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Found: 2072 articles, showing 2030 - 2040
..., the true treasure, the kingdom of God. We go on remaining concerned with the trivial, thinking, "We are going to be here, so what is the hurry? Tomorrow we will search for God; today let us have a little more money in the bank." ... THAT RICHES AND THE HONOURS EASILY ACQUIRED, ARE EASY THUS TO LOSE. Death will take everything away from you. Empty-handed you come and empty-handed you will...
..., "Why are you wasting your energy like that?" Wasted, we say, because that much energy could have made some money, that much labor could have earned something. So we ask the child, "What are you getting out of what you are doing? What is to be gained?" Ego always inquires after the advantage: what will be gained? People come to me and they ask, "What will be gained through...
... they are very generous with advice. The whole world is going to the dogs. The public seems to have no wish to show kindness or be charitable, or demonstrate any love for humanity. People are just out to make money, and unwilling to give even a single paise. I'm fed up! Traveling from one place to another, with nothing to show for my effort - and even traveling is becoming an ordeal; shoved around by...
... emperor in Arabia went mad. He was very fond of chess and it occupied his mind twenty-four hours a day. It was this obsession with chess that drove him mad. The doctors declared that there was only one way to cure the emperor, and that was that some greater chess player than the emperor should play with him for one whole year. Since the madman was an emperor there was no shortage of money, so the...
... view could be a great matter in Jung's view. A mystic is someone who is standing in a kind of headstand. He has entered an opposite viewpoint to yours. All your conceptions and conventions he has inverted for himself. You value the material, and for him the material has no value at all. For you the body is all, for him the body is nothing. For you all the treasures are hidden in money; for him it is...
... will try and kick you and your bucket and.... Naturally the mother wants her child to be taken care of first. Who are you? Sitting on a small stool with a bucket and trying to milk the cow - who are you? And the milk is not meant for you. The cow has no way to know that you have purchased her. She does not understand money and t purchasing or anything, but she understands one thing, that her own...
... eyes. They are as unaware as you are - how can they define you? I have heard about two astrologers who used to come to the marketplace of a certain town every morning to sit there and tell people their future. Just in the morning they would come and they would spread their hands before each other, just to know their own future, what is going to happen on that day whether they are going to earn money...
... man, you know what you are searching. You are searching money, better sex objects, power, prestige - things are clear. You have been trained for them, you have been educated for them, you have been conditioned for them. Your mind knows what you are seeking. Your mind computer has been fed goals. When you become a sannyasin, you are really in a chaos for a few days - because the old goals become...
... the no-mind yet, you don't know the innermost core of your being. The periphery is there and you have to carry it but carry it indifferently. Don't become a victim of it. One story more: There was a man who used to go to the race course every year on his birthday. The whole year he accumulated the money just for one stake on his birthday. And he lost and lost for many years. But hope always revives...
... - if he has really succeeded in seeing life a little - is filled with surprise at, "What kinds of things I was running after - money, power, infatuations, women or men, running after all sorts of things. What all was I chasing after? I really chased around like that? I cannot believe that I could be in such dreams." In Arabia there is a saying that if a young man cannot cry he is not truly...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).