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... love a person, you don't want to dominate. Remember it: if you want to dominate, your love is contaminated by the second center -- it is not yet love. If you really love, you want freedom for yourself and you want freedom for your beloved too. Love frees, gives independence -- because the beauty of love is only when it is out of freedom. It is not a domination, it is a sharing, a responsible sharing...

... food; you will become just material. One should not get attached too much to food and one should not get attached too much to fasting either. Then the balance is achieved. And only through balance is growth. The second center is SVADHISTHAN. When the child is healthy, happy, his body is whole, he starts dominating. A desire to dominate arises in the child, the child becomes a politician. He starts...

... smiling at people because he comes to know that if you smile, people come under your influence. He starts crying, screaming, because he comes to know that by crying and screaming you can manipulate your mother, your father, your family. Once the child's physical needs are fulfilled, a new need arises that is a VITAL need: to dominate. That too is again an effort to bring a unity -- the unity between the...

... dominated and the dominator. Whenever you dominate somebody you become, in a certain way, one with him. Whenever somebody surrenders to you, or you surrender to somebody, you become one in a certain way. Hence, all over the world, people try to dominate each other -- wives trying to dominate husbands, husbands trying to dominate wives, parents trying to dominate children, children trying to dominate...

... parents, in their own ways. The whole world tries to dominate. If you understand rightly, that too is a search for unity. Whenever you have defeated a person and you have become the possessor, you have absorbed the person into your being. His vitality has been absorbed, his vital energy has become one with you. This aperture is a little bigger than the first -- more opening. A person who is food...

...-obsessed is more closed than the person who is power-obsessed -- at least he moves to others. In his life he will have a certain type of relationship -- not very good, because the relationship of domination cannot be very good, it is violent to begin with, aggressive, ugly -- but still some sort of relationship. The politicians live in this second center. The gluttons live in the first, the politicians...

... concerned, this is the highest center. In the lowest three centers, sex is the highest center. The gluttons only hoard; they are the ugliest people in the world. They never share -- the misers, the rich, the hoarders, the exploiters. Better than them are the politicians -- they at least relate. But they are dangerous too, because their relationship is that of domination. Their whole language is inhuman...

... orgasm when you feel satisfied with food -- a deep contentment. There is a subtle orgasm when you dominate: politicians look very happy and healthy -- while they are succeeding. When they are in power, they look very radiant. Their energy seems to be overflowing; they look inexhaustible -- never tired, rushing from one place to another, doing one thing and a thousand things -- never tired, very radiant...
.... Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. [A sannyasin said that she had been practising Yoga for about ten years. Osho said that it would be helpful for her if she did a few growth groups while she was here, as though there are many benefits in Yoga, it is slightly repressive... ] The more you train your body, the more you are able to control it, the more repressive you become, unknowingly, because all...

... sorts of control brings repression. When Yoga first developed, people were very simple. They had nothing to repress really, so the system functioned perfectly well. The system is five thousand years old, and man was in a totally different world. Now the whole world has changed. The mind of man has changed, the body has changed, but the system continues to be the same. It has not evolved with man. A...

... plus some cathartic method is needed so you become disciplined, and yet you are not repressing. Then there is a perfect combination. That's what I am doing here. All these methods, dynamic meditation and others, are all cathartic, so you become empty, and then you control yourself. When control happens in emptiness, it is tremendously beautiful. But when you have the whole marketplace inside and you...

... control, you become almost imprisoned in it. Your own control becomes a great load on your being. It doesn't give you weightlessness. It doesn't allow you to fly into the sky. It makes you more and more rooted in the earth. You become heavier and heavier and heavier. So every practitioner of Yoga, particularly in this modern world, needs to work simultaneously on catharsis. Both the works should go...

... together, so you go on controlling and you go on throwing out all the rubbish. A day comes when discipline is there, but there is nothing to discipline it. One is innocent. Then discipline becomes spontaneous. There is no sting of control in it. One feels disciplined and yet free. And unless a discipline becomes freedom, it is dangerous. [A visitor said that she had been attracted to Osho because she had...
... population increase is facing the world, and the pope and his other puppets are teaching against birth control. They are creating more and more poverty, more and more orphans. It is a strange game. On the one hand they are creating more poverty, more orphans, more sickness, more death, and on the other hand they are opening hospitals for the sick people and orphanages for the orphans. And behind the scene...

