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Found: 2872 articles, showing 520 - 530
... me. We American Jews were merely being tolerated. Because Israel, to survive, must depend on gifts of American Jews and the sale of worthless Israeli Bonds in America, there is jealousy among the elite Israeli Ashkenazi Jews toward American Jews, even if the American Jews are also Ashkenazi. Many times I was told, "Go Home!" and, "We want your money, but not you." However, there was a portion of...

... spend more money than the value of the goods produced, economic bankruptcy will result. If it were not for aid from America, Israel's economy would have collapsed long ago. Israel is a 'welfare state' in every sense of the word — it is America's most favored welfare recipient. While America's farmers, small businessmen and laborers are struggling to survive, the U.S. Government, dominated by...

... Zionist Jews, are draining the pockets and purses of American taxpayers to support Israel's socialist economy and war machine. Since the Israeli government knows, and the favored Zionists know, that the Zionist pressure in America will ensure that America will keep sending them massive amounts of money, Israel's government and its favored citizens spend money like drunken sailors. This practice leads to...

... inflation and eventually to an economic collapse. Comparing Israel to drunken sailors is unfair to sailors. Sailors spend their OWN money — Israel spends money it gets from America. Because Israel is a welfare state depending mainly on American aid for survival, it is on a down-hill slide. In 1982, Israel's inflation rate was 130%. In 1983, it was 200%, and this year (1984) it is expected to exceed...

... stop the politicians in Washington from bowing to the American Zionists and stop using American taxpayer's money to finance Israel's war machine.   Weakness in Israel's Military There is no doubt that Israel has a powerful military force. The base of Israel's military power is the massive amounts of the latest equipment supplied by the U.S. and paid for by the American taxpayers. But serious...

... these 'Help Israel' ventures, American workers are left standing in unemployment lines. Manufacturing of certain war materials has become so great that it has become IsraeI's main export. This war-creating country which has been portrayed as 'the only barrier to communism in the Mideast' sell its war products to anyone who has the money — including repressive dictatorships — FASCIST or...

... could drag on past 1985, but I agree with Sevilla that Israel is doomed. Israel's Marxist/Fascist policies, wars of aggression plus racism has led Israel to the brink of disaster. In anticipation of Israel's collapse, corrupt Israeli leaders and other Jews in positions of power have already been charged with embezzling large amounts of American taxpayer money given to Israel and Jewish donations and...

... deposited this money in foreign accounts. It must be kept in mind that because of Israel's policies, the free countries of the world have turned against Israel and against the U.S. for supporting it. This has hurt Israel and especially the U.S. If Israel as it now exists simply collapsed and ceased to exist, the world would certainly be better because of it. Unfortunately the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv...

... conclusion that it is these bankers who own the Class A Stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve, America's central bank. In this position of power, these Zionist bankers, can, and likely will, trigger an economic collapse in America — like they did in 1929 when they caused the stock market crash and started the severe depression of the 1930's. Since the money system currently used in the U.S. is not backed...

... Zionist Bolshevik (communists/socialist) Jews. The other likely course of action would be a back-up, if the American taxpayers say, "That's enough!" The cost of supporting bankrupt Israel is draining increasing amounts of money from the American taxpayers. At some point, the taxpayers are going to say, "That's enough!" When that happens, the Moscow leg of the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv Triangle will move...
... [into his possession] after paying over the purchase money, he casts it into the Salt Sea.24  This is quite right if you say that the above difference is over an Israelite smelter; then whose is this teaching? It is the Rabbis'.25  But if you say that the difference is over a heathen smelter and all agree that with an Israelite smelter he has annulled it, whose is this teaching?26 ...

...; — It is otherwise in the present illustration because his intention was to sell scrap metal and not an idol.27 Our Rabbis taught: If [a heathen] borrowed money on an idol, or ruins fell upon it,28  or robbers stole it,29  or the owners left it behind and journeyed to a distant land, To Part b Original footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files When he annuls the idol, it...

... idol and get his money back. Since the idol has to be thrown away, the assumption is that the seller has not annulled it. (v. infra 71b). Who, in our Mishnah, say 'He has not annulled it'. It agrees with neither Rabbi nor the Rabbis, And so presumably there had been no annulment. He makes no effort to recover it. He does not try to get it back. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference &lsquo...

...;Abodah Zarah 53b if with the intention of returning [to claim it] as happened during the war waged by Joshua,1  it is not annulled. It was necessary [to cite all these circumstances]. For if there had only been taught the case where he borrowed money on it, from the fact that he had not sold it [it follows that] he had not annulled it; but if ruins fell upon it, since he does not clear them away...
.... Tonight he encouraged her to go, saying that the only problem was that she was a performer and wanted to impress people, and there was no need to. If they were interested, good. If not, that was their loss.] Always remember, all human beings are the same. Somebody is an editor, somebody is a politician, somebody is a rich man. What is the difference? A rich man is a man who has money. You will not be...

