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Found: 433 articles, showing 220 - 230
... steadily drew closer. Almost frantic, the guard threw up his rifle and shot without taking aim. It was four in the afternoon, the street was crowded with people, and the man was so agitated that if he had taken deliberate aim he would almost certainly have missed. But now the captain dropped to the sidewalk with a bullet through his head. During the war he had not spent one day at the front, he had never...

... heard the whistle of a bullet; but a few days after the war had ended he was struck down by a comrade's deadly bullet, in a Moscow street. Of course nothing happened to the guard. Although the affair was really scandalous, the general sent him a message expressing his gratitude for 'exemplary performance of his duty'. In such cases the guard is free from blame. The army regulation says on this point...

... historian of the Red Army. Naturally, he was not trusted, and his chief task was to proclaim the Soviet regime's tolerance towards repentant sinners. In his memoirs he gave a vague reason for his return, but in Moscow it was openly said that he had got tired of washing dishes in Paris restaurants. During the last year or so of the war a number of more or less well-known émigrés had returned to the Soviet...

... of his distant relations comes into conflict with the Narcomvnudel he is automatically entered in the category of 'politically unreliable'. During the war there was a special category of 'unreliable', which were not called up for military service. Many of them had to serve in labor battalions. They were not issued weapons and were kept at a safe distance from the front. They consisted mainly of...

... people whose relatives had made too close acquaintance with the Narcomvnudel. Anyone who had personally come into contact with the Narcomvnudel or was on their black lists was rounded up and interned in the first few days of the war. If any 'unreliable' offered to go as a volunteer to the front, he was arrested at once and sent to a Narcomvnudel camp. The military command knew what value to set on this...

... kind of patriotism. The Soviet government reckoned that despite the long years of re-education, the feeling of loyalty to one's father, or mother, and one's own blood was stronger in the Russian soul than the husks of communist teaching. During the later years of the war, owing to the great shortage of manpower some of the 'unreliable' were taken into the regular army. Although the majority of them...

... necessary you are fully entitled to get into contact with us over the head of your future superior officers. As you know, that is strictly forbidden in the army, but we are an exception to the rule. Your future destiny depends on how you show up in your practical work. I hope we shall meet again later..." The general's words left me unusually calm. During the war I had been full of enthusiasm and ardor...

... for all I experienced; I had definite objectives in front of me. But now I was filled only with icy calm. The same calm that I had felt in June 1941, on the outbreak of war. Then it had been due to the tense expectation of coming experiences. But now I simply could not understand why it was. Our inner world is the reflection of our surroundings. Now I was quite deliberately putting my inner world to...

... the test. In active work, in the interplay of international interests, I would find the rational basis of our Soviet existence. One could hardly have a more suitable spot for that than Berlin. "I feel sure you will justify the trust the fatherland is placing in you, in sending you to the most important sector of the post-war front. The work to be done there is more important and more responsible...

... than in war-time," he ended, as he shook my hand. "I wish you every success, Major!" "Thank you, Comrade General!" I replied, looking him straight in the eyes and responding to his vigorous handshake. After all, wasn't I going to Berlin in order to come back to Moscow a better Soviet citizen than I could be today? During the winter I had solved a riddle that puzzled me in regard to Genia. Her mother...

... had returned to Moscow in January; all through the war she had worked as a doctor in front-line hospitals, in order to be near her husband. Now she had been demobilized. Anna Petrovna was the exact opposite of her daughter Genia. Her greatest interest in life was to talk about her husband. I needed no little patience and endurance to listen to the same story and display the same interest for the...

... umpteenth time: how they had got married, how he was never at home because he devoted all his time to his service, how hard it was to be the wife of a professional officer. She gave me long descriptions of her and his parents, simple people; of his gradual advancement, and then his breathtaking career during the war. Anna Petrovna was extremely pleasant and frank. Though she was the wife of a well-known...

... branches of activity. They came from the masses of the people, but they had the requisite education and special professional training, and they acquired practical experience in responsible activity. The bureaucratic ulcer burst at the beginning of the war, and it became necessary to replace the tarnished heroes of the revolutionary period by younger leaders of the Soviet school. Inevitably, during the...

