
... there is a ten rupee note you may not steal it, but ten thousand rupees? Then you feel a little inclined. And ten lakh rupees? Then you start thinking, then the idea seems to be worth thinking about. You start dreaming... ten lakh rupees? And just for onCe, and people are doing so many sins, you will be doing one and only one. And then you can donate half of the money to the church or to the temple...

.... And it is not so wrong either, because it doesn't belong to a beggar - it belongs to some very rich person, and it doesn't matter to him whether he has ten lakh less or more. And in the first place he has exploited people for all this money. Now you are gathering energy to do it! But if it is ten crore rupees? Then you will not think a second time: you will simply grab it and rush. There is a...

... rushing away from it. All going is dreaming - whether you are going for money or for God does not matter. Whether you think of the body or of the soul does not matter. Whether you want to become very rich, very famous, or enlightened, doesn't matter. All is dream. Becoming is dream. Look into that which you are, and don't go on looking for that which you would like to be. Hope is the secret of the mind...

... dreaming. You call a mind a materialist mind because he dreams of money; and you call a mind a spiritualist mind because he dreams of satoris - but mind is dreaming, mind lives in dreams. It thinks of the faraway, of the distant. It lives in imagination and in memory; both are part of imagination. It never comes to reality; reality is too much for it. Facing, encountering reality it melts and disappears...

... just like dewdrops disappear in the morning sun. Whenever the mind comes to herenow, to the breakfast, suddenly it evaporates. Try it: taking y our breakfast, just take the breakfast and don't think of God and the Devil and money and the woman and the man, and love and a thousand other things - don't think. Just take the breakfast, just be there, totally there - in it. Don't go here and there...
...," Ko Hsuan says, "These words are for you." If you are only a worldly person - by "worldly" he means one who is interested in money, power, prestige - then it would be better if you don't bother about such great things; they are not for you - at least not yet. You have to become fed up with all your so-called worldly desires. First go into those desires. Unless you become...

... tremendously frustrated, unless you see that they are all futile: that whether you succeed or fail you always fail; that whether you have money or you are poor you are always poor; that whether you are a beggar or an emperor you are always a beggar... When that insight dawns on you, then only you can really become a seeker of the beyond. Otherwise, if you pretend to be a seeker of the beyond, you will bring...

... listen to anybody. She had been out of work for many months so she had no money, and because for many months she had been unemployed she had borrowed from almost everybody she knew; she could not get any more money from anybody else. So there was no possibility of her coming to India, but she started planning. And one day at a friend's house she saw a magazine with an advertisement for a ninety-day...

... are. The garb is religious, the jargon is religious, but nothing has changed; the desires are the same. People are asking for money, power, prestige. Whatsoever you are asking for you are asking for something wrong because there is nobody to give you anything. The very idea of getting by asking is absurd. Be utterly silent. Tao is not the path of prayer, it is the path of meditation. ... TAO IS...

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