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Found: 2872 articles, showing 1270 - 1280
... something for which you have been hankering your whole life. The man is not respected for himself or his spirituality, he is respected for the money that he has left behind. You are still counting money, you are still looking at the bank balance. I used to know a postmaster, a poor man, the only earning member of a big family. When his wife died and his children got married he asked me, "I am tired...

... have to look eye to eye with me. Either you respect me, or you don't respect me. But money does not come in between. The people who have respected me are far more religious than you who have respected kings because they renounced their kingdoms. The people who have respected me, have respected me, not the kingdom that I had renounced. I had no kingdom; their respect is direct, immediate. It concerns...
... values - where no money, no power, no respectability is of any help - are you entering into authentic life. And the flavor of that life is love. Because man is so much accustomed to purchasing everything, he forgets that the very effort to purchase something that cannot be purchased is a murder. A husband demands love from his wife because he has purchased her, and the same is true about the wife. But...

... heads too; it is another thing that you keep them within, but in psychoanalysis you have to bring them out. The psychoanalyst was getting bored but he could not get rid of the super-rich man because he was getting so much money from him. Finally, he found an American solution to it: He said to the rich man, "I have so many other patients and sometimes your session takes three hours, four hours...

..., five hours. You have time, you have money. I have a humble suggestion to make. I will keep a tape recorder which will listen to you. My four or five hours will be saved and at night when I have time, I can listen to the tape." The rich man said, "Great!" The next day when the psychoanalyst was entering his office, he saw the rich man coming out. He said, "So quick? Are you...
... courses and three swimming pools." The rich man said, "In the house?" Nasruddin said, "Listen - you may have made much money, but I have also not done too bad: I've got donkeys, horses, pigs, buffaloes, cows, chickens." The other man started laughing and he said, "Nasruddin, lots of people have donkeys, horses, cows, chickens...." Nasruddin stopped him in the middle...

... and directions outside; one, one-pointed is the goal within. Jesus says: THE KINGDOM OF THE FATHER IS LIKE A MAN, A MERCHANT, WHO POSSESSED MERCHANDISE AND FOUND A PEARL. THE MERCHANT WAS PRUDENT. HE SOLD THE MERCHANDISE AND BOUGHT THE ONE PEARL FOR HIMSELF. The story is this: One man went to a faraway country to earn money. He earned much, he collected much merchandise, but at the last moment he...

... knocking at others' houses; you have completely forgotten where your home is. So if you are uneasy it is not strange. If you never feel at ease anywhere, it is not strange. You go on traveling from one corner of the world to the other. Why is there this madness to go from one town to another? What are you seeking? Whenever anybody can afford it he goes traveling. People work, then they save money just to...
.... Right now, all that was reported to the police against him has been burned. Now the police have no power to arrest him." And from that day, Balram became perfectly okay. Next day, I had to go again to the police station to get those five thousand rupees back. The man was really good. He could have refused to give the money back, but he gave it to me, and he asked, "How is he?" I said...

... you have to inject the drug again. And each time you have to inject more and more quantities because you go on becoming immune. But there is a great upsurge in the younger people, which has never been seen before, for drugs. They are ready to suffer imprisonment, and they come out and they are still taking drugs. In fact, if they have money, they even manage in jail to get drugs from the officers of...

... the jail, the staff of the jail; you just have to give money to them. But I don't see it as a bad sign. I simply see it as a misdirected young generation. The intention is right, but there is nobody to tell them that drugs won't fulfill your desire and your longing. Only meditation, only silence, only transcending beyond your mind is going to give you contentment and fulfillment. But they cannot be...
... the temple. But as a religious saint, with a great religious ego, a pious ego ..." The pious ego is the most poisonous ego. Somebody is egoistic because he has so much money -- but still he knows that death will take it all away. Somebody is bragging because he is the president of a country. He knows that at the next election he will be going down the drain -- if he remains alive, because most...

... some money from you?' The moment you say 'mad,' you have put me outside the society, you have made me an individual. Now you cannot manipulate me." He used to be a professor, but because of his strange behavior he was thrown out of his college. I used to go to him when I was a student. I liked the man very much. He played the flute so beautifully; I would simply go in and sit, and I never asked...