... war years, and especially in the army, new and talented military leaders who had been vegetating unrecognized came to the forefront. The pre-war Party and bureaucratic aristocracy spent their days in the same luxury and magnificence that the tsarist aristocracy had formerly been reproached with. During the war, in order to save the situation, the finest members of the nation replaced them, perhaps...

... till the ban's raised. Even Kolia hasn't switched it on yet." What do you make of that? A month after the war had ended a victorious Soviet general did not dare to listen to the radio until the Kremlin had expressly given him permission. "Grisha, look at this!" Genia broke in. "A golden pistol!" She excitedly threw me something heavy in a yellow leather case. Thinking to find some original design of...

... had been sent only months later, when the war with Japan broke out. And even then she learnt it from the newspapers, which announced that the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet had awarded him a further distinction for special services in the struggle against Japan. "How can he become a marshal now the war's over?" I asked her. "Whom will he be fighting next?" "I don't know," she sighed. "He avoids...
... depopulation controllers' pyramid appear to be the "puppet masters" (or international war crimes racketeering organization) including the City of London Zionist bloodline financial bankers including the Rothschild family, and the Rockefeller interests in the U.S., and the British crown and DOPE Inc. aristocracy, and Black aristocracy of Europe such as the House of Orange (Netherlands). Now it is confirmed...

... controlled ultimately by this international war crimes racketeering organization. Fukushima event: Global depopulation through radiation and weather warfare The purpose of the March 11, 2011 Fukushima event, is global depopulation by radiation. Leuren Moret highlights two prominent nuclear radiation scientists who have now publicly declared that the northern 1/3 part of Japan has become uninhabitable...

... false flag operation is now affecting North America, including Western Canada, the west coast of the United States, Hawaii, and Mexico. Ms. Moret includes updates on how: Weather warfare engineering is delivering radiation and nuclear war to targeted regions of Canada, California, the Northwest, Mexico, and Hawaii. Governments and media are complicit in covering up and mis-reporting the levels of...

... plasma weapons are creating rain in strategically targeted areas especially on the progressive and environmentally concerned west coast of the United States because rainout is the most efficient form of an intense nuclear war. The most targeted areas by the radiation war are the western food baskets of North America, in order to cause radiation damage to future generations of the population and further...

... weaken them for the benefit of the New World Order. A principal purpose of the radiation nuclear war on North America is contamination of food sources, drinking water, and dairy products with the aid of the governments, media and health regulators. Comparing the dangers of the Chernobyl fuel rods that melted in one much smaller reactor causing an estimated 1-1.5 million deaths vs. the meltdown...

...-lasting environmental Impact - False Flag Target: Humanity Leuren Moret traces the origins of the Fukushima quake nuke radiation war as rooted in intentional genocide of the human population and a depopulation plan developed by the ideologies of Malthus in the 1700's, Cecil Rhodes in the 1800's, the Rockefellers in the 1930's, and implemented as official U.S. policy in 1974 when Henry Alfred Kissinger...

... Scientist Leuren Moret: Radiation war intensifies with HAARP tornadoes in USA Coverup! California, Northwest, B.C. Canada under radiation as high as Japan Scientist...

...: U.S., Canada, Mexico, Hawaii targeted in nuclear war from Japan Scientist: Japan earthquake, nuke ?accident? are tectonic nuclear warfare YOUTUBE: Scientist Leuren Moret...

...: Scientist Leuren Moret - Radiation war intensifies with HAARP tornadoes in USA Continue reading on Leuren Moret: Fukushima tectonic nuclear warfare monitored by world partners - Seattle exopolitics | Source: http...
... the world who don't have a Rothschild controlled central bank The war in Iraq is about stealing Iraq's water supply President Bush puts a Jew, Paul Bremer, in control of Iraq Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamed: "Jews rule the world by proxy" The Police Chief of Cloudcroft stops a truck speeding through a school zone Israel deploys assassination squads into other countries Russian Jewish...

... Oligarch, Mikhail Khordorkovsy is detained in prison 2004 Spy front for Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, Larry Franklin, observed by the FBI giving classified information to two officials of AIPAC, suspected of being Israeli spies The people of the United States are the victims of a deadly hoax, that started a war using the blood and money of American citizens John Ashcroft orders the FBI to stop all arrests in...

