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Found: 2872 articles, showing 730 - 740
... that you have not always been. He told me - he is a very nice heart, very childish and very loving - "I am disillusioned with money, with power, with love, with relationships..." I said, "You have to be disillusioned about one thing more." He looked at me - "What else is there to be disillusioned about?" I said to him, "This is the last disillusionment, this...

... rejoicing in his nature. Just not to leave you serious.... A Chinese laundryman living in San Francisco opens a savings account at the bank and goes regularly to deposit his profits. After several months he has saved up a considerable sum. One day, he comes into the bank and says that he wants to withdraw all his money. The clerk is surprised, so the Chinaman explains that he is about to get married and...

... go on his honeymoon. The manager is called and tries to persuade the man to just withdraw enough for his immediate requirements. He also explains that if he takes out all his money, he will lose the interest. But the Chinaman will not be persuaded and so eventually he walks out with all his money. A few weeks later, the bank manager meets the Chinaman on the street and asks him about his honeymoon...
...... all the power that they need, all the money that they need and still, inside there is nobody. The house is full of money, comforts, luxuries, but the master is missing. It was out of this urgency that they renounced power and went in search of peace. Ordinary people, naturally, don't have the power. They only look at powerful people from far away and think, "If I was also given the same honor...

... within you, is going to give you peace. Out of that peace will come your love; out of this peace will come your dance, your songs, your creativity. But just avoid the word 'power'. Right now you are only thinking about it. Thinking will not help. Thinking is perfectly good if you want to compete in the world for power, for money, for prestige, for respectability. But as far as settling in your being...

..., mind is absolutely useless. Hence, the whole effort here is to help you get out of the mind into meditation, out of thoughts into silence. Once you have tasted your inner being, all greed, desire for money, power, will simply evaporate. There is no comparison. You have found God himself within you; what more can you desire? Question 2: BELOVED MASTER, WHAT IS THIS UNIVERSE MADE OF, BESIDES THIS...
... type can manage to write everything. In fact it is the same person who one week writes about music, and another week about poetry, and another week about politics, using different names. I have been a journalist once, out of sheer necessity, otherwise I would not have suffered it. I had no money and my father wanted me to go to a science college. I was not interested in science, neither then nor now...

.... And he was so poor that I could understand that he would be risking too much. Nobody in my family had been well-educated. One of my uncles, my father's brother, was sent to university by my father, but had to be called back because there was not enough money to keep him there. My father was ready to send me to university. Naturally it was a sacrifice for him, and he wanted to do it in a businesslike...

... respectable words - a sannyasin." He was still shocked. "A sannyasin! Then why do you want to go to university?" I said, "I hate those professors, but naturally, first I have to know their profession so that my whole life I can condemn them perfectly." He said, "This is strange, going to university just to condemn it. I have to borrow money for you, mortgage my house for you...

... I saying? I just try to keep a check on you. "You were talking about how you had to take up journalism because your father had no money to support you." Before that? "When you are truly an authentic artist you become possessed." Right. "Not the journalistic type." Continue taking really exact notes. You have become a good writer. My father was always amazed whenever...
... arrived in Rome, found it. A proclamation was posted throughout the city offering a certain sum of money as a reward for the restoration of the jewels within thirty days. If restored after thirty days, the finder was to lose his head. Samuel waited and restored the jewels after thirty days. Said the queen: 'Hast thou not heard of the proclamation?' 'Yes,' answered Samuel, 'but I would show that I fear...

... fetch it; if to a Jew, to leave it. The Gentile owner overheard the order, and asked: "Is it right to take from a Gentile?" Ashi replied: "Yes, because a Gentile would demand money, but a Jew would not" (ib. 113b). This was an adroit and sarcastic answer. In truth, Ashi coincided with the opinion of the authority stated above; namely, that, as the presumption is that the Gentile obtained possession by...

... acquired their property by seizure. The Persian laws leased property for a term of forty years, so that three years' occupation would not amount to a presumption of purchase (B. B. 55a). In case of transfer of chattels, a money payment was sufficient without delivery or removal, which the Jewish law required (B. Ḳ. 13a). Part payment or a consideration was not valid (B. B. 54b).Acquisition by a...

... property were effected only for ready money to the full amount (Ḳid. 8a). The Persians bound themselves by an exchange of presents, which was considered equivalent to a word of honor, but not, however, in the sense of a consideration ('Ab. Zarah 71a).The Persian law ordered the guarantor to pay immediately on the default of the debtor; while the Jewish law required the creditor first to proceed against...

