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Found: 2872 articles, showing 2470 - 2480
... not to renounce, but this is renunciation. I have not done anything - she has renounced me!' "My children had never paid any respect to me. They all were against me, they were in favor of their mother. They thought that I was destroying the whole family, their future, their education, because I was wasting the money that I earned on alcohol. Now before going to school, they all touch my feet...
... intelligible conversation with him. The religions have given man fictions to live in. Now all those fictions are broken and man has nothing left to live for - hence the anguish. Anguish is not an ordinary state of anxiety. Anxiety is always centered upon a certain problem. You don't have money, there is anxiety; you don't have enough clothes and the cold is coming, you have a certain anxiety; you are sick...
... unintelligent. Now, the Koran says strange things which Mohammedans go on following - because it is holy. Mohammed himself married nine wives. He was poor. He could not afford even a single wife. But because the rich woman fell in love with him, and she was forty years old and he was only twenty-six, soon she died and he had all the money. So he started marrying any kind of beautiful women he could find. And...
..., longing is a smokeless fire, a smokeless flame. But the moment it becomes attached to any object whatsoever -- worldly, otherworldly; money, meditation, God, nirvana, it doesn't matter -- any object, and the longing is no more pure, it is contaminated by the object. Then the object becomes more important than the longing itself. Then the longing is only a means, it is no more the end in itself. And the...
... positively you have destroyed the possibility. The man has become more greedy! First he was greedy about the house and the money and the power and the prestige, now he is greedy about God and bliss and SATCHITANAND and truth - but he is still greedy. Now his desire is even bigger. He is entangled more in desire. You have not helped him - you have even harmed him. So Buddha says: I am not going to use any...
... go wrong. Even, the fuse may blow -- you may die. You have to attain purity, attain nonidentification with the body, with the mind; you have to attain a certain quantity of witnessing. Only then, in that proportion only, self knowledge becomes possible. You cannot get it free. You have to pay for it -- and pay in terms of being. Not that you can pay for it with money, nothing else will be helpful...
... having a bigger car, having a bigger house, having more money in the bank balance. People have completely forgotten that the real business is to have more being. The real business of life is to have more being -- not more bank balance, because the bank balance will remain here. You will be gone. Only your being can go with you. Yoga is the science of your innermost being, the science of subjectivity...
... such paintings? And he painted them with his blood, with his very life. He used to get from his younger brother just enough money every week so that he could eat two meals a day for seven days. He used to fast three days in the week so he could purchase paints, canvasses. No other painter has painted with such longing, with such deep love. He lived just to paint; he died when he was thirty-three. And...
.... And instead of giving them psychological treatment, you have been worshipping them, fulfilling their egos. They become even more sad because sadness is bringing, without any effort, a fulfillment of the ego. The politician has to fight, struggle, to fulfill his ego. The man who is after money - it is not an easy job because there are millions of competitors. But for the saint, there is no...
... future. These old people, even if they come back, will be so rotten, that they can be used only to make children afraid. What other use will they have? But such is the lust for life. They have deposited enough money that their bodies can be taken care of. They could not trust their sons, their families to take care of their bodies, and they have wasted millions of dollars. And what will you do with...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).