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Found: 2872 articles, showing 2300 - 2310
.... Money I will pay, but let at least one woman... and he will not have any way of knowing whether you are a prostitute or not. You just meet him occasionally, casually in the garden, and chitchatting, you just say that you love him. Take him home. At least I want one person to have said that - so he feels not empty, not rejected by the whole world, not insulted and humiliated by everyone." The...
... machine, are you ready to pay my price for it?" The owner was losing so much money, because it had been almost three days that the factory was closed. He said, "What is your fee?" The man said, "Not much, just ten thousand rupees." The owner said, "You are asking too much." The man said, "It is up to you to choose; you will be losing thousands of rupees every hour...
... because of you. Seeing your approach, it is millions of miles long. You can bring it back to the corner, but you have to create the passion. People are running after power, money, prestige - and they devote their whole lives to it. And things like enlightenment they want to get free. They don't want to pay anything for them - not even a little walk. Now you are saying, "It does not seem to matter...
... DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WILL AND DESIRE? Gyan Saahaba, the difference between will and desire is great, although they appear almost similar. Desire is always for things. More money, more prestige, more respectability, more knowledge, more virtue, a better place in the afterlife -- these are all desires. Desires can be millions, because there are millions of things in the world which can become objects of desire...
... flowers, it is for dances. It is for love. Man cannot choose a global death. It is an impossibility. Yes, the old world will come to an end; Nostradamus is not going to be wrong. But his interpreters are all wrong. My interpretation is: The death of the old is the birth of the new. A man down on his luck goes home to his wife and tells her, "Look dear, we are running out of money and we are gonna...
... between a smile and laughter is the same as between the bullock and the bull. Laughter is total. The smile is just an exercise of the lips; the smile is just a mannerism. Laughter knows no mannerism, no etiquette - it is wild, and its wildness has all the beauty. But the vested interests, whether of money or of organized religions or of the rulers, all were agreed on one thing: man has to be weakened...
... into the ways of power, money and prestige. You are lost in a jungle of desires, longings; you live thirsty and you die thirsty, while the source of all fulfillment is within you. Zen cuts all nonsense out. It is twenty-four-carat gold, no mixture. That makes it very simple and also very difficult. It is difficult, because the simple is the most difficult thing in the world to understand. It is...
... death. If he learns meditation, then he will have some riches that cannot be destroyed by death. Otherwise power, prestige, money, respectability, scholarship, all will be burnt in the funeral pyre, and you will be going naked, empty- handed. I can help you to become so over-full with the inner, with the transcendental, that death will be absolutely incapable of destroying it. You say: HE LOVES YOUR...
... this time, a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed down to Jericho, came across this wounded man; and when he saw how he had been robbed and beaten, he was moved with compassion, and going over to him, he bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine, and setting the man upon his own beast, brought him here to the inn and took care of him. And on the morrow he took out some money and, giving it to the...
... (1847-1920) - Jewish banker, head of the powerful banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Donated large sums of money to overthrow the autocracy and revolution in Russia. By his own admission, these amounts totaled $20 million, $12 million of them were sent before the 1st World War. [25] Weizmann, Chaim (1874-1952) - one of the leaders of international Zionism and the first president of Israel. In 1920-31 and...

... DCG. [34] Millerand Alexander (1859-1943) - French President in 1920-1924. [35] Joseph Caillaux - Minister of Finance and Prime Minister of France in 1911. At the end of the World War I created radical socialist party in France with the help of German money. After the failed attempt of the revolution in France in 1918 was on a trial for subversion. [36] Lansing, Robert - U.S. Secretary of State...

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