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.... His reign over the Universe will be obtained by the unification of the human races and through the elimination of frontiers. A Universal Republic will come into being in which the Sons of Israel will become the directing element. "We know how to dominate the Masses. The governments of all nations will gradually fall, THROUGH VICTORY OF THE PROLETARIAT, INTO THE HANDS OF JUDAH. "All private property...

... puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail. Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism. Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us. Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary. Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism. Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect. Rewrite history to our...

... researchers and historians. But you have to do your own research to verify it. This information is presented as food for thought from the external reference.) Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world See full version of the Protocols at: The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion - Victor Marsden original translation. The...

... Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion - Audio. The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion - Analysis See also: Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world The Hidden Tyranny - shocking interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal Democracy and The Protocols of the...

... up of Turkey, that England would obtain control of Palestine. We may expect important developments in the world." (Dr. Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden, 1924) Protocols 001 Philip Stepanov states he received the M. S. of the Protocols in 1895 from Major Sukhotin Assassinations of key witnesses about Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion Note: see full quote in the Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion...

... confidence. Such an unavoidable housecleaning was performed in Germany, to the relief of the population, after its long period of suffering. From now on, the truth cannot be concealed. Facts carefully hidden by obscure conspirators are now common knowledge among sixty million people. Conscienceless criminals have decided to destroy the existing order of the whole world and to impose upon it the rule of a...

... "Times" as a final decision. Something is rotten in Denmark ... And if we investigate we make some interesting discoveries. We are far from doubting the "non-partisanship" of the "Times", but the "NATIONAL TIDSCRIFT" of Oslo, Norway, in its July issue 1922, reports that a certain JEWISH banker acquired the control of the "Times" at the time when the last mentioned series of articles appeared. This...

... strongly influenced by Adolph Israel Cremieux (the founder of the Alliance Israelite Universelle.) Later he became a communist and was jailed for two years. In 1878 he committed suicide and at his burial the Jew Gambetta (former prime minister of France) delivered a post-mortem speech. It should be remembered that Gambetta played a certain part in the French commune, that Bolshevik reign of terror that...

..., he was protected and defended (as was the case with Joly) by Cremieux. Venedey was an intimate friend of Karl Marx (alias Jew Mordechai). With Marx's assistance he organized in 1847 "The Communist Workers League. In 1843 he visited England and organized another secret society having as a purpose the promotion of Israel's World Domination. Thus it is definitely proved that both books that served as...

..." on a world-wide scale with the purpose of putting every country under Jewish domination. Always the same leading idea - not the slightest variation in the program. Speech of Rabbi Reichhorn The French magazine "Libre Parole" in its issue of November 1933, page 27, and earlier "La Vielle France" issue of March 10, 1921, published a remarkable speech of Rabbi Reichhorn delivered in Prague in 1869...

... over the tomb of the Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben-Ihuda; he said in part: "For centuries the Sons of Israel have been despised and persecuted, but they have fought bravely to prepare the way for victory. Now they are approaching their aim. They already dominate the economic life of the damned Christians; their influence is just as great in politics and in moral fields. At the wished for hour, fixed in...

... Grand Duke sighed and murmured; "TOO LATE!" He was assassinated shortly afterward. Denials of sighting at First Zionist Congress It has been often asserted that the "Protocols," which are a strategic plan for the conquest of the world and domination by Israel were read at the First Zionist Congress in 1897 at Basle, Switzerland. The Jews always deny it most vigorously and use as an argument the fact...

... it. One can never be sure of it anyway as many prefer to continue to sleep quietly instead of straining their brains. "Kismet!" There is no God's law for the saving of the imbecile. Here is the plan invented by the "Learned Elders of Zion," the master program laid down in the "Protocols." "WE SHALL": Seduce and demoralize the youth with false doctrines. Destroy the family life. Dominate humanity by...

... only in the darkness. Will Judah admit its defeat or will it continue to fight? The proud dream of World Domination has faded out as the main condition of success consisted in taking the world by surprise. The Russian Giant was asleep as well as deeply wounded, but Germany which happened to be very much awake to the danger, sounded the alarm which keeps ringing in all corners of the world. It is not...

... between "Berlin" or "Moscow" that humanity has to choose today but betwecn CHRIST and ANTI-CHRIST. There can only be two camps; the one of the "God-fearing" and the other of the "Godless." In these two camps there is plenty of room for all races and nations. The good ones in any nation should fight and suppress the wicked ones. How can it be achieved? With possibly a single exception there will be...

... STUDIED, not merely read. Unfortunately the tone can get a bit harsh in revealing these Truths. BeWISE would like to re-emphasise that we are in no way blaming every single individual Jew for this NWO push. That would be ridiculous and wrong since we actively work with many precious Jews all across the world. We are clearly pointing out that this push for global control as laid out in the Protocols...

... expression of patriotism. Establish a oneworld government through which the Luciferian Illuminati elite can rule the world. All other objectives are secondary to this one supreme purpose. Take the education of children completely away from the parents. Cunningly and subtly lead the people thinking that compulsory school attendance laws are absolutely necessary to prevent illiteracy and to prepare children...

... for better positions and life's responsibilities. Then after the children are forced to attend the schools get control of normal schools and teacher's colleges and also the writing and selection of all text books. Take all prayer and Bible instruction out of the schools and introduce pornography, vulgarity, and courses in sex. If we can make one generation of any nation immoral and sexy, we can take...

... and thereby force them into a one world government. Secretly infiltrate and control colleges, universities, labor unions, political parties, churches, patriotic organizations, and governments. These are direct quotes from their own writings. The creation of a World Government. (The Conflict of the Ages: The Mystery of Lawlessness: Its Origin, Historic Development and Coming Defeat, by Clemens...

... much bloodshed, but it's for a good cause. Here's what we'll need to do: Place our agents and helpers everywhere. Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans. Start fights between different races, classes and religions. Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way. Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials. Appeal to successful people's egos. Appoint...

... under his glorious rule. Protocols 007 687 "If you have never read the Protocols, you know nothing about the Jewish question." (Henry Hamilton Beamish, October 30, 1937) What are you going to do about it? Your browser does not support iframes. var sc_project=10522331; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="bd867308"; var scJsHost = (("https...
... Lakish who has said that wherever we find both a positive command and a prohibition2  then, if it is possible to observe both3  well and good, otherwise the positive command is to override the prohibition.4 And what is R. Eliezer's reason?5  — It has been taught: Why does Scripture mention 'his head'?6  — Since it says in connection with the nazirite, There shall no...

... footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files I.e., even if the word 'shave' had been used without the additional use of the expression 'his beard' we should not have made the inference that he is allowed to use a razor because of the dictum of Resh Lakish now given. I.e., a command to do something (e.g., the leper is told to shave his beard) forbidden under certain circumstances. I.e., carry...

... out the positive command without transgressing the other. The positive command must be fulfilled at all costs. I.e., what is his source for the law that a leper must use a razor, since he holds that the prohibition of marring his beard applies to all instruments, there is no proof that a leper is obliged to use a razor. Of a leper, seeing it has already said he must shave all his hair. Lev. XIV, 9...

... would have understood that two things are implied, first that the positive command [to shave] overrides the prohibition, and secondly that the rounding of the whole head is considered [to infringe the prohibition against] rounding, but there would still remain [the question], how do we know that a razor must be used?1  And so the All-Merciful Law mentions his beard.2 And whence does R. Eliezer...

... learn that a positive command overrides a prohibition? — He infers it from the [command to wear] twisted cords. For it has been taught: Thou shalt not wear a mingled stuff, [linen and wool together];3 - To Next Folio - Original footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files For there the expression 'rounding' is used, and in fact 'rounding' is forbidden even if no razor is used. In this...
... of the Seven Master Spirits is limited to a single superuniverse. There is a distinct segregation of energy and a separation of the circuits of power between each of the seven supercreations; hence individualized control methods must and do prevail. (324.6) 29:4.4 The Master Physical Controllers are the direct offspring of the Supreme Power Centers, and their numbers include the following: (324.7...

... Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents The Universe Power Directors 1. The Seven Supreme Power Directors 2. The Supreme Power Centers 3. The Domain of Power Centers 4. The Master Physical Controllers 5. The Master Force Organizers The Universe Power Directors (319.1) 29:0.1 OF ALL the universe personalities...

... only the last of the following three groups of living beings having to do with force control and energy regulation in the master universe: (319.2) 29:0.2 1. Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers. (319.3) 29:0.3 2. Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers. (319.4) 29:0.4 3. Universe Power Directors. (319.5) 29:0.5 Though I deem it impossible to portray the individuality of the various...

... physical controllers scattered throughout the seven superuniverses. Such subordinate physical-control organisms are basically uniform, identical except for the differential toning of each superuniverse corps. In order to change in superuniverse service, they would merely have to return to Paradise for retoning. The physical creation is fundamentally uniform in administration. 2. The Supreme Power Centers...

