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... Illustrious Lordship one penny, offers to send the said Maestro Valco, with all things requested by the said Valco, at Salamoncin’s own expense [...] and is certain that the said Maestro Valco will kill the said Lord Turk by the end of 28 May, which matter will be to the glory of this Illustrious State and all Christianity [19]." It goes without saying that Salamoncino was not entirely disinterested...

... Swiss Jew from Wil, had arrived at Padua as an outsider, bold and without resources, at least in the eyes of Piove and Camposampiero. Salomone da Piove’s p. 42] impatient and fiery sons had their pockets full and were waiting for Aronne to hit bottom. A colossal swindle bankrupting a bank and pocketing the stolen money In 1481, Salamoncino da Piove dreamed up a colossal swindle -- this time to...

... refused. As mentioned by Marin Sanudo in his Diaries, in 1499, "Salamonsin de Piove de Sacho" was one of the Jewish bankers engaged in negotiations with Venice for the concession of the huge sum of fifteen thousand ducats, to be pledged by the Republic "in the Turkish matters", i.e., the war effort against the Sublime Porte [43]. Salamoncino -- who had intended to remain at Piove di Sacco at least until...

... monetas scienter accipiebant a fabricatoribus illarum et illas, reductas Venetias, dispensabant diversis personis, a quibus habebant ad incontrum ducatos auri et argenti cum certa sua utilitate". On the crisis of May 1472 and the "monetary war" being waged between Venice and Milan, see, in particular, R.C. Mueller, L'imperialismo monetario veneziano nel Quattrocento, in "Società et Storia", VIII (1980...
... the earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011 and Fukushima nuclear plant disaster was induced Correlation of HAARP broadcast and earthquakes Contents Zionism: Plans and methods Introduction The main edge of the battle we will direct against the Slavs First of all we will dismember all the Slavic nations - Divide and concur In this war of fools, the Slavic moronic herd will be weakening itself and...

... by Russians, as though they defend their national interests to return their lands, "illegally" taken from them, and so on. All of this we will do under the guise of different sovereignties, the struggle for their national ideals. While we will not give either party any self-determination, based on the national values and traditions. In this war of fools, the Slavic moronic herd will be weakening...

... itself and strenghtening us, main directors of the chaos In this war of fools we will weaken the Slavonic cattle themselves and strengthen ourselves, the principal conductors of all that revolt, pretending to stand on the side and not only not participating in the bloody events, but not getting involved in any of it. The most threatening word will become "anti-Semite". The word "Jew" will be pronounced...

... in your face, to infiltrate into your confidence and guide you by showing "care" about you and your children, future grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who in reality will not appear. You are doomed. If you will obey - there will be 65 - 70 million of you left, otherwise - 40-45 You are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, as long as you twitch, until then you will be hit more...

...? What are their names? What are their positions? On the heels of Popov is a vehicle with a label "escort" On the heels of Popov there is a vehicle labeled "escort" (as those used to transport the prisoners in bulk). This fact is reflected in a written complaint filed by war veterans, logistics, labor, military officers and nuclear physicists in defense of Popov. Their complaint was sent to the court...
... up into as many parts as there are heads in the mob, loses all homogeneity, and thereby becomes unintelligible and impossible of execution. WE ARE DESPOTS: 21. It is only with a despotic ruler that plans can be elaborated extensively and clearly in such a way as to distribute the whole properly among the several parts of the machinery of the State: from this the conclusion is inevitable that a...

... our end. In politics one must know how to seize the property of others without hesitation if by it we secure submission and sovereignty. 24. Our State, marching along the path of peaceful conquest, has the right to replace the horrors of war by less noticeable and more satisfactory sentences of death, necessary to maintain the terror which tends to produce blind submission. Just but merciless...
... shall destroy among the goyim the importance of the family and its educational value and remove the possibility of individual minds splitting off, for the mob, handled by us, will not let them come to the front nor even give them a hearing; it is accustomed to listen to us only who pay it for obedience and attention. In this way we shall create a blind, mighty force which will never be in a position...

... the mob. Independently of this we shall invest the president with the right of declaring a state of war. We shall justify this last right on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army of the country must have it at his disposal, in case of need for the defense of the new republican constitution, the right to defend which will belong to him as the responsible representative of this...
... all those machinations repeated themselves in concentrated form, as we have gotten to know them in the preceding ritual-murder trials. On Russian soil a drama unrolled for the last time before the outbreak of the World War, which, as a bloody, fateful sign still in the final hour, had been able to open the eyes of the statesmen responsible for its people to a enormous threatening peril; they wanted...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm, Konitz...

... Hellmut Schramm's Jewish Ritual Murder - Konitz h3 { color: #B50400; text-align: center; } .left { float: left; width: 40%; padding: 4pt 12pt; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Jewish Ritual Murder von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D. a Historical Investigation 1944 a translation by R. Belser of Der jüdische Ritualmord Eine historische Untersuchung...

