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... retarded that it is impossible to think that he can understand the meaning of Nietzsche; but he became the prophet of Nietzsche's philosophy. And according to his retarded mind he interpreted -- not only interpreted, but acted according to those interpretations -- and the second world war was the result. When Nietzsche is talking about "will to power," it has nothing to do with will to dominate...

.... But that is the meaning the Nazis had given to it. "The will to power" is diametrically opposite to the will to dominate. The will to dominate comes out of an inferiority complex. One wants to dominate others, just to prove to himself that he is not inferior -- he is superior. But he needs to prove it. Without any proof he knows he is inferior; he has to cover it up by many, many proofs...

.... The really superior man needs no proof, he simply is superior. Does a roseflower argue about its beauty? Does the full moon bother about proving its gloriousness? The superior man simply knows it, there is no need for any proof; hence he has no will to dominate. He certainly has a "will to power," but then you have to make a very fine distinction. His will to power means: he wants to grow...

... Nietzsche appreciates the beauty of the warrior. They wanted some idea for which to fight, and Nietzsche gave them a good excuse -- for the superman. Of course, they immediately got hold of the idea of superman. The Nordic German Aryans were going to be Nietzsche's new race of man, the superman. They wanted to dominate the world, and Nietzsche was very helpful, because he was saying that man's deepest...

... longing is "will to power." They changed it into will to dominate. Now they had the whole philosophy: the Nordic German Aryans are the superior race because they are going to give birth to the superman. They have the will to power and they will dominate the whole world. That is their destiny -- to dominate the inferior human beings. Obviously, the arithmetic is simple: the superior should...

... dominate the inferior. These beautiful concepts... Nietzsche could not ever have imagined they, would become so dangerous and such a nightmare to the whole of humanity. But you cannot avoid being misunderstood, you cannot do anything about it. A drunk who smelt of whiskey, cigars, and a cheap perfume, staggered up the steps into the bus, reeled down the aisle, then plopped himself down on a seat next to...

... over others. And it is not only your misunderstanding, Dhyan Agni, it is the misunderstanding of millions of people. And because of this misunderstanding they destroy the whole beauty of love. Instead of creating a paradise out of it, they create a hell for each other, because everybody is trying to dominate everybody else in the name of love -- but deep down is the desire to dominate. Love in itself...

...;How can I use my power without losing my love?" If you want to dominate, then certainly you will have to lose your love. But if you want to love, you can love as powerfully as you want. There is no contradiction between power and love. If there is a contradiction between power and love, then love will become powerless, it will become impotent, uncreative, weak; power will become dangerous...
... over the nature of the person. Both these methods follow different routes. The restraint implanted from without is the outcome of repression: according to this, if there is anger within suppress it; if there is violence within; subdue it and bring forth from outside the opposites of these. The right self restraint does not come this way. By suppressing violence, non-violence is not attained. On the...

... cultivate self-restraint since time unknown! Therefore there are many lessons in moderation but the extremes in life far exceed these lessons. Since thousands of years there have been discussions on temperance and self-control but man has failed to be moderate and normal. Why is this so? The more talk of celibacy there is in a society, the more sexually obsessed the people will be. It becomes a matter of...

... great concern then. The logic of the situation is: whatever we try tc suppress permeates deeper and deeper and settles in the deeper layers of consciousness. Suppression binds, it does not liberate. Try to suppress something and you find yourself bound hand and foot to it. One evening, as Mulla Nasruddin was setting out to call on some of his friends, an old friend happened to come along. It was...

... the first, for the former can be recognized while the latter is so subtle. It is suppression in another form and this we look upon as self-control and we call such men renunciates! I was in Jaipur. A friend came along and said: "A great mahatma has come to the town. You should go and visit him." I asked him how he measured the mahatma's greatness - what scales he employed. "There is...

... neither the opposite nor the inverse of its presence. Its absence is its pure non-presence alone. Therefore a man of violence can cultivate non-violence but the violence remains within. A man may cultivate celibacy but sex will rage just as much within. Such self-control is deception and I am against it. I am in favour of that self-control, in which we do not subdue the evil, but awaken the good within...

