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Found: 3428 articles, showing 2210 - 2220
...: behind the repetition of Rama will be the echo of kama; an awareness of sex is present there. If a woman comes into sight they will start saying their rosary - "Rama, Rama, Rama," - twirling their beads at great speed and chanting the name of Rama at the top of their lungs. The kama inside pushes at them from within, and these escapists try to ignore it, to drown it, to suppress it by...

... are, the more anarchy spreads, the higher his pulpit grows - because then there is more need for him to exhort people to observe non-violence, to be truthful, to behave honestly, to observe this regulation, to stick to that rule, and so forth. If people were righteous, restrained, disciplined, peaceful, honest and holy, the profession of preacher would cease to exist. And why are there so many...

... whole world has been trying to protect sex from these accidents. Birth-control developed out of this attitude; unnatural aids were invented so we could enjoy sex and, at the same time, be safe from children. For ages efforts have been made to rescue mankind from this so-called evil. Even ancient Ayurvedic scriptures mention remedies. Today's selfish scientist is also concerned about the same thing...
... consciousness is forever awake within and this keeps revolting. Then the whole life is spent in curbing the consciousness by striving to load it with matter. When I suppress a person's individuality and make him into an object or if someone curbs my individuality and turns me into ail object, another tragedy takes place. If a person really turns into an object, then the very meaning of making love to such a...

... line of restriction. Now I will stop it from taking its own course, for now I have attributed a name to it. Tomorrow, when I am filled with anger, I will say to myself, "I am a lover, I should not be angry." So I will suppress my anger. Now if anger rises within and it is suppressed, then the love manifested under these conditions will be false and hollow. The lover who is not capable of...

... being angry becomes incapable of loving also. If I do not consider my beloved so much my own as to be angry with her, I can never consider her so much my own as to love her. But I have confessed my love for her; then what shall I do with the anger that burns within me? I will have to practise deception. Either I should gulp my anger or suppress it or hide it and pretend love. But this love will be...
... to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents set at its head by us as leaders of the mob. The people will submit to this regime because it will know that upon these leaders will depend its earnings, gratifications and the receipt of all kinds of benefits. 6. A scheme of government should come ready made from one brain, because it will never be clinched firmly if it is allowed to be...
... is not easy to control a woman! she will find a thousand ways and one to get out of it, don't be worried! Life can be rally such a laughter if you are true. Just the idea gives such beautiful freedom. So for these months, be really true - fight, be angry, be sad. Sometimes, it will be too much... but then you will have a few glimpses of beautiful celebration, a few glimpses of laughter. and they...
... he does not know the owner's disposition, he should give the terumah in a moderate manner, viz., one fiftieth.27 If he reduced [the denominator by] ten28 or added ten to it29 his terumah is nevertheless valid',30 while in respect of an owner26 it was taught: If, when setting apart terumah, there came up in his hand even so much as one twentieth27 his terumah is valid.31 Come and hear: IF HER...
... kinds of food] forbidden to a nazirite can combine together.13  R. Simeon. on the other hand, does not require a rule about combination, for it has been taught: R. Simeon says that a mite [of forbidden food] is sufficient [to entail liability] to stripes; a quantity equivalent to an olive is required only where a sacrifice is [the appropriate penalty]. MISHNAH. [IF A MAN SAYS] 'I VOW TO BE LIKE...
... value 248, the numbers of members of man's body. V. Mak. (Sonc. ed.) p. 109. n. 5. As a reward for his undergoing circumcision he was given mastery over those limbs, which, through hearing and seeing, entice one to immorality; but now he was enabled by his will-power to forbid them to look upon or listen to sin. The last mentioned, of course, refers to the control of the sex-lust. Cf. Maim. 'Guide...
... that she is deprived of her kethubah. Sc. if her husband before divorcing her went abroad the court does not authorize her to collect her maintenance expenses from his estate. Though a woman as a rule is entitled to take with her when divorced whatever is left of the clothes she brought to her husband on marriage as melog property (cf. Keth. 79b). If any blood is observed on them. If they remained...
... ruling that19  a woman who has no regular period is forbidden marital intercourse,20  applies only to the days of her menstruation period, but during the days of her zibah she enjoys21  A PRESUMPTIVE STATE OF CLEANNESS. If so,22  why did R. Meir rule: He must divorce her and never remarry her?20  — Since it is possible to be tempted23  to improper conduct during the...
... the water cannot penetrate everywhere. Though it is not necessary for the water to come in contact with the teeth. In agreement with R. Zera's rule. It being assumed in such a case that the interposition became attached to the body after the immersion. The two readings. According to the first reading it must. For ritual immersion. Where the benches on which people stand when bathing are made of...

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