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Found: 2872 articles, showing 1540 - 1550
... (Heb. 'arabah), what is now called zafzafah must be taken. A small money-changer's table, counter. A large table. If one orders a pathora it now means a large table. Hoblila is the second stomach in ruminants; be kasse the first. But nowadays the terms have reversed their meanings. I.e., the be kasse. I.e., penetrating both sides of the wall. Unfit for food. Abaye states that this law applies only to...
... united and how powerful in the assemblies. I will plead in a low voice so that only the judges may hear, for instigators are not lacking to stir up the crowd against me, and against all the best citizens. To scorn, in the interest of the Republic, this multitude of Jews so often turbulent in the assemblies shows a singular strength of mind. The money is in the Treasury; they do not accuse us of theft...

... of perpetual uprisings, they lent money to Princes and merchants, and were well-considered; again at the Reformation they took advantage of religious schisms to further their own beliefs. From the Revolution of 1789 came the emancipation of the Jews in France, and their principal advocate was Mirabeau, largely under the influence of Moise Mendelssohn and Dohm; the revolutions of 1830 and 1848...
... ones down to their level and we took all the money, and we run it, and they are all a bunch of schleppers. And we make the shekels, and we are the masters of the world, and all the goyim are just human cattle. Is communism Jewish? (Rabbi Abe Finkelstein interview) Lies and Deceit 005 921 "Despots throughout history have employed the Big Lie to beguile, manipulate, and control would-be vassals. The...

... JEW BOY HAS TO SHOW THE JEWISH GIRLS HIS PRIVY MEMBER BEFORE HE ASKS HER FOR A DATE?] Despite Constitutional separation of Church & State, New York and Federal authorities give these foreign Jews taxpayer money to be circumcised so the Jew girls will date them. (Jewish Press, Nov. 25, 1977) Ideology 012 "You may even have Jews in your midst who did not learn their way of life from us, and did not...
... success in both money and influence. Crown jewels and possessions, millions of paper rubles put into circulation, art treasures in museums, churches, and private houses, all have been turned to its account. Besides, the dramatic triumph of the ruthless methods advocated by Ginzberg did much to overawe the opposition to Zionism among the Jews. As a leading Zionist said:19 " The downfall of the tsardom of...

... influence of Zionism in America during the Wilson administration, and American money, the Balfour declaration, obtained by the efforts of Weizmann and Sokolov, would have remained a dead letter. — 1. Sokolov, History of Zionism, p. 21. 2. Jesse Sampler, Guide to Zionsm, p. 63. 3. Oscar S. Straus, in a letter to Rabbi Philipson, dated New York, Sept. 2,1918, alluding to this deal and writing in favour of...
... creating wealth are capable of creating so much wealth that they can invite thousands of other people who may not be rich in the sense of being wealthy, but who may be rich as painters, as poets, as dancers, as singers. What are you going to do only with wealth? You cannot play music on money; you cannot dance just because you have so much cash in the bank. And these rich communes can start becoming...

... fundamental rule that if a Jaina was poor, then all other Jainas would simply contribute just little bits. For example, if he needs a house, the whole commune simply provides it. Somebody provides the wood, somebody provides the bricks, somebody provides the tiles and the whole community provides some money for the man to start off with. You have changed a poor man into a rich man. Nobody has been forced to...
... had to dispose of them -- either drown them in the ocean.... That meant so much money, so much manpower, so much energy had gone to waste; economically it was disastrous. But just to go on piling them up was also economically impossible. How many weapons can you gather? There is a limit. And when you get a new way of killing people more efficiently, then the old simply has to be got rid of. It was...

... easily. In fact they love bloodshed; they don't have the courage to say so. In one of the existentialist's novels, there is a beautiful incident which can almost be said to be true. A man is presented before the court because he has killed a stranger who was sitting on the beach. He had never seen the stranger. He did not kill him for money. He does not yet know how that man looked, because he killed...
... neutral. Science creates energy, discovers energy, but it falls into the hands of the politicians, and the politicians use it for negative purposes. Their only goal is war. And science itself has become so complicated that you have to depend on some government or corporation. Because so much money is needed, you cannot be a scientist just by yourself. Those days are gone when Galileo could be a...

... has the money.... Albert Einstein's last dying words - he must have suffered deeply. He was a man of great conscience, and he could see that he had given a dangerous weapon into the hands of the politicians. He discovered atomic energy, and in a hurry.... He was employed by Germany first, but because he was a Jew he had to escape from Germany. But he knew that even without him all the basic facts...
... come on a public bus." Henry Ford returned the book and told him, "The day you have your own private car, come to me. That day I will accept your book. THINK AND GROW RICH - and you are still riding in a public bus! And you have some nerve to present the book to me, who has worked hard, day and night, to produce money; who was born poor, and who has reached to the very top in the whole...

... world." Money does not shower from the sky just by your thinking. But this kind of philosophy is very prevalent in America; this is the only kind of philosophy they have produced. I am not a positive thinker. I am not saying to you, "Look only to the positive side of things." And I am not saying that the negative side does not exist. I am saying that existence consists of the positive...
... sorry. Many times he came and said, "Forget all that. You are destroying your health; you don't have time to rest, you don't have a disciplined life." Finally he came and wept and said, "Unless you accept money from me every month, I am going to sit here and fast and I am not going to move." I said, "That makes sense. You have finally accepted and respected my desire. These...

... energy, money, income becomes available to the whole world. There are countries - for example, I know India - where labor is so cheap.... In America, things are almost ten times more costly, for the simple reason that labor is so costly. It is simply stupid. Why not make industries in India, produce any item in India, ship it to any country where it is needed? It will be cheaper, it will be available...
... the world? Perhaps a good job, more money, more power, respectability. But are they worth it if they destroy your happiness, if they destroy you? if they destroy your life, if they kill you before your death comes? Millions of people in the world are dead - although they go on breathing, working. And perhaps it will take years for them to be recognized as dead, but they are dead. There is no smile...

... marriage was not out of love; the motivation was the money the woman had. These are the people who are telling others, "Renounce the world!" Mohammed married nine wives. And these are the people who are saying, "Renounce the world" - renouncing the world remains spiritual. Marrying nine women - the whole battalion - and nobody asks how it can fit in with the renunciation of the world...

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