.... When we stop taking orders from others, and obey the orders from within, we become sanyasins. We live as we please, obeying no earthly sire - as the wind goes wherever it pleases, so we go wherever we please. It seems you are wholly ignorant of the ways of a sanyasin." "I am not prepared to listen to all this. You will have to follow me. My command has never been disobeyed. If you choose to...

... talking about me. My name is Muni Shantinath. Know it once and for all." The friend thanked him with folded hands and praised his forbearance. After a few minutes, the friend asked again: "Please sir, what was your name that you said? It has slipped my mind." It was difficult for the Muni to control his anger. "Are you out of your mind? I told you my name was Muni Shantinath!"...

... renunciation and the debauchee becomes celibate; but this brings no actual transformation. All transformations start within. When one becomes self-cognizant, one's conduct automatically changes; but by changing the conduct alone there is no inward change. I am against all those modes of self-control which lay stress on conduct. And I am in favour of that self-restraint that is born within and spreads all...

... suppression. Now Nasruddin entered the third friend's house with a vow that he would not mention the clothes. But the clothes, by now, had taken possession of every inch of his being, and like all persons of self- restraint, he put up a brave front outside. Little did the friend suspect what was happening within poor Nasruddin. He looked all right on the outside, but within, he was verging on insanity...

.... Wherever he looked, he saw clothes and nothing but clothes. It filled him with anger and pain but do as he would, he could not subdue this feeling. So he began to repeat his resolve to himself, lest he slipped again: "I must not talk about clothes - I must not talk about clothes!" And now he was called upon to introduce the guest once again! Poor Nasruddin, with clothes littered all over his...

... consciousness, he began the introduction: "This is my friend. We have known each other for many years and now he comes to visit me after a long absence; and as for his clothes, I have sworn not to mention to whom it belongs." A suppressed mind works in this manner. It gets involved with the very thing it tries to suppress. The mind gets diseased, obsessions are formed - is this self-restraint...

...? Definitely not. But this is how it has been defined over the years. Even today when someone starts to practise moderation, he begins with self-repression. The result is that the perverted forms of the very thing he tries to suppress, take possession of his mind. I was once sitting with a sanyasini at the sea-shore. The lady was talking to me about Soul and Over-Soul, liberation and beatitude. We always...

.... "If you have come to realize that the soul is not the body, then there is no cause for alarm even if you touch a man's body - for the body is dust," I told her. Unfortunately we become all the more conscious of that which we suppress, which then tries to hold us from different angles in different forms. I was staying once with a sadhu. Every day, in the course of conversation, he would tell...

... renounced a fortune, that was the end of the matter." The lakhs of rupees still pursued the man. He kicked them away, but they followed him and made their nest in his mind. Repression did not bring renunciation, in spite of all the self-control. When the lakhs were with him, he strutted proudly - the owner of lakhs. Now he renounced them, and his arrogance doubled! The second conceit is worse than...

... the name of self-control, renunciation and liberation. I stand opposed to all these inverse practices. Life should be straight, clean, and lived in its entirety. It should not be broken up into bits and parts - one thing within and another without. We should lead an integrated life - what is within should also be without. We cannot change the internal self from without, though an external change can...

... gold of the ashrafis catch your eye? You differentiate between mud and gold and I was under the illusion that you were free of desires. Seeing you thus pile mud on mud, I am filled with shame! What could these trees be saying? This man is binding mud with mud!" Both these are people of self-control. The old man's restraint is what one should be wary of. The woman too, is a person of self...

..., in utter silence, it falls to the ground. If a green leaf is broken, the tree feels the pain and so does the leaf. It leaves behind a wound, for it has been wrenched away from the tree. The man who cultivates self-control, is one who plucks the green leaves that leave scars behind. These wounds then become painful. I am in favour of that self-discipline that happens like the falling of a dry leaf...
... loudly - that you cannot do, that is difficult, so you have to surrender. And through crying the woman doesn't seem to be trying to dominate - that is the beauty of it - but it is subtle domination. Then you can go on playing the game that you have surrendered to her; now she should surrender to you. Look, you have surrendered to her - now what is she going to do? She should surrender to you! You have...

