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Found: 2872 articles, showing 1150 - 1160
...." It was a good chance to cheat me, because I always trusted. I asked him: "You have many varieties of bananas; which one is the best?" And he showed me the worst variety, rotten bananas, and asked almost double the price of the best bananas. I gave him the money and took the whole lot. It was disgusting. I said, "This is strange that the best bananas are so disgusting. I cannot...

... Reagan made a secret pact with him: "You release the Americans and we will give you as many weapons as you want." And this has been going on for almost two years. Khomeini is as mean as Ronald Reagan. He will not release all the hostages. He releases a few people after six months and gets a lot of armaments. Of course, he gives the money, and that money also does not belong to him, it belongs...

... to the late Shah of Iran. And what Ronald Reagan is doing - so no American becomes aware of it - is that with that money he sends more armaments to the terrorists who are trying to destroy a small country, Nicaragua. So neither does the Senate have to be asked... and for these two years he had been able to keep it secret. Millions of dollars worth of armaments were being sent, and given to the...
... knowledge is of no use, all your power is of no use, all your money is of no use, all your prestige is of no use. The only thing that could have been of use you ignored your whole life -- and now there is no more time. Death comes so suddenly, without even knocking at your doors -- it does not give you a single moment's notice. It always comes so silently that you cannot hear its footsteps, you are caught...

... is no time left, no energy left, and no inclination either. In millions of people, perhaps, the very longing to know oneself has not arisen. They are all imitators: because other people are running after money, they are running after money; because other people are ambitious, they are ambitious; because other people are doing this, they are doing this. A woman was saying to her husband, "Do...

... suddenly burst out, "I don't want to commit suicide!" I said, "This is strange. We have been planning for it, and at the last moment you decide not to do it? No!" He said, "But I don't want to commit suicide." I said, "Think about the girl." He said, "I don't care about any girl." I said, "But you should have told me before. I wasted money for the...
... have much money, no. It is not because I am not politically powerful, no. It is not because I am not very respected, no. I have come to find the basic thing: it is because you are not with me. Have you come upon this basic fundamental of life? People go on thinking they will be happy if they have a little more money; or if they are more respectable, more famous, more known; or if they have more power...

... restlessness than you have known. Your restlessness is very mundane, superficial. You are restless for money, power, this and that - a better house, more money in the bank, a little more of a prestigious life so you can brag that you are somebody - but you don't know the restlessness of a devotee. He cannot say it to anybody, he cannot show it to anybody, nobody will ever understand. He will be thought crazy...
... you because you must be dreaming: women never become old; it has never been heard of. You are not aware of a very fundamental law: When you are up to your nose, keep your mouth shut. And never forget that money can't buy happiness, but it can buy you the kind of misery you prefer. In old age certainly one wants to be happy, but nothing can buy happiness. In old age people have money, but money can...

... collected that much money within ten minutes, because the attorneys were concerned to get me out of America as quickly as possible. And as I was coming out of the jail, immediately another summons for some other case that they had created in another court... They were waiting outside the jail to give me the summons. As I was coming to the airport I received the news that they had put a bomb under my chair...
... needle, but not a rich man can pass through the gates of his god." Now this man seems to be the first communist! What do you expect of a communist? Even Marx has not such a strong statement against the rich. In fact he was living on the money provided by a rich man, Friedrich Engels; whole life he never earned anything. Friedrich Engels was an industrialist, a rich man, and he supplied all his...

... belief. Q:* A STREET BLACK WOULD TELL YOU THAT THAT'S NONSENSE, THAT HE'S HARD TO CON, SO WHAT WOULD YOUR REACTION BE? A:* They were just here for three month, to share homes with us. They were not going to be part of the commune and we were not interested in transforming them. Just whenever we have surplus money, and our people are so productive all around the world, that whenever we have some surplus...

... money, we would like to share it with different groups. That was just the our first experiment to share it with the street people and to give them the same dignity as any other human being needs: give them the same love, the same equality, the same clothes, the same food, the same air-conditioned housing -- a taste of what they are missing on the streets. Never again we are going to invite them...

... will be dying like Ethiopia: one thousand people per day. And the prime minister of India is selling wheat to outside countries, exporting wheat, because he wants nuclear plant and for that money is needed. Now these people should be behind bars. Rajiv Gandhi is one of my friends... but still I say he should be imprisoned immediately, because what he is doing is criminal. People are dying and you are...
... it immediately - so that no word takes root in you. So slowly slowly you start understanding that words are meaningless, their meaning is a pretension. Then there will be no misunderstanding. After many years of trying, a man won a big First Dividend on the football pools. His prize money amounted to millions of pounds and naturally he went a little mad in the first week or two, buying an apartment...

... inner meditations. This is not said to everybody, this is said to the very closest disciples. 'When you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.' This is said to people who are reaching to the ultimate in their meditation. What is the ultimate in meditation? All else disappears except your master. The world disappears, the market disappears, the beloved disappears, the money, the power, the prestige...

... old man. He was a nice man. But I was afraid that it was going to happen that he would escape. He has been reading my books - to read the books is one thing. And he has been writing beautiful letters to me, and he wanted so much to come here. At this old age it was difficult for him to come. To gather so much money was also difficult but somehow he managed. But to read my books is one thing and to...

