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Found: 2872 articles, showing 1660 - 1670
... women are the same. You have been seeing all kinds of women, and you cannot see this poor woman who has come from far away? "She has sold all her ornaments - you have left her no other money - to travel just to see you, just to touch your feet, and you are behaving brutally. So if you tell me that you want me to close the doors, then I am leaving you. It is enough! What you did in Varanasi and...

... renouncing was false. And my understanding is, every renouncing is false unless things drop by themselves - whether it is money, whether it is some childhood memory, whether it is some mental problem. Do not try to drop them. In dropping them you are giving them importance. They need to be ignored. Put your whole energy into that which is grown-up in you, which is growing more. When no energy is left for...
... and consolatory that so much money is saved. "The poor fellow himself said it was good; now we can say that we cannot go against his will." But in what other matters have you ever followed his will? A rebel simply lives his life in the moment, with awareness, with no desire to dominate, either while he is living or when he is dead. He does not have any lust for power. He is a scientist of...

... there was nothing. The womb was all, his whole universe, a very tiny experience of the ultimate reality. What happens to the child in the mother's womb happens again to the sage when the whole universe becomes just a womb, and he becomes part of the womb. The child in the mother's womb never worries, "What will happen tomorrow?" He has no money, no bank account, no business, utterly...
... them directly; he will see them at home, at ease, in his album. Whenever I remember the tourists, I see the old women rushing from one place to another -- from Ajanta to Ellora, from Taj Mahal to Kashmir -- in a hurry, because life is short. It is only the Western mind which has created the proverb that time is money. In the East, things go slowly; there is no hurry -- one has the whole of eternity...

... changed. In fact, one life is not all; you have lived many times, and you will live many times more. Hence, live each moment as totally as possible; there is no hurry to jump to another moment. Time is not money, time is inexhaustible; it is available to the poor as much as to the rich. The rich are not richer as far as time is concerned, and the poor are not poorer. Life is an eternal incarnation. What...
... asking for money, that I sent my friend Michael, to get it back, but the postman had already collected it. I can only hope that this letter gets lost in the post! His mother replies: Dear Son, Don't worry, the letter was lost in the post. Your loving mother, Maureen. P.S. I would have enclosed fifty pounds, but the postman has already collected the letter. The Muggins family are gathered around the...

... dinner table one evening, when young Melvin Muggins gets up to make an announcement. "I would like to take this opportunity," begins Melvin, "to tell you all that I am going to marry Hilda Haggard, the girl across the street." "What?" cries his father, Mr. Muggins. "Her family did not leave her any money!" "That's right!" snaps Mrs. Muggins. "And...
... money lies unnecessarily in his basement; he cannot use it. And nobody should be so poor that he has to die because of his poverty. A moderate poverty will bring, without enforcement, a certain equality as far as money is concerned. Zarathustra, perhaps, is the first man in history who is talking about communism and about anarchism. There should not be classes of the rich and the poor, and there is no...
... small human beings. Their taste is only for the very trivial. Their interest is for money, their lust is for power, their greed is for honor, respectability - but they don't have any longing for the stars. They don't have any longing even to discover their own being. TRULY, I TOO HAVE LEARNED TO WAIT, I HAVE LEARNED IT FROM THE VERY HEART, BUT ONLY TO WAIT FOR MYSELF. Zarathustra is saying, "I am...

... also waiting - impatiently waiting, discontentedly waiting - but waiting only for myself. Not for money, not for power, not for honor, but just to know myself and to be myself." AND ABOVE ALL I HAVE LEARNED TO STAND AND TO WALK AND TO RUN AND TO JUMP AND TO CLIMB AND TO DANCE. I am not simply waiting. He says, AND ABOVE ALL I HAVE LEARNED TO STAND AND TO WALK AND TO RUN AND TO JUMP AND TO CLIMB...
... coming kingdom, no matter what it is and even if I do not fully understand it.” They all truly believed in Jesus, even though they did not fully comprehend his teaching. (1544.3) 138:7.4 Jesus now asked them how much money they had among them; he also inquired as to what provision had been made for their families. When it developed that they had hardly sufficient funds to maintain themselves for two...

...) 138:8.5 3. The turning of the water into wine at Cana. Jesus seriously charged them, saying, “Tell no man about the water and the wine.” (1545.7) 138:8.6 They had wonderful times throughout these five or six months during which they worked as fishermen every alternate two weeks, thereby earning enough money to support themselves in the field for each succeeding two weeks of missionary work for the...
..., came seeking to be healed of her infirmities, which were many; and as she followed Jesus about through Galilee, she continued to offer more and more money, as if the power of God were something to be purchased by the highest bidder. But never would she become interested in the gospel of the kingdom; it was only the cure of her physical ailments that she sought. 2. Attitude of the People (1670.2) 149...

.... (1677.1) 149:6.12 “Well did the Prophet Jeremiah describe many mortals when he said: ‘You are near God in the mouth but far from him in the heart.’ And have you not also read that direful warning of the prophet who said: ‘The priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money. At the same time they profess piety and proclaim that the Lord is with them.’ Have you not been well...
...., the 'drawing off' of the shoe. The annulment of a woman's marriage following her refusal to agree to the union contracted by her as a fatherless girl during her minority. V. Lev. XIX, 23-25. It could be exchanged into money and its equivalent consumed in Jerusalem. The tithe taken by the landowner to Jerusalem there to be consumed, as distinct from the 'first tithe' assigned to the Levites...
... did not protest].'10  The case was brought before R. Nahman, who said to the defendant: You must prove that you have had constant use of the house11  [for three years without the claimant]. Said Raba to him: Is this a right decision? Is not the onus probandi in money cases always on the claimant? A contradiction was pointed out between Raba's ruling here and his ruling in another place...

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