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Found: 2872 articles, showing 1930 - 1940
... liability for kofer was neither a chose in possession nor even a chose in action Cf. B. B. 113a and 125b. Why not say that as soon as the blow was ascertained to have been fatal the payment of kofer should be enforced? Implying that the payment of money as kofer is, like the killing of the ox, not enforced before the victim has actually died. Infra p. 280. V. Ex. XXI, 22. And the husband was of the same...
.... XXVII, 10. The earlier expression being the decisive one. I.e., that it should be a substitute for both offerings. And the animal will have to be kept until it becomes blemished when it will be sold and half of the money realised will be utilised for a burnt-offering, and the other half for a peace-offering. Tem. V, 4. V. p. 419, n. 4. Where it might have been suggested that the two utterances...
... Available: N.A. Length: N.A. [A sannyasin who is leaving for the west says: My heart tells me to stay and my head says I have to go back and attend to my business, to work and make money. And it's not even that it's a conflict.] Mm mm, it is not a conflict, that I can see. Just a friendly quarrel between the head and the heart; just two friends fighting, almost a loving nagging. That's very good, because...
...;Four," replies the boy. "Very good," says the shrink. "And what is it that a cow has four of that a woman has two of?" "Legs," answers the kid. "Good," says the shrink. "And what does your father have that your mother likes the most?" "Money," replies the boy. The psychiatrist turns to Kowalski and says, "You don't have to worry...
... those years you would not give me money for housekeeping. Now look, it is full of champagne and caviar. And Moishe, look at my closet. All the time we were married you never allowed me more than one new dress every two years. Now look, it is full of silk dresses and fur coats and the jewelry box is full of diamonds. And Moishe, all those years you would not let me have anything to do with the business...
...? the goal is always there just on the horizon. It looks very close by: you feel just a few steps more or a few miles and you will have arrived. But as you proceed towards the goal, the goal goes on receding and the distance between you and the goal remains constantly the same. That's how people are living: somebody is searching for money and somebody is searching for power and respect and all those...
... can be found only if you seek; those are the worldly things: money, power, prestige. And there are things which you can never find by seeking and searching; those are the otherworldly things: love, meditation, God. For them you have to learn a totally new technique, a new strategy, the strategy of let-go, the technique of tremendous restfulness. So make it a point now that for at least one hour you...
.... Their lives are projections of dreams and illusions. Their minds are constantly weaving and spinning hallucinations. They live for power, money, prestige - which are all illusions, just soap-bubbles. They may be there for a moment, they may shine in the sun for a moment, they may even look beautiful like diamonds, but then they are gone. They can't give you eternity and they can't give you a real...
.... It may make the person joyful but it has no social use. In fact a joyful person is too dangerous to the society, because he does not bother about the society, he does not listen to the ambitious goals that the society goes on proposing - to earn more money, be successful, become a chief minister or a prime minister. A really sexually healthy person does not bother a bit about all this nonsense...
.... The western attitude is end-oriented - hence so much anxiety and so much hurry because one has to reach fast: time is short and time is money. The western mind thinks in terms of how to reach faster. The eastern mind thinks in a totally different way. It is not a question of reaching somewhere - the existence is not going anywhere: it is simply herenow... it is simply a joyful dance. The joy is in...

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