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Found: 3428 articles, showing 1730 - 1740
..., he adores them. But the intelligent child will not be respected by the parents. They will always feel some trouble with the intelligent child, because he will ask questions which they can't answer because they don't know themselves. He will ask such things as will be embarrassing to them. He will create situations in which they will see their impotence. They will not be able to control him -- and...

... intelligent people, you will not give power to intelligent people, because you will be afraid of them. You will always want some stupid people to dominate you, because there will always be a certain affinity between you and the stupid. There will be a certain understanding, a communication. Jesus is bound to be crucified, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta is going to win the Nobel Prize. Socrates is going to be...

.... You always feel something is missing, you always feel your reaction was not exactly as it should have been. And the reason is that you have simply repeated, parrot-like, a ready-made answer, cheap but untrue -- untrue because the situation is new. Vinod Bharti, the mind will be there but with a new status, with a new functioning. It will be under your control: you will be the master, not the mind...
... there you will not know. In fact, that's how many people are -- they are carrying rocks inside, not knowing! So a small electrode can be put inside your brain, just inserted inside your brain close to the sex center, and you can use a remote control. You can keep the remote control in your pocket so that whenever you feel like having an orgasm, you just push it. Just a little push on the button will...

... the market available to anybody wanting to purchase it. The thing that stopped him was that when he fixed the electrode inside the head of the white rat and showed him the remote control button, the rat pushed the switch in front of him and went through a beautiful spasm, a total orgasmic joy. And then Delgado watched.... The rat looked all around, and seeing that nobody was looking, he pushed the...
... question of belief? Belief comes only when the doubt has entered; doubt comes first. Later on, to suppress the doubt, you catch hold of a belief. Trust is when doubt disappears; trust is when doubt is not there. For instance, you breathe. You take a breath in; then you exhale, you breathe out. Are you afraid of breathing out, because who knows, it may not come back? You trust. You trust it will come. Of...

.... If somebody is saying something and you are getting bored, you start becoming fidgety. This is a subtle indication that you want to move from this place, from this man, from this nonsense-talk. Your body starts moving. Of course, because of politeness you suppress it, but the body is already on the move -- because the body is more authentic than the mind, the body is more honest and sincere than...

.... One never resists without any cause. You must be living a very dead life. Now you are afraid that something is becoming alive, something is changing. You resist. Resistance is an indication, resistance is a very clear indication that you have suppressed much. Now in meditation that suppression will surface, it will be released. You would also like to be released of the burden but in that burden...
... your possessiveness your love; sometimes you call your attachment your love; sometimes you call your domination your love -- these are ego games. Love has nothing to do with them. In fact, because of these games, love is not possible. Between life and death, between the two banks of life and death, flows the river of love. And that is possible only for a person who does not take life for granted, who...

... my friends. Please raise their hands those who are in favor and those who are against.' Half the people raised their hands in favor, and half against. Then he said, 'Good. I am with my friends. I am all for my friends. You are all my friends and I am for you.' Now he is saying neither yes nor no. The trip is of the ego: how to become more powerful, how to control others. Religion is just the...

... politics -- I mean all those who are ambitious. Wherever ambition is, politics comes in; wherever you are trying to get ahead of somebody, politics comes in; wherever you are trying to dominate somebody -- maybe your wife, or your husband -- politics comes in. Politics is a very common disease, like the common cold. The last question: Question 4: SINCE I HAVE BEEN HERE, I HAVE LOST MY ABILITY TO...
.... You can open your eyes. You are not born blind, you have only been taught to remain blind. Your society teaches you to be blind because the society needs blind people. They are good slaves because they are always dependent on the leaders, politicians, pundits, priests. They are very convenient people, they never create any trouble. They are never rebels. They are obedient, always ready to submit to...

... he in favor of birth control? But Jesus is the only-begotten son of God, and the Buddhists claim that Buddha has arrived, that he has attained. It becomes intolerable, the very idea. It creates suspicion in you, it creates doubt. Maybe the Buddhists are right, and you don t want to see this doubt inside yourself, because doubt is heavy and doubt disturbs your peace and doubt disturbs your sleep...

... cannot accept people who are sexually free. So, Maria, it is not only a question of religion -- it is a question of everything. The different person creates doubt, the different person creates suspicion about whether what you are doing is right or wrong. You want to destroy the different person so that you can suppress your doubt again -- one thing. Secondly: a person belonging to a different religion...
... would have been number two, because with the paradise, all your old saints and all your gods would be finished, and we could have an existence totally free from the domination of some unknown, unseen, unbelievable God. Man can change his qualities into creative forces. And my whole effort is to make religiousness the foundation of all our creativity. Up to now, religion has been against life, against...