..., finding therein a purseful of money, restored it to the agent, who blessed "the God of the Jews." Simeon b. Shaṭaḥ restored a valuable pearl he had found on a donkey to the Gentile of whom he had purchased the beast (Yer. B. M. ii. 5). In cases of wilful murder, an alien Gentile who observed the Noachian laws which forbid murder was treated like a Jew. "One law and one manner [judgment] shall be for you...

... says the Gentile poor shall be supported together with the Jewish poor, for the sake of peace (Giṭ. 61a). The Talmud also says that a pious Jew shall not take interest from a Gentile, and quotes Ps. xv. 5: "He that putteth not out his money to usury" (Mak. 24b). In fact, the Talmud did not tolerate the charging of interest to Gentiles (B. M. 71a). See Usury.The relation of the Jews to the ruling...

... his subjects in all his dominions." R. Eliezer of Metz says: "provided the king taxes his own subjects and settlers; but he can not extort money from journeymen passing through his dominion without having any intention to remain there. Otherwise, it is not law, but robbery" (Mordecai in B. Ḳ. x. § 215; Annotations to Rosh Ned. iii. 11). Gentiles May Not Be Taught the Torah.Inasmuch as the Jews had...

... no money,' when the reason is the fear to trust" (ib. § 426). "One shall not act in bad faith even to Gentiles. Such acts often bring down a person from his rank; and there is no luck in his undertaking. If perchance he succeeds, punishment is visited on his children" (ib. § 1074).In the fifteenth century R. Isaac b. Sheshet, who lived in North Africa, in response to an inquiry regarding the status...

... reproach the chosen people as thieves and cheats. I myself had occasion to restore to a Gentile money received through error" (Benjamin Beer, Responsa, No. 409, Venice, 1539).Eliezer of Mayence writes: "The commandment prohibiting theft, like those against murder and adultery, applies to both Jews and Gentiles" ("Sefer Ra'aban," § 91, Prague, 1610).Ezekiel Landau (eighteenth century), in the introduction...
... immediate arrest of prime suspect - removed Money was collected for a "new home" for the prime suspect's family Farce with second arrest of the prime suspect Overwhelming evidence produced A "foreign" and "ugly" Jew Witness testimonies If they have no proof, they can't do anything to us! "That was the stupidest thing that he did, that he brought it to the barn" Three Jewish ritual-slaughterers discussing...

... comedy" The prosecution played the role of the defense Press initiates the collection of money to "compensate" a "poor Jew" But Buschhoff led a comfortable untroubled existence as a retiree A half million Marks had been remitted to Buschhoff The Oberwinder Trial Reporter exposing the farce sentenced to two months' imprisonment! Bias out of fear of the power of Jewry A prosecutor forms such a favorable...

... had reckoned that the Xanten Jewish community itself had proposed and -- financed [3] -- the sending of this Crime Commissar, moved heaven and (239) earth. Money was collected for a "new home" for the prime suspect's family The synagogue director, Abraham Oster, was at the head of the group of Jews zealously trying to exonerate the well-befriended Buschhoff. After a short time, they were so sure of...

... themselves that in the stronghold of Jewry, Frankfurt am Main, money was collected with which to procure a "new home" for the Buschhoff family -- and actually, Buschhoff was released from custody on Christmas Eve of still the same year (1891), without the case having been cleared up through a proper court procedure! The Kreuzzeitung wrote on 20 January 1892: "But on the side, apparently under official...

...." Furnished with abundant money, Buschhoff was sent off to Cologne. Protest meetings in all the larger cities finally succeeded in the investigation against Buschhoff being taken up anew. A German-Social petition of those days to the Justice Minister von Schelling reads: "The ritual-slaughterer Buschhoff, strongly suspected of the murder in Xanten, has been released from investigatory custody, even though...

... (Chaplain Bresser) can (250) refer to St. Bernhard, who also protected the Jews..." The resident Beekmann is supposed to have come out of the barn of Oster, the head of the synagogue, one night, and the next day have been blind drunk. One of his relatives is supposed to have said: "God, if only that goes well, the man has a lot of money..." -- The chief state's attorney refused to summon this witness...

