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Found: 2872 articles, showing 690 - 700
..., commonly called Herod the Great, was, at the time of Christ's birth, king of Judea, including Idumea." (The Popular & Critical Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 852 (1908)). 359 "Ever since the Jews invented the libel charge of 'anti-Semitism' in the 1880s (The word 'anti- Semitism' was first printed in 1880.' The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I (1901), p. 641), it has been built up with Jewish money...

..., without the all out support by the United States in money and weapons and so on the Israelis couldn't do what they've been doing. So we bear a very great share of the responsibility for the continuation of this... of this state of warfare." (Senator William J. Fullbright) 365 "We see the Jew, then, in business, as promoter, money-lender, salesman par excellence, the author and chief instigator of a...

... for Jews in 1988." (Joseph Burg, The Toronto Star, March 31, 1988). 396 "Give me control of the money of a country and I care not who makes her laws." (Meyer Rothschild) 397 "There is scarcely an event in modern history that cannot be traced to the Jews. Take the Great War (World War I)... the Jews have made this war!... We (Jews) who have posed as the saviours of the world... we Jews, today, are...
... our disposal, inasmuch as in order to carry on a party struggle it is necessary to have money, and we have it all." There have been many investigations of campaign funds. None has ever yet gone deep enough to inquire into the "international" sources of these funds. Now, in the United States during the last five years we have seen an almost complete Judaized administration on control...

... of all the war activities of the American people. The function of the regularly organized United States Government during that time was practically confined to the voting of money. But the administration of the business end of the war was in charge of a government within a government, and this inner, extra government was Jewish. It is, of course, often asked why this was so. The first answer given...

... the domestic life of the candidate. It may be told of a man, for example, that he helped another out of a scrape by marrying the woman involved, and received a sum of money for doing so. It may be told of another that he was implicated by his too friendly relations with another's wife, but was relieved of his predicament by the astute diplomacy of powerful friends, to whom thereafter he felt himself...

... in debt of honor. It is strange that, in American affairs at least, the woman-note is predominant. In our higher offices that has more frequently occurred than any other, oftener than the money-note. In European countries, however, where the fact of a man's being entangled illegitimately with a woman does not carry so heavy a stamp of shame with it, the controlled men have been found to have "...
... apostles. (1933.7) 178:2.10 David Zebedee had much business to transact with Judas so that he was easily prevented from following Peter, John, and Philip, as he so much desired to do. When Judas gave David a certain sum of money for provisions, David said to him: “Judas, might it not be well, under the circumstances, to provide me with a little money in advance of my actual needs?” And after Judas had...

... reflected for a moment, he answered: “Yes, David, I think it would be wise. In fact, in view of the disturbed conditions in Jerusalem, I think it would be best for me to turn over all the money to you. They plot against the Master, and in case anything should happen to me, you would not be hampered.” (1934.1) 178:2.11 And so David received all the apostolic cash funds and receipts for all money on deposit...

..., a small kingdom in the Himalayas, where in small villages you can bribe a magistrate just a small money and you can get any kind of certificate you want. So she got a backdated divorce certificate. But she was planning for two months, because she was looking for Puja also here for any Swiss sannyasin to marry her. But all these things came to my knowledge as these people left. When they left, then...

... have simply to pay back the money that they have taken from them. So antelope will be Antelope again; we are withdrawing our police forces from there. Why we should bother about anybody? And as they start possessing their land and houses back we will vacate, we don't want. It was Sheela's mind, which became power-oriented, to overtake Antelope and when she succeeded in overtaking Antelope then came...

... the desire to overtake the whole Wasco County, and for which she brought 3,000 street people. And to me she said that she is bringing these street people just as a humanitarian gesture because we have more money than our needs. So we can spend two, three million very easily without any trouble. I said, "If it is a humanitarian gesture it is perfectly good." But I was not aware that it is...
... rupee note that you were carrying was not authentic at all. But his mother is dying, and he has no money for medicine, and I cannot say that he is a criminal; he is simply a kind-hearted man who loves his mother. Once private property disappears.... And in a commune there is going to be no private property, everything belongs to all; naturally, stealing will disappear. You don't steal water and...

... accumulate it, you don't steal air. A commune has to create everything in such abundance that even the retarded person cannot think of accumulating it. What is the point? It is always available, fresh. Money has to disappear from society. A commune does not need money. Your needs should be fulfilled by the commune. All have to produce, and all have to make the commune richer, affluent, accepting the fact...

