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Found: 2872 articles, showing 2130 - 2140
... thing to me as I have given to you."' So he went into the market and sold the seeds and kept the money. And he thought, 'When my father comes I will go to the market, purchase new seeds, and give him back better than the first.' But the third was the best. He went back into the garden and threw the seeds all over the place. After three years, when the father came back, the first son opened his...

... have entered the stream. I am going: you need not swim in me, you simply relax, you become one with me... and you will reach to the ocean. You relax - that is the meaning of surrender. Question 5 WHAT EXACTLY IS THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL DISEASE OF HUMANKIND ACCORDING TO ZEN? Desire, desiring, becoming. Always hankering for something - money, God, NIRVANA. Always hankering for something - power, prestige...
... consciousness is dusty. Clean it! Create more clarity. If competitiveness disappears, you are in the world and yet you are not in the world. If ambition disappears, then there is no world left. But how the ambition and the competition can disappear? We go on creating new ways. Somebody is trying to have more money than you and somebody else is trying to be more virtuous than you. What is the difference...

... school? It is just in front of us!" When I left the university, everybody, whosoever knew me, came to tell me, "Don't resign such a beautiful post. And you have great possibilities - sooner or later you will be the vice-chancellor of the university. You wait!" He was the only person who was happy, who said, "Good! Don't be worried. If you need some money or some trouble is there...
... will be supply. Now things have completely changed. Manufacturers of all kinds of goods first start advertising, they have not yet manufactured the thing. They put more money into advertising than in producing the product, because that advertising creates a false need in people's minds that they need it. Once the need is there ... It is false need, because they have never needed it. Just this...

.... Everybody is telling you: "Become somebody special. Have power, prestige, respectability, money, things that matter in the world." All these create slowly, slowly the idea of the ego, of superiority, of holier-than- thou, higher-than-thou. This ego creates your saints, this ego creates your so-called priests, your politicians, your presidents, prime ministers. This is all the projection of the...

... help you, which are not going to be with you. Death will take everything away from you -- money, power, prestige. Death will leave only one thing: that is witnessing. If you have it, there is no death. If you don't have it, there is only death and nothing else. There are three steps which can be remembered at this silent moment. The first, the buddha follows you behind like a shadow. The second...
..., training and type. Research cannot discover evidence of any other motive than an infatuation, of the "liberal" sort, for an enterprise which he did not even examine in the light of duty and wisdom. "Hard-boiled" considerations of "practical politics" (that is, a cold calculation that money or votes might be gained by supporting Zionism) can hardly be suspected in him. He and...
... immigration discussion! Suppress the facts about the theater, about the money system, about the baseball scandal, about the bootlegging business! Suppress the lecturers of the City of New York! Fire them from their jobs unless they stand up like phonographs and recite what men like the sentinel rabbis of New York dictate! The order was Jewish in every element of it. And as an American citizen who did not...
... the amount to her or, if she is a minor, to her father. For in returning a money loan, unlike a trust, the debtor is not obliged to return the actual coin lent, but its equivalent. Hence the woman receives actually nothing at the time of betrothal, by which it should be effected. V. Kidd. 6b; 47a. I Sam, XVIII, 19. The promise to enrich him which stands as a loan. A small coin representing the...
.... 11. The Sages. Less authority is required to rule that one retains what is already in his possession, since possession itself affords a presumption of ownership, than to transfer money from one to another. Hence, only in the former case do the Rabbis rule that an undertaking to abide by the decision of an unqualified judge is binding, but not in the latter. For it coincides neither with that of...
...; this was called the second tithe (the first being the tithe given to the Levites. cf. Deut. XIV, 26). I.e., if he stole money of the second tithe and purchased meat and wine, which he ate in Jerusalem. Nebelah, pl. nebeloth, is the technical term for an animal that came to its death by any but the prescribed method of slaughter. Terefah, plural terefoth, denotes an animal which having been ritually...
... his repentance. Ezek. XXXVI, 8. When Palestine becomes so very fertile, Messiah's advent is near, and there can be no clearer sign than this (Rashi). Zech. VIII, 10; I.e., when there is no money left, and troubles abound everywhere. Cf. supra 'until the perutah ceases from the purse.' Lit., 'concerning whom peace is written.' Ps. CXIX, 165. This is a difficult passage. Rashi explains it as meaning...
... 600,000. Hos. II, 17. V. p. 688, n, 11. I.e., for losing faith in God through this. Ex. V, 23. God Almighty. Lit., 'my attributes', 'my dealings' with man. Whether my promises were reliable. Gen. XIII, 17. Ibid. XXVI, 3. Ibid. 20. Ibid. XXVIII, 13. Ibid. XXXIII, 19. R.V.; 'piece of money'. The emphasis laid here upon the name of God, the virtue ascribed to the Patriarchs for refraining to ask it, and...

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