... mandates that the government may detain any person whatsoever for an unlimited period, without trial Ehud Olmert: Half of Lebanon is destroyed; is that a loss? 2003 Rachel Corrie bulldozed to death by Israelis in Gaza strip On March 16th, 23 year old American, Rachel Corrie, who had travelled to the Gaza Strip to defend Palestinians against Israeli war crimes being carried out there, is killed whilst...

... have a Rothschild controlled central bank Iraq, is now one of six nations left in the world who don't have a Rothschild controlled central bank. The war in Iraq is about stealing Iraq's water supply However, this war is mainly about stealing Iraq's water supply for Israel, as Israel has always struggled for fresh water. Indeed, it had to steal the Golan Heights from Syria which provided Israel with...

... with a similar group in Israel, based in Ariel Sharon's office. The people of the United States are the victims of a deadly hoax, that started a war using the blood and money of American citizens With two suspected Israeli spies (at least) inside the office from which the lies that launched the war in Iraq originated, it soon becomes crystal clear that the people of the United States are the victims...

... of a deadly hoax, a hoax that started a war using the blood and money of American citizens for the purposes of Israeli oppression. The leaking of the investigation of AIPAC by the Jewish media on August 28th, this year, gives advance warning to all the other spies who had been working with Franklin. John Ashcroft orders the FBI to stop all arrests in the case of Israeli spying As if it couldn't get...

... Hollings On May 20th, Senator Ernest Hollings, who is not running for a further term decides to speak out about Israel's control of America, which he does on the floor of the Senate, firstly declaring that President Bush went to war in Iraq, "to secure our friend, Israel," and, "everybody knows it," and then he makes the following statement about AIPAC's control of America: "You can't have an Israel...

... to Israel. Furthermore, the Israeli government can also seize, prosecute and imprison people who harbour such beliefs, should they ever set foot in Israel. Bush: "A free Iraq will help secure Israel" On september 30th, during his first presidential debate with the Jew John Kerry, president Bush states, on the subject of americans dying in the war in Iraq, "A free Iraq will help secure Israel." The...

... chambers,' a, 'genocide of the Jews', or of, 'six million' Jewish victims Richard Lynn On December 5th, following accusations from holocaust revisionists, that World War 2 leaders never mentioned the alleged holocaust of the Jews in gas chambers, Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus at the University of Ulster, reports his research into this matter, as follows, "I've checked out Churchill's Second World War...

... and the statement is quite correct - not a single mention of Nazi, 'gas chambers,' a, 'genocide of the Jews,' or of, 'six million,' Jewish victims of the war. This is astonishing. How can it be explained? Eisenhower's, 'Crusade in Europe,' is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill's, 'Second World War,' total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle's three-volume, 'Memoires de guerre,' is 2,054 pages...

.... In this mass of writing which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi, 'gas chambers,' a, 'genocide,' of the Jews, or of, 'six million,' Jewish victims of the war." David Cameron, an old favourite of the Rothschilds, is elected leader of the British Conservative party David Cameron Norman Lamont On...

..., David Irving is sentenced to three years in jail David Irving British historian, David Irving is sentenced to three years in jail in Austria, for denying the alleged Holocaust™ of the Jews in World War 2. It is important to note that the only historical event you can be arrested for questioning is this alleged Holocaust™. The Jews start to panic about being exposed and therefore up their...

... are therefore arrested as prisoners of war by Lebanese forces. The Jewish media throughout the world screams that they have been kidnapped, yet make no reference to the fact that Israel have seized and imprisoned over 9,000 Palestinians without trial, and Israel starts bombing Lebanon indiscriminately, a country in which incidentally 40-45% of the population are Christian. Israeli law mandates that...

... well over 1,000 Lebanese men, women and children have been killed and a quarter of the country's population have been displaced. The war ends with Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon. Many Jews are not satisfied with this outcome and accuse Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, of losing this war. Ehud Olmert: Half of Lebanon is destroyed; is that a loss? However when he appears before the Knesset Foreign...
... and will be provided, where asked for, as will the names of the six Jews who led the Dock Strike of last year and the Jews at the head of the Communist Movements in Canada and South Africa. In Britain the most important one is Ivor Montagu, one of the leading members of the " British " Communist Party and son of a Jew Peer. These are the People you would have to fight for in another War. Here are...

