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Found: 2264 articles, showing 2150 - 2160
... to know? I can tell you, don't be so nervous." Children can now tell you many more things - and children feel that you are somehow a little ignorant, illiterate. Every child in the West feels that the parents are illiterate. The respect has disappeared. If men of knowledge dominate the society this is going to be so, because knowledge grows every day, changes every day, accumulates more and...
... WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU SEE? This question is from Pratima. I see the first layer, the Pratima which is not real - the pretension, the effort to show something that is not there. Then at the second layer I see another Pratima, which is there, but which the first layer is trying to hide, to suppress, to push into the dark. Then I see the third layer which is so unconscious that the first two layers are...
... atom bomb, and go rushing off madly to kill people who are absolutely unknown to you, who have done nothing; who are as unknown to you as you are unknown to them. The world will drop wars only when love enters into the world again. Politicians don't want you to love, the society does not want you to love, the family doesn't allow you to love: they all want to control your love energy because that is...
.... The second category is dominating the whole world, dominating the first category: the idiots are being dominated by the knowledgeable. These knowledgeable people become politicians, professors, doctors, engineers, scientists and they dominate the idiots, the monkeys with Gandhi caps. To me, you have to understand the third category, the disciple. The disciple is one who is existentially interested...
... your intelligence becomes a little powerful it starts interfering with your instinct. A competition, a struggle for power starts. The intellect tries to dominate, and because it has logic on its side - reason, argument, a thousand and one proofs - it can manage, as far as your conscious mind is concerned, to convince you that the instinct is something evil. That's why all the religions have been...
... - Ravana has everything, and so sees himself as Rama. If the only concern is power, this logic will prevail. As long as you have not truly acknowledged the Ravana in you, not a single step has been taken in transforming your life. And the moment you begin to see that you are Ravana, the walls of Ravana's palace come crashing down, because nobody can remain a Ravana once he has become aware of it. Knowing...
... only thing meditation will do is it will close the outside for a brief while, so that the inner melody can also be heard. Once you hear that inner melody you will start running ecstatically towards it like a madman. You must have heard how when Krishna plays on his flute, the gopis, his girl friends, become completely incapable of doing their housework. They lose all control, they leave their chores...
... the misery, that even parents have not been able to control the temptation to exploit the helpless, although the helpless is nobody but their own child. Perhaps they never think what they are doing. The Christian parents think they are helping the child to become a Christian; otherwise he will be lost. They never pay a second thought to the question: They are Christians; have they arrived, or are...
... even aware of the question he knows all the answers. If you are a Christian how do you know that there is a trinity? - that God the father, the Holy Ghost, the son, these three make the highest power monopoly, that they dominate the world, that they are the real dictators - how do you know it? It has been told to you. Perhaps you have forgotten who told you. It was told to you so early that unless...
... family - only one son, and that too without a wife! Great birth control - even the wife is dropped. It doesn't seem that it can be real. The Hindu God seems to have some logic behind it: one body, three faces. Brahma is the creative face who creates the world; Vishnu is the sustainer, who sustains the world; and Shiva is the destructive part, who destroys the world. This seems to be more logical...

Search time: 0.080 seconds.

How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).