... each other. Then in the name of surrender a subtle domination starts. The surrender has to be to the god of love, not to each other, otherwise there will be difficulty, much difficulty. How can you surrender yourself to her and how can she surrender herself to you? She will find a thousand and one defects in you and you will find a thousand and one defects in her. One can surrender only to something...

..., her ways of dominating are delicate. When a man wants to dominate he will just be aggressive, violent, he will shout. When a woman wants to dominate she will cry and weep. But don't think that she is not trying to dominate - those tears are to dominate. And of course she succeeds in a better way, because the man cannot cope with it. If the woman starts fighting he can cope with it. If the woman hits...

... him, he can cope with it - he can hit harder; he has more musculature, a bigger body. So the woman has to go through the non-violent way. That is the very ancient-most way of the woman - the non-violent way. She wants to dominate you but not through means that you can sabotage - you cannot even sabotage her efforts. Now, if you really want to defeat her when she is crying, you have to cry more...

... that you have surrendered, now she should surrender - that game cannot be played. You cannot dominate through surrender and she cannot dominate through surrender, because you are both surrendered to love. Now, there is no way to dominate love. You are surrendered to something higher than both of you - that is the meaning of 'god of love'. The very myth, that there is a god of love, is beautiful, it...

... there is no need to hold back. In fact, why are you holding back? There is some fear that if you don't hold back, if you give all, she will dominate - then you have nothing else to give. So we give only in parts... we keep the carrot dangling - that's why we hold back. We keep the mystery. You don't allow the woman to enter into your whole being and know It totally, because once she knows you totally...

... mystery. This is the logic in it. But when you are truly independent and you are not worried that she can dominate and you are not surrendered to her but to the god of love, then you can open yourself totally. Because then it is not a question of her being with you or not being with you. Let me underline this idea: when you are surrendered to the god of love, then it is not very very important whether...

... surrender is not for each other, so there is no fear of domination. You can relax, she can relax. In that relaxation two energies meet and mingle and a single moment can become almost an eternity. A single moment can be so fulfilling that you may live for lives and Not be able to get that fulfillment. And I am not saying that there is any necessity for you to separate. My whole understanding is: how can...
.... You will simply move away from me as if you have not listened at all. You will go to somebody who is talking some nonsense and creating some difficulty for you. That's why suppression came into existence, because that is the most difficult thing in the world, to suppress -almost impossible because it never succeeds, it is always a failure. How can you suppress a part of your being by another part...

... suppression? They cannot, and they are not teaching. When Buddha says, "Go on a fast," what he means? Suppress your hunger? - no. He says, "Watch your hunger." The body will say, "I am hungry." You simply sit inside your being and watch. Don't do anything either to feed the body or to suppress the hunger. You simply watch the hunger. No activity is needed on your part, and...

... suppression is an activity. When you suppress the hunger, what you will do? You will not be able to watch it. In fact, that is the only thing that you will avoid. A person who wants to suppress the hunger and who has gone on a fast, as Jains go every year, what they will do? They will try to distract the mind somewhere else so that the hunger is not felt. They will chant mantras, or they will go to the...

..., you are lost. Ordinarily, people suppress these things. They will start chanting a mantra; they will not look at the body. I am not teaching you any sort of suppression. Only awareness I teach. You just watch, pay attention, and because it is false, immediately it will disappear. When all the pains and itches and ants have disappeared and the body has settled in its right place of being a slave...

... the morning you can see me; that too, from a distance. In the evening you can come, and that too with difficulty. So you have to suppress. That suppression can cause the second type of dream. You may dream that I have come to you, or you have come to me and you are talking to me. It can be of a third type: it may be a communication from the unconscious. If it is of the third type, then it is...

