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Found: 3428 articles, showing 1810 - 1820
.... Those centers were independent, they were not under anybody's rule. They were spreading my love, my message to people on their own; there was no need to destroy them. But they were not under her. In England Poonam had a beautiful commune - four hundred sannyasins were in the commune - and a beautiful place, lush green, with all the facilities. Sheela called Poonam here and took power over the commune...

..., then sent all the sannyasins to European communes. And she was going to sell the commune property. She was destroying all the centers of England - she had almost succeeded. So you know only one side of the story, you don't know the other side. And I understand your mind.... The question is from an Italian sannyasin, Sarjano. Italy has lived under the authoritative rule of the popes, which ended...
... teaching for so many thousands of years that it has become almost an unquestioned truth. In ten thousand years, not a single man has asked, "Is celibacy possible?" It is impossible, for the simple reason that your mind has no control over your biology. Once you have eaten your food, you cannot do anything else. Below your throat it is beyond your reach; now biology has taken possession of it...

... to be thrown out of the body. Once the woman becomes pregnant, the menstrual period stops, because now that blood is being used in creating the child. But it is not in your hands! Nature has kept all the secret keys in its own hands. Jainism has not allowed women to be liberated directly from the female body. And you will be surprised, the reason is their menstrual period; they cannot control it...
... bright thing that tires your eyes - that is its only function - and you go on repeating what the hypnotist was repeating, but inside your being. Finally, you will find you cannot keep your eyes open; they are closing. You have lost control over them. That feeling of losing control over your eyelids immediately gives you the feeling that you are certainly falling into deep sleep. As long as you are...
... create anger, now create hatred. The same things that you used to appreciate are now nothing but nagging.... The reception room was beautiful, and because of the beauty of the reception room you have entered a jail. But this is not the only possibility, of lovingness turning into a narrow, ugly desire to dominate, to possess, to be jealous of. If this were all, no intelligent person would have...

... she will be surprised: it is cool, not hot. It is non-possessive, it is non-jealous, it has no conscious or unconscious desire to dominate the other. True love is not a beggar; it does not ask you to "love me." True love shares its whole being, its whole joy, all the songs, all the flowers, all the stars. It is a celebration. And you are not obliged - true love is always obliged that you...
.... The problem is arising because you must be trying to do it; not allowing the knack to happen, but trying to make an art of it, so that you can control it. Man wants to control everything; it is part of his basic ego. The knack cannot be controlled. Either you know it or you don't know it. You can play around it, and sometimes by chance you stumble upon it: suddenly you have come to know it. That is...
... touch his nose with his tongue. Very rare people can do it. Only very rare people can move their earlobes. Try to move your earlobes. They are yours but absolutely out of your control -- you have no control over them. I have come across only one man, a doctor in my village, and he was a student with me in the school and in the university. He is the only man in the whole world, perhaps, who can move...
... black, it will not be able to survive. In India, I know.... India is something in between: the skin is not as white as German nordics, but it is not as black as southern Africans, because India's climate does not need that pigment which prevents sunrays from entering into the body. India was under British rule for two hundred years. For the people who had come from England, it was a suffering; India...

... philosophic treatises, it was developed by wandering philosophers arguing all over the country, debating, discussing, winning. And the rule of the game was that whoever wins in an argument becomes the master of the person who is defeated. And the defeated person - not in any sadness, but with great joy - surrenders to the master, because the question is not who is winning, the question is: What is true? And...
... business, not my business. And if he wants me to die, that is his business. I had not asked for birth; suddenly I was here. I cannot ask about death. If birth is not in my control, how can death be in my control?" Those people thought, "This man is mad." They said, "We will take care of you later on. Let us get to the shore somehow and then we will take care of you. You are not a Sufi...
... with the real outside you, bliss arises. When the real outside you never meets the real within you, misery arises. And if you are in the past you are unreal, because it is no more and it is never going to be again. And if you are in the future, again you are unreal; it is not yet. And there is no way to plan for it, there is no way to manage it. It is beyond human control. It is so vast, and our...

... to be. The future is open - utterly open and unpredictable - but each parent tries to control the future and each parent feels frustrated. It is very difficult to find a parent who is satisfied. Not even the father of Buddha was satisfied. Now, where can you get a better son? But his ideas were not fulfilled. He wanted him to become a great king - naturally. He was a king and he wanted his son to...
... of the most inferior people. A man cannot eat power, cannot drink power - why is there so much struggle? Why does he want to be on top, in control of everything? He suffers from an inferiority complex. He knows deep down he's nobody, and he's afraid that if he does not prove himself to be somebody special, extraordinary, then people are going to discover his nobodiness, his ordinariness. A real...

...... Remember these statements: ... LET THERE BE SPACES IN YOUR TOGETHERNESS. Be together but do not try to dominate, do not try to possess and do not destroy the individuality of the other. And that is being done everywhere. Why should the woman take the name of the man? She has her own name, she has her own individuality. Just think: the man taking the name of the woman - no man will be ready for it. But...

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