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Found: 3417 articles, showing 840 - 850
..., you will kill him from discipline. And there is no way to know where the demarcation line is. So whatsoever you do is going to be wrong. If you give too much freedom, the child will be spoiled. If you don't give enough freedom, the child will be spoiled. And down the ages people have tried all alternatives. Sometimes they have tried to discipline the child absolutely. Then whatsoever comes out is an...

... what I mean by sannyas. So just be natural, loving and don't carry any ideals. Don't listen to experts; these are the most mischievious people in the world - the experts. Just listen to your heart. If you feel like hugging, hug. Sometimes you feel like hitting the child, hit. And don't be worried that some great psychoalanyst says not to hit the child. Who is he to dominate you? From where does he...

...?' is meant to bring you to your right senses.... It is to hit you hard so that you become aware that you don't know yourself. That is the agony of it - as if you had much, and the question has taken it away from you. You used to think you are this and you are that - and this simple question has taken all identities away. You are left in a vacuum. Just to feel that you don't know yourself, is so...
..., but the reality is totally different. These men, these women, quarreling, fighting, never come to know what life in its purity is. They don't have time. And strangest of all... I have heard many people, playing cards or chess, or going to the movie... you ask them for what and they say, "We are going to kill time." And nobody objects! What are you saying? Time is killing you! From where...

... did you get the idea that you can kill time? You cannot even catch hold of time. Time is fleeting, so fast that you can't see it. The speed is beyond your visualization. How can you kill time? But millions of people around the world are killing time in different ways, as if life has been given to them just to destroy. These people only think they are alive, because they have not known the secrets of...

... more intense, one- pointed. It can hit, deep down. You just watch when you make the sound Yaa-Hoo. It is not a word, it means nothing. It is simply my finding, amongst many sounds which have been used by different mystics in different times. I have found that Yaa-Hoo goes the deepest. It has never been used. HOO has been used; it has been used as part of ALLAH-HOO. If you repeat "Allah,"...
... have disbelieved. Their sources are different but the basic approach is the same. In India there has been a very ancient philosophy, charvaka. That philosophy says there is no God, no heaven, no hell, no punishment for your bad actions and no reward for your good actions. And thousands have believed in it. It is negative, absolutely negative, but very comfortable. You can steal, you can murder, you...

... Karl Marx did for the communists, he said that there is no soul, no consciousness. It is a by-product of matter, so when the body falls apart, nothing is left. This became a very dangerous attitude, because communists could kill people without thinking twice. Their belief is that by killing you are not committing any sin. There is nobody inside a person; there is no inside. A man is chemistry...

..., biology, physiology - but there is no soul. Joseph Stalin could kill almost one million people after the revolution without feeling even a slight doubt about what he was doing. In Soviet Russia man has been reduced to a mechanism. You can kill - nothing is killed, because there was nobody in the first place. It is just like a clock functioning. It moves, it shows you the time; that does not mean that...
... for meditation has come. Now you can forget those small, stupid things in which you were involved. There are millions of people who are playing cards, watching football matches - not at all aware of what they are doing. And if you ask them, they say they are killing time. Great! Time is killing you, and you remain with the idea that you are killing time. How can you kill time? You have never even...

... seen it. Your swords cannot cut it, even your nuclear weapons are unable to touch it. How are you going to kill time? But time is killing you every moment. AIDS should be understood as a great blessing. Now you can stop playing cards, you can stop fooling around. You can stop watching stupid football matches. Now all the time is yours, and the only thing left before death comes, is to know thyself...

... to prevent homosexuality in those people? Has any law ever prevented anybody from doing anything? There are laws against murder; murder goes on growing. There are laws against suicide; suicide goes on growing. There are laws against stealing; you have to go on expanding your prisons, your courts, because the number of thieves goes on growing. There are laws against drugs. That simply makes things...
... rejuvenate your whole system, you will be more alive and young. But three weeks of will go mad. Dreaming must fulfill some deep-rooted need. The need is that it gives you occupation; without real occupation it gives you occupation. You can sit and dream and do whatsoever you like, and the whole world moves according to you - in your dreams at least. Nobody creates a problem. You can kill...

... anybody, you can murder. You can change as you like. You are the master there. The ego feels most vital while dreaming, because there is nobody who can antagonize you, who can say: No, this is wrong. You are whole and sole. Whatsoever you want, you create. Whatsoever you don't want, you destroy. You are absolutely powerful. You are omnipotent in your dreams. Dreams stop only when ego drops. So this is...

... bondage, once it becomes non-physical - then it is the love of Jesus or the compassion of Buddha. The West is much obsessed today because of Christianity. Two thousand years of Christian suppression of sex energy has made the Western mind too much obsessed with it. First, for two thousand years the obsession was how to kill it. You cannot kill it. No energy can be killed - energy can only be transformed...
.... Particularly at certain moments when I see a possibility of some opening in you, then I really hit! Not with a small hammer, but with a sledgehammer. When one has to hit, why choose a small hammer? Be finished in a single hit! Sometimes I am very hard, that's why sometimes I have to be very soft - just to compensate, to bring balance. When I left the room, although you were smiling it was a little sad. I...