... no effort is needed of any sort. You simply relax and be, and everything follows on its own accord. One has simply to be non-doing: sitting quietly, and the spring comes and the grass grows by itself. The second question: IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT IN THE PAST, MANY SCHOOLS OF YOGA TAUGHT MAINLY THROUGH SUPPRESSION. AND QUITE A FEW DID ATTAIN THROUGH IT. IS IT NOT POSSIBLE THAT EVEN TODAY, THE TECHNIQUE...

... OF SUPPRESSION MAY SUIT A CERTAIN TYPE OF PERSON? First thing: never! - nobody who knows has ever taught suppression. Second: never anybody has attained through it. But everywhere false coins exist. The way of being natural is very simple, but looks very difficult for you because the ego wants something difficult to struggle with, to be challenged by, to conquer it. The ego exists through constant...

...? It is just like trying to win by your right hand trying to defeat your left hand. You can pretend. After a little activity you can pretend that the right is on top and the left is suppressed. But do you think it is suppressed or it is conquered? How can you conquer a part of your own being by another part? - just pretensions. If you suppress sex, the brahmacharya will be a pretension, a hypocrisy...

... life will be defeated. No Master who knows, no Master who is enlightened has ever preached suppression. But they have preached something which can look like suppression to people who don't know, so let me make the distinction clear. For example - the distinction is very subtle - Buddha and Mahavira both have taught about fasting, both have taught about brahmacharya, celibacy. Are they teaching...

... temple and recite sutras, or they will go to their religious leader to listen him, so that the mind is engaged, and they need not pay attention to the hunger which is there. This is suppression. Suppression means: something is there and you don't look at it and you pretend as if it is not there. So if you are occupied deeply in the mind, then the hunger cannot penetrate and cannot bring your attention...

... to itself. The hunger will go on knocking on the door but you are reciting a mantra so loudly that you don't hear the knock. Suppression means distracting your mind from the reality of your being. You have taken a vow of celibacy or you have taken the life of a brahmachari; now what you will do when the sex desire arises and a beautiful woman passes by? You will start chanting the mantra: Ram, Ram...

... aware of the trick of suppression. The river is cold - particularly in winter - people go to take their bath... In summer also I watched them taking their bath, and they will not chant: Rama, Hari Krishna, Hari Krishna. But in winter, because the river is so cold, and they chant so loudly they forget the river. They take a dip and they are out. Their mind is engaged in chanting. Colder the morning...

.... In fact, not only follows you, it haunts you. No yoga teaches suppression - cannot teach - but there are yogis who teach. They are teachers; they have not realized their innermost being. So there exists not even a single person who can attain to buddhahood through suppression. It is not possible, it is simply not possible. Through awareness one achieves, not through suppression. The third question...

.... When she creates imaginary pain, itching, ants creeping, the body is trying to distract you. And it is natural, because the body has remained in rule for so long; for many lives it has been the emperor and you have been the slave. Now you are changing everything upside down. You are reclaiming your throne, and it is natural the body will try whatsoever it can do to disturb you. If you get disturbed...

... fulfill the unfulfilled desires and longings of the parents. The rebellious youth will go his own way. He will live his life according to his own innermost desires - not according to somebody else's ideals. The rebel is basically natural. The obedient child is almost dead; hence the parents are very happy, because he is always under control. Man is strangely sick: he wants to control people - in...

... most of the time I do not allow him to lose control." What is the fear? The fear is implanted by others: always remain in control, always remain disciplined, always respect those who are older than you. Always follow the priest, the parents, the teachers - they know what is right for you. Your nature is never allowed to have its say. Slowly, slowly you start carrying a dead child within yourself...

... should come out of your playfulness and joy. Your child should never be allowed to die. Nourish it, and don't be afraid that it will go out of control. Where can it go? And even if it goes out of control - so what? What can you do out of control? You can dance like a madman, laugh like a madman; you can jump and jog like a madman... people may think you are mad, but that is their problem. If you are...