... and disclose unquestioned volitional capacity of a high order. These directing centers of the universe power system are the possessors of exquisite intelligence endowment; they are the intellect of the power system of the grand universe and the secret of the technique of the mind control of all the vast network of the far-flung functions of the Master Physical Controllers and the Morontia Power...

... Centers. Before the creation of the universes of time and space, power centers were not required in Havona, but ever since these far-distant times, one million have functioned in the central creation, each center having the supervision of a thousand Havona worlds. Here in the divine universe there is perfection of energy control, a condition not existing elsewhere. Perfection of energy regulation is the...

... higher units of control, but not one space body in a million harbors such a living power organization. 3. The Domain of Power Centers (322.4) 29:3.1 The Supreme Power Centers distributed throughout the superuniverses number, with their associates and subordinates, upward of ten billion. And they are all in perfect synchrony and complete liaison with their Paradise progenitors, the Seven Supreme Power...

... Directors. The power control of the grand universe is thus intrusted to the keeping and direction of the Seven Master Spirits, the creators of the Seven Supreme Power Directors. (322.5) 29:3.2 The Supreme Power Directors and all their associates, assistants, and subordinates are forever exempt from apprehension or interference by all the tribunals of all space; neither are they subject to the...

... drawing power. Their relation to gravity is wholly negative. (323.5) 29:3.7 The power centers utilize vast mechanisms and co-ordinations of a material order in liaison with the living mechanisms of the various segregated energy concentrations. Each individual power center is constituted in exactly one million units of functional control, and these energy-modifying units are not stationary as are the...

... three basic currents of ten energies each. That is the energy charge of organized space; and organized space is their domain. The Universe Power Directors have nothing whatever to do with those tremendous actions of force which are now taking place outside the present boundaries of the seven superuniverses. (324.1) 29:3.11 The power centers and controllers exert perfect control over only seven of the...

... ten forms of energy contained in each basic universe current; those forms which are partly or wholly exempt from their control must represent the unpredictable realms of energy manifestation dominated by the Unqualified Absolute. If they exert an influence upon the primordial forces of this Absolute, we are not cognizant of such functions, though there is some slight evidence which would warrant the...

... amazingly versatile beings. Their own reserves are maintained on these same minor sector worlds, where they also serve as instructors of all who study the sciences of the techniques of intelligent energy control and transmutation. (325.10) 29:4.17 These directors alternate periods of executive service in the minor sectors with equal periods of inspection service to the realms of space. At least one acting...

..., directionization, and intensification of the physical energies and with the equalization of the pressures of the interplanetary circuits. They are expert in the manipulation of twenty-one of the thirty physical energies of space, constituting the power charge of a superuniverse. They are also able to accomplish much towards the management and control of six of the nine more subtle forms of physical energy. By...

... placing these controllers in proper technical relationship to each other and to certain of the power centers, the associate power directors are enabled to effect unbelievable changes in power adjustment and energy control. (326.3) 29:4.21 The Master Physical Controllers often function in batteries of hundreds, thousands, and even millions and by varying their positions and formations are able to effect...

... energy control in a collective as well as an individual capacity. As requirements vary, they can upstep and accelerate the energy volume and movement or detain, condense, and retard the energy currents. They influence energy and power transformations somewhat as so-called catalytic agents augment chemical reactions. They function by inherent ability and in co-operation with the Supreme Power Centers...

... controllers, and except when an associate power director is present on an inhabited world, the transformers are in command. They are the planetary inspectors of all departing seraphic transports. All classes of celestial life can utilize the less personal orders of the physical controllers only by liaison with the more personal orders of the associate directors and the energy transformers. [*] (326.6) 29...

... beyond their control proves that they are not instrumentalities of the Unqualified Absolute. (327.2) 29:4.26 The remaining four groups of the Master Physical Controllers are hardly persons within any acceptable definition of that word. These transmitters, associators, dissociators, and frandalanks are wholly automatic in their reactions; nevertheless they are in every sense intelligent. We are greatly...

... of all three orders of energy-control beings: the primary and secondary force organizers and the power directors. Frandalanks are the most numerous of all the Master Physical Controllers; the number functioning in Satania alone is beyond your numerical concept. They are stationed on all inhabited worlds and are always attached to the higher orders of physical controllers. They function...
... call him a buddha, you can call him a christ; it simply depends what language you are using. But don't be a fanatic, don't be sectarian; that creates stupidity, that does not help in growing, it does not help in attaining more consciousness. As an experiment, two scientists decided to mate a male human with a female gorilla. They agreed only someone really stupid would submit to such an act, so they...

... behind and you are alone, totally alone, absolutely silent, knowing nothing, no content, no object to know - that purity of consciousness, that pure sky of consciousness, that's what you are. The last question: Question 4: BELOVED MASTER, WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MASTERY OVER THE SELF AND CONTROL? Divya, they are contraries. Mastery over the self has no self in it; it is utterly selfless...

... plenitude no word is adequate. In control there is self. In control there is more self than ever. The uncontrolled person has not that much self, that much ego - how can he have? He knows his weaknesses. That's why you will come across a very strange phenomenon: your so-called saints are more egoistic than the sinners. The sinners are more human, more humble; the saints are almost inhuman because of their...

... control - they think they are suprahuman. Because they can control their instincts, they can go on long fasts, they can remain sexually starved for years or for their whole life, they can remain awake for days together, not a single moment's sleep - because they can have such control over the body, over the mind, it naturally gives them a great ego. It feeds their idea that, "I am somebody special...

...." It nourishes their disease. The sinner is more humble. He has to be; he knows he cannot control anything. When anger comes he becomes angry. When love comes he becomes love. When sadness comes he becomes sad. He has no control over his emotions. When he is hungry he is ready to do anything to get food; even if he has to steal he will do it. He will find every possible way. A famous Sufi story...

... Nasruddin said, "I am not an ascetic, so I cannot claim any self-control. I am not a great knowledgeable person either, so that too I cannot claim. I am an ordinary sinner, and I have heard that God is always compassionate to the sinners. The halva belongs to me." They could not come to any conclusion. Finally they decided that, "We all three should sleep without eating the halva, and let...

... tell you. In my sleep God appeared and he said, 'You fool! What are you doing? Eat the halva!' So I have eaten it - because how can I deny his order? There is no halva left now!" Self-control gives you the subtlest ego. Self-control has more self in it than anything else. But self-mastery is a totally different phenomenon; it has no self in it. Control is cultivated, practiced; with great effort...

... you have to manage it. It is a long struggle, then you arrive at it. Mastery is not a cultivated thing, it is not to be practiced. Mastery is nothing but understanding. It is not control at all. For example, you can control anger, you can repress it, you can sit on top of it. Nobody will ever know what you have done, and you will always be praised by people that in such a situation where anybody...

... would have become angry, you remained so calm and collected and cool. But you know that all that calmness and coolness was on the surface: deep down you were boiling, deep down there was fire, but you repressed it in the unconscious, you forced it deep down into your unconscious and you sat upon it like a volcano, and you are still sitting on it. The man of control is the man of repression. He goes on...

... one day it is more than you can control: it explodes. Your so-called saints, men of self-control, can be provoked very easily. Just scratch a little, just scratch, and you will be surprised: the animal comes up immediately. Their saintliness is not even skin-deep; they are carrying many demons in them, they are somehow managing. And their life is a life of misery, because it is a life of constant...

... struggle. They are neurotic people and they are on the verge of insanity, always on the verge. Any small thing can just prove the last straw on the camel. They are not religious in my vision of life. The religious man controls nothing, the religious man represses nothing. The religious man understands, tries to understand, not to control. He becomes more meditative: he watches his anger, his sex, his...

... melting around you. It is like a flame inside you and darkness starts disappearing. The man of understanding, meditation, is not a man of control - just the opposite. He is a watcher. And if you want to watch, you have to be absolutely nonjudgmental. The man who controls is judgmental, continuously condemning, "This is wrong"; continuously praising, "This is good, this is evil, this will...

... lead to hell, this will lead to heaven." He is constantly judging, condemning, praising, choosing. The man of control lives in choice, and the man of understanding lives in choicelessness. It is choiceless awareness that brings real transformation. And because nothing is repressed, no ego arises, no self arises. And because understanding is a subjective, interior phenomenon, nobody knows about...

... the mirror!" The Polack rushed over to the mirror, looked at himself and exclaimed, "My God! They woke up the wrong man!" Your ego depends on mirrors. And every relationship functions as a mirror, every person you meet functions as a mirror, and this ego goes on controlling. And why does it control in the first place, Divya? It controls because the society appreciates control, because...

... the society gives you more ego if you control. If you follow the ideas of the society, their morality, their puritanism, their ideas of holiness, it praises you more and more. More and more people come to pay respect to you; your ego goes higher and higher, soars higher. But remember, ego will never bring any transformation to you. Ego is the most unconscious phenomenon that is happening in you; it...