... want to miss. I am coming, any way I am coming, I will manage for the money and I will come.' And he came. And he missed again. And now I can say: if he had seen Gurdjieff he would have escaped far sooner than he escaped from here. Here, he stayed at least for two weeks. With Gurdjieff he would not have been able to stay more than two hours. Because Gurdjieff used to hit very hard. I also hit, but it...
... allowing him to stay for just twenty hours. Off went the gambler to have a look round hell, and the first thing he saw when he arrived was a group of old acquaintances playing poker. However, they refused to admit him into the game because he had no money. "I will soon fix that," he said, and off he went down one of the corridors. Ten minutes later he was back, flourishing a big roll of ten...

...-pound notes. "Where did you get all that money ?" asked one of the others. "I sold my pass," replied the gambler. Habits can be too much; you can even refuse heaven. In a fit of habit you are almost unconscious and helpless. That's why the insistence of yoga is to bring more awareness to your ties. Remember as much as you can that you are not the body. And remember one thing more...

... aware. He may even be more unaware than ordinary people because he will be inside his intelligence so much. It happened that Einstein was going to some place in a bus, and the conductor came and asked for the money. He gave him the money. The conductor gave Einstein his change. Einstein counted it but counted it wrongly - the greatest mathematician of the world - and he said, "You have not given...
... his life. He will die nonetheless, because labor cannot be preserved; it cannot be put in a safe deposit. Capitalism, for the first time, found ways and means to preserve labor. It made labor, a perishable commodity. preservable in the form of wages in money; that is, capital created out of it. So it is again capitalism that made it possible. If I work this very day and save five rupees of my wages...

..., it is labor made durable. If it had not turned up in the form of five rupees, it would have gone to waste. It is not that my unexpended labor would have remained with me even if I had not worked to earn the wage in money. But it is strange that I say that while I had put in ten rupees worth of labor, I was paid only five. The fact is, that if I had not worked at all, my labor was not worth a single...

... have to be paid less because he wants both: work and money. And another man who agrees to sit idle and be content with only money, will have to be paid more than the one asking for work. This can be possible in fifty years' time if capitalist production is fully developed and automatized, and no efforts are made to sabotage it at its various points. The ways of sabotaging are devious; they are not...

... donations from the audience. Many people gave money; women gave away their ornaments, like earrings, bracelets and anklets. Gandhi accepted them and piled them on the podium. Before he left the meeting he asked Mahavir Tyagi to carry the donations to his residence. Tyagi arrived at Gandhi's place at about midnight. He thought that Gandhi had gone to bed; he also thought that he himself could have waited...
... things from the children, children are hiding many things from the parents, and the gap becomes bigger and bigger. One day I went to my father and I told him, "I want to start smoking cigarettes." He said, "What?" I said, "You have to give me money for it because I don't want to steal. If you don't give me I will steal, but the responsibility will be yours. If you don't allow...

... for them. They are in a transformation. They need immense help from the parents. But right now the situation is that they don't meet the parents at all. They live in the same house but they don't talk with each other because they cannot understand each other's language, they cannot understand each other's viewpoints. They meet only when the boy or the girl needs money; otherwise there is no meeting...

... service, I will work, anything. I will produce money and I will purchase the book." But they said, "That looks bad to us, that while we are alive... and you are so young, and you should not be working just to get books. No, we will arrange it. Ornaments certainly are not so important." I said, "You have to think twice about it. You should not feel that you have obliged me. And...

... remember perfectly well that after I am educated at the university perhaps I may not be of any use to you financially. I may not be able to give you a single cent. I may not work at all." They said, "That we understand from the very beginning." And they gave me money, as much as I wanted, although it was difficult for them. But that brought a deep intimacy. My grandfather was old but he...

... was working, not retired. He said, "You need money. I can work, you need not work." When I left the university, I had a library of one hundred and fifty thousand rare volumes from all over the world concerning all the philosophies, all the religions, all kinds of ideologies. I was obliged to my parents, but they never allowed me even to show my gratitude. They said, "That's nothing...
... money, or fame. If there is no motive to work, why should one work at all?" This phrase "freedom from attachment to the fruit of action" has put many interpreters of Krishna in difficulty. These interpreters were themselves at a loss to understand or accept Krishna's emphasis on renunciation of the fruits of action. So they found a clever way to circumvent the real meaning of Krishna's...

... he will live it the way he lives his today. There is a significant episode In the life of Mohammed. Mohammed is a rare kind of sannyasin, and I would like to see many more sannyasins like him in the world. Every day his lovers bring all kinds of gifts for him. Someone brings sweets, another brings clothes, and another money. Mohammed shares everything with his visitors and others, and if something...

... save something for any emergency that may arise that night, saves five dinars and hides the money under her pillow. As midnight comes Mohammed becomes restless, tossing and turning in his bed. He is surprised at this strange kind of suffering. At last he uncovers his face and tells his wife, "It seems tonight Mohammed is no more a pauper; you seem to have saved something for this night."...

...; His wife was surprised and asked, "How could you know it?" Mohammed answers, "Looking at your face tonight I can see you are not calm and peaceful as you always are. For sure there is some money in the house. Those who are worried become acquisitive and acquisitive people become worried. It is a vicious circle, So take out what you have saved and distribute it so that I can die in...

... peace. Remember, this is my last night. I don't want to spoil it and appear before God with a guilty conscience." His wife hurriedly takes out the five dinars from under her pillow, and says to Mohammed, "But there is no one out there to receive this money, it is midnight." Mohammed says, "Just call out and someone will come." And someone, a beggar really appears at the door...

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