... from a rich man's house used to see me. But one day - this is what perhaps you would call going out of control - I was jogging along the street and the idea came to me that it would be good if I jogged backwards. In India there is a superstition that ghosts walk backwards, but I had completely forgotten that, and anyway there was nobody on the street... so I started jogging backwards. I was enjoying...

... allow your playfulness here, then you will not be able to allow it anywhere in the world. Allow it totally - let it go out of control; and once your child is really alive and dancing within you, it will change the very flavor of your life. It will give you a sense of humor, a beautiful laughter, and it will destroy all your headiness. It will make you a man of the heart. The man who lives in his head...

... go out of control. In this temple you are allowed to be yourself without any inhibitions. I would like this to happen all over the world. This is only the beginning. Here, start living moment to moment totally and intensely, joyfully and playfully - and you will see that nothing goes out of control; that your intelligence becomes sharper; that you become younger; that your love becomes deeper. And...

... anybody who entered for the first time, it was natural - the chances were fifty-fifty, so almost fifty percent of the people used to go into the closet - and I enjoyed it very much! I used to have an electric remote control lock by my side for both doors. Once a person entered my closet, I would lock it. Perhaps you are still inside the closet - that is why you are saying, "It has been an uphill...


... must have puzzled you - and will puzzle others - but it is an absolutely certain consequence, because something happened that was beyond your control. Your ego was not in control, hence the weakness. Your ego felt threatened; you had come too close to the point where the ego can simply fall apart. And at the same time you felt strong. Your consciousness felt strong because for the first time, for a...

... have taken up its old possession, its old domination over your consciousness; and then you wrote: "The only certainty I have now is that I cannot jump." That is not your certainty, that is the ego, which has taken the power back into its own hands. For a moment the consciousness had slipped out. You need not deliberately try to jump, that will not happen, because who will deliberately try...
...: N.A. Short Title: N.A. Audio Available: N.A. Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. [Osho gives sannyasin to someone saying, just feel lost; lose control; don't hold yourself together; just fall into pieces, and if the body starts falling on to the floor, allow it. Don't be worried.] The easiest is the most difficult; the difficult is not so difficult. The ego is always ready to do the difficult because...

... interested in it. The ego feels a kind of death through it. The ego cannot lose control because in losing control it will lose itself. The ego cannot lose tenseness because the tenseness is its very existence. If you are non-tense, if you are relaxed, the ego simply evaporates. It cannot exist in a relaxed state of consciousness; it is no more needed. It is your disease, and you have to be alert about it...

... lose control. He is afraid that if he is not in control then something will go wrong, and in fact everything goes wrong because he is in control. You in control means ignorance in control. You in control means darkness in control. You in control means a part, a tiny part in control. Let god be the charioteer - let the whole be the charioteer. The whole knows where it is going, where it is all going...
... understand the process of suppression. Someone has died: you feel very sad, but you think in your mind that it is not manly to weep or to cry. It will look like a weakness, and you have always maintained a strong image of yourself. Everyone knows that you are a very strong-willed man, so how can you weep? This is womanish, so you suppress the tears. They want to come out, they want to be released and...

... ORGASM WHICH HAPPENS BETWEEN THE OUTER MALE BODY AND THE INNER FEMALE UNCONSCIOUS, AND VICE VERSA. PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW THIS HAPPENS IN THE ACTIVE MEDITATION WE ARE PRACTICING HERE. It happens in the active meditation you are doing here because all that is hidden and suppressed is brought out by it. It is a catharsis, an expression. It is just the reverse process of suppression. So you will have to...

... relieved, but you suppress them. Those tears will become poison, because the system was trying to throw them out and you have suppressed them. You go on smiling. Your heart is weeping and crying, but you go on smiling. You are trying to maintain an image. You cannot be natural; you cannot allow your heart, your body, your mind, to function naturally. You go on manipulating them. You choose: something has...

