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... become humble. Sex is the only energy that gives you hints that there is something which you cannot control. Money you can control, politics you can control, the market you can control, knowledge you can control, science you can control, morality you can control. Somewhere, sex brings in a totally different world: you cannot control it. And the ego is the great controller. It is happy if it can control...

...; it is unhappy if it cannot control. So there starts a conflict between ego and sex. Remember, it is a losing battle. The ego cannot win it because ego is just superficial. Sex is very deep-rooted. Sex is your life; ego is just your mind, your head. Sex has roots all over you; ego has roots only in your ideas -- very superficial, just in the head. So who is trying to transcend sex? -- the head is...

... -- because the person is afraid that the other is poking his nose and may find the real cause. But the real cause will explode; you cannot hide it, it is not possible. So you can try to control sex, but an undercurrent of sexuality will run and it will show itself in many ways. Out of all your rationalizations, it will again and again raise its head. I will not suggest that you make any effort to transcend...

... fact: a young man can repress sexuality very easily because he has energy to repress it. He can just put it down and sit upon it. When the energies are going, declining, then sex will assert itself and you will not be able to control it. I have heard an anecdote: Stein, aged sixty-five, visited the office of his son, Dr. Stein, and asked for something that would increase his sexual potential. The M.D...
... needs space, it needs absolute space. The other has not to interfere with it. It is very delicate. When you are dependent, the other will certainly dominate you, and you will try to dominate the other. That's the fight that goes on between so-called lovers; they are intimate enemies - continuously fighting. Husbands and wives - what are they doing? Loving is very rare; fighting is the rule, loving is...

... it: they become more individual. Two mature persons in love help each other to become more free. There is no politics involved, no diplomacy, no effort to dominate. How can you dominate the person you love? Just think over it. Domination is a sort of hatred, anger, enmity. How can you think of dominating a person you love? You would love to see the person totally free, independent; you will give...

... manipulate, you dominate. But the other is reduced, the other is almost destroyed. And exactly the same is being done by the other. He is trying to manipulate you, to dominate you, to possess you, to use you. To use another human being is very unloving. So it only appears like love; it is a false coin. But this is what happens to almost ninety-nine per cent of people because the first lesson of love that...

... an exception. And in every way they try to dominate - even through love they try to dominate. If the husband asks the wife, the wife denies - she is reluctant. She is very miserly: she gives, but very reluctantly; she wants you to wave your tail around her. And so is the case with the husband. When the wife is in need and asks him, the husband says that he is tired. In the office there was too much...

... it. Hate is not a right relationship with anything. Hate simply shows that you are afraid. Hate simply shows that there is great fear in you. Hate simply shows that deep down you are still attracted. If you hate sex, then your energy will start moving somewhere else. Energy has to move. Man, if he suppresses sex, becomes more ambitious. If you really want to be ambitious you have to suppress sex...

.... Then only can ambition have energy, otherwise you will not have any energy. A politician has to suppress sex, then only can he rush towards New Delhi. Sex energy is needed. Whenever you are suppressing sex, you are angry at the whole world you can become a great revolutionary. All revolutionaries are bound to be sexually repressed. When, in a better world, sex will be simple, natural, accepted...
... think about internal things also. For example, the body has many instincts. You think about your instincts also. Not only do you think, you fight against your instincts, so there is a constant internal fight. There is sex: the mind fights it, or tries to mold it in its own way. It suppresses it, perverts it, tries to control it. The mind is fighting inside also. That fight creates a division between...

... much frustration in life. You can never succeed - you are trying the impossible. The fragment cannot be the sovereign. The whole is bigger and the whole is more powerful. It is just as if a branch of a tree tries to control the whole tree, even the roots. How can a branch control the whole tree, and how can it force the roots to follow it? That is impossible. Whatsoever it thinks, it is mad; the...

... branch has gone mad. It may go on thinking and dreaming, conceiving of some future where the tree will be following it, but it is not possible; it will have to follow the tree. It is alive only because of the tree and the roots. And the roots were there before it was. The roots are the source of it also. Your mind is just a fragment of your body; it cannot control it. The very effort to control the...

... for man and woman. A deep orgasm means you have been in something which was greater than you. You have been in something where you were not, the ego was not. The ego is struggling to control everything, and mind helps you. In the effort you become identified with the mind, and this identification is the misery, it is a false shadow. Mind is a very utilitarian instrument. You have to use it, but do...