... afraid of a pile of rupees; you will not be afraid of them. You will not be afraid of the man if he is a beggar. Now the beggar plus money and you are afraid! What are you doing? You are not afraid of the money and you are not afraid of the beggar, but once you come to know that the beggar has money, you become afraid. You are not afraid of the beggar but if he stands in an election and becomes a prime...

.... Somebody is living to impress people, somebody is living for political power. Somebody is living for money, somebody is trying to achieve God. And somebody is going to work out his liberation. But a really liberated person is one who has understood that there is no meaning, so he is not seeking, searching, for anything. He lives the moment. It is there - he enjoys it. If he is eating, he eats well; he...
... with it he effects a sale of the improvement of the article and the stipulated sum paid to him is but the purchase money for the same. For surely by not paying purchase money in time a purchaser would not render himself liable to this transgression. To which the worker should acquire title. v. Glos. But for the completion of a certain undertaking, [in which case he would be a contractor and in a...

... sense a vendor and yet the injunction of not delaying the payment of the hire applies.] V. B.M. 112a. By not paying the stipulated sum in time. Who maintained that a craftsman (i.e., a contractor) becomes the owner of the improvement carried out by him upon the article and when parting with it is but a vendor to whom purchase money has to be paid, and to whom the injunction does not apply. Where there...

... possibly forbidden, secondly that he restrained you from receiving payment which might possibly have been a misappropriation. It was stated: If a denar was shown to a money changer [and he recommended it as good] but it was subsequently found to be bad, in one Baraitha it was taught that if he was an expert he would be exempt but if an amateur he would be liable, whereas in another Baraitha it was taught...

... Rabbis in Hul. 1, 3. I.e., the owner of the animal. Hul. ibid. Sanh. 29a. Prov. XI, 13. Two renowned money changers in those days. Lit., 'But where was their mistake; they made, etc. V. p. 583. n. 8. For the sake of equity and mere ethical considerations. [On this principle termed lifenim mi-shurath ha-din according to which man is exhorted not to insist on his legal rights. v. Herford, Talmud and...
... laborers and slaves are needed. Even slaves were fed by their masters. That was not service. If you don't feed your horse, if you don't feed your cow, you will lose much money. If you don't feed the poor, the capitalist will disappear. Who is going to work for him? Whom is he going to exploit? So it is a very cunning game. The rich man goes on donating a small portion of his exploitation to the church...

.... The church goes on bringing up the orphans, aboriginals, poor people, to the survival level. They are needed alive, because without them the whole system will collapse. So on the one hand, the capitalist goes on giving money in charity; on the other hand, he goes on exploiting the poor. And between the two, the priest has his own percentage -- he is a mediator -- so he is living beautifully...

..., but a rich man cannot enter into the gate of paradise. If that is the case, why serve the poor? If anybody needs service, it is the rich. Steal their money, make them poor, so they can inherit the kingdom of God. Poverty is perfectly right, according to Jesus' own statements. It is good to be poor -- according to Jesus -- it is great to be poor. I hate poverty! And I hate Jesus for making such...

... earned. So this device helps after the point you feel it is good to pay to the government. Ten percent, fifteen percent, okay; when it comes to the point of paying one hundred percent, it is better to give in charity rather than giving it to the government. It is people's money: if they had not given it to charity, they would have had to give it to the government. So on the exploitation of people they...

... are securing their bank balance in paradise. It is not their money; nobody gives his own money. In fact, all rich people all over the world have many charity trusts of their own. Just here, in India, Tata is one of the richest people, amongst the three richest families. He has a great charity trust worth forty crore rupees, and he goes on pouring money into the trust. It is the people's money, it...

... should go to the government, but he siphons off the money. Every rich person around the world is doing the same. Give it to the church, or make your own trust. Open a school in the memory of your father. Open a hospital and become a great man of charity in the memory of your dead mother. At least there will be the name of your mother, there will be your name, that you have made it in your mother's...

... memory. And this is the money that is making people poor. The church is made happy by receiving charity. When I was arrested in America and without any reason they, in their minds, harassed me -- I was not harassed, I enjoyed the whole trip. I saw the other side of the world which I would never have seen -- twelve days being a guest of President Ronald Reagan! They dragged me from one jail to another...

..., and I will slap your face!" Jimmy Bakker's "Praise the Lord!" TV church has not been making much money ever since Jimmy got out of jail. He is sitting in his living room one day when his wife, Tammy, comes home wearing an expensive new dress. "My God!" shouts Bakker. "You know we are broke. You promised not to buy any new clothes this month. What made you do it?"...
.... Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. [A sannyasin who bakes said that because of his work he was unable to do the meditations, and should he do anything else. Osho said that when he had time he could meditate alone... ] ... and baking is a good meditation. Put your love into it, your whole awareness into it. Just don't do it for the money - do it for love also. Do it with care, and then there is no need...

... that you have been doing carelessly, start doing carefully. Things that you have been doing for some results, for example, money.... That's okay, but you can make it a plus phenomenon. Money is okay and if baking gives you money, good. One needs money, but it is not all. And just by the side if you can reap many more pleasures, why miss them? They are just free of cost. You will be doing your work...