... man and woman will disappear. I am saying that you are a man only relatively or a woman only relatively. And if you are a man, then the other part which is a woman, which your mother contributes, you will have to suppress. Why? What is the need to suppress it? We suppress it because we have been trying to live according to logic. That is the greatest fallacy man has committed. We have been trying to...

... can weep. "So, people, you are not the only ones who are surprised. Rinzai himself is surprised. But I will not suppress life. I have been accepting life totally, and I still say the soul is immortal and only the body has died. Only the body is dead, but the body was also so beautiful! I am weeping for the body. Dust unto dust: really, I still say that dust has gone back to dust, but that dust...

... unconscious and the conscious falls - because the barrier is created by suppression. When you are not suppressing the barrier disappears and then there is no boundary between the conscious and the unconscious. Then you are both: you are bisexual - man and woman both. And when you are both, you will have a new feeling of being, a new unity within you. You will not feel disrupted, divided. You will become...

... and indulgent. Why be afraid? What is wrong in it? The fear comes from a long tradition of suppression. Why be afraid of your senses being permissive? Why not permit them? Who are you not to permit them and what has happened to you? Do you think that you have enslaved your senses? Quite the contrary is the case: your senses have enslaved you, and you cannot be free unless your senses are free...

.... Unless your total being is free, you cannot be free. This is one of the deepest problems for the human mind. You will have to understand it. First you say something is wrong, then you become afraid of it. Then you try to suppress it, not to do it. And the more you suppress it, the more your mind is filled with it. For example, if you suppress sex then your mind will become sexual. Really, no animal is...

... their nature. But man, he creates a sexual mind by suppressing sex. And the more he suppresses, the more he becomes sexual, because whatsoever you suppress goes into your blood, into your bones. It becomes part of your being. When I say be a yea-sayer, you become afraid. Why? It is not because what I am saying is dangerous, but because the moment you think of yea-saying you become aware of all the...

... cause is his own suppression. He has been suppressing his hunger, his desire to eat. Any hint, however indirect, and he will become mad. He will say, "Do not say such things." A word can break his whole suppression and explode his whole being. He will become afraid; he will not look at food. He will pass through the streets and he will not look at the signboards of the restaurants, he will...

... projection. Something suppressed goes out and creates an illusion; it is a hallucination. Whatsoever you suppress becomes hallucinatory. Then you are living in it, moving in it, and, of course, you become more and more afraid and scared. So the more you get scared, the more you suppress it. You are in a suicidal effort; that is why such questions arise: "If I say yes, the first thing that comes to the...

..., you have moved beyond nature. But this 'beyond nature' is not against nature. It is really a growth THROUGH it. You will come to brahmacharya - to a beautiful celibacy - but not through fighting sex. No one has come that way ever, no one can ever come that way. When you are growing through sex, becoming more and more alert through sex, sex will be transformed. This is the way: if you suppress sex it...
... you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. The Embryonic State 2. The Evolution of Representative Government 3. The Ideals of Statehood 4. Progressive Civilization 5. The Evolution of Competition 6. The Profit Motive 7. Education 8. The Character of Statehood (800.1) 71:0.1 THE state is a useful evolution of civilization...

... by the degree to which public opinion can control personal behavior and state regulation through nonviolent expression. The really civilized government had arrived when public opinion was clothed with the powers of personal franchise. Popular elections may not always decide things rightly, but they represent the right way even to do a wrong thing. Evolution does not at once produce superlative...

... think intelligently and plan wisely — freedom usually does more harm than good. (802.6) 71:2.12 3. The reign of law. Liberty can be enjoyed only when the will and whims of human rulers are replaced by legislative enactments in accordance with accepted fundamental law. (802.7) 71:2.13 4. Freedom of speech. Representative government is unthinkable without freedom of all forms of expression for human...

... aspirations and opinions. (802.8) 71:2.14 5. Security of property. No government can long endure if it fails to provide for the right to enjoy personal property in some form. Man craves the right to use, control, bestow, sell, lease, and bequeath his personal property. (802.9) 71:2.15 6. The right of petition. Representative government assumes the right of citizens to be heard. The privilege of petition is...

