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Found: 3428 articles, showing 3270 - 3280
... you, will open your wounds . You live in hate, you go on talking about love. Your love is just a facade, behind it is written jealousy, domination, possessiveness, and all kinds of illnesses. Your love is neurotic. It kills you, it kills the other. It is not love at all. You don't know what love is. So when I talk about love, listen very carefully so that it can make you aware of your fact, your...
... in the rule; he is very obedient to society. In whatsoever society he is, he is obedient to it. He does not bother about what he is obedient to; he is simply obedient. These people become very respectable, naturally - because they obey the society. They never do anything wrong, they are always right. Their ego trip is for the right. They ride on the right - they are the righteous people. They...
... forgotten how to listen to God, we have to think. The real man of awareness need not think. God goes on supplying him with all that is needed, whenever it is needed. The second and third questions are connected: Question 2: DO YOU HAVE SOME SORT OF CONTRAPTION IN YOUR ROOM WITH WHICH YOU CONTROL OR ALTER THE MOODS OF EVERYONE IN THE ASHRAM, PUTTING EVERYONE INTO THE SAME OR SIMILAR MOOD AT THE SAME TIME...
... nothing is achieved. Listen to it. Let this sink into your heart. And if you feel like pushing because of old habits - you have been pushing for many lives - -go on pushing, but go on seeing the fact that this is stupid, that you are being stupid. Don't pull away from it, don't try to control yourself. Let it happen - but with the vision that it is stupid, that it is meaningless, that nothing is going...
... to possess, trying to boss, trying to dominate - all that politics. And then the train comes and you are gone for ever. And you will never be heard of again, and never be seen again. And you will never see those people you were fighting with, and you will never see the woman you tried to possess, and you will never see the man you nagged to death. See it. Buddhism is not a doctrine. It is simply an...
... possibility of transformation. Buddhism wants to take away all theories and consolations. Those are all tranquillizers, deadly poisonous. And the insight that Buddhism wants to share with you is that you are the sole agent, the sole creator of your life; nothing else determines it. Each moment you are in control. You just have to see it and you have to try a few changes - those changes will help you to...
... good bank balance - it is happy only with things that it can control. It wants to remain the master. That's why the conscious mind creates barriers between itself and its own depth, the unconscious - so that no messages reach. The unconscious is NATURALLY interested in God. God is not a creation of thinkers; it is a deep urge, a great longing, in the very core of human beings. No man is really a man...
... inside you. It is like an electrode put inside your brain. You will not know anything about it, but it will control you. That's what conscience is. Buddha is absolutely against conscience. He is all for consciousness, but never for conscience. That's his revolution. His religion is the most revolutionary religion that has happened in the world up to now. He frees you from conscience. To be free from...
... hypnosis. In deep hypnosis, the hypnotist suggests that he is putting fire in your hand, and he puts nothing -- but the hand gets burnt. Now what happened? It was just that the imagination worked so tremendously. The body is also under control of imagination. So if you think yourself beautiful you will become beautiful. If you think yourself ugly you will become ugly. Your imagination will give a mould...
... to make you free, love wants to give you freedom. In fact, the person who is forcing you to follow him may be on an ego trip himself, may be trying to dominate you, may be trying to destroy you, may be trying to cripple you. No, people who have known don't destroy you. They help you to be yourself, they don't force you to follow them. They only want you to understand them. That's enough...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).