... know who others are because you believe what others say about others. This is a very make-believe illusory world in which we live. Wake up! Become more conscious. By becoming conscious you will become a master of your own being. Mastery knows nothing of self, and the self knows nothing of mastery. Let that be absolutely clear to you. And, Divya, my teaching is not for self-control, self-discipline...
... own master. Be a lamp unto yourself; forget me. It is good, because when I am no more you will be freed from my domination." Those who try to dominate others will try in every way to make a slave of you. That is evil, satanic. Those who become their own masters will help you to become masters, and they will try in every way to cut their influence. That can be done in many ways. For example, I...

... will grow a little, and the moment they feel that a certain energy is coming to them they will start dominating others, they will try now to use it. Remember, never use spiritual energy to dominate. You are wasting your efforts. Sooner or later you will be empty again, and you will fall down suddenly. And this is pure wastage, but it is very difficult to control it because you become aware that now...

... ejaculation can be controlled, but menses cannot be controlled. Or, if one tries to control it, then it will have very bad effects on the body. The moment a woman enters her period of menses, her aura changes completely: it becomes sexual, aggressive, depressed, all that is negative surrounds the woman, and this happens every month. Only because of this Buddha was not ready to initiate women. He said that...

... easily than man. Because man's mind is more involved in the body, that is why he can regulate it. Man's mind is more involved in the body; that is why he can control his sex. Woman's mind is not so involved in the body. The body functions as an automata - different, on a different layer, and the woman cannot do anything about it. It is like an automatic mechanism; it goes on. Tantra says that because...

... easily, can control very easily, but his mind is more involved in the body. That is why he can control, but then he will have to control every day, continuously. And because feminine sex is passive, it is very easy for a woman to be relaxed about sex. Man's sex is active. It is easy for him to control it, but difficult for him to relax about it. So tantra has been trying to find many, many ways, and...

... their total energy near the eyes just to influence, impress or dominate someone. Their eyes will become tense because then their eyes are flooded with energy, more than they can tolerate. Their eyes will be red, tense, and if you look at them you will feel a sudden shivering: they are using their eyes in a very political way. If they look at you, they are sending their energy to dominate you. And...

... through eyes, domination is very easy. This was the case with Rasputin, who dominated Russia, before Lenin, just through his eyes. He was an ordinary peasant, uneducated, but with very magnetic eyes, and he came to know how to use this. The moment he would look at you, you would forget yourself, and in that moment he could send any suggestion to you telepathically and you would follow it. That is how he...

... move from his eyes and the lion will escape. He will be trembling with fear. Through the eyes you can cause your whole energy to flood out, but when you do that your eyes will be tense: you will not be able to sleep, you will not be able to relax. So all those who are trying to dominate others will be restless. If you look at their faces their eyes will be alive, but their faces will be dead. Look at...

... any hypnotist: his eyes will be very much alive, but his face will be dead, because his eyes are sucking the whole energy and nothing is left anywhere else. Do not do this because it is useless to dominate anyone. The only useful thing is to dominate yourself. It is useless, a wastage of your energy. Nothing is achieved through it - just an egoistic feeling that you can dominate. So this is evil, a...

... you. He is not trying to dominate you, but you will be dominated because he is the master of himself. And he is such a master that all around him whosoever moves will become a slave. But there is no conscious effort on his part. Rather, on the contrary, he will continually insist, "Be your own master - remember this." And this insistence is because of this knowledge. Buddha knows that...

... whosoever comes around him will become a slave. He is not doing anything; he is not trying to dominate anyone, but he knows this will happen. His last dying words were, "Be a lamp unto yourself." He was dying, and Ananda asked him, just a day before his actual death, "When you will be no more, what shall we do?" He said, "It is good that I shall be no more. Then you can be your...

... Buddha or Gurdjieff will affect you without their conscious effort and you will be pulled toward them. But they will try in every way that you are not pulled in that way: that you are not attracted hypnotically, that you are not dominated by them. And they will help to make you masters, standing on your own feet. Those who are trying to dominate others, their eyes will be tense, evilish. You will not...

... feel any innocence in their eyes, you will not feel purity in their eyes. You will feel attraction, but the attraction will be like alcohol. You will feel a magnetic pull, but the pull will be not to free you but to enslave you. Remember, never use any energy to dominate anyone. Because of this, Buddha, Mahavir, Jesus, they made it a point, and they went on hammering, that the moment you enter the...

... spiritual search, be filled with love for everyone, even for your enemy - because if you are filled with love you will not be attracted to the inner violence which wants to dominate. Only love can become an antidote. Otherwise when the energy comes to you and you are overfilled with it, you will start dominating. This happens every day. I have come across many, many people... I start helping them, they...

... trick of the mind, because if you have no love, how can you be so concerned with others' diseases, their illnesses, their health? You are not concerned. Really, now this is a power. If you can heal, you can dominate them. You may say, "I am just helping them," but even in your help you are simply trying to dominate them. Your ego will be fulfilled. This will become a food for your ego. So...

... French Army. There would have been nothing to gain by deliberately killing civilians, a fact the German High Command has stressed. Northcliffe called the Kaiser a "megalomaniac" with a "hunger to rule the world" which in any case was quite beyond the capabilities of any European power. In 1940 Churchill accused Hitler of having the same desire to 'rule the world" knowing it to be false. Churchill also...

...-reaching control of Tavistock exercises over our daily lives is comprehended, only then will we be able to fight back, if indeed we have not by then become total shell- shocked automons. By 1942 the command structure of British and U.S. military and intelligence services had become so enmeshed that they could no longer be separated or distinguished from each other. This gave rise to the many weird and...

... the were to uphold their oath of office, they would more than likely find themselves without their cushy cozy job. To recap on some of the information already provided: Tavistock Institute was established in Sussex, England, in 1921 by command of the British monarchy, for the purposes of mind control and public opinion making, and to establish on a carefully-examined scientific basis, at what point...

... India Company (BEIC) was the original "300," whose descendants rule the world today. Opium and the drug trade was the stock in trade then, and remained so. From this highly organized, complex structure, grew Socialism, Marxism, Communism and National Socialism and Fascism. Beginning in 1914, extensive mind control experiments were carried out at Cold Spring Harbor in New York, the race- eugenics...

... that he could stop a charging bull in its tracks; PROGRAM HUMANS TO KILL ON COMMAND. Extensive documentation of experiments conducted by the CIA using ESB-the research under the control of Dr. Stephen Aldrich. "The Collected Research Papers of Dr. Alan Cameron." These were found with the huge collection of documents of mind control experiments packed away in 130 boxes, conducted by Dr. Gottleib and...

... - Rulers of This World The Rothschild Dynasty Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Explosive interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal about Jewish world domination: The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview Zionism's Master Plan for World...

... rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Detailed Contents Introduction Acknowledgements Foreword 1. Founding the World's Premiere Brainwashing Institute "Russian" revolution was not Russian Lord Milner and Rockefellers Finance "The Russian_revolution" Transporting Lenin To Russia 2. Europe falls off the precipice 3. How "times" were made to change...

... Benton - mass control through advertising 8. Degrading women and decline of moral standards Orson Wells and "The War of the Worlds" 9. How individuals and groups react to blending fact with fiction Journal of Humanistic Psychology Maslow's book, The Psychology of Science Making Changes in the "Cognitive and Behavioral Structure" 10. Polling comes of age Psychological Warfare...

... and WWI cemeteries 22. Peace is not popular 23. The Tavistock Institute: Britain's control of the United States 24. Brainwashing saves a U.S. President 25. Tavistock's assault on the U.S. 26. How mediocre politicians, actors and singers are "puffed" 27. The Tavistock formula that got the U.S. into WWII 28. How Tavistock makes well people sick 29. Topological psychology gets the U.S...

.... into the War in Iraq 30. My choice of candidate, not my choice Scientology, mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and transcendental meditation, Zen Buddhism founded by IBM and AT&T 31. Zero Growth in Agriculture and Industry: America's Post Industrial Society 32. Exposing the upper level parallel Secret Government 33. Interpol in the U.S.: Its origin and purpose exposed 34...

.... The_cults_of_the_East_India_Company 35. The music industry, mind control, propaganda and war Time Warner SONY Bertelsman's A.G. EMI The Capital Group The Indies Philips Electronic APPENDIX THE GREAT DEPRESSION Kurt Lewin Niall Ferguson "The Great War:" The Power of Propaganda Later Propaganda Efforts Forceful propaganda Bibliography Pictures Used in the book Introduction The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations...

... "brainwashed." The origin of "mind control," "inner directional conditioning" and mass "brainwashing" is explained in an easy to understand book written with great authority. The fall of dynasties, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI and WWII saw the destruction of old alliances and boundaries, the convulsions in religion, morals, family life, economic and political conduct, decadence in music and art can all be...

... Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Britain's Control of the United States. Up to that time, Tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in shaping the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in 1913 at Wellington House. Since Dr. Coleman's original article exposing this ultra- secret organization, others have come forward with claims...

... world. They had flourished and progressed just as long as these civilizations remained under the control of the Anglo-Saxon Nordic Alpine, Germanic races. The unsurpassed beauty of their literature, art, their classics, spiritual and moral advancement of the female sex with a very large corresponding degree of protection, was what distinguished Western and Classic civilizations from others. It was...