... the reality is that they are converting the poor people to Catholicism, just because they can provide bread and butter for them. This is insulting the very dignity of human beings. You are purchasing their souls just by giving them bread and clothes, and you are the cause of their poverty. And you go on insisting that to use birth control methods is against God. Where is it written in your HOLY...

... BIBLE that to use birth control methods is against God? And where is it written that to use airplanes is not against God? You are using every technology that science has given to you. But just about humanity, you don't want them not to be poor - you don't want that there should be no orphans, because without orphans, what will Mother Teresa do? Who is going to give her the Nobel prize? For the Nobel...

... prize orphans are needed. For the orphans the pill has to be condemned, birth control has to be condemned. Now in India Christianity has become the third greatest religion. And who are the people who have become Christians? - not a single brahmin, not a single cultured, educated or rich person. The beggars, the dying, the starving, the poor people who have no future - these are becoming Christians. Do...

... you think they are choosing your religion because of some religious quest, or for some material gain? And why are you interested? Just to increase your numbers, because numbers have power - it is a whole politics of numbers - you are teaching people ugly things. I was talking to a bishop, and I asked him, "How do you know that God is against birth control? He never revealed it to Jesus Christ...

.... He never revealed it to any other prophet; he never revealed it to any other saint. How have you come to the conclusion...? In fact, seeing that God has only one son, it is enough proof that he follows birth control; otherwise, in eternity he would have created so many orphans that you would have run out of Nobel prizes!" Perhaps that is the reason why he does not allow woman in the trinity...

... side, let us have at least three." But God has only one begotten son. And you are teaching in poor countries like India that birth control methods are a sin. Thirty years ago, when I started talking to people, I started telling them about birth control and its methods. I was stoned. Three times attempts on my life have been made because I am "destroying people's morality"; I am...

... go on producing rubbers, and he goes on making punctures... That will be perfectly understandable - that God does not want birth control. But who are you? He is omnipotent; let him do it... you keep quiet." There are problems in the world, and these people are increasing the problems. They are not helping humanity in any way. There is AIDS, for which religious people are responsible, because...

... Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Mohammedans, Christians? I don't see any religiousness anywhere, because I don't see any compassion. I don't see any love. Question 10: YOU ARE FOR TOTAL BIRTH CONTROL AND FOR FREE EUTHANASIA FOR THOSE OVER SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS OF AGE. I FEEL THAT ALL THIS IS VERY SIMILAR TO THE NAZI IDEOLOGY. PLEASE COMMENT. I don't know anything about Nazi ideology, but if it is similar, it...

... going to destroy it, certainly, because that is the only way to create a spiritual atmosphere. Something that is destroying people's very life has to be ruthlessly uprooted. All the weeds have to be uprooted so we can grow roses. He says that Sanatan Dharma - by which he means Hindu Dharma, Hindu religion - gives Great importance to self-control. I don't give any importance to self-control, because...

... all control is ugly, because all control is repressive. Life should be spontaneous, not controlled. Yes, your inner world should be so clear and transparent that you can see what is right and what is wrong, and you should live according to it, not by any dictates in any scriptures. He says: Hindu Dharma lives according to prescribed rules. All prescribed rules create slavery. I don't prescribe any...

... THEIR intuition - but to live according to any prescribed rule is to live the life of a slave. And I am against slavery. I teach people rebellion. In that way the Shankaracharya of Shardapeeth is right: that wherever I go I will destroy their so-called spiritual atmosphere. He has not really criticized me, he has praised me - unknowingly of course, unconsciously of course, because these people have no...

... ambitions. A gentle person cannot succeed, he is bound to fail, because he cannot be competitive. He cannot push and pull people; he cannot step over people's heads. All the politicians are criminals for the simple reason that crime pays. YOU only have to be cunning enough not to be caught. The most fundamental rule of this violent life is: all means are good if they fulfill the end. And of course, rather...

... than arguing - because argumentation is a long thing and it may never come to any conclusion - it is better to pull the sword; it decides things immediately. It is easier to fight with a person and decide who is right. "Might is right." That rule still remains - the rule of the jungle. We call man civilized? He has yet to be civilized. Civilization is only an idea which has not yet been...

