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Found: 2872 articles, showing 1250 - 1260
... does not effect a title. But the Rabbis objected that since it was enacted that the watcher must receive four zuz, if he foregoes it and it goes into the public funds, these now include four zuz of private money, and when later on animals are bought therewith for communal sacrifices, such as the daily burnt offerings and the Sabbath and Festival Additional offerings, instead of being paid for by...

... public funds, as they should be, they are partly paid for by private money (Rashi.) From Palestine to Babylon. Lit., 'the carrier carries it out, and he who applies it must apply it' — i.e., it may not be left in the street for any length of time, but must be taken straight to the fields. Rashi: the clay was run into moulds and allowed to dry and harden into bricks. This may not be done in a...
... [it] in fire.'16  If so, it is the same as 'it was burnt!' And then, what can you say with regard to 'she hid [it]?'17  And furthermore, why [mention] 'she lost [it]'?18  — But [this is what the Baraitha means]: if she lost it, it is as if she had hidden it before us, and we do not give her [the kethubah money] until witnesses say [that] her kethubah document has been burnt.19...

... shows that a kethubah document was written. And she cannot produce it any more. If she hid it, she can produce it. As 'she lost (it)' is mentioned separately, it cannot mean 'in fire'. This means that if 'she lost' it or 'she hid' it. she does not get the kethubah money unless she finds the document and produces it. If she says 'it was burnt,' she must produce witnesses that it was burnt. This answer...
... USED TO GO ON SABBATH. He holds that the [Sabbath] limits25  are Rabbinical. A MAN IS NOT BELIEVED WHEN HE SAYS: THAT MAN HAD A WAY IN THIS PLACE, SO-AND-SO HAD A PLACE OF STANDING UP AND LAMENTATION IN THIS PLACE. What is the reason? Money we do not extract.26 Our Rabbis taught:27  A boy is believed when he says, 'Thus my father told me: this family is clean. this family is unclean. &mdash...

...? This is extracting money?34  — But [it refers] to the first clause. In all these cases, if he was a heathen and he became a proselyte, a slave and he was set free, he is not believed. R. Johanan b. Beroka says: He is believed. In what [principle] do they differ? — The first Tanna holds: Since he was a heathen he would not pay special attention to it,35  and R. Johanan b. Beroka...
... honour of the Sabbath. Lit., 'Chaldeans'. It will eventually pass into his possession. R. Tam translates: vessels. This, of course is an exaggeration, and merely implies much money, 'thirteen' often being used figuratively in that sense, cf. supra p. 585, n. 6; Hul. 95b (Rashi). I.e., expends money in its honour. The verb denotes to obtain through merit. E. V. 'Thou shalt surely tithe', Deut. XIV, 22...
... example, if in the dark night of your soul you have an idea that when the morning comes, money will shower from the sky: when the sun rises, everybody will become rich. And then in the morning when the sun rises, how can you accept that this is the sun? - because the money is not falling and everybody has not become rich, people are still poor. And you go on looking at the sky and no money is coming...

.... And because you are too concerned with the money, you don't see what is coming from the sun - the light, the life, the ecstasy. You cannot see that because your eyes are completely covered with your prejudice, with your idea. And then you ask 'Who is this Jesus Christ?' You already know how the Messiah should be. That is hindering, that is an obstruction. That's why the Jews missed. It was for this...

... human. He was very human, utterly human. He was a total man. He was not a perfectionist. When it was needed to be angry he became really angry. He threw the money-changers out of the temple and he said to them 'What are you doing here in my Father's home, in my Father's temple? Get out from here!' And he was in such a rage, that alone, single-handed, he threw many people outside. He loved people. He...
.... Now the questions.... Question 1: The first question: ACCORDING TO YOUR VISION, WHAT EXACTLY IS COMMUNISM? Communism simply means moving private property into the hands of the collective -- because private ownership of property creates classes, the oppressed and the oppressors. Money brings more money, attracts more money; poverty attracts more poverty. And a man who sees all around him people...

... having money, beautiful houses, cars, and he has not even food to eat... his dignity as a human being is destroyed. He starts feeling subhuman, inferior, unsuccessful, and to create this feeling in millions of people just for the sake of a few who will be rich is against the whole of humanity. Communism brings dignity to everybody because all the properties, the land and everything, belong to the...

... who has been raped? The criminal is forgiven -- and the victim? Not a single theologian of any religion has ever thought, "What about the victim who has suffered?" A man kills someone and he goes to the priest and he is forgiven. He goes to the Ganges, gives some money to the priest, takes a dip, and he is forgiven. What about the murdered? God does not seem to be just. He is in favor of...
... looks so primitive, so ugly, so inhuman; but these millions of people.... And these are not the only people: millions more will be sitting in front of their television. It seems the whole humanity is somehow after power. So whoever shows some power of any kind: power of money, power of body, power of politics, position, status, anything.... Sheela has just brought to me two days ago the news that...