... by an attack on womanhood, and the racial, moral, spiritual and religious foundation upon which Western civilization rested. As Spengler suggested, the Greeks and Romans were devoted to the social, religious, moral and spiritual advancement and the preservation of womanhood and they were successful for just as long as they were in control and could arrange matters so that government was carried out...

... by a limited number of responsible citizens supported by the general populace below them, all being of the same pure unadulterated race. The planners at Tavistock saw that the way to upset the balance of Western civilization was to force unwelcome changes in the race by removing control from the deserving to the undeserving in the manner of ancient Roman leaders who were supplanted by their former...

... American people are in a state of sleepwalking and without leadership. They do not know what the price is and do not care to find out. The Committee of 300 continues to rule the United States, just as it did in the Wilson and Roosevelt presidencies, while the American people were distracted with "bread and circuses" only today it is baseball, football, endless Hollywood, and Social Security. Nothing has...

... notorious Samuel Untermeyer as its chairman, to promote the Federal Reserve Bank, that secured control of the people's money and currency and transferred it to a private monopoly without the victim's consent. One of the most interesting pieces of history surrounding the imposition of the foreign financial slavery measure was that before it was sent to Wilson for his signature, a copy was given to the...

... the basis of mass mind control and propaganda that would make it acceptable. I explained in my book The Committee of 300, that Bernays "blew the whistle" on polling in his 1923 and 1928 books, Propaganda, and Crystallizing Public Opinion. This was followed by Engineering Consent: Self-preservation, ambition, pride, hunger, love of family and children, patriotism, imitativeness, the desire to be a...

... apparently felt secure enough to gloat over their control of the United States and Great Britain that had blossomed into an open conspiracy along the lines first suggested by H.G. Wells. With the advent of Wellington House, funded by the British monarchy and later by Rockefeller, Rothschild and the United States, Western civilization entered into the first phase of a plan that would provide a secret...

... government to rule the world, namely, the Committee of 300. Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was its creation. As this book is not about the Committee of 300, we would suggest that readers obtain copies of the first and second book, The Committee of 300. The "300's" carefully structured blueprint has been followed to the letter and today as we reach the end of 2005, looking back it is fairly easy for...

... manufactured opinions were their own. It is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it." Bernays postulated. He called this technique "Engineering Consent. One of his best-known techniques of...

... thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons - a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million - who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires, which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world. In Propaganda, Bernays followed his praise of the "invisible...

...." For Wells, the advent of "mass communication" leading up to television meant fantastic new paths for social control beyond the wildest dreams of the earlier mass-manipulation fanatics of the British Fabian Society. We shall return to this vitally important subject later herein. Mass communications ushers in the polling industry CHAPTER 6 For Bernays, his recognition of Wells' idea won him a key...

... "Axis" and Americans population for the purposes of creating and maintaining a means of social control. The committee was headed by several leaders of American society, including Robert P. Bass, Herbert Bayard Swope, among other notables. Its secretary was Margaret Meade's husband, Gregory Bateson, one of the principal instigators of the CIA's notorious "MK - Ultra" LSD experiments that some experts...

... the communication/national security apart (Eisenhower's "military-industrial complex") then busy with consolidating its power over U.S. policy. Guatemala - "The Engineering of Consent" Bernays conducted the propaganda campaign alleging Guatemala was falling under "Communist control" that resulted in a U.S. engineered coup in that country. In 1955 Bernays wrote a book about his experience...

... titled "The Engineering of Consent." The book became the virtual Tavistock blueprint followed by the U.S. Government to overthrow any country whose policies were unacceptable to the One World Government Socialist dictatorship. Throughout the postwar period, Bernays was a member of the Society for Applied Anthropology, one of Margaret Mead's social-control institutions inside the U.S., and the Society...

... elaborate institution in the U.S. for "surveying" (creating) popular attitudes and trends, among the principal of which were demeaning and degrading womanhood and pushing the superior intellectual capabilities of non-white persons according to Lewin's carefully crafted scripts. William Benton - mass control through advertising Robert Hutchins became famous during this period and his closest colleague in...

... those early years was William Benton, the founder in 1929 with Chester Bowles of Benton and Bowles, the well-known advertising firm. Benton utilized Benton and Bowles as a means to develop the science of mass control through advertising. It was Benton's pioneering work supported by Douglass Cater, that led to the development of Tavistock's burgeoning control over U.S. media policy through the Aspen...

... Institute of Colorado, the American home of the Socialist One World Government Committee of 300. In passing I mention that the science of mass media control through advertising is today so firmly entrenched that it has become the key component in opinion making. In the early post WWII days, Hollywood incorporated it into nearly all of its movies. Advertising (brainwashing) was done through the type and...

... conducted psychological profiles of the entire population, sharing the results for evaluation and processing with the ubiquitous social psychologists. Fox News - a virtual seamless propaganda machine for the government What the public sees in newspapers as opinion polls represents only a fractional portion of the work that the pollsters undertook to do. A key to the control of Tavistock over key sectors...

... are called "The Olympians." No U.S. president is elected or remains in office save and except by their favor. Those who buck their control are removed. Examples are John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson. The Committee of 300 is the international Socialist One World Government that runs the New World Order from behind the scenes where it will remain, until it is ready to emerge and take...

... open and full control of all governments of the world in an International Communist dictatorship. The paradigm shift in education CHAPTER 11 During the 1970s a dramatic paradigm shift in school curricula at all levels came into effect apparently to the point that students were awarded school credits for courses in civics instead of reading, writing and arithmetic. An epidemic of "casual sex" and drug...

...), and if you want to elicit from this personality a particular type of behavior, then all you have to do is control the third variable of the equation and thus produce the desired behavior. This was the norm in social-psychology formulas. MI6 uses it, and almost every type of situation involving negotiations; army counterinsurgency operations, labor negotiations and diplomatic negotiations used it up...

... the New World Order-One World Government assumes total world control. It is sadistic, inhuman and beastly, designed to break the natural pride of the victims, to break the will to resist and to reduce the prisoners to the level of beasts. During the first world government experiment in the then USSR, men were allowed to use toilets only to be interrupted in the middle of evacuating and hustled out...

... can be seen in the timetable of events that which we provide in the Appendix. America is not a "Homeland" CHAPTER 14 The United States of America has long been the most fertile ground for the wholesale spread of propaganda, its people having been connived, lied to, cheated, at which the British have always led the world, the premiere mind control-brainwashing and propaganda center in the...

... propaganda, and more especially, mind control, has become all pervasive. The correct application of propaganda to any theme, whether it is economic, or political, is an essential element in the control-mechanism of government. Stalin once said that if one wanted a docile population then fear and terror had to be unleashed against them. In a sense that is what happened in the United States and Britain. The...

... ignored. The propaganda blurb says he can, and since it was directed to the masses, they believed the blurb, rather than their Constitution, and so there was little effective opposition to this gross violation of the Constitution, particularly the 10th Amendment. Bush appears to have been operating under the Stalin directive: "If you want to control the people, first terrorize them." Homeland Security...

... control Education, Welfare and Police Powers belongs to the States where it has always resided, and it was not taken away from the States at the time of the covenant. Neither President Bush nor the House and Senate have any power to change that, which the newly created office proposed to do. It was only through the exercise of sustained, systematic, repetition of propaganda that the people of the States...

... person will be in the minority, so that his opinions, even if expressed, will not alter the purpose and intent of setting up the new agency. I say to you that the United States is forbidden by its Constitution and the constitutions of the separate 50 States from having any central Federal control mechanism imposed upon them. The so-called "Homeland Security" bill is a travesty, because it destroys the...

... used the self-same language of lies against the Boers in South Africa in the war launched by the British to take control of the massive gold deposits in that land. The British press was full of accounts of the "Boer Army" when the Boers had no army, only a farmer citizen guerilla force. Like Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1913/1914, Paul Kruger, the God-fearing patriarch of the Transvaal Republic was demonized...

... of dressing up in extravagantly bedecked uniforms. In truth Wilhelm II had little if any control over the German military, a fact that Northcliffe was well aware of and yet chose to ignore. In this the Kaiser was on the same level as the British monarch, King George V who had no control of the British Expeditionary Force. That didn't stop Northcliffe of launching a blistering attack on Queen...

... Victoria's German cousin, blaming him for being responsible for a whole list of atrocities allegedly carried out by the German Army driving through Belgium. Of course, the German High Command did wrong in invading neutral Belgium, but they were only in transit with no plans to occupy the country. It was all part of a tactical plan to march on Paris taking a "short cut" through Belgium to outflank the...

... strategic aims and military objectives," the writers state. "Clearly, deception, confusion, misinformation, and disinformation, perhaps in massive amounts, must be employed." Psychological Warfare in Combat This is the full text of the infamous "Shock and Awe" doctrine, published in 1996 by the National Defense University, Washington. The concept is to gain complete control over the will of an adversary...

... a huge part of USAID's international population control effort. Here again, literary millions of dollars has gone to Tavistock for programs taught by Enter-Educate operators. When Propaganda Backfires A study done of family planning attitudes and behavior done in the north of Nigeria in 1994. According to a published report, the negative reaction illustrated "opposition to outsider improprieties...