... realized. Man is just superficially civilized, not even skin-deep. Just scratch a little and you will find the animal coming out - a ferocious animal, far more ferocious than any wild animals because wild animals, howsoever wild they are, don't carry bombs - atom bombs, hydrogen bombs. Compared to man and his violence all animals are left far behind. And in the past this has been the rule. The Buddhas...
... encumbered Christianity with teachings about blood and sacrifice, he did once and for all make an end of the doctrines of redemption through human or animal sacrifices. His theologic compromises indicate that even revelation must submit to the graduated control of evolution. According to Paul, Christ became the last and all-sufficient human sacrifice; the divine Judge is now fully and forever satisfied...

... What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. The Taboo 2. The Concept of Sin 3. Renunciation and Humiliation 4. Origins of Sacrifice 5. Sacrifices and Cannibalism 6. Evolution of Human Sacrifice 7. Modifications of Human Sacrifice 8. Redemption and Covenants 9. Sacrifices and Sacraments 10. Forgiveness of Sin (974.1...

... sanction, and when thus reinforced, they became lawmakers and institution builders. The taboo is the source of ceremonial standards and the ancestor of primitive self-control. It was the earliest form of societal regulation and for a long time the only one; it is still a basic unit of the social regulative structure. (974.4) 89:1.2 The respect which these prohibitions commanded in the mind of the savage...

... for the upholding sanctions of primitive religion. Many of the essential factors in man’s evolution have been highly expensive, have cost vast treasure in effort, sacrifice, and self-denial, but these achievements of self-control were the real rungs on which man climbed civilization’s ascending ladder. 2. The Concept of Sin (975.5) 89:2.1 The fear of chance and the dread of bad luck literally drove...

... into the writings and teachings of many religions, notably Christianity. Penance is the negative form of this ofttimes foolish ritual of renunciation. But all this taught the savage self-control, and that was a worth-while advancement in social evolution. Self-denial and self-control were two of the greatest social gains from early evolutionary religion. Self-control gave man a new philosophy of life...

... should learn how to enjoy liberty without license, nourishment without gluttony, and pleasure without debauchery. Self-control is a better human policy of behavior regulation than is extreme self-denial. Nor did Jesus ever teach these unreasonable views to his followers. 4. Origins of Sacrifice (977.3) 89:4.1 Sacrifice as a part of religious devotions, like many other worshipful rituals, did not have a...

... aged parents would seek to be eaten by their children; among others it was customary to refrain from eating near relations; their bodies were sold or exchanged for those of strangers. There was considerable commerce in women and children who had been fattened for slaughter. When disease or war failed to control population, the surplus was unceremoniously eaten. (979.7) 89:5.8 Cannibalism has been...
... are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. Preaching at Archelais 2. Lesson on Self-Mastery 3. Diversion and Relaxation 4. The Jews and the Samaritans 5. The Woman of Sychar 6. The Samaritan Revival 7. Teachings about Prayer and Worship (1607.1) 143:0.1 AT THE end of June, A.D. 27, because of the increasing opposition...

... character to all mankind. That, my brethren, is my mission. And this one thing I will do, regardless of the misunderstanding of my teachings by Jews or gentiles of this day or of another generation. But you should not overlook the fact that even divine love has its severe disciplines. A father’s love for his son oftentimes impels the father to restrain the unwise acts of his thoughtless offspring. The...

... child does not always comprehend the wise and loving motives of the father’s restraining discipline. But I declare to you that my Father in Paradise does rule a universe of universes by the compelling power of his love. Love is the greatest of all spirit realities. Truth is a liberating revelation, but love is the supreme relationship. And no matter what blunders your fellow men make in their world...

... management of today, in an age to come the gospel which I declare to you will rule this very world. The ultimate goal of human progress is the reverent recognition of the fatherhood of God and the loving materialization of the brotherhood of man. (1608.2) 143:1.5 “But who told you that my gospel was intended only for slaves and weaklings? Do you, my chosen apostles, resemble weaklings? Did John look like a...

...-control. When he was reviled, he reviled not; when he suffered, he uttered no threats against his tormentors; when he was denounced by his enemies, he simply committed himself to the righteous judgment of the Father in heaven. (1609.3) 143:2.2 At one of the evening conferences, Andrew asked Jesus: “Master, are we to practice self-denial as John taught us, or are we to strive for the self-control of your...

... teaching? Wherein does your teaching differ from that of John?” Jesus answered: “John indeed taught you the way of righteousness in accordance with the light and laws of his fathers, and that was the religion of self-examination and self-denial. But I come with a new message of self-forgetfulness and self-control. I show to you the way of life as revealed to me by my Father in heaven. (1609.4) 143:2.3...