... a much wider Jewish organization whose central control need not be in Russia at all. There can be no doubt that some of its most influential members are in America and very high up in American politics, that is, when you consider the following: Bernard Baruch—80 year old " Elder Statesman," " Key figure in politics," etc. . . . Chairman, War Industries Board from 1918, when he admitted before...

... Congress that he had more power than the President. He was Adviser to Jas. F. Byrnes, War Mobilisation Director, from 1943. " One President after another has made him a confidante " said the paper American Hebrew of 17th June, 1946. He is a great friend of Mr. Churchill. He was Economic Adviser to U.S.A. Peace Commission in 1st World War and Master Mind of the New Deal Policy which has been called...

... financed the Communist Revolution in Russia, providing considerable material and moral aid for Trotsky. Schiff personally had taken a close interest in promoting the revolutionary movement in Tzarist Russia from the days of the Russo-Japanese war which he financed for Japan, Baruch then is the successor of this man described by the Jews themselves as their " beloved leader." Felix Frankfurter—Judge of...

... the Supreme Court; described as the Man behind the Men behind the President. His first big job was assistant Secretary for War under Newton Baker (President Wilson's time); represented the Zionists at Paris Peace Conference, 1919. His influence has made him appointer of all sorts of Reds, Zionists and Pinks in important Government posts. He has been the chief legal expert in the New Deal. He is...

... in 1939, took no action but allowed Hiss to do his fell work through the war, which made the cold war possible today. Extract from Social Credit (Canada), November, 1950. Christian Liquidation. The Zionists' own mouthpiece, The Jewish Standard, October, 1950, published the following revealing figures: Before the end of the British mandate, Palestine's Christian population (excluding British...
... the Jews to engage in the business of supplying the needs of armies and to avail themselves as far as possible of war contracts, is of long standing and notice. An authority on this matter, Werner Sombart, says in his "Jews and Modern Capitalism" (pp. 50-53): "The Jews throughout the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries were most influential as army purveyors and as the...

... ceases there. He does not go on to mention "the Jewish contractors who provisioned the American troops in the Revolutionary and Civil wars." That task shall be THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT's from time to time in the future. It is in the study of Jewish money-making out of war that the clues are found to most of the great abuses of which Jews have been guilty. In the present instance, it was in...

... the matter of profiteering in war goods, that the Jewish connections of Benedict Arnold were discovered. "Wars are the Jews' harvests" is an ancient saying. Their predilection for the quartermaster's department has been observed anciently and modernly. Their interest being mostly in profits and not in national issues; their traditional loyalty being to the Jewish nation, rather than to any...

... other nation; it is only natural that they should be found to be the merchants of goods and information in times of war — that is, the war profiteers and the spies. As the unbroken program is traced through the Revolutionary War, through the American Civil War, and through the Great War of recent occurrence, the only change observable is the increasing power and profit of the Jews. Although the...

... number of Jews resident in the American colonies was very small, there were enough to make a mark on the Revolutionary War; and while there was no wholesale legislation against Jews as there was in the Civil War, there were actions against individuals for the same causes which in 1861-5 obtained more extensively. The Journals of the Continental Congress contain numerous entries of payments made to Jews...

... the British army contracts for the French and Indian wars, and for the succeeding Revolutionary War. To get the picture, conceive it thus, as it is taken from Jewish sources: Moses Franks lived in England, doing business with the British Government direct. He had the contract for supplying all the British forces in America before military trouble between the Colonies and the Home Government was...

... intent on business with the non-Jewish government, but the four here mentioned carry along the main parts of the tale. A moment's digression will give us at once a view of the looseness of the liberalism of some of the Fathers of the Country, and a view of the equanimity with which David Franks of Philadelphia could pass from one role to another — a facility which cost him dearly when war came on...

... — and his acquaintance with the Shippen family into which the dashing young Benedict Arnold married. There is a strange intermingling of all the tragic figures of the play: Benedict Arnold marries the girl for whom Major AndrÈ wrote a parlor play. Major AndrÈ, during his period of captivity as an American prisoner of war and before his exchange, was often at the home of David Franks...
...THE NAMELESS WAR - Epilogue...