... inherent in free citizenship. (802.10) 71:2.16 7. The right to rule. It is not enough to be heard; the power of petition must progress to the actual management of the government. (802.11) 71:2.17 8. Universal suffrage. Representative government presupposes an intelligent, efficient, and universal electorate. The character of such a government will ever be determined by the character and caliber of those...

... who compose it. As civilization progresses, suffrage, while remaining universal for both sexes, will be effectively modified, regrouped, and otherwise differentiated. (802.12) 71:2.18 9. Control of public servants. No civil government will be serviceable and effective unless the citizenry possess and use wise techniques of guiding and controlling officeholders and public servants. (802.13) 71:2.19...

... patriotism based on wise ideals. (803.6) 71:3.6 3. Cosmic insight interpreted in terms of planetary facts, needs, and goals. (803.7) 71:3.7 The laws of the ideal state are few in number, and they have passed out of the negativistic taboo age into the era of the positive progress of individual liberty consequent upon enhanced self-control. The exalted state not only compels its citizens to work but also...

... permitted to reproduce without restraint. (803.9) 71:3.9 A moral society should aim to preserve the self-respect of its citizenry and afford every normal individual adequate opportunity for self-realization. Such a plan of social achievement would yield a cultural society of the highest order. Social evolution should be encouraged by governmental supervision which exercises a minimum of regulative control...

... signifies that a social order has arrived in which all men delight in bearing one another’s burdens; they actually desire to practice the golden rule. But such an ideal society cannot be realized when either the weak or the wicked lie in wait to take unfair and unholy advantage of those who are chiefly actuated by devotion to the service of truth, beauty, and goodness. In such a situation only one course...

... exalting, and success seeking; it must eventually become world-wide, idealistic, self-realizing, and cosmic grasping. (806.4) 71:7.4 Education recently passed from the control of the clergy to that of lawyers and businessmen. Eventually it must be given over to the philosophers and the scientists. Teachers must be free beings, real leaders, to the end that philosophy, the search for wisdom, may become...

... the goal of augmented self-control and increased social service. The intellectual keenness, economic wisdom, social cleverness, and moral stamina of a people are all faithfully reflected in statehood. (806.15) 71:8.2 The evolution of statehood entails progress from level to level, as follows: (806.16) 71:8.3 1. The creation of a threefold government of executive, legislative, and judicial branches...

.... (806.17) 71:8.4 2. The freedom of social, political, and religious activities. (807.1) 71:8.5 3. The abolition of all forms of slavery and human bondage. (807.2) 71:8.6 4. The ability of the citizenry to control the levying of taxes. (807.3) 71:8.7 5. The establishment of universal education — learning extended from the cradle to the grave. (807.4) 71:8.8 6. The proper adjustment between local and...
... happens from the beyond, from the blue, the first fear arises that you are not in control of it. It is coming, nobody knows from where. The first fear arises because you are not in control of it... and we have been taught to always be in control. Control gives a kind of safety. It is as if you are driving a car and suddenly it goes out of control. Mm? you want to go thirty miles per hour and it is going...

... one hundred miles an hour. Then you will get scared: what is happening? You go on pushing the brake and nothing works. The car is simply going one hundred miles per hour.... Fear will come in. It is beyond you; now you cannot control it. Where will it land you? It is as if you are flying in an aeroplane and all the engines suddenly stop. Now everything is beyond your control and you start falling...

... from thousands of feet up, slowly slowly, and you cannot do anything! That's how it is. When something comes from the beyond, even a small glimpse, you will feel it is beyond your control. You feel scared; you want to remain in control. You want it to happen but you wanted to remain in control too - and it cannot happen with your control; it happens only when you are not in control. When you are not...

... in control, god is in control. That's the meaning of trust. That's why without trust, nobody can go deep. That is the meaning of sannyas - that these scary spaces will come; then you will have to trust me. And you will have to trust me illogically, because there is no proof! This man may be right, he may be wrong - who knows? How can you know without going into it ? You will only know when you have...