... lazy people who do nothing but meditate, who do nothing but go on playing on their guitar while others are toiling in the fields. A little more human outlook is needed; these people are not useless. They may not seem to be productive of commodities, but they are producing a certain joyful, cheerful atmosphere. Their contribution is meaningful and significant. With the disappearance of money as a...
... being attacked by thieves he took it and handed it over to them. He was summoned before Rabbah [14] who declared him exempt. Said Abaye to Rabbah: Was this man not rescuing himself by means of another man's money? [15] R. Ashi said: We have to consider the circumstances. If he was a wealthy man, [16] the thieves came [upon him] probably with the intention of stealing his own possessions, but if not...

..., they came for the silver cup. A certain man had a purse [17] of money for the redemption of captives deposited with him. Being attacked by thieves he took it and handed it over to them. He was thereupon summoned before Raba [18] who nevertheless declared him exempt. Said Abaye to him: Was not that man rescuing himself by means of another man's money? — He replied: There could hardly be a case...

... person not rescuing himself by means of another man's money? — He, however, said to him: The owner of the ass was from the very beginning in the position of a pursuer. [22] Rabbah follows his own line of reasoning, for Rabbah [elsewhere] said: If a man was pursuing another with the intention of killing him, and in his course broke utensils, whether they belonged to the pursued or to any other...
... of his fathers in years of scarcity. His brothers and his father's household came in a deputation to him and said to him, 'Your father saved money and added to the treasures of his fathers, and you are squandering them.' He replied: 'My fathers stored up below and I am storing above, as it says, Truth springeth out of the earth and righteousness looketh down from heaven.4  My fathers stored in...

... of their doings.6  My fathers gathered treasures of money, but I have gathered treasures of souls, as it is written, The fruit of the righteous [zaddik] is a tree of life, and he that is wise winneth souls.7  My fathers gathered for others and I have gathered for myself, as it says, And for thee it shall be righteousness [zedakah].8  My fathers gathered for this world, but I have...

... for reaching it, To Part b Original footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files I.e., he had not been told that Raba had distributed the money to non-Jewish poor, as was not unusual. [The alms distributed by heathens were frequently derived from robbery, hence the Rabbis' attitude towards heathen charity; v. Buchler, Sepphoris, p. 44.] In the heavenly records. [King of Adiabene (first...
... susceptible to the temptations of money; and if it would have been laid down4  [that] a sale of his is legally valid, [people] might sometimes rattle money before him [and] he would be tempted5  to sell all the possessions of his [dead father]. In the case of a gift, however, [it is known that] had he not had [some] benefit from him6  he would not have presented him with a gift; the Rabbis...

... is according to Amemar.29  And the law is in accordance with [what] R. Nahman said in the name of Samuel, in all [cases].30 MISHNAH. IF [A PERSON] DISTRIBUTED HIS POSSESSIONS VERBALLY, R. ELEAZAR31  SAID, WHETHER HE WAS IN GOOD HEALTH OR DANGEROUSLY ILL, [ALL] REAL ESTATE32  IS ACQUIRED BY MEANS OF MONEY,33  DEED34  AND POSSESSION,35  WHILE MOVABLE OBJECTS36  ARE...
... till they die.13  The virtuous however used to set aside money and to declare that whatever has been gleaned from this [vineyard] shall be redeemed by this money.'14  Does not this contradict R. Johanan? Nor can you urge in reply that the Tanna who recorded the practice of the virtuous was R. Simeon b. Gamaliel,15  [and R. Johanan might therefore not have concurred with this anonymous...

... first tithe5  and nine the second tithe,' and these he may redeem [upon money anywhere in his possession],6  and he may commence drinking at once. So R. Meir.7  But R. Judah, R. Jose and R. Simon prohibit this.8  To this I may rejoin: When all is said and done, why have you transposed [the views mentioned in the Baraitha]? Because R. Judah would otherwise contradict R. Judah! But...
... of Time, as the work of her hands during the period preceding the age of womanhood3  belongs to her father. A [further] objection was raised [from the following]: 'If one injures his son who has already come of age4  he has to compensate him straight away, but if his son was still a minor5  he must make for him a safe investment [out of the compensation money], while he who injures...

... sons and daughters of others, if they have already come of age, he has to pay them straight away, but if they are still minors he should make for them a safe investment [out of the compensation money], whereas where the sons and daughters were his own, he would be exempt [altogether]'!8  — It may, however, be said that there is no difficulty, as the ruling here [stating exemption] refers...

... case of children of other persons] is it stated that 'if they had already come of age he has to pay them straight away, but if they were still minors he should make for them a safe investment [out of the compensation money]? Why should the compensation not be made to their father?17  — It may, however, be said that the father would be particular only in a matter which would cause him a...

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