... Epilogue Epilogue Archibald Maule Ramsay The Nameless War I shall always be grateful to the many Members who made my return to the House very much easier than it might have been, by their immediate greetings and friendly attitude. Many, I fear, whose actions in the Chamber itself and outside were detected or reported to the press representatives, found themselves the victims of a vendetta inside...

... last war, but all your wars; and not only the Russian, but all of your revolutions worthy of mention in your history." Nor should we forget those of Professor Harold Laski, writing in the New Statesman and Nation on 11th January, 1942: "For this war is in its essence merely an immense revolution in which the war of 1914, the Russian Revolution, and the counter revolutions on the Continent are earlier...

... purposes discarded in the settlements which accompanied the progress and followed the conclusion of the war. In the validity of this statement the treatment of the people of Esthonia, Lithuania, Poland, Roumania, Yugoslavia, China, Indo-China, Indonesia, Italy, Germany and other places of the earth bear witness." There appeared recently in the press the cry of Mrs. chiang Kai Shek calling Britain a...

... House Banking & Currency Committee: "After World War 1, Germany fell into the hands of the German International Bankers... Through the Federal Reserve Board over 30 billion of dollars of American money... has been pumped into Germany" The money pumped in to Germany to build her up in preparation for World War 2, is into the German Thyssen banks which are affiliated with the Rothschild controlled...

... Jabotinsky, on boycott of Germany: "We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany" Swiss banking secrecy laws are reformed in preparation for the Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund both sides David Lloyd George: "Britain is the slave of an international financial bloc" "Democracy has no more persistent and insidious foe than money power...

... flavour of the month celebrity they choose, yet bury within the inside pages some brief account of an ongoing war that will overtly or covertly have an effect on each and every one of us. Another example of this is putting more and more emphasis on sport as oppose to news. The CFR also needed to get control of radio, television and the motion picture industry The CFR also needed to get control of radio...

... Depression was occurring, millions of American dollars was being spent on rebuilding Germany from damage sustained during World War 1, in preparation for the Rothschilds' next war, World War 2. Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee: "After World War 1, Germany fell into the hands of the German International Bankers... Through the Federal Reserve Board over 30 billion of...

... dollars of American money... has been pumped into Germany" Republican Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee from 1920 to 1931, would state the following in relation to this, Adolf Hitler "After World War 1, Germany fell into the hands of the German International Bankers. Those bankers bought her and now they own her, lock, stock, and barrel. They have purchased her...

... was done on our money. All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board...has pumped so many billions of dollars into Germany that they dare not name the total." The money pumped in to Germany to build her up in preparation for World War 2, is into the German Thyssen banks which are affiliated with the Rothschild controlled Harriman interest Interestingly...

..., the money pumped in to Germany to build her up in preparation for World War 2, is into the German Thyssen banks which are affiliated with the Rothschild controlled Harriman interest in New York. 1930 The first Rothschild "World Bank," the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), is established Bank for International Settlements This year, thirty-three years after the first World Zionist Congress...

... Governments to the fact that if an end is not put to Bolshevism in Russia at once the civilization of the whole world will be threatened. This is not an exaggeration.... I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging and unless as above stated Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to...

... Governmental positions within Germany. Interestingly, at the time the number of Jews in Germany's government was over twenty times those in their government since the end of World War 1. As a result of this expulsion, in July, the Jews hold a World Conference in Amsterdam during which they demand that Hitler re-instate every Jew back to his former position. Hitler refuses and as a result of this, Samuel...

... of them elderly." Interestingly all of these Jews who left Germany voluntarily before the Second World War even started, will go on to be known as "holocaust survivors," and entitled to reparation payments following the end of the Second World War. This is because the definition of a holocaust survivor is as follows, "any Jew who lived in a country at the time when it was: Under Nazi regime; Under...

... Jews been drawn to journalism. In their hands it became a mighty weapon" On May 11th, Haim Nachman Bialik, a Jewish poet, widely recognised as Israel's National Poet, in an address given to Jews at the Jewish University in Jerusalem, states, "Not in vain have Jews been drawn to journalism. In their hands it became a mighty weapon highly fitted to meet their needs in their war of survival." 1934...

... Staunch Zionist, Vladimir Jabotinsky, on boycott of Germany: "We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany" In January, staunch Zionist, Vladimir Jabotinsky, gives an update on Samuel Untermyer's boycott of Germany when he makes the following statement, "The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labour...

... unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share of this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany...

.... Collectively and individually, the German nation is a threat to us Jews." Swiss banking secrecy laws are reformed in preparation for the Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund both sides Swiss banking secrecy laws are reformed and it becomes an offence resulting in imprisonment for any bank employee to violate bank secrecy. This is all in preparation for the Rothschild...

... engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund both sides. David Lloyd George: "Britain is the slave of an international financial bloc" In its June 20th issue, New Britain magazine of London, publishes a statement made by former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George in which he states that, "Britain is the slave of an international financial bloc." "Democracy has no more persistent and...
...THE NAMELESS WAR - Appendix 5...

... The Official Gag Archibald Maule Ramsay The Nameless War Reprinted from Free Britain June 1954 THE OFFICIAL GAG Lord Jowitt, either with a belated desire to do Justice to Captain Ramsay or now cautious of repeating he fabrications of the past, has admitted in his memoirs of the War Trials, published in the London Evening Standard of May 13th, that the defendants in the Tyler Kent affair were all...

... in the Forestall Diaries that Mr. Chamberlain had become convinced, and actually told Mr. Forestall, that powerful Jewish circles in New York were solely responsible for maneuvering Britain into the war, unsuspected by him at the time although he was Prime Minister and ought to have been informed of what was going on. The wedge that was driven between Mr. Chamberlain and Captain Ramsay was the lock...

..., its creators, murmured reproof while they sent it money and the wherewithal of the war which they claimed to fear; thus, like Frankenstein, they created the destructive agency which they could not control. Based on fantasy, the little state had no real existence, only the power to spread unease throughout the world, which from the moment of its creation had no moment's true respite from fear. It...

... began to fulfil the words of the ancient 511 Promise: "This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven. . . who shall be in anguish because of thee". Left to its own resources, it would have collapsed, as the "Jewish Homeland" of the inter-war years would have collapsed. The urge to leave it once more began to...

... earlier drew attention. It is what Mr. Leopold Amery, one of the British Ministers responsible for Palestine in the inter-war period, once said: The policy is set and cannot change. The inner secret of the whole affair is contained in these menacing statements, in which the note of authority and superior knowledge is Clear. They are cryptic, but specific and categorical, and express certainty that the...

... the Ten Tribes". This "aspiration", of course, cannot be "fulfilled" without universal war, and that is evidently why Mr. Abrahams was taken aback, and made almost aghast. Mr. Churchill's words, if they were considered and deliberately intended, signified support for the grandiose ambition in all its literalness, and the final price of that could only be the extinction of...

... mean a greater war than the West had yet endured, in which its armies would play the parts of pawns in a ruinous game, for the purpose of dividing the Christian peoples, crushing the Muslim ones, setting up the Zionist empire, and thereafter acting as its janissaries. In this great gamble, Jews everywhere in the world, on whatever side of the apparent fighting line, would be expected under the "...

...;law of the return" to act in the overriding interest of Zion. What that might mean may be seen from an article published in the Johannesburg Jewish Herald of Nov. 10, 1950, about a secret episode of the Second War. It stated that when the production of atomic weapons began "a proposal was put forward to Dr. Weizmann to bring together some of the most noted Jewish scientists in order to...

... general and in particular all those British officials, officers and soldiers who for thirty years loyally did their duty in Palestine. Wingate, an officer of the British intelligence in Palestine during the inter-war years, so far deviated from the honourable impartiality, between Arabs and Jews, which was the pride and duty of his comrades as to become, not simply an enemy of the Arabs but a renegade...

... to his country and calling. His perfidy first became public knowledge on this occasion when Mr. Ben-Gurion, dedicating a children's village on Mount Carmel to Wingate's memory (he was killed during the Second War) said "He was ready to fight with the Jews against his own government" and at the time of the British White Paper in 1939 "he came to me with plans to combat the British...

... foreseeable result above recorded. During the Second War this man, of all men, was singled out for especial honour by Mr. Churchill, being recalled to London at the time of the Quebec Conference to receive promotion to Major General. Dr. Weizmann says his "consuming desire" was to lead a British army into Berlin. The context of Dr. Weizmann's account suggests that this would have been headed by a...