..., to family planning in general and to U.S.-sponsored family planning programs in particular." Nigeria Bilateral Population Program (U.S. State Department document). The major planning document of the U.S. government's population control strategy for Nigeria. It is also used as an important part of propaganda in Psychological Warfare employed in the U.S. Government programs to undermine Latin...

... materials on international institutions and their role in fronting for the wealthy, powerful nations that control their policies. Many of the institutions listed have had their leadership cadre taught by Tavistock's Social Science scientists. Propaganda, dissemination of ideas and information for the purpose of inducing or intensifying specific attitudes and actions Because propaganda is frequently...

... apparent advantage for Communist governments eroded during the 1980s, as communications technology advanced. Inability to control the spread of information was a major factor in the disintegration of many Communist regimes in Eastern Europe at the end of the decade. The United States Information Agency (USIA), established in 1953 to conduct propaganda and cultural activities abroad, operates the "Voice...

... best-known historians of the era; he had written widely praised books on the American government and on Irish history, sympathetically portraying the Irish people's hard fate under British rule. In 1907, he had worked with an Anglo-Irish diplomat, Roger Casement, to expose horrendous exploitation of Indian peoples on the Amazon River by a British rubber company. From 1907-1913, he had served as...

... the Stimson Dairies record. Pearl Harbor opened the way to Communist control of China, and ultimately the way to a new Communist-Socialist New World Order inside a One World Government. Our only hope in a vale of despair is that this work might help to open the eyes of the American people, so that they will resolve never again to fall for propaganda, although in the wake of the 9/11 tragedy, it now...

... Noonan. Brian Williams. (8) Bill O'Reilly. Lawrence Kudlow. (10) Dick Morris. John Stossel. (12) William Bennet. Oliver North. (14) Michael Savage. Michael Reagan. (16) Joe Scarborough. The Tavistock Institute: Britain's control of the United States CHAPTER 23 The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is situated in London and on the grounds of Sussex University, Sussex, England, where most of its...

... was the basis of propaganda: "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind." As his German counterpart Munzenberg said: "All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news." It is useful to know about Munzenberg as it helps us to understand how politicians operate and how secret forces control access to...

... the tutelage of Tavistock has had a profound influence on so many institutions and segments of our society. As one of the principal research institutions directly controlled by Tavistock, Rand runs our ICBM program, does prime analyses for U.S. foreign policy makers, and advises on nuclear policies, does hundreds of projects for the C.I. A. in the field of mind control. Some of Rand's clients...

... facilities in London and Sussex. Tavistock provided services of a sinister nature to those people we find in every city across this land; people who have local and state government officials and police departments in the palm of their hand. This is the case in every major American city also, where the Illuminati members of Freemasonry use their secret powers of control, to walk all over the Bill of Rights...

... and profiled by the behavior modification scientists at Tavistock, or one or more of its affiliates in the U.S. Any candidate who is pliable to suggestions and found to be easy to control is "puffed." Suffice to say that a spirit of unconstitutional lawlessness pertains in the Congress, which is why we are insulted by such measures as the "Brady" bill and the Feinstein "assault weapons" bill...

.... "Assault weapons" and in 2003 the "Homeland Security Bill" and the "Patriot Act," do not appear anywhere in the Constitution and all are, therefore, a prohibition. Feinstein's "law" looks suspiciously like the work of the Tavistock Institute. The Constitution being the supreme law of the land, "gun control" laws are null and void. Guns are private property. Guns do not come under Interstate Commerce...

... property, nor will the Constitution permit any prohibition of arms to the people or peaceful assembly by them for whatever purpose and in any number, whatsoever they may see the occasion." (Blackstone's Views on the Constitution, page 315) Any candidate who is not going to be easy to control or who does not fit the Tavistock profiles is ushered out. In this, the print and electronic media- under...

... Tavistock's direction-or one of its affiliates, plays a key role. Let the voter beware, let the public beware. Our election process has become a farce, thanks to the work done by Tavistock in controlling the thoughts and ideas of the people of this nation by means of "inner directional conditioning" and "long distance penetration" of which the mind-control science of polling is an integral part. Tavistock...

... the way Tavistock would have them think), no longer seem to care. They have been "Inner Conditioned" through "Long Range Penetration"-the master control plan set up by Tavistock to brainwash the nation for so long that they now suffer a constant state of "shellshock." As we shall see, there is good reason for this apathy and ignorance. The unwanted, forced changes we have been subjected to as a...

... Sussex facilities of Tavistock, served as headquarters for the British Army's Psychological Warfare Bureau. The significance of this is that through the "best friend" arrangement between Churchill and Roosevelt, Tavistock was able to take full control of U.S. intelligence and military policies through Special Operations Executive (SOE) and maintained this control throughout the Second World War...

... the hands of the Committee of 300 and the Tavistock Institute is reflected in his statements about the dangers posed by the military-industrial complex--a veiled reference to his former bosses, the "Olympians." The "Committee of 300" book, tells the full story of this hitherto ultra-secret, ultra-elite body of men who rule the world. The Committee of 300 has at its disposal a vast, interlocking...

..., South Africa, the Philippines, South Korea, Central America, Iran, Iraq, Serbia, Yugoslavia, and Venezuela. The technique isn't working in Iraq and Iran, and by and large, Muslim countries seem less receptive to Tavistock mass population control methods than Western countries. There is no doubt that their strict adherence to the laws of the Koran and their Islamic faith is what foiled Tavistock's...

..., Congressional committees, large corporations, the entertainment world, and so on. Tavistock's assault on the U.S. CHAPTER 25 One of the major players in the Tavistock team was Dr. Kurt Lewin. Born in Germany, but forced to flee when his population control experiments were discovered by the German government. Lewin was already well known to Reese-the two having cooperated extensively in experiments in...

... the Tavistock Institute will fail: While it has been able to convince the majority of Americans that our policies for the Middle East are right, Tavistock has not been able to gain control of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Algeria and Saudi Arabia. It is at this point that Tavistock's devious plan to dispossess the Arab nations of their oil is coming unglued. The days when MI6 could dispatch "Arabists" like the...

... under the control of the Tavistock Institute's brainwashers. This is the way these things work. Thus are the tools forged to literally make candidates, especially ones who are deemed suitable for public office; candidates who can always be counted on to do the "right" thing. Congress is full of them. Gingrich was a typical successful "Tavistock product" until his conduct was uncovered. Trent Lott...

... without ceasing until everything about them, - lies and all, was accepted as truth. Tavistock proved over and over again, that when a large group is successfully profiled, it can be subjected to "inner directional conditioning" in just about every aspect of social and political life. An integral part of Tavistock's mass mind control experiments in the U.S., which have been going on since 1946, poll...

..., the Bush administration was advised that public support was paramount and that he did not have the American people behind him. Rule one was to establish in the mind of the American people the "great need to protect Saudi oil fields threatened by an Iraqi invasion under the leadership of a madman." Thus, although it was known from the beginning that Iraq had no designs on Saudi oil fields, the...

... opinion onto the side of George Bush. No other Vice President in the history of the United States had ever taken such an active part in forcing the American people into a war with Iraq. Cheney appeared on television 15 times in one month and adamantly declared that the Taliban was behind the attack on the World Trade Towers in New York and that the Taliban was under the control of President Hussein...

... not a case of "changing times" due to circumstances beyond their control, but a carefully contrived plot, a real menace to the future of all of us, and not just some "conspiracy" theory. We can arouse the nation, but only if a concerted effort is made at the grassroots level. The solution to the problem lies in educating Americans and by unified action. There is a great and compelling need to...

... and world events. It is undoubtedly, the mother of all mind control and mind conditioning centers in the world. In the United States it has a great deal of control over day-to-day affairs and has a direct hand in the course and direction of such American think tanks as Stanford Research, Esalen Institute, Wharton School, MIT, the Hudson Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Georgetown University...

..., the German Marshall Fund, the Mont Pelerin Society, the Ditchley Group, the Quator Coronati Freemason control lodge and the Bank of International Settlements. How Tavistock makes well people sick CHAPTER 28 Tavistock's story begins with its founder, Brig. Gen. John Rawlings Reese in 1921. It was Reese who evolved Tavistock's methods of mass "brainwashing". Tavistock was founded as a research center...

... for British Special Intelligence Service (SIS). It was Reese who launched the method of controlling political campaigns, as well as mind control techniques, which continue to this very day, and it was Reese and Tavistock who taught the USSR, North Vietnam China and Vietnam how to apply his techniques-all they ever wanted to know about how to brain wash individuals or a mass of people. Reese was a...

... close confidant of the late Margaret Meade and her husband Gregory Bateson, both of whom played major roles in shaping U.S. institutions that make government policy. He was also a friend of Kurt Lewin, who was expelled from Germany after being accused of being an active Zionist. Lewin fled Germany when it became apparent that the NSDP would control Germany. Lewin rose to become Tavistock's director in...