... away; behold I show you how all things are to become new. And by your love for one another you are to convince the world that you have passed from bondage to liberty, from death into life everlasting. (1609.5) 143:2.4 “By the old way you seek to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of living; by the new way you are first transformed by the Spirit of Truth and thereby strengthened in your inner...

... self-denial and watchcare over the desires of the flesh, and you are translated into the joyous kingdom of the spirit, whence you spontaneously show forth the fruits of the spirit in your daily lives; and the fruits of the spirit are the essence of the highest type of enjoyable and ennobling self-control, even the heights of terrestrial mortal attainment — true self-mastery.” 3. Diversion and...

... get your husband and bring him hither.” This command brought Nalda to her senses. She saw that she had misjudged the Master’s kindness; she perceived that she had misconstrued his manner of speech. She was frightened; she began to realize that she stood in the presence of an unusual person, and groping about in her mind for a suitable reply, in great confusion, she said, “But, Sir, I cannot call my...
... become the prominent thing, and head has been suppressing feeling. And it has happened all over life in that way. Politicians rule, dominate; in fact, poets should be the guides, not politicians. But as it happens in the atomic individual, so it happens on a vaster scale in society. If feeling rules the individual, then poets will rule life, then poets will rule nations. The world will be totally...

... waiting, you start drifting. Like a cloud glides, drifts, you drift by and by from the conscious mind to the unconscious. You lose all control. You have to lose control; otherwise you cannot go to sleep, because the part that controls is the conscious mind. It has to allow. Control has to be left completely. Then - you don't know when and why and how - sleep comes to you. Only in the morning you become...

.... Millions of things are there which he has not got. He can dream, he can hope that when these things are there he will have attained the target. Then everything will be okay, he will be happy. This man pursued happiness for sixty years. At sixty death is coming nearer, and he must have felt it that night, because whenever a birthday comes a subtle feeling of death arises. To suppress that feeling we...

.... The very earth on which you are standing is being pulled away. Soon you will be in the abyss. A birthday is a death day. To hide it, to suppress it, the society has created tricks. People will come with flowers and gifts to help you forget that death is coming nearer - and they call it a birthday. He had become sixty. Next morning a new birthday was approaching. He must have felt, he must have heard...

... forgive. Just anger, with no love? It is illness. It is poisonous. But if you are angry with love, the child understands. He understands your love. And in that bigger whole of love, the anger fits. It is just love in action, nothing else; and the child immediately feels it, and loves you more for it. A husband angry without love is just ego, trying to possess, dominate. A husband angry with love is not...

... different. If the head rules, if reason rules the individual, then politicians will rule the world, and the world is going to be constantly in trouble, constantly at war, in constant conflict. It is good to feel, and if feeling surrounds you, then there is nothing wrong in thinking. If thinking follows feeling - beautiful; it helps. It is like a radar. It opens the way for the feeling to move on. It...
... businessman. So all the Jainas became business people, and their whole violence became concentrated on exploitation. Hence they are the richest people in India. Their violence turned into a subtle channel, it took a very subtle form: Suck the blood of the people, exploit, oppress. Money became their goal; through money they became powerful. They cannot be powerful directly because they cannot fight for...

... Buddhist monk, the Hindu sannyasin, they are all afraid of the woman. A great trembling arises in them just from seeing a woman. Hence the Buddhist rule: Don't look beyond four feet. Mahatma Gandhi has written about one of the incidents that happened in his ashram. He was reading the Ramayana, the story of Rama, ant in the story of Rama there comes a passage where he became a little puzzled. The passage...

... ornaments I have ever seen." Mahatma Gandhi became very puzzled: "For years they have lived together, wandered in the forest, and Laxmana has not seen another ornament - of the hands or the necklace or something else. He sees only the ornaments of the feet. Why?" Vinoba Bhave, one of his great disciples, suggested, "Laxmana must have been following an ancient rule not to look at any...

... - this is a great revelation! Laxmana was following the rule of celibacy, he was following Brahmacharya. When I read about this whole incident, I said that if Laxmana was so much afraid even to look at Sita's face, then one thing is certain: that he was not a celibate. The elder brother's wife is almost like a mother - and he could not look at her face? could not look at her whole figure? What kind of...