..., with the argument, as casual as it was outrageous: "If Beekman is supposed to reveal something and is given money by the Jews for it, that has no bearing on the case!" Several witnesses had noticed a strange Jew on the day of the murder. These witnesses expressly emphasized that he was a stranger, for the few Jewish families who lived in Xanten, a small city of then barely 4000 inhabitants, were...

... preliminary investigation just as in the main trial, shows that the prosecution played the role of the defense." Press initiates the collection of money to "compensate" a "poor Jew" And the press? At the release of Buschhoff -- insofar as it was Jewish or infected by Jews -- it broke out in frenetic jubilation and outdid itself in extreme attacks upon all who thought differently. The Kölner Zeitung [Cologne...

... Times] participated in the collection of money for the "compensation" of the "innocent" Buschhoff! As the Deutsche Nachrichten [German News] reported on 30 September 1892, up until 28 September 1892, at one Berlin collection place alone, 51,282.45 Marks came in for the Buschhoff family! Only a few German papers, like the Kreuzzeitung and the Staatsbürgerzeitung [Citizen Times] agreed in essence that...
..., how to destroy the commune? The commune was a far superior version of communism. No dictatorship, no money -- in the commune there was no need for money. People donated to the commune, but as far as their needs were concerned, the commune was responsible to fulfill their needs. And the commune was living at a far better, higher standard than any American. The richest American was jealous of the...

... with such joy, such laughter, and they were working hard. All their needs were fulfilled. They had the whole commune centrally air-conditioned; they had everything that they wanted, and there was no exchange of money in the commune. This made the American government completely mad. They arrested me without any arrest warrant, and without showing me any reason for arresting me. Just a piece of paper...

... nuclear weapons. And Ronald Reagan has left the post of president, but he has given a budget of one and half trillion dollars to create more weapons. Now George Bush is at a loss -- from where to get this money? My criticism of American politicians is based not on my personal hurts -- they don't matter. At least to me they don't matter. But I am certainly hurt because of America's anti-human attitude...

... known anything like revolution against the social structure. And India is one of the poorest countries, but the poor are given the opium continuously, that "You are poor because of your past evil acts. It has nothing to do with the capitalist people; they have money because they did good deeds in the past." Now do you want shankaracharyas from India to be imported to the Soviet Union? They...

..., because who will ask him to make a portrait? Just look at his paintings! He said, "I have never done any portrait." The woman said, "I am willing to pay any amount of money. Don't bother about money, money does not matter." She was a widow of a super-rich American. Just to avoid the woman, Picasso said, "It will cost one million dollars." She said, "Agreed, start!"...

..., dissolving your separation from existence. The ocean of consciousness is without any waves, without any ripples. It is utterly calm and quiet. This moment you are the most blessed people on the earth, because everybody is concerned only with the trivia -- money, prestige, power. Nobody seems to be concerned to know themselves, and nobody seems to be concerned to know their eternity. This moment, now and...
... forests on reservations. And they are given pensions, because America is using their land - the whole country belongs to them... and they are very few so it is not much of a problem. It is better to give them money than to create the possibility of any revolt from them. Money is very destructive, when no work is given. Work makes you feel that you are doing something, you are worthy, you are...

... contributing to life, to existence, you are taking care of people whom you love. But no work is given to the Red Indians. That gives a feeling that they are not needed at all. If they die, the government will be happy, the nation will be happy, because that much pension will be saved. And what is he going to do with the money if he has no work? He will drink alcohol, he will gamble, he will go to the...

.... It is natural, there is nothing wrong in it. The rich man can afford it, the poor man is unnecessarily wasting his time. And not only time, but the poor man may start asking that medicine also should be given to him because he has no money. The rich man has to be kept. If he gets tired of one sickness, give him another sickness. Just put the idea in his mind - "I feel you are going to have a...

..., they become sick, the doctor's money has to be cut. He is not taking care well. Just the opposite of now: he will be paid to keep people healthy and if somebody falls sick, his pay will be cut. That will bring to the whole medical profession a totally different perspective." And that's how enlightened people have been giving new perspectives to people, which the people don't understand in the...

... beginning. People would not understand that you have to pay for health. Health is yours, what has the doctor to do with it? And the doctor has to lose money if you fall sick? That was absolutely right, though it looked strange. The same is the situation with the priests. If everybody was without guilt... That's what they think about me - that I am a dangerous man, because my whole effort is to make you...

