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Found: 2872 articles, showing 490 - 500

... up. To us it may look a little strange that he was asking a price for water. He says, "SETTING ASIDE THE QUESTION OF PAYMENT FOR THE DRINKING WATER, FOR THE MOMENT, LET ME ASK WHOM YOU INTEND TO HAVE THE MONEY FOR THE STRAW SANDALS RETURNED TO?" Zen monks use straw sandals, the same shape as my sandals, but they are made of straw, very beautiful, very aesthetic and very cheap. Nansen is...

... QUESTION OF PAYMENT FOR THE DRINKING WATER, because I have to carry the drinking water for miles, LET ME ASK WHOM YOU INTEND TO HAVE THE MONEY FOR THE STRAW SANDALS RETURNED TO?.Who has paid the money for your straw sandals? Return the money. You are just a teacher; don't pretend to be a master. TO THIS QUESTION, OBAKU MADE NO REPLY. Sekiso wrote: A SINGLE TRUE MAN APPEARS IN THE WORLD AND ALL FALSEHOOD...

...; Madame goes over to talk with Sally and then returns saying, "Okay, but she wants two hundred dollars." "But it was only fifty dollars yesterday!" protests Finger. "Take it or leave it," shrugs the Madame. So the priest pays the money, and follows Sleazy Sally upstairs. Afterwards, Father Finger is pulling up his pants and asks the girl, "Well, how was I?" Sally...
..., "You can come to my shop and get your money." Naturally - Narendra was very small, his other brothers were even smaller - even the smallest children were watching him, that he does not steal the money. But whether they watched or not, he would go on distributing fruits and sweets to people and saying to them, "Rejoice! Why are you sitting so sad?" Naturally, they had to pay money...

... to all kinds of people. It was a very strange situation. Children steal money, and fathers, grandfathers, prevent them. In Narendra's house, the situation was just the opposite: the father used to steal money, and the small children would shout for the mother: "He is taking money again!" And by the time the mother was there, he was gone - gone to the market to purchase sweets, fruits, or...
... rich that even the king had to borrow money from him. He had everything that was possible, but he was always very sad and miserable, always a long face. A young man used to come every day to give him massage, who was always happy. He had nothing to be happy about - and that was the problem for the rich man. The poor fellow got one rupee per day. In those days, a rupee was really a rupee. The word...

.... Now he started to think, "How can I save some money and make it at least a hundred?" He had never bothered - one rupee per day was enough to live as richly as he wanted. But now he had more than he could use for the day; he had to save. When it became one hundred, the desire jumped up, flared up. If he went on collecting, soon he would have two hundred, three hundred, four hundred. And as...

... more and more money started accumulating, he became more and more miserable, continuously thinking of money. The song disappeared, the dance disappeared; the flute was heard no more. One day when the rich man was being massaged, he asked him, "What has happened to you? You don't look happy any more. Has some calamity happened?" He said, "Yes, a calamity has happened. Somebody threw...

... ninety-nine rupees into my house, and since that day I have not slept well, because the desire to have more and more has been aroused." Once you have the desire for more of anything, life is misery. It may be knowledge, it may be money, it may be power; you may start desiring anything, but you will become more and more sad. It is such a difficult world .... The prime minister of the country was...

..., wow!" After a while, Nutzo turns to Goonski and says, "You know, for a show like this, these guys must have spent plenty of money; but they won't even give us three dollars to go and see the gorillas in the zoo!" Henry and Morris are partners in a tailors shop in New York. One summer, Henry goes on his first hunting trip. When he gets back to the shop afterwards, Morris cannot wait to...
... relations32  [between her and her husband] but not [in respect of] a creditor. Raba, however, stated in the name of R. Nahman; Even a creditor [has been given the same privilege],33  in order that every person shall not take his friend's money and abscond and settle in a country beyond the sea and thus [cause the creditor's] door to be shut in the face of intending borrowers.34 R. SIMEON RULED...