... myself." Don't be stubborn. Don't bother about non-essentials. If the rule is to keep to the left, follow it; it is a non-essential thing. Whether you keep to the left or whether you keep to the right does not matter; it is just a traffic convenience. In India we keep to the left because of the Britishers, because they had the idea of keeping to the left; the Americans keep to the right. Both are...

... compromise, remain yourself. That does not mean that you have to be continuously fighting. It simply means if you are alert, aware, watchful, you can save your being without being contaminated by the others. Everybody is like a vulture trying to dominate you. Even those who say they love you, their love is also nothing but an ego trip. They love you so that they can dominate you. The husband loves the wife...

... to reduce her almost to a thing, to a commodity. The wife loves the husband just to dominate him, just to exploit him. All this love, all these relationships. . . Parents love their children if the children are following the ideas of the parents; if they are obedient then they love their children, if they are not obedient then all love disappears - instead of love they start hating. One sannyasin...

... like a non-essential: why hurt the mother unnecessarily? You can go in white, you can go in any other color - clothes are just clothes. But that is not the point: the mother is trying to dominate you. It is not a question of clothes, because why should she be against orange? If you go in blue she is not against it, if you go in green she is not against it, if you go in white she is not against it...

..., not a small child. But the desire to dominate. . . "Otherwise," the mother says, "I don't want to see you." What kind of love is this? It insists that "You have to be according to me." Forget the clothes. It is a very essential question; it is not non-essential. It is essential to defend yourself against all these who try to dominate you, because they will not stop only...
... OF MY ENEMY WHILE AT THE SAME TIME GOING FULLY INTO THE EMOTION OF HATRED? DOES THIS NOT LEAD TO SUPPRESSION? This is a subtle point to be understood deeply. While you hate, I don't say suppress it, because whatsoever is suppressed is dangerous. And if you suppress something you cannot be open ever. Then you create a private world which will not allow you to include others. You will always be...

... loving. You would even like to ask him to forgive you. This is what I mean by being inclusive. No suppression is meant. Suppression is always dangerous, poisonous. With whatsoever you suppress, you are creating inner complexes which will continue and which will make you ultimately mad. Suppression is bound to become madness. Express, but don't express on anyone. There is no need. That is stupid, and...

... feel that you can surrender, but you think, 'How can I surrender?' You feel that your ego may be hurt. You become afraid of surrendering, because it has been taught to you: 'Be independent. Remain independent. Don't lose yourself. Don't give your control to someone else. Always be in control.' This has been taught; these are taught difficulties. So you can feel that you can surrender, but then other...


... afraid of this which you have suppressed, because any moment this can come out. So first thing: don't suppress anger, hatred, or anything. But there is no need to express it on someone. You express it on someone because you feel the other is responsible - that is wrong. The other is not responsible; only you are responsible. You feel hate because you are hateful, and the other only gives you an...
... that you dropped out of it. Now study some art, music, dance, anything that helps humanity to be more celebrating... anything that gives more love, that makes people more loving... anything that helps you to share your being with others, mm? Good! [A sannyasin asks: You spoke in one of the zen lectures on discipline, and I wondered if that meant self-control, and was some kind of discipline that we...

... must have.] Not exactly self-control... rather an awareness of whatsoever you are doing. Be fully alert about doing it, then a discipline comes out of it on its own accord - not that you have to force it. And there is a great difference between the two. Ordinarily discipline means what you are saying - an effort to control oneself. But that is suppressing, and I am against it. Anything which is...

... can control himself, because that is the thing to be done. Then it is self-control. He will not enjoy this moment and this space. He will be constantly struggling, fighting; he will be in a tense state. This is discipline brought by control. You are simply alert that I am talking to you. You have a certain problem, and that problem has to be understood. He is silent because of this understanding. He...

... will. When you bring anything by will you are fighting. You are dividing yourself in two: the one who is to be disciplined and the one who is going to discipline - so you are already two. There is going to be continuous conflict - how can you be happy divided? So when I use the word discipline, I mean a deep awareness in which you are undivided. So don't try to control, rather try to become more...

... done anything. [Osho went on to say that unlike any other structure inside the body, breathing is the only thing that can be voluntary or non-voluntary; it is just in between... ] So Yoga breathing is doing something - pranayama - a certain rhythm to be created. You can create a certain rhythm and it can be used for certain purposes. You can have better health if you can control your breathing...

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