... barrier. Any seeking takes you away from yourself. Don't seek anything, so that you can remain within yourself. Transcendent enlightenment seems to be different from money or power or prestige ... people think seeking transcendent meditation or transcendent enlightenment is a different thing from seeking worldly objects. It is not. The question is not of the object, the question is of seeking, and the...
.... He could not see anything except a bull sitting in front of the shop. He said, "That's right. This man could change the sign; tomorrow his father or his brother may be sitting there and they can simply refuse, saying, 'You never came last night' -- but they won't think about the bull who is so silently sitting." Happily he left, and the next morning he came to collect his money. But the...

..., and you can be in the present only if you are not ambitious -- no accomplishment, no desire to achieve power, money, prestige, even enlightenment, because all ambition leads you into the future. Only a non-ambitious man can remain in the present. Secondly, IF YOU AROUSE THE SLIGHTEST NOTION OF GAINING EXPERIENCE OF IT, YOU ARE RUNNING OFF IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. If you are thinking to gain...

... ordinary rate in those days was two paise -- " because I'm a poor man and people love me, they won't even take me to the other shore if I insist on giving them two paise. They refuse. They say, 'If you want to come, don't talk about money. You can come and we will feel blessed. It is enough to be with you while we are crossing the Ganges.' So something which costs only two paise ... you wasted...
... Everest... for what have you been trying? The man who walked on the moon must have looked very embarrassed, although there was nobody to see him. This man had come to the top as far as money is concerned, and as far as money can purchase, he had purchased everything. And now he was looking stupid. What is the point of it all? Inside he is hollow. He has no time to give to his inner growth, no time even...

... again another trip of the ego. And he was well acquainted with that trip. It does not matter whether you are accumulating money or whether you are accumulating virtue, whether you are becoming respectable here or you are becoming respectable hereafter - it does not matter, it is the same game. Whether you are becoming a world-famous celebrity or a world- worshiped saint, there is no difference; both...
... utterly ordinary with no pretensions of being special. To me that is the experience of godliness. It is not a question of becoming powerful, otherwise it is the same trip. Somebody is becoming powerful through money, somebody else is becoming powerful through politics, somebody else is becoming powerful through celibacy, somebody is becoming powerful through prayer, God-realization, arousal of the...

... very substantial amount so he decided to close the account. He arrived at the bank teller's window and announced that he wanted to withdraw all his money. The young teller was taken by surprise so he asked him if something had gone wrong. The Chinaman explained very carefully that he was going to get married and go on his honeymoon. Then the teller said, "Just take what you need for your...

... immediate requirements." When the man insisted on closing the account, the teller summoned the manager who tried to influence the man into changing his mind. He explained to him two or three times that if he took out all his money he would lose the interest. But the laundryman was not to be talked out of his plan and he finally walked out of the bank with all he had on deposit. A few weeks later the...
... one hundred and twenty million dollars per year from his listeners for God's work, and just now he has been found to be having a love affair with a woman; and his wife was having a love affair with another man. And all that money that he was collecting in the name of God was being used by himself. Another Christian preacher in Oklahoma threatened his listeners. He has a two-hundred-foot high tower...

... from where he preaches to his television viewers. He threatened, "God has asked me to collect eight million dollars within two months, and if I don't collect eight million dollars I will be dead." Naturally people started pouring money in. He collected eight million dollars in two months, and now somebody is suing him in court as a representative of God. In fact he is suing God for...

... project their ambitions onto me." I said to the boy, "Learn to say no. There is no need to become insane. Assert what you want to become and risk everything for it, and you will never be miserable. You may not become very rich, you may not become very famous, but who bothers about fame? And money cannot buy anything that is really meaningful. If you have a deep contentment that whatever you...
.... Zarathustra's superman has not to be confused with the higher man. The superman is a discontinuity with man as he is. For the superman the higher man has to die - with all his knowledge, all his virtue, all his ego - and give place to a pure consciousness, like that of a child. The higher man is a continuity. It is the same old man decorated with money, with spirituality, with religiousness, with...

... HIGHER MAN, TO SEEK HIM OUT AND HELP HIM. HE LEAVES HIS CAVE, AND SETS OUT ON A PATH ON WHICH HE MEETS DIVERSE PEOPLE. FIRST, THE KINGS.... Obviously they think they are the highest human beings, because they possess so much - their territories, their kingdoms, their money, their power. Obviously they believe they are higher. And the kings have been forcing poets to sing songs in their praise, forcing...

... power; they were cunning, crude, and they managed to rule portions of humanity - the emperor of China is a direct descendant of God. And all these people have nothing which can be called higher; it can only be called lower. They are more animalistic, more lustful for power, for money, for women. And still we continue to think of them as higher men. Zarathustra wants to remind you that your higher men...

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