... agreements with Churchill, well before Churchill became prime minister. The agreements gave the British Special Operations Executive, commonly known as the SOE, full control over the policies of the U.S. Armed Forces, acting through civilian channels, and which invariably, became official U.S. Government policy. That agreement is still firmly in place, as unacceptable to patriotic Americans today, as it...

... was when established. It was the discovery of this agreement that led Gen. Eisenhower to issue his historical warning about powers accumulated in the hands of the "military industrial complex." So that we fully understand the influence of Tavistock in the daily political, social, religious and economic life of the U.S., allow me to explain that it was Kurt Lewin, the second in command who was...

... were exposed. Through these and other similar mind control, mood-altering drugs, Lewin, Huxley and Russell were able to do indescribable damage to the youth of America, damage from which we, as a nation, will probably never fully recover. Their horrible drug experiments were carried out from Stanford Research, McGill University, and Bethesda Naval Hospital and at U.S. Army locations scattered all...

... an old saying. Like it or not, Brzezinski predicted that We, the People, would have nothing left of our right to privacy; every little detail of our lives would be known by government, and subject to instant recall from data banks. By the year 2000, he said, private citizens would be in the grip of government control as never before experienced by any other nation. Today, in 2005, we are under...

... constant surveillance such as could not be imagined a few years ago, the Fourth Amendment has been trampled, our best protection from a th gargantuan state, the 10 Amendment no longer in existence, and it has all been made possible through the work of Reese and the Social Sciences scientists who control the Tavistock Institute. In 1969, by an order of the Committee of 300, Tavistock established the Club...

... in the case of the unprovoked attack on Serbia and Iraq acceeded to by the Clinton and Bush administrations, respectively. History provides other examples of national control of the U.S. by Tavistock. When the Second World War broke out, the United States was subjected to a preplanned brainwashing campaign of the most massive proportions, prepared and executed by the Tavistock Institute. This would...

... pave the way for a smooth entry of the U.S. into a war that was none of our business and muzzle those opposed to it. All of Roosevelt's grand speeches were composed by technicians skilled in mind control at Tavistock, many of them emanating from the Fabian Society. Americans were told that the war was started by Germany; that the danger of Germany to world peace was far greater than the threat of...

... college graduates" "shock troops" that were to be placed in key positions inside British Intelligence, the Army, Parliament and later, inside the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF). The "first team graduates" went on to fully control General Eisenhower, who became no more than a puppet in their hands. "First team graduates" were insinuated into every policy making body in the...

... strange policies followed by our government, most of which policies directly contradicted the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and ran contrary to the wishes of We, the People, as expressed through our elected representatives in the Congress. In short, our elected representatives had lost control of our government. Winston Churchill called it "a special relationship." At the close of WWII, a...

... mediation boards, school boards, university boards, trade unions, the military, the church, the communications media, the entertainment media and the civil service; as well as the Congress, to the extent where it becomes obvious to the trained observer that Tavistock has taken over the reins of government. Reese and his Tavistock colleagues succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, having captured control of...

... discarded in favor of a New World Order. In the tenure of G.W. Bush, we see that process accelerated. My choice of candidate, not my choice CHAPTER 30 Let us look at the way in which an election is run. The American people do not vote for a president. They vote for a party candidate chosen by the elect of the party, more often than not, entirely under the control of the Committee of 300. This is not a...

... psychologist was given the task of finding a candidate Tavistock could manipulate. In other words, Bourne was to find the "right" candidate for the job according to Tavistock's rule, one that could be sold to the voters. Bourne, knowing Carter's history, put forward his name for consideration. Once Carter's record was approved, American voters were given "the treatment," that is to say; they were subjected...

... distribution of the world's food resources. Famine is a weapon of war, just as weather modifications is a weapon of war. Tavistock will use the famine weapon without restraint, when the time is right. Continuing with the expansion of Tavistock, Reese recruited Ronald Lippert. What Tavistock had in mind when it hired Lippert, was to get a foothold in the future control of education, starting with young...

... control of the 2-million strong National Education Association and with this success, came complete control over education in American schools and universities. But perhaps the most profound influence exerted on America came with Tavistock's control of NASA, partially because of the Special Report on NASA's space program, written by Dr. Anatole Rappaport for the Club of Rome. The startling report was...

... American servant is Henry Kissinger. The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) Founded the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as a sister organization, America's de- facto mid-level secret government, is the executive arm of the Committee of 300. In May of 1982, Kissinger proudly announced Tavistock's control of America. The occasion was a dinner for RIIA members. Kissinger lauded the British...

... how great was Lippert's control of the National Education Association can be gauged from the en- bloc vote cast for William Jefferson Clinton by its brainwashed member-teachers, in accordance with the leadership's instructions. The Corning Group. The company donated Wye Plantation to the Aspen Institute, which became the principal training ground for New Age recruits and "shock troops." James...

... U.S. fiscal policies to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and constantly pushed for the Bank of International Settlements to control internal U.S. banking. It is significant that Wye Plantation was the site of the Arab-Israeli peace talks known as the Wye Accords. Executive Conference Center. Charged with teaching behavior modifications under the direction of Robert L. Schwartz, this "specialist...

..., especially from Fortune 500 companies, the creme-del-le-creme of the business world, paid $750 per head to obtain instruction in Age of Aquarius Age methodology through seminars conducted by Schwartz, Meade, Bateson, and other Tavistock brainwashing specialists. Scientology, mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and transcendental meditation, Zen Buddhism founded by IBM and AT&T Schwartz...

... was at one time strongly allied with Scientology, and he was also an editor of TIME magazine. Aspen Institute - New Age centers were generously funded by IBM and AT&T. It is difficult for Americans who do not have access to this kind of information to believe that IBM and AT&T, two household names in Corporate America, would have anything to do with mind control, brainwashing, behavior...

... thus far, they have not done so. It would come as a shock to find that a large number of corporate giants that are household names to the American public, send their executives and upper level management personnel to have their brains scrambled by Schwartz, Meade, Bateson, John Nesbitt, Lewin, Cartwright and other Tavistock behavioral modifications and mind control specialists: At the Executive...

... one way or another in the field of behavioral sciences, mind control, brainwashing, polling and creating public opinion. And all of them were working against the United States, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Since 1969 these institutions have been expanded and a great many new ones added to the network and are funded not only by large private and corporate donations, but also by the United...

... transpiring. With the almost complete control exercised over our nation by our upper-level, parallel, secret government, America has ceased to be a free and independent nation. One can generally fix the beginning of our decline around the time that Woodrow Wilson was "elected" by the British aristocracy. Most of Tavistock's more recent activities in the United States have centered around the White House and...

... are not laws at all, since they do not meet the test of constitutionality and fall to the ground. Tavistock remains the mother of all research facilities in America and Britain, and the leader in behavior modification techniques, mind control and opinion making and shaping. The Rand Institute at Santa Monica under the direction of Tavistock created the phenomena known as "El Nino" as a weather...

... modification experiment. Tavistock is also heavily engaged in the New Age "UFO" experiments and sighting of aliens, under its mind control contracts with the C.I.A. Rand Institute runs the ICBM program and does primary analyses for foreign governments. Rand and Tavistock successfully profiled the white population of South Africa as a preliminary to testing the waters for a Communist African National Congress...

... that in 1921 when Reese founded Tavistock, he was under the control of British intelligence SIS. Thus from its inception, Tavistock has always been closely associated with intelligence work, even as it is to this very day. The case of Rudolph Hess may be of more than passing interest to not a few of our readers. It will be recalled that Hess was murdered by two SIS operatives in his Spandau prison...

... television series, "COPS." It is standard Tavistock mind control and opinion making fare. In it you find every possible violation of the constitutional rights of persons stopped, and or arrested by the police. It is my firm opinion and belief that "COPS" is meant to condition the public and make us believe that such gross violations of rights we witness is the norm; that the police actually have such...
..." coin Russian President, Medvedev, at G8 - L'Aquila 2010, demonstrates the "United Future World Currency" coin Medvedev (G8) - L'Aquila 2010 I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply. - Nathan Rothschild James Rothschild III...

... Cornuto. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents Highlights ADL Presitent Abraham Foxman: speech about destruction of white race and ZioNazi world domination Iceland's peaceful revolution and imprisonment of bankers Our...

... Domination Secret Societies Occult and The Jewish Cabala The Propaganda and Disinformation Machine and Media Robbery and Thievery Exploitation Parasitism Lies and Deceit Kol Nidre World Leaders Creative People Banking and Finance The Federal Reserve Gold Supremacy Racism Fascism Genetics History of Jews Ideology Mind Control, Brainwashing, Biorobots, Zombification Judaism Jewish Magic Habdalah Tashlik and...

... to build the arsenal necessary to instigate the final cleansing, outlined in Illumicorp great plan. Our primary target will be Islamic nations who will never submit to our western centric domination. They also hold much of the remaining oil reserves of the planet. Illumicorp must own that precious recourse as it is crucial in maintaining our domination over the countries of the world. Through...