... gone into it, but that is not the point. First the question is: how to go into it? How to trust this man? So the fear, the first fear arises because it is something beyond your control. The second fear arises when you go a little deeper and everything is functioning perfectly well; nothing is going wrong. Nothing ever goes wrong, nothing has ever gone wrong. When you see you are completely silent and...
... are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. The New Commandment 2. The Vine and the Branches 3. Enmity of the World 4. The Promised Helper 5. The Spirit of Truth 6. The Necessity for Leaving (1944.1) 180:0.1 AFTER singing the Psalm at the conclusion of the Last Supper, the apostles thought that Jesus intended to return...

... the Father to you. The Father and I will both work with you, and you shall experience the divine fullness of joy if you will only obey my command to love one another, even as I have loved you.” (1945.2) 180:1.5 If you would share the Master’s joy, you must share his love. And to share his love means that you have shared his service. Such an experience of love does not deliver you from the...

... meaning and activated by the presence of the universe endowment of the adjutant of wisdom. Truth is a spiritual reality value experienced only by spirit-endowed beings who function upon supermaterial levels of universe consciousness, and who, after the realization of truth, permit its spirit of activation to live and reign within their souls. (1949.6) 180:5.4 The true child of universe insight looks for...

... the living Spirit of Truth in every wise saying. The God-knowing individual is constantly elevating wisdom to the living-truth levels of divine attainment; the spiritually unprogressive soul is all the while dragging the living truth down to the dead levels of wisdom and to the domain of mere exalted knowledge. (1949.7) 180:5.5 The golden rule, when divested of the superhuman insight of the Spirit...

... of Truth, becomes nothing more than a rule of high ethical conduct. The golden rule, when literally interpreted, may become the instrument of great offense to one’s fellows. Without a spiritual discernment of the golden rule of wisdom you might reason that, since you are desirous that all men speak the full and frank truth of their minds to you, you should therefore fully and frankly speak the full...

... thought of your mind to your fellow beings. Such an unspiritual interpretation of the golden rule might result in untold unhappiness and no end of sorrow. (1950.1) 180:5.6 Some persons discern and interpret the golden rule as a purely intellectual affirmation of human fraternity. Others experience this expression of human relationship as an emotional gratification of the tender feelings of the human...

... personality. Another mortal recognizes this same golden rule as the yardstick for measuring all social relations, the standard of social conduct. Still others look upon it as being the positive injunction of a great moral teacher who embodied in this statement the highest concept of moral obligation as regards all fraternal relationships. In the lives of such moral beings the golden rule becomes the wise...

... center and circumference of all their philosophy. (1950.2) 180:5.7 In the kingdom of the believing brotherhood of God-knowing truth lovers, this golden rule takes on living qualities of spiritual realization on those higher levels of interpretation which cause the mortal sons of God to view this injunction of the Master as requiring them so to relate themselves to their fellows that they will receive...

... the highest possible good as a result of the believer’s contact with them. This is the essence of true religion: that you love your neighbor as yourself. (1950.3) 180:5.8 But the highest realization and the truest interpretation of the golden rule consists in the consciousness of the spirit of the truth of the enduring and living reality of such a divine declaration. The true cosmic meaning of this...

... rule of universal relationship is revealed only in its spiritual realization, in the interpretation of the law of conduct by the spirit of the Son to the spirit of the Father that indwells the soul of mortal man. And when such spirit-led mortals realize the true meaning of this golden rule, they are filled to overflowing with the assurance of citizenship in a friendly universe, and their ideals of...

... destiny. (1950.6) 180:5.11 And so must we clearly recognize that neither the golden rule nor the teaching of nonresistance can ever be properly understood as dogmas or precepts. They can only be comprehended by living them, by realizing their meanings in the living interpretation of the Spirit of Truth, who directs the loving contact of one human being with another. (1951.1) 180:5.12 And all this...

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