... the legs, rising over people's heads, making them as if they are steps for you to climb higher. Your life is violent, and a violent life cannot be beautiful. You are merciless; only then can you become super-rich. You don't have any compassion; otherwise how can you exploit millions of people to such a stage that they are starving, and you are simply accumulating money which you cannot use? There is...

... same old problem: they cannot accept a lion; they are sheep, they are poor little men, hungry for money, power, prestige. They cannot tolerate a man who lives according to his own insight, according to his own awareness, who does not follow anybody, who has no scriptures and no religion. Such a man creates a great inferiority complex in millions of people. Otherwise, what harm am I doing to anybody...

... man's energies could rise higher and higher." He is coming very close to the point of meditation. Your energies are going outward to objects, to money, to power - and finally, if you become religious, to paradise, to God, but they are all out. So your energies are leaking out and the ultimate result is a feeling of utter emptiness, hollowness, unworthiness, failure. He is only thinking that the...

... dying without food, and half of humanity is interested in the absolutely nonessential. To reach the moon is absolutely nonessential. If we were a little wiser we would not even think about it. It is absolutely foolish wasting as much money as could feed the whole earth. Wars are nonessential, but humanity is mad, and it needs wars more than food. It needs to go to the moon more than food, more than...

... to find it, you will have to make efforts. If you have to know whether he is gentle or not, that is going to be your discovery. HE DOES NOT STRUGGLE TO MAKE MONEY, AND HE DOES NOT MAKE A VIRTUE OUT OF POVERTY. Remember this. It is very easy to make money and it is also very easy to make a virtue of poverty. But these two types are not different. A man keeps on making money, and then suddenly he...

... gets frustrated. He has achieved, and nothing is gained - so he renounces. Then poverty becomes the virtue, then he lives the life of a poor man and then he says: This is the only real life, this is religious life. This man is the same, nothing has changed. The pendulum moved to the left but now has gone to the other extreme. HE DOES NOT STRUGGLE TO MAKE MONEY.... This you will understand; the other...

... part is more difficult. ...HE DOES NOT MAKE A VIRTUE OUT OF POVERTY. He is neither poor nor rich. He is not making any effort to make money, he is not making any effort to be poor - whatever happens he allows it to happen. If a palace happens, he will be in the palace; if the palace disappears, he will not look for it. Whatever is happening, he will be with it, his bliss cannot be disturbed. He is...

... not struggling for money, he is not struggling for poverty. HE GOES HIS WAY WITHOUT RELYING ON OTHERS.... This you can understand easily. HE GOES HIS WAY WITHOUT RELYING ON OTHERS, AND DOES NOT PRIDE HIMSELF ON WALKING ALONE. You depend on others, your wife, your children, your father, mother, friends, society; then suddenly you drop everything and escape to the Himalayas. Then you start priding...

... poor if there was no money to be left? Your poverty depends on your riches. No, a perfect man, a man who is really a sage, the man of Tao, goes his way without relying on others. If you rely on others you will suffer, if you rely on others, you will always be in bondage, you will become dependent and weak. But that doesn't mean that you should pride yourself that you walk alone. Walk alone, but don't...
... unawareness illusions are a must, because through illusions we create pseudo meanings in life, and naturally until the real has happened we have to go on creating pseudo meaning. When a person becomes fed up with one pseudo meaning he creates another. He becomes fed up with money, he moves into politics; he gets fed up with politics, he starts moving into something else. Even the so-called religion is...

... of welcome, a gesture of let-go, a gesture of surrendering to reality. It is the beginning of non-aggressiveness. The mind is aggressive: aggressive for money, aggressive for power and even aggressive for god. Aggressiveness can be forgiven as far as money and power are concerned because they are worthless things. But as far as higher things are concerned - love, prayer, meditation, god - one...
... [full] of denarii14  and he consecrated it [for the Temple]. He, [the son], went away and married the daughter of King Jannai's15  wreath-maker. [On the occasion when] his wife gave birth to a son he bought for her a fish. Opening it he found therein a pearl. 'Do not take it to the king', she said to him, 'for they will take it away from you for a small sum of money.16  Go take it...

... large sum of money. [Identified variously either with Jonathan, son of Mattathias, or Agrippa who appears elsewhere in the Talmud under this name. (V. Buchler, ibid.)] Lit., 'for light money'. Lit., 'go bring it.' I.e., Temple of God. Lit., 'to an ordinary person.' Once the seller made an offer in a Temple transaction, the price can no more be raised, however much the object may have been undervalued...

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