... do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." -- Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, in an interview about Jewish control of the world Our god is Lucifer (Rabbi Abe Finkelstein interview) Accuse of antisemitism those who try to expose you Accuse of antisemitism those who try to expose you. Pin the label of "antisemite" on them, and you will see with what pleasure the other goyim will take up this version...

...' and are, in Israel, in favour of 'anti-Gentile' discrimination." (Israel Shahak, "Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years", London, 1994, p. 17.) ADL President Abraham Foxman: speech about destruction of white race and ZioNazi world domination Per 'The National Observer' via a document from Abe Foxman's [Jew A.D.L. president of USA] office. Anti-Defamation League...

.... We control governments. We have created dissension among our enemies and made them kill each other. We have effectively silenced criticism of our affairs and we are the richest race of men on this earth. Many of you are very busy men. Let us get to the crux of the matter. As masters of business, politics, law and most importantly ... media, we are ready to implement our most important and ambitious...

... program. One that will finally and totally remove from existence the impediments of our absolute control of this earth. I speak OF THE DEATH OF THE WHITE RACE. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation [incest] and having a virtually zero...

... is essential nothing else than a religion (Judaism)." (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton, p. 138). Judaism 202 "Socialism, Communism, and Bolshevism, in reality, are only links in the plan of world-embracing Judaism, with its final purpose of forcing the entire world under Jewish domination..." -- Ernst F. Elmhurst The World Hoax 1938, (p. 24) Judaism 038 817 H.H. BEAMISH, N.Y...

... bunch of schleppers. And we make the shekels, and we are the masters of the world, and all the goyim are just human cattle. Is communism Jewish? (Rabbi Abe Finkelstein interview) Lies and Deceit 005 921 "Despots throughout history have employed the Big Lie to beguile, manipulate, and control would-be vassals. The Master Conspiracy... for instance, has for over two centuries honed the technique into a...

...-semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in non-Jews by the Jewish group. This is a normal social reaction. Albert Einstein Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world This could be the most mind shattering thing you have ever heard of. If this won't blow your mind, nothing will, or you don't have anything to blow, just as ZioNazis openly state it about "goyim...

..." - non-"Jews". An audio recording of an interview with Chabad Lubavich Rabbi Finkelstein outlining the doctrine of ZioNazis and their "father", Lucifer. "Hey, we ARE god's chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." -- Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, in an interview about Jewish control of the world According to Finkelstein, you are nothing but a cattle to be slaughtered...

... and sacrificed to their "god", Lucifer, and milked by "god chosen people" for all you have as long as you last. This is an outline of what they call the "NWO" nowadays - a ZioNazi Luciferian doctrine of world domination and world takeover. The authority with which rabbi Finkelstein speaks is quite something indeed. He speaks as though he knows it all in and out, down to the last dot and comma...

.... Basically, it outlines their entire doctrine of evil most profound, world domination, parasitism unlimited, wars and revolutions, puppet governments and how they are controlled, ritual sacrifice of hundreds of thousand of children each year and the rest of it. This is pretty much their entire doctrine. Nothing much to be added to it. And it is pronounced clearly by someone of ultimate authority, pretty...

... much clear on its face value. Finkelstein is quite casual in this interview and tells it all bluntly, in a semi-humorous manner how "goyim" (non-Jews) are being exploited and destroy each other during all the wars and revolutions staged and managed by "god chosen people". "Rabbi Finkelstein amazingly gives honest answers about world Jewry's control of banking, media and governments, their creation of...

...:// Lord Acton said, "The truth will come out when powerful people no longer wish to suppress it." Since Sept. 11, more and more people are turning to the "conspiratorial" or "suppressed" view of history for explanations. In 1891, Cecil Rhodes started a secret society called the "Round Table" dedicated to world hegemony for the shareholders of Bank of England and their allies...

.... These priggish aristocrats, including the Rothschilds, realized they must control the world to safeguard their monopoly on money creation) as well as global resources. The same folks control the U.S. Federal Reserve and other major central banks. They were united also by a commitment to freemasonry, which at the top, is dedicated to the destruction of...

..., rendering it defenceless. The Third World War, now beginning, pits the Zionists against the Muslims. The purpose of Zionism is to help colonize the Middle East, subvert Islam, and control the oilfields. For this reason Israel continues to receive blank checks. (One analyst estimates the US taxpayer has spent $1.7 trillion on Israel.) This is why the founding of...

... planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. "Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. "The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." -- (Menachem Begin...

... paranoia of unprecedented totalitarian control, curfews, all the millions of spy cameras that scorned our civil liberties and privacy? Gunin: No, at the moment they do not bother explaining. Today, they are omnipotent. To overthrow the Harper regime and to conduct the re-elections is impossible. After the no confidence vote Harper dissolved Parliament, and he will do so indefinitely, to prevent any...

... the destruction of Israel in the Third World War and construction of the Third Temple in place of the destroyed at Al-Aqsa Mosque. It should be noted that the U.S. has traditionally provided greater assistance to Egypt than to Israel... Despite this, the Illuminati, using enormous financial and organizational resources, control the Zionists. The Zionist plans accept the use of converted Al-Aqsa...

... early summer of 1929 James Warburg made an agreement with the financial community of America, who wished to establish sole control over Germany by initiating the national revolution there. The task of the Warburg was to find a suitable man in Germany, and he came into contact with Adolf Hitler, who later, until January 30, 1932, received from him a sum amounting to 27 million dollars, and then another...

..., published in (New York Times) an official joint statement the two organizations, which recommended "not to encourage any boycott against Germany", and also gave advice to " not hold more rallies and not to engage in other similar forms of propaganda." American Jewish Committee and B'nai B'rith have continued this hard-line suppression of any of attacks on Hitler throughout the 30's, turning a blind eye to...

... her soul to the devil" to become a star.) CONCLUSION: CABALIST BLACK MAGIC The Illuminati control the mass media and use it to induct us into their Cabalist nightmare. We become what we contemplate: violence, greed, lust (pornography,) homosexuality, and the occult. Art and entertainment are designed to remove us from historical reality. Does anyone believe the Oscar nominated Lincoln, written and...

... directed by Illuminati Jews, tells us the true story? The real story, mankind's possession by a satanic secret society, is never told. Mass media-control allows them to perform their Black Magic: Conjure wars, demolish iconic skyscrapers or murder children. Jews need to disown the Satanists in their ranks or take the blame for them. (This applies to all groups). The days when Jews can pretend anti...


..., 2002 St. Paul, MN. "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that ... I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." -- "Israeli" Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. Do you want to know who the REAL...

... gaining centralized control over the resources of the planet, and we will, we can then organize, distribute, and govern to the benefit of all. After competition and decent [dissidents] are eliminated, we'll build a utopia for the world to share, based on need, and rejoice together in a harmonious new world. This presentation is designed to enlightened you about our organization's goals and achievements...

... Illumicorp success. Control the head, and you control the body. I. BANKING & BUSINESS This is potentially Illumicorps most effective instrument for global control. Through international banking, we manipulate the face of all countries. We've introduced many institutions such as the IMF and WTO to work in our favor to impoverish disobedient nations. Always remember, debt is a powerful weapon against...

... for world government. Conglomerates were merge into one cohesive corporation that is responsible only to Illumicorp and the needs of its global employment force. II. MILITARY & INTELLIGENCE Illumicorp control of the American military is another impressive tool in our possession. We have nurtured these institutions lavishly to serve as the prototype for our global police force. When ready, our...

... technology and man power will dominate those who oppose the coming New World Order. By utilizing American patriotism we have fostered in the American soldier the philosophy of peace through superior force. When the time is right, we will migrate that mentality towards the belief in a global government, who must protect all people through superior force. We have used the American military industrial complex...

... Illumicorp enormous funding of the military, we can develop new forms of warfare and population reduction. The public can't imagine what we're in the process of developing. Soon, even the weather will be a weapon under our control. We will be able to create droughts, floods, hurricanes, and even tsunamis, with no fingerprints attached. III. POLITICS The political system of America has been under direct...

... control of Illumicorp for some time. It was actually a relatively easy acquisition, and has been even easier to manage. Politicians know of our unspoken agreement, and will do anything to stay in power. A two party system benefits Illimicorp, in that is reduces all issues into a black and white debate. Through media we can play side against side, using each when necessary to support our goals. Due to a...

... realized that by creating a private organization to dictate curriculum on a federal level, children could be conditioned into obedience on a mass scale. In the interest of promoting Illumicorp principles in the classroom, hundreds of millions of dollars were invested to create the General Education Board in 1902. The result of doing this is evident today. The doctrines of public education have...

... transformed recent generations into a weaker, more docile mass. Through meticulously planned curriculum, we have control over the process by which the average child learns, thus we can mold them into obedient workers who are conditioned to accept the implementation of the great plan. In addition, Illumicorp has set up many associations, including the American Historical Association, that determine and...

... subliminal reinforcement of desired attitudes towards our objectives. For instance, we are currently instilling a sense of duty towards environmental issues. With our growing control of the weather through HAARP and chemtrails, we will scare the public into accepting our global protection agendas. We will then phase into the great cleansing which must occur, to return the population to a manageable size...