..., then thoughts, then systems, religions, philosophies. Then one goes farther and farther away from the center of feeling. This sutra says, come back, come down - down to the state of feeling. Feeling is not your mind: that is why you are afraid of feeling. You are not afraid of reasoning. You are always afraid of feeling because feeling can lead you into chaos. You will not be able to control. With...

... reason, the control is with you; with the head, you are the head. Below the head you lose the head, you cannot control, you cannot manipulate. Feelings are just below the mind - a link between you and the mind. Then Shiva says, THEN, LEAVING THEM ASIDE, BE FREE. Then leave the feelings. And remember, only when you come to the deepest layer of feelings can you leave them. You cannot leave them just now...

... it again? What was happening inside? Why would he not keep his promise? Once you know silence for such a long time, you cannot fall back to sounds again; it becomes impossible. There is a rule, and he didn't follow the rule so he could not come back. There is a rule that one should not remain silent for more than three years. Once you cross the limit, you cannot come back to the world of sounds...
... Freud. A new peak of consciousness has been touched and a new understanding, an altogether new perspective, a new vision of life has come into being. And it is essential to understand it rightly. The old religions taught suppression as the way to God. Man was asked to suppress everything - his sex, his anger, his greed, his attachments - and then alone would he find his soul, would he attain to God...

... suppression and condemnation that we really are. Krishna could not influence the whole spectrum of our life, and for this we are alone to blame. Krishna is not in the least responsible for it. We were not that worthy, that deserving, to have him, to imbibe him, to absorb him. Up to now, man's mind has thought of and looked at life in fragments - and thought dialectically. The religious man denies the body...

... fundamental mistake in the very foundation of these religions. It is as if a gardener has planted fifty thousand trees and out of them only one tree flowers - and yet we accept his scripture on gardening on the plea that at least one tree has blossomed. But we fail to take into consideration that this single tree might have been an exception to the rule, that it might have blossomed not because of the...

..., should be acclaimed only when all fifty thousand trees of his garden, with the exception of one or two, achieve flowering. Then the blame could be laid at the foot of the one tree for its failure to bloom. Then it could be said that this tree remained stunted and barren in spite of the gardener. With Freud a new kind of awareness has dawned on man: that suppression is wrong, that suppression brings...

... with it nothing but self-pity and anguish. If a man fights with himself he can only ruin and destroy himself. If I make my left hand fight with my right hand, neither is going to win, but in the end the contest will certainly destroy me. While my two hands fight with themselves, I and I alone will be destroyed in the process. That is how, through denial and suppression of his natural instincts and...

... days when suppression and repression ruled the roost are gone. After a lengthy struggle and a long spell of inquiry and investigation we have learned that the forces we have been fighting are our own forces. In reality we are those forces, and it is utter madness to fight them. We have also learned we become prisoners of the forces we oppose and fight, and then it becomes impossible to free ourselves...

... incomplete, less than the whole, because the part he chooses will continue to delude him and the part he denies will continue to pursue and haunt him. He can never be rid of what he rejects and represses. The mind of the man who rejects and represses sex becomes increasingly sexual. So a culture, a religion that teaches suppression of sex ends up creating nothing but sexuality; it becomes obsessed with sex...

... and non-violence. The pacifists dominate the scene for ten to fifteen years - enough time to tire their single leg, and necessitate the use of another. Then again a hawk like Mao comes with a sten gun in his hands. And thus the drama is kept on going. Krishna has his two legs intact; he is not lame. And I maintain that everyone should have both legs intact - one for peace and another for war. A...

... because they possess the fighting potential. So when they don't fight among themselves, they turn their energies towards fighting with nature. After the Mahabharat, India ceased to fight with nature simply because she turned her back on fighting. We did nothing to control floods and droughts or to tame our rivers and mountains, and consequently we failed, utterly, to develop science and technology. We...

... Pakistan, are nothing more than play-fights to keep the fools busy here. Real war has begun on another plane. The present race for the moon has a deeper significance. Its objective is other than what it seems to be. The power that will control the moon tomorrow will become invulnerable on this earth; there will be no way to challenge it. They will no longer need to send their planes to different...

... remain outside them all. He will have no fetters on his feet and, besides, he will have a gun in his hand. Now you can well envision a situation, a society where most people are in shackles, maimed and crippled, and a handful of people are free and powerful with all the modern instruments of suppression and oppression at their disposal. What can you do in a situation like this? Marx held the view that...