... witnesses in support of his claim. On account of her kethubah. Should she then deny receiving the money he may well impose upon her a Pentateuchal oath on the strength of the evidence of the first witness who was present when she received it. It is only in the case of a kethubah which is an hypothecary obligation (v. supra) that a witness cannot impose upon a defendant the Pentateuchal oath. In view of...

... witness would thus be aware that the second payment is made solely for the purpose of imposing upon her a Pentateuchal oath in respect of the first payment which she fraudulently denied, he would refrain from giving evidence in her favour and the man would thus be able to recover his money. Her peculiar plea that she had two kethubahs would naturally be disregarded in the absence of all supporting...

... time named Epidaphnes. That a claimant may be authorized by a court to seize the property of a defendant in the latter's absence. V. supra p. 532, n. 11f. Cf. supra n. 5. Metaph. Undue difficulty in the collection of a debt would prevent people from risking their money in the granting of loans. Cf. supra p. 558. n. 13. For either claim the woman cannot recover from her absentee husband's property...
... disabled, if fruit, clothes or utensils, they should be allowed to rot, if money or metal vessels he should carry them to the Salt Sea.1  What is meant by disabling? the cutting the tendons of the hoofs beneath the ankle.2  Here, then, we are taught: 'Shall he put it on? That means he is enjoying! Shall he not put it on? Then he confers a benefit!'3  Said R. Mesharsheya the son of R. Idi...

... the destruction of the Temple. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference ‘Abodah Zarah 13b they should be allowed to rot, if money or metal vessels, he should carry them to the Salt Sea. What is meant by disabling? The door is locked in front of it, so that it dies of itself!1  — Said Abaye: That case is treated differently, so as [to avoid] despising sanctified things.2 ...

... such animal was not fit for a sacrificial purpose, is forbidden by Scripture!8  — Granted; an animal which had been blemished cannot itself be used for sacrifice, yet the money obtained for it may be so used;9  but our case10  is unlike it, in that neither its equivalent in money nor the animal itself is capable of being used for a sacrificial purpose.11      ...
... taken at your wanting to know my background. In fact, it shows you are a responsible editor, which I admire. I have nothing to hide. My story is 100% true. I have gained no money for disclosing; I do NOT go on talk shows, I am unknown and prefer it this way. I have absolutely no secondary gain from doing this, other than the medical bills for my children, which means I work three part-time jobs. This...

... is to answer the skeptics who say that people disclose for: sympathy (I don't want any and don't need it. I made choices and mistakes in my life, and am now involved in restitution); money (I earn $20 a MONTH for my site on Suite 101. I earn $150 to $250 an article when I write on Women's health. Guess which topic I write on more frequently? Yep. Women's health, oncompletely non-abuse issues. The...

... (and trust me, this group makes money. That alone would keep it going even if the rest were just religious hog wash). The leadership levels include businessmen, bankers, and local community leaders. They are intelligent, well educated, and active in their churches.Above local leadership councils are the regional councils, who give dictates to the groups below them, help form the policies and agendas...

... of the SOBs on leadership in San Diego especially Jonathan, the head trainer. She taught me his weaknesses and how to get around him, and stood up to him for me. I wouldn't have survived otherwise. These are NOT nice people and they use and manipulate others viciously.They cut their eye teeth on status, power, and money. I have given all of that up to leave, and am glad to be away from it now...
...., loses its sanctity, which the substitute assumes. Nevertheless, if the latter is not worth as much as the original it must be made up in money, which becomes hekdesh too. Tem. 27b. The substitute is worth less than the original only by an amount that constitutes overreaching, not cancellation. And this implies by Biblical law. Hence according to R. Jonah, R. Johanan is self-contradictory. R. Johanan...

...] lent one hundred zuz for one hundred and twenty? But he thereby committed a trespass,6  and that being so, the money passes out into hullin and is a layman's!7  — Said R. Hoshaia: What is meant here is, e.g., if one [a layman] contracted to supply flour8  at four se'ahs per sela', whilst it subsequently stood at three se'ahs per sela']. As we learnt: If one contracts to supply...