... public that is constantly suspicious and scheming we maintain the status quo of a divided population that never thinks to look up. VI. RELIGION Religion has served its purpose incredibly well. It is oldest and perhaps the broadest form of social control utilized by Illumicorp. With religion, there is a written code of conduct that must be followed. The authors of the holy scriptures know quite well how...

... to lace that code with demands, to maintain their dominance over the population. This system has survived for millenia, to hold the flock together and bring us to today. Admittedly, religion is losing its power of control. However, the fanaticism that has arisen due to this decline is particularly helpful to Illumicorp. Our invisible influence in the church has helped bring the Christian...

... fundamentalists out of the background. We help control their opinions on current issues through policies designed right here at Illumicorp headquarters. They are sent to our ministers who then preach the word of god, and their interpretations of the Bible to their followers. Their blind faith is used to transform them into willing soldiers, to defend our cause during the catastrophes ahead. As the final phase...

... now. Your loyalty and your devotion belong only with us. Help us finish the plan. Together, we will proudly initiate the New World Order. Now that you have a basic understanding of how we work over here at Illumicorp, I would like to introduce to you one of our latest projects. THE CONTROL GRID. Since ancient times, it has been the desire of the illumined to wield control over the masses below, both...

... to protect us from them and them from themselves. The tools through the ages have been effective, but always are blunt and inaccurate. But now, with the release of new technology to the masses, we have the real ability to introduce a control grid with finance, industry, governments and military under our strict control, who can safely shift the population into a new world, monitored and controlled...

... with HJ Springer John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft! Impending New Word Order Secret World Government The Synagogue of Satan ZioNazi Quotes Categorised Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand Timeline of the Rothschild family Explosive interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal about Jewish world domination: The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview ZioNazi Quotes Categorised Jewish Zertsalo...
.... something clicks and you stop. Here, I will teach you how to un-control, because only in un-control will you become free. And when the energy is moving spontaneously with no mind behind it to manipulate, to direct, to dictate, then there is tremendous bliss. The trees are more blissful; they exist on a lower plane but are more blissful. And so are the animals; they exist on a lower plane but are more...

... trouble; then sooner or later you will be on the rocks. Never take the other for granted; that is very insulting! To take the other for granted means that the other has become a means, is no more an end. If the other's freedom remains intact, the marriage is beautiful. Never interfere with the other's freedom. The mind is very political - it wants to dominate. So marriage becomes a game of domination...

... - but you are holding back the energy, mm? It can simply explode, and the experience will be of great significance. And it will explode. In the beginning everybody holds it back unconsciously - not that you are deliberately doing it. It is there just ready to dance, it can immediately overflood you; but we have been unconsciously trained to hold back, we have been trained to control. Through subtle...

... conditionings we have been taught never to go out of control in anything - in laughter, in crying, in love, in anger - never to go beyond the limit. There is a limit to everything and we have been allowed only up to the limit and then we have to hold back. After a long conditioning it becomes almost automatic, like a thermostat. Mm? you go to a certain extent, then suddenly something goes in the unconscious...

... blissful. And the reason is that they don't know how to control. Man can be more blissful than the trees and the flowers and the birds, but man has to avoid one trap, the trap of controlling himself. Once you start controlling yourself you are in conflict. Then one part wants to explode, another part goes on keeping it down, and so you become divided. That is the basic root of all schizophrenia - you...

... become split, you fight with yourself. To control oneself is to fight with oneself. To control oneself is to fight with oneself, and then energy is dissipated. You have great possibility - it will happen. Just remain alert, don't cooperate with this control. This will be your name: Swami Anand Chetan. Anand means bliss and chetan means conscious - conscious bliss. Man can have two types of bliss. One...

...: who dominates whom, and how. And the whole time, for twenty-four hours, husbands and wives are trying to find new ways to dominate. Naturally, beauty is crushed, love is crushed and killed, and the whole thing that started as a beautiful experience becomes ugly. Never take the other for granted and never interfere with the freedom of the other. And the way to do it is not to become dependent on the...

... other, because to become dependent is a subtle way to dominate. ... don't become dependent, remain happy on your own. Your happiness should not be dependent on [her] and [her] happiness should not be dependent on you. You should be independently happy and sometimes sharing your happiness. But it should not be the case that you cannot be happy alone. If you cannot be happy alone you will start taking...
... retarded that it is impossible to think that he can understand the meaning of Nietzsche; but he became the prophet of Nietzsche's philosophy. And according to his retarded mind he interpreted -- not only interpreted, but acted according to those interpretations -- and the second world war was the result. When Nietzsche is talking about "will to power," it has nothing to do with will to dominate...

.... But that is the meaning the Nazis had given to it. "The will to power" is diametrically opposite to the will to dominate. The will to dominate comes out of an inferiority complex. One wants to dominate others, just to prove to himself that he is not inferior -- he is superior. But he needs to prove it. Without any proof he knows he is inferior; he has to cover it up by many, many proofs...

.... The really superior man needs no proof, he simply is superior. Does a roseflower argue about its beauty? Does the full moon bother about proving its gloriousness? The superior man simply knows it, there is no need for any proof; hence he has no will to dominate. He certainly has a "will to power," but then you have to make a very fine distinction. His will to power means: he wants to grow...

... Nietzsche appreciates the beauty of the warrior. They wanted some idea for which to fight, and Nietzsche gave them a good excuse -- for the superman. Of course, they immediately got hold of the idea of superman. The Nordic German Aryans were going to be Nietzsche's new race of man, the superman. They wanted to dominate the world, and Nietzsche was very helpful, because he was saying that man's deepest...

... longing is "will to power." They changed it into will to dominate. Now they had the whole philosophy: the Nordic German Aryans are the superior race because they are going to give birth to the superman. They have the will to power and they will dominate the whole world. That is their destiny -- to dominate the inferior human beings. Obviously, the arithmetic is simple: the superior should...

... dominate the inferior. These beautiful concepts... Nietzsche could not ever have imagined they, would become so dangerous and such a nightmare to the whole of humanity. But you cannot avoid being misunderstood, you cannot do anything about it. A drunk who smelt of whiskey, cigars, and a cheap perfume, staggered up the steps into the bus, reeled down the aisle, then plopped himself down on a seat next to...

... over others. And it is not only your misunderstanding, Dhyan Agni, it is the misunderstanding of millions of people. And because of this misunderstanding they destroy the whole beauty of love. Instead of creating a paradise out of it, they create a hell for each other, because everybody is trying to dominate everybody else in the name of love -- but deep down is the desire to dominate. Love in itself...

...;How can I use my power without losing my love?" If you want to dominate, then certainly you will have to lose your love. But if you want to love, you can love as powerfully as you want. There is no contradiction between power and love. If there is a contradiction between power and love, then love will become powerless, it will become impotent, uncreative, weak; power will become dangerous...
... stone, a knife and luggage which, having been placed by a person on the top of his roof, fell down through a normal wind and did damage.2  In what circumstances [did they do the damage]? If while they were in motion, they are equivalent to Fire! How is this case different? Just as Fire is aided by an external force3  and, being your possession, is under your control, so also is the case with...

... those which are likewise aided by an external force and, being your possessions are under your control. If [on the other hand, damage was done] after they were at rest, then, if abandoned, according to both Rab and Samuel, they are equivalent to Pit.4  How is their case different? Just as Pit is from its very inception a source of injury, and, being your possession is under your control, so also...

... is the case with those5  which from their very inception [as nuisances] are likewise sources of injury, and, being your possession are under your control.6  Furthermore, even if they were not abandoned, according to Samuel who maintains that we deduce [the law governing] all nuisances from Pit,4  they are [again] equivalent to Pit? — Indeed they were abandoned, still they are...

... Rab and Samuel,11  it is equivalent to Pit! How does its case differ? Just as Pit is from its very inception a source of injury, and is under your control, so also is the case with that which from its very inception [as a nuisance] is likewise a source of injury, and is under your control. Furthermore, even if it were not abandoned, according to Samuel,11  who maintains that we deduce [the...

... not man's direct act?16  If, on the other hand, it occurred after they were at rest, [again] in what circumstances? If they were abandoned, then, according to both Rab and Samuel,17  they are equivalent to Pit! How does their case differ? Just as Pit is from its very inception a source of injury, and, being your possession, is under your control, so also is the case with those which are...

... likewise from their very inception [as nuisances] sources of injury and, being your possession, are under your control. Furthermore, even if they were not abandoned, according to Samuel,17  who maintains that we deduce [the law governing] all nuisances from Pit, they are [again] equivalent to Pit? — Indeed they were abandoned, still they are not equivalent to Pit: Why [is liability attached...

... to both Rab and Samuel,4  they are equivalent to Pit! How is their case different? Just as Pit does frequent damage and is under your control, so also is the case with those which likewise do frequent damage and are under your control. Furthermore, even if they were not abandoned, according to Samuel.4  who maintains that we deduce [the law governing] all nuisances from Pit, they are...

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