... in order to achieve equality in society it would, in the first place, be necessary to suppress political freedom, destroy individual liberty and establish a dictatorship. And he thought that after the achievement of equality, freedom would be restored to the people. But do you think people with such enormous power in their hands that they can equalize everyone will ever give you back your freedom...
... end of Kundalini, her body starts really shaking and becomes more sensitive.] This is one of the basic problems - that we have been taught to control everything, so a very subtle control mechanism exists. You may not be consciously controlling, but a very subtle mechanism goes on controlling. One is always on guard and holding. Holding has become so habitual that there is no need to do anything; it...

... simply goes on happening. You will have to consciously de-control, uncontrol. Help the vibrations, and if the hand is shaking go into it and shake more. Even exaggerate it so that soon the de-control will settle in. Once the energy flows without any control, it purifies you, transmutes you. By and by it starts moving into higher places. Right now it is moving at the sex centre. That's why so much...

... control has been taught in the world because people are afraid of sex. Left uncontrolled it may create chaos. So women have been taught not to even move while making love, but just to lie down like a corpse, to just remain passive. Man became aware that if women move they can go wild, almost in that moment insane, and the man will not known what to do. So just to be safe, man has taught woman not even...
... divided. That has been the priests' trade secret: divide and rule. If man remains divided, if his house is divided, you can rule him. If man becomes undivided, he will not bother about any priest, any church. He will not go anywhere to worship - his whole life will become worship. He will not ponder on great theological doctrines. His sitting, his walking, his eating, his sleeping, will be enough proof...

... always chaotic. All order is forced and imposed. There is a spontaneous order in chaos and it has beauty. But because it is unpredictable it cannot be controlled and the ego becomes afraid. The ego always wants to remain in control. It loves order and is afraid of chaos - chaos is its death. But god is chaos and god is unpredictable. And when a few people are working really totally, great divine energy...

... is released. The groupleader has to be slowly slowly ready to go with the energy wherever it leads, with no judgement, with no evaluation, and with no effort to control it. The groupleader has to be just a help. He has to facilitate the process; he has not to control it, otherwise he becomes repressive. And that's why the whole society is suffering: everybody is repressive. The politician, the...

... policeman, the priest, the judge - all are repressive. They have crippled reality to such an extent that only the unreal lives and the real is almost dead. These groups have to release the reality in people, so you have to withdraw all control. It is dangerous. It is playing with fire, but only fire purifies. Each group has to be a baptism through fire, only then is it true. But good - you are getting...
... himself or herself. Had you loved anybody, Mimi, as an end unto himself, then there would have been no feeling of hurt; you would have become more enriched through it. Love makes everybody rich. Secondly, love can only be true if there is no ego hiding behind it; otherwise love becomes only an ego trip. It is a subtle way to dominate. And one has to be very conscious because this desire to dominate is...

... very deep rooted. It never comes naked; it always comes hidden behind beautiful garments, ornaments. Parents never say that their children are their possessions, they never say that they want to dominate the children, but that's actually what they do. They say they want to help, they say they want them to be intelligent, to be healthy, to be blissful, but -- and that "but" is a great but...

... agreement with you. It cannot say yes just because you are bigger, more powerful, authoritative -- a father, a mother, a priest, a politician. It cannot say yes just because of the authority that you carry with you. Intelligence is rebellious, and no parents would like their children to be rebellious. Rebellion will be against their hidden desire to dominate. Husbands say they love their wives, but it is...

... just domination. They are so jealous, so possessive, how can they be loving? Wives go on saying they love their husbands, but twenty-four hours they are creating hell; in every possible way they are reducing the husband to something ugly. The henpecked husband is an ugly phenomenon. And the problem is that first the wife reduces the husband to a henpecked husband and then she loses interest in him...

... the greatest wound in your life. Then you will never think of love again, because with me there can be no relationship of lust, no relationship of ego, no relationship of any subtle kind of domination. With me the only possibility is of the purest love, of a love that is almost a prayer. And then there is no question of your being hurt. Love in its purest form is a sharing of joy. It asks nothing in...

... becomes too polluted then the rich and the powerful will be the first who will start moving to the moon or to Mars. Of course everybody cannot go there; it will be too costly to live there. Only the few will be able to afford it, and they will dominate the earth from there. The question is two-sided. One is the extrovert side, that the earth has to be provided with more facilities than are available...
... very bad associations. All theories of sublimation are theories of suppression. Whenever you say "sublimation of sex," you have become antagonistic to it. Your condemnation is there in the very word. You ask what one can do about sex. Anything done directly to sex is a suppression. There are only indirect methods in which you do not concern yourself with sexual energy at all but, rather...