... America, the churches were going to have conferences and meetings in churches all over America to find out ways and means to prevent the disease AIDS. They had declared their program; experts could explain, and how it can be avoided would be made more available to the public. But the archbishop of America has condemned this kind of thing, because in those programs of preventing AIDS, birth control is...

... kiss somebody and you can transfer it. There are a few scientists who think it is possible that the disease and the virus may be infectious just by talking with a person who has AIDS; just the breathing can bring the virus to you. In the commune, I was the first man in the whole world who proposed all the preventive methods. And in the commune, we managed perfect control. And I was criticized by...
... that; it has been done, it is not impossible, but it is futile. Thirty years of training just to control the movement of the blood is meaningless and stupid because with the control comes nothing. The blood circulation is nonvoluntary; your will is not needed. You take food and the moment it goes in, your will is not needed: the body machinery, the body mechanism, has taken over, and it goes on doing...

... fast that the body shakes and becomes nonvoluntary. That is the point where you can go crazy or you can jump. You may go mad, because a nonvoluntary mechanism has taken over your body movement. It is beyond your control: you cannot do anything. You may just go mad and never be able to come back again from this nonvoluntary movement. This is the point where there is either madness or, if you know the...
... inwards. "... AND WHEN THESE BARBAROUS MINDS ARE GOING TO SLEEP, THEY PONDER OVER AFFAIRS OF A THOUSAND DIFFERENTS KINDS. THAT'S HOW THEY DIFFER FROM ME." AT THIS THE VINAYA MASTER WAS SILENCED. He was only a scholar, he had no idea of the inner world. He has absolute control of the outer objective, philosophical concepts, but he has no idea at all from where his life arises, from where his...

..., "Why did you push me? Why did you said this? Why did you expose me?" The work of the master is not just full of roses. It is one of the most delicate works of art to help a man become a buddha. A slight mistake and everything is spoiled. And the problem is not the master, the problem is the disciple. How the disciple is going to take your word is not within your control. So Buddha said...

..., but he may not be intelligent. And a man who knows nothing, a farmer or a woodcutter or a fisherman, may have intelligence. He will not have intellect - he does not know anything about the intellectual world - but in his functioning... When the Soviet Union emerged from the revolution... The capital during the czars' rule was Petrograd, it was not Moscow. Petrograd was named after Peter, one of the...
... surrender cannot be disturbed. And this has been my experience of working with thousands of sannyasins: almost always it happens that whenever a man comes to me his approach is intellectual. There are a few exceptions, it is not an absolute rule; but it can be said that almost ninety-nine percent men are head-oriented, and when a man comes to me he comes through logical conviction. Listening to me, trying...

... sure that even in the future the customers never leave the shop! He will be gone, that much is certain, sooner or later he will be gone, but he is making sure that his priests will go on dominating the world; his representatives, his popes, will go on and on always dominating the world. The very idea to dominate the world, to change the whole world into Christianity, is in some subtle sense an ego...

...; The other drunk says, "Damn good eyesight!" A talkative drunkard at a circus looked mystified at a contortionist as the performer went through his act. Unable to control himself, he cried, "What is the matter? You look like I am drunk!" There is a story about a small youngster who was abandoned by his parents in Yellowstone National Park. He was raised by a pack of wild dogs...
... to the physician. I don't reject anybody, Vinod. To me it is all the same whether you are a Hindu or a Mohammedan or a Christian. Your diseases are a little bit different but not basically, because all the religions that have existed in the past have used one similar strategy, and that is to create guilt. That has been the technique of the priest to dominate you: make people feel guilty of small...

... suicidal. That's why it was possible for twenty-two centuries for this country to remain in slavery - for the simple reason nobody is interested in life, so what does it matter who rules it? It is all dream, it is all MAYA. Let anybody rule it! This country has lost its soul, because only people who love freedom can have souls. This country only TALKS about the soul, but slaves can't have souls. But...

... person is thinking, and it can do one thing more: the government can manipulate the person through the electrode; it can insert through radio waves, through remote control - ideas. And the person will think, "These are MY ideas"; he will never think that these ideas are coming from some other source. In Russia revolution is absolutely impossible, hence people are becoming more and more...

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