... ladder leading upward and upward . . . the future world war, the peace conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be erected." Twenty-five years later a leading Zionist in England, Lord Melchett, spoke in the same tone of secret knowledge to Zionists in New York: "If I had stood here in 1913 and said to you 'Come to a conference to discuss the reconstruction...

... arisen this opportunity? Do you really believe that we have been led back to Israel by nothing but a fluke?" (Jewish Chronicle, Nov. 9, 1928). Today the third world war, if it comes, will obviously not be a "fluke"; the sequence of cause leading to consequence, and the identity of the controlling power, has been made visible by the developing fluid of time. Thirty-one years after Lord...

... Melchett's imperial pronouncement I was by chance (February, 1956) in South Carolina, and only by that chance, and the local newspaper, learned of a comment in similar vein, apparently inspired from a similar, Olympian source, about the third war. Mr. Randolph Churchill, Sir Winston's son, was at that time visiting his family's friend Mr. Bernard Baruch, whose residence is the Barony of Little Hobcaw in...

... South Carolina. On emerging from his interview with this authority Mr. Randolph Churchill stated (Associated Press, Feb. 8, 1956) that "the tense Middle East situation could explode into armed conflict at any moment. But I don't think civilization is going to stumble into the next war . . . World War III, if it comes, will be coldly calculated and planned rather than accidental". Against the...

.... These intimations meant another world war within fifteen years at the latest, for by no other means could so many Jews be extracted from the countries where they were. As to the cost of their transportation, Mr. Ben-Gurion said this would be between 7,000 and 8,000 million dollars (at present rates, equal to the entire national debt of Italy, and about five times the British national debt in 1914) and...

... he "looked to American Jewry to provide this money". Obviously, even American Jewry could not find such sums; they could only be obtained from the taxpayers of the West. Everything that was said was thus a plain threat of war to the neighbouring Arabs, and it had an especial meaning when it was said (which was often) by Mr. Menachem Beigin, chief of the "activist", or killer...

... observing what happened. On October 27, 1955 Mr. Moshe Sharett, the Israeli Foreign Minister, told newspaper correspondents at Geneva that Israel would wage a "preventive war" against the Arabs if necessary. On November 28, 1955 the Zionist Organization of America announced in leading newspapers (by paid advertisement) that "Britain, too, has joined the camp of Israel's enemies"; Sir...

... naval officer, Commander Terrill) by a Canadian officer. The UN observers were being put in the same position as the British administrators in the inter-war years; they could not count on support by their home governments. They had a constant reminder before their eyes (the Wingate Village in Israel) that preferment and promotion, in Palestine, were the rewards of treachery, not of duty. Two years...

... aeroplanes appear to have taken part in this massacre, which produced a British statement that if Jordan, its ally, were attacked, Britain would fulfil its undertakings. The Israeli Government said it received this warning "with alarm and amazement".* The September 26 attack was the last of the series which filled the years 1953-1956; the next one was to be full-scale war. I have summarized the...
...THE NAMELESS WAR - The Russian Revolution...

... The Russian Revolution The Russian Revolution Archibald Maule Ramsay The Nameless War Monsieur Francois Coty, the celebrated scent manufacturer, wrote in Figaro on 20th February, 1932: "The subsidies granted to the Nihilists at this period (1905-1917) by Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn Loeb and Co., New York, were no longer acts of isolated generosity. A veritable Russian terrorist organization had been...

... set up at his expense. It covered Russia with its emissaries." This creation of terrorist formations by Jews within a country marked down for revolution, whether they be called Nihilists or as in France in 1789, "Sacred Bands," or "Marseillais"; or "Operatives," as in the Britain of Charles I, now stands revealed as standard technique. Jacob Schiff also financed Japan in her war against Russia 1904...

...-5, as we learn from the Jewish Encyclopedia. This war was immediately followed by an attempt at revolution on a considerable scale in Russia, which, however, proved abortive. The next attempt, during the Great War, met with complete success. On the 3rd January, 1906, the Russian Foreign Minister supplied to Emperor Nicholas II a report on this revolutionary outbreak, which, as revealed in the...

..., not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe, and the whole world, as it is organized and worked by Jews, who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things." A still clearer light is thrown on these happenings by an article...


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