... we know this? — For our Rabbis taught: If a man shall deliver unto his neighbour — this is a general proposition;16  money or stuff — that is a specialization; and it be stolen out of the man's house17  is again a general statement: now in a general proposition followed by a specialization and again by a general proposition you must be guided by the peculiarities of the...

... is to say, there is a point in informing us of any additional instance where ordinary property is treated with greater stringency than hekdesh, there is none in teaching the reverse, as it is obvious that there is greater stringency in regard to hekdesh than to ordinary property.] Hence the proposed clause is inadmissible. By giving money of hekdesh and receiving nothing in immediate return, which...
...] and made repeated calls for his money, it is obvious that he [the purchaser] does not acquire it.2  But what if he wished to sell for a hundred, did not find [a purchaser], though had he taken pains he could have found one; but he took no trouble and sold a field for two hundred, and now he makes repeated calls for his money? Is he as one who sells a field because of its poor quality, or not?3...

... Files Then we may assume that he willingly sold it, and his repeated demands for payment are due not to financial need, but to fear that the purchaser might retract. For it is certain that he sold only under pressure, though a hundred would have sufficed him, and now he presses for money to buy a smaller field with the surplus. Since he took but little trouble to find a purchaser for a small field, it...

... for local relief may not be diverted, even if they exceed the need. Whether the poor really need it all. I.e., calves must be bought with the entire sum, and that which cannot be eaten by the poor on Purim is resold, the money going to the general charity fund. [Some texts omit 'but calves … (only)'. Cf. text, infra 106b.] It is assumed that the reason of R. Meir's stringency is that the...
.... Allah's work comes first." After this he cut Junnaid's hair with great love and devotion, then respectfully bade him farewell. A few days later when someone had given Junnaid money, he went to give some to the barber. But the barber wouldn't take any money, saying, "Have you no shame? You had said to cut your hair in the name of Allah, not for money!" And his whole life Junnaid used to...
... go! But if you say so I will go." He has been forced to go and live with the mother at least for a few days. And he has been living with many families, with many couples. Wherever he goes he makes friendships, and there are so many friends that he is never out of money - he asks everybody! Sattva was once Neerja's lover. Now that love relationship is broken, but the love that has grown between...

... Sattva and Siddhartha has continued. They are still friends - Sattva still has to give him money! He comes every day: "Today I need five rupees, ten rupees." One day Sattva said, "I don't have any money." Then he said "You can ask me!" And he brought five rupees from somewhere and gave it to Sattva! "Why don't you ask me? I have so many friends, I can bring as much...

... money as you want!" Now, this child will be a totally different child! He has lived with Jews and with Christians and with Hindus. He will not be conditioned by anything, he will not have any conditioning. He will have a vast territory of being available to him. That's my idea how all children should grow. then there will be no ugly religious conflicts, wars, bloodshed, no ugly fanaticism, no...

.... He had made his own gravestone, a beautiful, artistic thing, because he did not rely on his wife - she was such a miser that she might put up some ordinary stone. So he had purchased the most costly marble, asked the best artist to make rose flowers on it, and he had written on it: "Rest in peace." When he died his wife discovered that he had not left any money for her. When the will was...

... separate they are inseparable. The very idea of dividing them has been a great calamity. Jews are more interested in money than in meditation. Now, thinking that you have become a meditator they will be afraid. "What are you doing? This is the time to earn money. This is the time to get rooted in the world. Don't waste this precious time!" According to them, when you are young you can do...

... something; as you become old you will be less and less able to make money, to have power, prestige, to make a name in the world. You are wasting your time here. Even with those who are here, if they are Jewish, the hangover continues. One of the sannyasins went to the office a few days ago, in a euphoria - must have touched something intangible in meditation, may have been silent here in the discourse...

... doing nothing? Is this a way a Jew is supposed to behave? Time is money - don't waste it! And, moreover, whether your parents are Jewish or not, parents are parents; they feel offended - they feel offended by the very idea that you think you know more than they know, that you are trying new ways, that you are trying to be wiser than your parents. A Jew arrives in heaven and God, in a very...

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