... synchronises with you; it somehow melts easily and becomes one with you, it cooperates with your system. Food prepared carelessly is cold, it will take a longer time to absorb it, and food prepared with anger, hatred, jealousy, is already poisoned. So do one thing: prepare whatsoever you are preparing - cakes and that - with deep love. Money is secondary. It comes anyhow, that's not the point at all. By the...
... whole problem of bondage and contract and relationship, and doubts and jealousies, and fights and fears... the whole mess has descended on humanity for this stupid reason. It does not matter who owns what, when you are in your grave. Your palace and your money... what difference does it make? Just an ego trip, a very deep ego trip.... When I say surrender to love I am saying that loving is enough...

... every care in her own way. Every month on the first day she takes all the money that he earns, so he cannot go anywhere. One man rushed into his general manager's office and said, "You are such an idiot, and I used to think you were my friend..." They worked in the same office and had the same status. But the first man got a pay raise and just to make his friend's wife jealous, his friend...

... phoned to say, "Your husband has got a raise this month." The wife waited the whole month.... The husband was feeling very happy that she accepted the old salary and she did not know that now he was getting more: "That much I can use for my own purposes." But the moment the wife took the money she said, "Bring out the rest; you got a raise." Now he was caught red-handed...

... deceiving his own wife. She took all of the money and she was crying and weeping. The husband had to console her and he was feeling guilty: "I am sorry that I did it, but how did you manage to know?" She said, "Your friend phoned so I was waiting for the whole month to see... You talk so much about trust and faith. What happened to the trust and faith? You were being faithless and what were...

... you going to do with the money? You tell me in detail what was in your mind! There must be some woman... I have always suspected! The way you enter the house always looks as if you are hiding something. Your very face gives the idea of a suspicious, faithless man. Now you are caught red-handed." And this goes for every point.... I was traveling to Kashmir, and in my air-conditioned coupe there...

... shouts. "Now go straight home and put it back in again!" Hymie Goldberg loses a lot of money on the stock market and is in a terrible state. He goes to visit his doctor and says, "Doctor, doctor, my hands won't stop shaking." "Tell me," says the doctor, "do you drink a lot?" "I can't," says Hymie, "I spill most of it." "I see," says...
... what will you do with beauty? You cannot purchase a car, you cannot purchase a house, you cannot purchase anything. Now beat your head with your beauty - what you will do? So the mind starts thinking that the choice was wrong. But if you choose the disgusting, ugly woman, you would have all that money can purchase: a palace, servants, all gadgets, but you will have to tolerate that woman - not only...

... country for the whole world to put their money in, as the country has cheap labor. India can produce anything. It needs money, and the money is there around the world - and the people who have money, they don't know what to do with it. It needs new industries. It can create any kind of thing, it just needs money, experts. And the labor is so cheap that it competes in the whole world. That's how Japan...
... can have satori or enlightenment; you can have things. You can have money, you can have power, you can have the whole world, but you cannot have enlightenment. Enlightenment is not a thing; it is not possible to possess it. Those who say they have it, don't have it -- they don't even understand the ABC of it. One becomes enlightened -- that's what Suzuki is saying. There is no distinction between I...

... mind which thinks only of money, earning. This has to be remembered while you are studying Zen -- the differences of context. It is said: To arrive at the truth, the German adds, the Frenchman subtracts, and the Englishman changes the subject! I have heard... You can always tell a man's nationality by introducing him to a beautiful woman. An Englishman shakes her hand, a Frenchman kisses her hand, an...

..., how to help you in your businesses. The saying seems to be perfect that behind the success of every great man there is a woman -- in many different senses. Sometimes just to escape from her, one becomes madly engaged in earning money. When Henry Ford was asked, "Why did you go on earning and earning, when you have earned so much? It was time to enjoy and relax." He said, "That was not...

... -- to God? He read the letter and he felt sorry for the man; he must be in really great trouble. He had described that his mother was dying, and he has no money, no employment, no money for food, no money for medicine. "Just for once, send fifty dollars and I will never ask again." The postmaster said, "Something should be done because this man should not feel disappointed." The...
... money on condition that he has to fly through the air [to get to where he wants].5  Can we then [base this assumption] on the next clause: IF HE SELLS THESE TO ANOTHER, R. AKIBA SAYS THAT THE PURCHASER NEED NOT BUY A RIGHT OF WAY TO THEM, BUT THE SAGES SAY THAT HE MUST BUY IT?6  — No, for perhaps the reason of their difference is this, that according to R. Akiba's view we have to...

... cannot assume that these are the reasons of R. Akiba and the Rabbis. Here the reasons given above do not apply. That is to say, we may suppose R. Akiba to hold that in this case the purchaser would not give his money if he had to fly through the air, and the Rabbis to hold that the seller would not take money if his ground is to be walked over; but we cannot infer anything about a 'liberal' or...

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