..., seek to open the door to the divine. When the gate to the divine is open, all the energies that are within you begin to flow toward that door. Sex is absorbed. Whenever a higher bliss is possible, the lower forms of bliss become irrelevant. You are not to suppress them or fight against them. They just wither away. Sex is not sublimated; it is transcended. Anything done negatively with sex will not...

... not a step forward. It is falling below normality; it is a step toward insanity. When the suppression becomes so intense that you cannot prolong it, then it explodes - and in that explosion, you will be lost. You are all human qualities, you are all possibilities. The normal fact of sex is healthy, but when it becomes abnormally suppressed it becomes unhealthy. You can move toward the divine from...

... never even know that the mechanical urge for sex is going. Create meditation out of sex; make sex an object of meditation. Treat it as a temple and you will transcend it and be transformed. Then sex will not be there, but there will not be any suppression, any sublimation. Sex will just become irrelevant, meaningless. You have grown beyond it. It makes no sense to you now. It is just like a child...

... dull, and you will not feel grateful to the other. Rather, you will feel cheated; you will feel inimical to him. He dominates you. He dominates through sex, because it has become a need for you. You have become a slave because you cannot live without sex. You can never feel friendly towards someone to whom you have become a slave. Both will feel the same: that the other is the master. The domination...

... sex, use sex. If you are near love, use love. Do not think in terms of suppression or sublimation; do not think in terms of fighting. The divine may be hiding behind anything, so do not fight. Do not escape from anything. In fact, it is behind everything, so wherever you are, take the closest door and you will progress. Do not become stagnant anywhere and you will reach, because life is everywhere...
... the work of creation, control, evolution, revelation, and ministration — and if required, in restoration and rehabilitation. 5. The Spirit of Bestowal (86.2) 7:5.1 The Eternal Son without reservation joined with the Universal Father in broadcasting that tremendous injunction to all creation: “Be you perfect, even as your Father in Havona is perfect.” And ever since, that invitation-command has...

... Universe Paper 7 Book Contents Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe 1. The Spirit-Gravity Circuit 2. The Administration of the Eternal Son 3. Relation of the Eternal Son to the Individual 4. The Divine Perfection Plans 5. The Spirit of Bestowal 6. The Paradise Sons...

... of such volitional beings. Therefore the freewill spirit world is not always truly representative of the character of the Eternal Son, even as nature on Urantia is not truly revelatory of the perfection and immutability of Paradise and Deity. But no matter what may characterize the freewill action of man or angel, the Son’s eternal grasp of the universal gravity control of all spirit realities...

... control and operation of that ever-present and unerring spiritual grasp of all true spirit values. Thus does the Eternal Son exercise absolute spiritual sovereignty. He literally holds all spirit realities and all spiritualized values, as it were, in the hollow of his hand. The control of universal spiritual gravity is universal spiritual sovereignty. (82.1) 7:1.2 This gravity control of spiritual...
.... That is the problem. When you start relating with human beings, you have to take into consideration that they are not things, they are consciousnesses. You cannot dominate them - although almost everybody is trying to do that, and spoiling their whole life. The moment you try to dominate a human being, you are creating an enemy, because that human being also wants to dominate. You may call it love...

..., you may call it friendship, but behind the curtain of friendship and love and brotherhood there is a deep will to power. You want to dominate; you don't want to be dominated. With human beings, you will be in constant conflict. The closer you are, the more the conflict will hurt you. There are thousands of people who have been so wounded by human relationship that they have dropped out of all human...

... relationship then you should forget all power politics. You can be just a friend, neither trying to dominate the other nor being dominated by the other. It is possible only if you have a certain meditativeness in your life. Otherwise, it is not possible. To love a human being is one of the most difficult things in the world because the moment you start showing your love, the other starts going on a power...

... - but also a birth duty not to try to dominate anyone. And only then, friendship can flower. Love needs a clarity of vision. Love needs a cleaning of all kinds of ugly things which are in your mind - jealousy, anger, the desire to dominate. I have heard ... in a marriage registrar's office, a couple came to get married. They filled out the forms. The woman looked at the man - they were lovers, and...

... letters three times bigger - almost half of the form is his signature. I don't want to live with this man, he has shown his domination, his power." The registrar said, "Then there is no need of any divorce. Just throw away your forms in the wastepaper basket, because I have not sealed them, and get lost." Such a small thing, that the man was signing in big letters but it is indicative. It...

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