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Found: 3428 articles, showing 2570 - 2580
..., and all the puritans have been against it, and all the governments have tried to curb and control, but it seems beyond any government to control it. What has been the cause of it? It gives something ... it gives a glimpse into the innocent mind of the child again. Through chemical impact, the mind becomes loosened for a few moments or a few hours. Under the impact of the drug your thinking slips...
... night I am incapable, I am unconscious, so the hole discipline and control disappears." Sigmund Freud's insight is very valuable, that to know about a man you have to know his dreams, not his waking life. His waking life is pseudo. His real life asserts itself in his dreams, because his dreams are more natural -- no repression, no discipline, no control. Hence, psychoanalysis does not bother...
... at the roadside were having a conversation. I happened to be passing by and overheard them. One said, "I wonder what is the purpose of life." "Life is only to live. What else can you do?" replied the other. You are of the second beggar's opinion: you feel what else is there to do in life apart from living? And even that is out of your control; it depends on an infinite number of...

...! Your feet are firmly placed. Here he is filled with self-remembering. He is in total command of his senses. In the intoxication of the drunkard he can commit all sort of mistakes and go astray! In the intoxication of turiya it is impossible for a person to do wrong. Akbar set out one day on his elephant to take a ride around his capital. As he was passing through the streets, a man standing on a roof...
..., you keep adding fresh hindrances at every step. There are people in this world who regulate their lives with control and restraint. They must take each step carefully so as not to go astray. But restraint is not the end; awareness is the ultimate goal. The invitation to wander is always beckoning inside. However much you impose restraints, the raging passions will bring you down at the slightest...

... all religion is filled with such stupidities. Some send water to ancestors, some bathe in the Ganges to wash away sins, yet others sit before idols without any feeling of worship or adoration, merely to ask for worldly things. A thousand foolishnesses prevail in the name of religion. Therefore Nanak insists that religion is not attained through scriptures, nor through tradition and customs, nor...
... he is the Lord of Laxmi, the deity of wealth. So those who lust for wealth worship Vishnu. This is worth pondering over; if you want to approach a man it is best to go through his wife. Not only in ordinary matters of the world does this method apply, but even in matters of the spirit. The rule is: please the wife and the master is bound to be pleased. Please Laxmi and Vishnu is pleased. Vishnu...

... strength, fails before death. This is why we make such efforts not to remember death. If we do remember death our conceit cannot stand up. It falls limp when we confront ourselves helpless before death. Our arrogance cannot accept it. I - a helpless person? I, who am so strong, so powerful; how can I be helpless? So it is best to suppress the fact of death, and then the ego is not hurt! The wise man...
...! The emperor was embarrassed. Hc had come with his whole court and the queens. "What will they think? And what kind of man have I come to receive?" He tried to overlook it out of politeness. He did not want to ask the question, "Why is this shoe on your head?" But Bodhidharma would not leave him. He said, "Don't try to overlook it. Ask directly and be straight from the very...
...; He had brought everybody's specimen! During the reign of the gestapo in Germany, Schloss and Hirsch were walking along a Munich street, when an SS officer approached them. Schloss had proper credentials but Hirsch did not. "Quick," said Hirsch, "you run that way. The nazi will follow you and I'll be able to get away." Schloss tore off in the direction indicated, pursued by the...

... astrologers were called by his father to inquire what he was going to become. All the astrologers except the one who was the youngest raised two fingers. The father asked, "What do you mean by two fingers?" They said, "Either he is going to become a chakravartin, a world conqueror, a world emperor, who will rule all the six continents, or he is going to become a renunciate, a sannyasin, who...
... loosened. Then the mind is no longer powerful over you, then you are released a little. But that no has to be said again continuously. Even if you listen to the mind for one day, again the whole power of mind will return to dominate and possess you. So just a moment's going astray, and all is lost. The man of austerities is doing better; he is doing something more permanent than the man of chanting...

... are somebody in particular, you become convinced yourself. There was a strict rule in the mental asylum: no pets.The warder heard poor Harry talking to a dog called Rover, and marched into his padded cell. There was Harry, leading a tube of toothpaste around on a piece of string. "What is that?" asked the warder. Harry looked at him in surprise. "Surely any fool can see it is just a...
... thousand and one questions arise: who is superior? and who is to dominate? and who is to be dominate? Then humanity suffered long from male chauvinism. And there is a possibility that sooner or later humanity will suffer again - from female chauvinism. The Lib. people are working hard for it. They would like to do all the nasty things that men have done to them - they would like to do them to men. This...
... it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents The Morontia Life 1. Morontia Materials 2. Morontia Power Supervisors 3. Morontia Companions 4. The Reversion Directors 5. The Mansion World Teachers 6. Morontia World Seraphim — Transition Ministers 7. Morontia Mota 8. The Morontia Progressors The Morontia Life (541.1) 48:0.1 THE Gods cannot — at least...

... to, both physical and spiritual circuits on the transition worlds, and it requires millions of these regulators to energize even a system of mansion worlds like that of Satania. (543.8) 48:2.14 Circuit regulators initiate those changes in material energies which render them subject to the control and regulation of their associates. These beings are morontia power generators as well as circuit...

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