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Found: 3428 articles, showing 2670 - 2680
... - sometimes in such places, we can never imagine. Our whole lives pass in such attitudes of ownership. If you come to me and I make you sit lovingly beside me, you will begin to assert ownership on me also! People write to me. As a rule, I reply the first letter, and at once I receive a second letter, then a third, a fourth! When I am able, I reply them but soon I discover they have nothing to write! It is...

... lifting of hand, to be silent and the Ocean obeyed! Even when dying, he made no claims. The enemies too were shocked! This man did know something after all. He may not be the son of God but he certainly had some knowledge and power for they had seen the sick being cured by the mere touch of his hand; they had seen corpses coming back to life at his command. The enemies also expected a miracle...
... falsity of the world. People are not alike. They are very different. So there can be no fixed and fast rule. But as a general statement it can be said that people start becoming religious near about forty-two Don't take it as a fixed law, it is not. The higher the entity in existence, the less and less applicable are fixed laws. The lower the entity, the more applicable are fixed laws. You call say that...

... you walk, keep to Buddha's rule: look only four feet ahead on the ground. If you see a woman, escape. Soon you will not be bored with sex! APSARAS will start coming to you. This question must have come from a Westerner, it could never come from an Indian. Indians are never bored, they cannot be. They have so many mahatmas. When Indians come to me their question is how to get rid of sex. Just see how...
... is repressed - we are sitting on top of it, it is like a volcano. That Zen koan, that impossible riddle, goes on goading, goading - and one day suddenly that volcano erupts, explodes. Then you are no more in control; you go beyond control. You cannot manage yourself; all your reason is gone in fragments. It has been an explosion, and you are thrown away completely. You are no more the same as you...
... Buddha, I don't mean Mahavir, I don't mean Krishna, I don't mean Christ or Mohammed; I mean the followers. They have been the source - a great source. And what happened really? They watched Buddha and they saw that sex had disappeared, so they made it a dictum that sex has to disappear. You can only become a Buddha when sex disappears - they made a dictum, they made it a rule. And this is just putting...

... disappears of its own accord. Let it be a fundamental rule in your life: Never be against the lower - SEARCH for the higher. NEVER be against the lower, search for the higher. And the moment the higher dawns on you, suddenly you will see that the interest in the lower has disappeared. You ask: IS IT POSSIBLE, REALLY POSSIBLE, TO DROP SEX BY GOING THROUGH IT? I'm not saying that. I'm saying that if you go...
... behave as if they own the United States? They see officials of Jewish secret societies override officials of the United States Immigration Bureau. Their first glimpse of life here shows a Jewish control as potent and complete as it is in Russia. No wonder then that they literally beat down the walls and gates with all the éclat of a victorious invasion. Is not this America — "The Jews...
... spectators nor add anything to the chest measurement," says the Tribune; "the majority of spectators get only eye and mouth exercise." "Journalism has overfed it with space," the Tribune rightly says, referring to professional baseball. In ruining baseball and securing control, the Jews may be just in time to take a loss. Better no baseball than every park an afternoon midway...
... Augustus of Saxony; the Model family, court-purveyors and army-contractors in the Duchy of Aensbach in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are well known in history. In short, as one writer of the time pithily expresses it, 'all the contractors are Jews and all the Jews are contractors.' "Austria does not differ in this respect from Germany, France and England. The wealthy Jews who in the reign...
... only a sheep, but a foolish sheep who used to think that he is a lion, and never listened to us. We argued many times, `You are a sheep. We are men, we know better. You stop roaring, that is not going to help.'" But the magician was in absolute control. The story Gurdjieff was telling was about your religious leaders. They have managed to tell you things which you are not. They have managed to...
... beings to be enlightened; it is almost impossibly rare for animals to become enlightened, but the cow attained. She will not be born again. From the body of a cow she has bypassed the whole world of humanity, and she has jumped ahead and joined with the buddhas. So once in a while -- there are a few instances only -- it has happened. But that cannot be called the rule; it is just the exception. Things...
...? It will happen. [A group member says: I feel that I'm really resisting letting go of control. The last thing I want to do is to suffer. I'm really seeing the games I play... ] Nobody wants to suffer, but we carry the seeds of suffering within us. The whole point of working on oneself is to burn those seeds. The burning may give you a little suffering but it is nothing compared to your whole life of...

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