... a little sad... maybe for many reasons, not only that I had hit you. But whatsoever the reasons for your sadness, I had in some way deepened the darkness in you. And I am here to enlighten you, not to endarken you - if that word is allowed. In fact we should make it a word, "endarken," because so many people go on endarkening each other. It is strange that the word does not exist...
... to go to Nigeria. I suspect there is politics behind it - Ronald Reagan wants you to be removed from the place. The only way to remove you is a direct order from God." And actually what I had visualized happened. The moment he was removed another person was appointed and the three judges decided that the city was no longer a city. That's what Ronald Reagan and his government wanted: first take...

... laugh more, live more, love more, and spread love, laughter around the world. This is the only protection against nuclear weapons. If the whole globe can learn to love and laugh and enjoy and dance, then Ronald Reagan and Gorbachev will look surprised... what has happened? The whole world seems to have gone mad! People who are happy, contented, are not the people to be forced to kill other people who...

.... It is a revenge. All armies are kept in repressed sexuality so the moment they get to kill that becomes their joy; at least their repressed energies are expressed - of course in a very ugly way, inhuman way, but some expression is there. Have you watched? - painters, poets, sculptors, dancers are never sexually repressed people. In fact, they are oversexual. They love so much, they love so many...

... or there will be no one left alive, not even a single wildflower. Everything will be dead. There are experiments going on in the Soviet Union, and perhaps in America too, with death rays. Rather than dropping a bomb, it is far easier to spread death rays, which simply kill the living people, animals, birds, trees. Only dead things - houses, temples, churches - will remain. It will be really a...
... AN EXPERIMENT OF A REAL COMMUNIST.(*) WOULD YOU AGREE? A: Yes, I agree. I agree totally. It was an experiment for both: as an alternative society and as a higher quality of communism. The old society has some basic things on which it depends. There have been many critics of the old society but none of them has succeeded to hit the very roots. They have been just pruning the leaves. So the critics...

... nobody poor and nobody rich. There is no need to create a classless society: just remove the money and the classless society comes into being. The commune should take the responsibility of providing the basic needs of the members. Everybody should get whatever is his need. And we had managed in our small commune of five thousand people for four years, the highest quality of communism that has ever...

... prepare the ground. They are needed because people's minds are so full of rubbish... that before meditation can be started, that rubbish has to be removed. Meditation techniques are just to remove the rubbish. If that is removed, then starts meditation. If somebody comes with a mind clean, he does not need any technique. He can directly enter into the space I call meditation. And the space called...

... together. Rather than to die together; we have decided to live together -- and create one world. And nobody can prevent Soviet Union and Russia from creating one world. They can remove all the lines from the map very easily -- there is no problem at all. And once they decide that they are not going to fight, then their tremendous energy -- which is involved into war efforts -- will be available for them...
... world champion in any race. I was very surprised. I was shouting, "Wait!" and he looked back, and without saying anything.... The whole scene was being watched by the gatekeeper of the rich man. He told me, "You will kill him." I said, "I am simply going to return his buckets." He said, "You leave the buckets with me; when the sun rises he will come. But don't do...

... thing, that if I am a ghost, your gun will be useless - you cannot kill a ghost with a bullet. So don't ever use it, because a ghost will not be affected by it; but if a real man is there, you may be arrested as a murderer." He said, "That's true. That I never thought about, that ghosts...." And right in front of me, he took out all the bullets. He said, "Sometimes the fear is so...

... great... I may shoot some man and kill him." I said, "Just look at me: first be certain whether I am a real man or a ghost. You are taking your bullets out, and it may be just a ghost who is persuading you!" He said, "What...?" And he started putting the bullets back in his gun. I said, "You keep these two buckets." I remained for almost six months in that part of...

... when you go out into the world, wherever you go, spread life, playfulness, joy, as far away as possible - to every nook and corner of the earth. If the whole world starts laughing and enjoying and playing, there will be a great revolution. War is created by serious people; murder is committed by serious people; suicide is committed by serious people - madhouses are full of serious people. Just watch...
... totally in it, so intensely in it - and without any effort. It is a biological help to man to experience his first isness. It can be scary to feel that you have literally disappeared, and to tell your partner, "I am going," rather than "I am coming!" - is to kill the poor man! What is happening? What kind of love is happening? He has always heard that in love one comes, but this is a...

... how to rise in consciousness towards enlightenment? They don't give any arguments, they simply condemn. Their condemnations are meaningless. They simply show the poverty of their intelligence. They simply show the anger and rage that is boiling within them. In fact, they are saying that if they kill me it will be perfectly right, because I am the Antichrist. They are trying to find an excuse to...

... justify their actions against me. But Hindus also want to kill me. They have tried. Mohammedans also want to kill me. I think if I was the Antichrist, then all the religions who are anti-Christian would have accepted me with great joy - here comes the Antichrist who will destroy Christianity. They will not be against me. They will not be against the Antichrist. But you can say anything. The archbishop...

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