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Found: 3428 articles, showing 3220 - 3230
... should be diverted into directions where he finds nothing. That's why humanity has gone into wrong directions... and is still going! Q:* IS IT NATURAL THAT IT'S GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION? A:* No. It is not natural. It is because of the criminal mind of few people who have dominated -- and the criminal mind always wants to dominate. If it fails then it is to suffer the indignity of imprisonment, if...
... cannot betray me. Why is there this pattern? It is not an exception, it is the rule. Whoever you put higher than yourself, deep down you feel hurt. On the surface you go on adoring the person, but in the unconscious you go on collecting all kinds of antagonism. Because of him you are inferior. How can you forgive a man who makes you feel inferior? And if sometime your inferiority becomes too heavy on...
... them doses of certain poison -- what is the name of the name of the poison? (Answer from a sannyasin is inaudible) Q:* IT BEGINS WITH AN H, I THINK. A:* Haldol, hmm? Q:* YES. A:* That poison they were giving to all people in small doses to keep them quiet, under control, silent, and to make them almost zombies, so whatsoever you say they will do. One man just accidentally they overdosed, and that man...
... press was absolutely unrelated to what happened in the meeting. Not a single word was in connection, it was absolute fiction that he said. In fact, contrary to what he said in his meeting, to the press he said that everything is calm and quiet and in control and there is no need to fear, then who is putting the army on alert? Inside they decide to put the army on alert, so that within three hours of...
.... And the earth is not against the sky. Observe the trees - the tree can go higher in the sky only if it goes deeper in the earth. And so is the rule, so is the law. A man who is deeply rooted in the earth can go deeply in God - not otherwise. A man who can laugh and enjoy and be merry, can pray. His roots in the earth will give him enough nourishment to pray. He will be grateful - only then he can...
... choose a sadistic woman, because you are a masochist. You want to be tortured - somebody to dominate you, somebody to crush you. You are a self condemner, you don't approve of yourself, and you don't love yourself. You need somebody to hate you and to kick you around.' The second marriage also finished soon. The wife left. The last time when I saw him he was again after a woman, and I told him, 'Now be...
... suppress myself." But that will create more anger. That will create guilt - because if I try to change and cannot change myself, that creates inferiority. It gives me a feeling of guilt, that I am incapable, I cannot win over my anger. No one can win! You need certain weapons, you need certain techniques, because your anger is just an indication of a disturbed mind. Change the disturbed mind and the...
... - energy particles. But ultimately, before Einstein's research politicians were just impotent. They were working on a bigger canvas, but they did not know the secret of the small unit. Moralists always work on big planes, but these are gross. The thing looks very big. They devote their whole lives to moralizing, practicing this and that, to SANYAM - control. They go on controlling; the whole edifice...
... if you do not obey the mind... it is difficult because you have always obeyed. You have never ordered the mind; you have never been masters. You cannot be because, really, you have never disidentified yourself from the mind. You think you are the mind. This fallacy that you are the mind gives the mind total freedom, because then there is no one to master it, to control it. There is no one! Mind...
.... There are persons who go on teaching that if you have doubts, you can never reach to the divine. So what to do? Then you have to force it underneath, suppress it, hide it, create a false belief. But that will be only on the surface, it will never touch your soul. Deep down you will remain in doubt, and just on the surface a facade will be created of belief. That is the difference between faith and...

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  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).