... he will win. And he has been chosen just because he has status and people worship him. So it is impossible for anybody to stand against him. And he has money, so he will give money to the election campaign, as much as they want. People are not conscious of what they are doing. Now the people who are going to vote for this man, will you call them human beings? Perhaps Kinky is far more intelligent...

... than the man who goes on playing with him: he is an utter idiot. He has not done anything else in his life; but just to belong to a royal family is enough. And he has money, and money is power. Perhaps he may become a cabinet minister. You are in your unconscious mind when you are fast asleep with no dreams. Freud had reached the unconscious just by analyzing dreams. If you are on the right track and...
... far ahead of the rest of the world. Marco Polo, when he came back from China, brought printed notes, printed currency. Still he was not believed. He was called to the pope and told, "Don't try to create fictions and stupid stories. Who can believe that a piece of paper can be used as money? The pope tossed a gold coin; it fell on the floor with a great sound, and he said, "This is money...

... America! If the city does not exist, who is going to return the funds? And to whom are you addressing the letter? And in the first place who informed you that it is a city? The state must have informed you that this city. is incorporated; that is why you started giving the funds. Now the same state informs you that the city does not exist. You ask for the money from the state, and great federal funds...

... certain relationship, a partnership. If you pursue you will find unhappiness. And the American constitution has given the idea to the whole American people: Pursue. And they are pursuing desperately - in money, in power, in religion - and they are running all over the world looking for somebody to teach them how to find happiness. And the real thing is to just come back home; forget all about it. Do...

... is worse than your own grass? It happened that a man was trying to sell his house for many years. He had made it really beautiful. He had put a lot of money into it, had hired the best architects; everything was the best that he could find. He was in pursuit of happiness. The house was built, a beautiful mansion, all marble. For a few days he looked in the house for happiness to come, but the...
... Winter Testimony of the chief witness, Masloff, present at the murder scene The Jewish merchant Samuel Rosenthal - dead after his slip of tongue about the murder The father of the victim receives a letter admitting Jews did the murder and an offer a large sum of money for silence Several witnesses arrested in the most ruthless manner as per judge Zimmermann The Law Court a) The Speisiger trial The...

... meet in a union for legal protection, which entirely openly works toward the prosecution of the murderers, collects money, and if possible prevents [the outcome] that 'again, nothing comes out of it [the investigation].' "The union for legal protection has both to keep in touch with the press as well as to warn the populace of the area urgently against banding together [i.e., vigilantism] and...

.... This time Konitz was selected to furnish the slaughtered sacrifice and to provide the location for the ritual-slaughter. The house and the cellar of the Jewish butcher Adolf Levy, outfitted for the taking apart of animal carcasses and with its double entrances from two streets, was determined as suitable location for this! As can be proved, collections of money "for taking care of expenses" were...

... comparing the size of their bodies, and urgently requested him several times to come to Konitz, in order to get the money for the bicycle. -- Downright creepy seemed 3. the case of the worker Laskowski of Frankenhagen; Eight days before the murder of Winter, Moritz Levy had purchased a cow from the farmer Grabowicz in Frankenhagen and thereupon demanded especially forcefully, that a young and strapping...

... Polzin (Pomerania) lived a relative of the Konitz Levys. As was proved, he was present in Konitz with them on 11 March. On his return, he brought along a little flask of blood. He was not arrested! The father of the victim receives a letter admitting Jews did the murder and an offer a large sum of money for silence In Prechlau, on 11 June 1900, the father of the victim received a letter whose...

... position with the ready-made clothing Jew Max Hirsch in Posen. The Posen Jewish paper, the Posener Neuesten Nachrichten filed the following scandalous report about his disappearance: That the young apprentice had received over 500 Marks from his master on the day before Pentecost, in order to make a payment. That Musial had presumably (!) had a good time with the money and had then fallen into the hands...
... for thorns. But this whole society, this crowd, these people stimulate your inner desire. From the very childhood desire is taught, ambition is taught. The father wants the son to become something - to earn money, to get power, respect, fame... make the family name shine brilliantly - and desire has caught you. When we send young children to school, we are sending them to get initiated into desire...

... ever. You have run much, but reached nowhere - then repentance engulfs you. Now the mind thinks how to attain samadhi, how to attain god. And again the mind has deceived you. This same language of attaining... Now you will have new ambitions. The form of this ambition will be religious, its flavor will be religious, but its soul is the same as ever. Whether you want money or religion, power or god...

..., as long as there is wanting the winds go on blowing and the mind goes on rippling. Thoughts of money arise in the mind of one who wants money, thoughts of religion arise in one who wants religion. But thoughts continue. What difference does it make whether thoughts are of money or of religion? Religious thought or unreligious thought, thoughts are thought. And where there is thought there is unrest...

... the desire to ask for god does not arise, because it is very difficult for the desire to ask for god to arise. Only one whose love has awakened within can ask for god. But inside most people there is no love. They can ask for money, ask for power, ask for prestige, things like this. They can ask for long life, ask for health. They can only ask for things like this. If there is love in your heart...

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