... Chapter 7: Polna <<<    Table of Contents    >>> Chapter 9: Kiev    Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Konitz Detailed Table of Contents Murder in Konitz Warning to the parents to be careful with Jews Ernst Winter Police takes no action upon the father's...

... accusations suddenly sent to Danzig Inspector Braun fabricates a case against innocent Hoffmann The non-Jews in Prussia are still regarded only as second-class citizens Jews spread the rumor in order to provoke unrest Case against Hoffmann dismissed by the Konitz court The Murderers Reconstruction of the murder based on eyewitness statements The Witnesses Ritual-slaughterers participated in the murder of...

... Winter Testimony of the chief witness, Masloff, present at the murder scene The Jewish merchant Samuel Rosenthal - dead after his slip of tongue about the murder The father of the victim receives a letter admitting Jews did the murder and an offer a large sum of money for silence Several witnesses arrested in the most ruthless manner as per judge Zimmermann The Law Court a) The Speisiger trial The...

... Masloff trial Attorney General Lautsch: non-Jews are suspect, Jews are credible and honorable witnesses Triumph of Jewish influence and lobbying: attention shifted to non-Jews Because at that time nothing was supposed to come of it! Big guns from government get involved Only the completely "uneducated folk" could accept the "medieval fairy-tale" of blood-murder Deditius Mayor of Konitz drags the...

... efforts not to find the guilty The proceedings against the main suspect were stayed The letter evidencing Jewish ritual-murder was found "Winter has been ritually sacrificed" Extensive cooperation of the officials in the cover-up In old Rome, the philosopher Seneca about ritual murders A few selected cases of ritual murder published in Hammer Murder in Konitz At the end of April 1900 -- therefore still...

... in the year of the Hilsner trial -- the following public notice appeared: "Murder in Konitz. Twenty thousand Marks reward is promised by the Herr Minister of the Interior to any private person who gives crucial information for the investigation of the murderer or murderers of the upper fourth-former Ernst Winter. The decision concerning the payment of the reward is reserved to the Herr Minister...

.... -- Marienwerder, 27 April 1900. The President of the government." Since the murderers were Jews, the Herr Minister did not need to worry about the paying out of this prize! In midsummer of the same year, one Jewish-liberal paper wrote that the Chinese disorder was very inconvenient for the anti-Semites, because the Konitz murder story would be pushed into the background by it and gradually would fall into...

... "forgetfulness." At any rate, a fading away of the public discussion had to be very much opportune for Jewry. Since the investigation process had degenerated into a public scandal, at the end of November 1900 an "Alliance for the clearing up of the Konitz murder" was formed in Konitz, subscribed to by the Catholic and Evangelical [i.e., Lutheran] clergy and the city councilors of the region, as well as several...

... Landstag and Reichstag deputies. [1] In an appeal by this alliance, it says that it "appears ever more possible that the mysterious murder will find a solution and punishment." -- For the time being self-help was asked for: "...and since it is feared that for now the bureaucracy in Germany will be filled increasingly with Jewish and Jewish-legal viewpoints and ideas, thus self-help must be recommended...

.... "The Konitz murder puts anxiety for the well-being of our children first and foremost in our hearts. Are Christian children still safe from the slaughter? "Where the power (292) of the state fails, help must be formed from out of the womb of the family. We also turn to the clergy, the teachers, and the father of the family." The following advice was given in connection with this: Warning to the...

... the environs of Konitz, cases have still occurred in the last decades, where serving girls who were in service with Jewish families suddenly vanished without a trace. At the close of business, when entering Jewish houses is unavoidable, a man should take a companion with him..." "Should a murder similar to those in Konitz and Xanten happen, the Christian inhabitants of the place should immediately...

... Justice, and the Kaiser. The conscience of the German people should not be permitted to have peace until the Konitz blood-murder was atoned for! Ernst Winter The murdered boy, the eighteen year-old high school student Ernst Winter (born on 27 September 1881 in the Church city of Prechlau near Konitz, west Prussia) was attending the gymnasium [= high school] at Konitz since 1894 and lived here as a...

..., according to plan, [as he went about] his daily routines. On Sunday, 11 March 1900, the day of the murder, Winter attended church in the morning. From there, he made his way to the cigar store of Fischer; (294) for some time he chatted with the proprietor, then he strolled along the market toward his apartment at the house of the master baker Lange for lunch. For about an hour he went to his room, which...

... days had passed! They even fished both of the lower parts of the upper body from out of the lake. The body parts were (295) delivered to the city hospital. Police chief declines an offer of help to find the body parts with search dogs On Thursday, 15 March -- therefore four days after the murder -- the right arm was discovered on the gate of the Evangelical churchyard. Some private individuals...

.... Witnesses questioned for months in an effort to convict non-Jews He questioned witnesses for months, in order to be able to convict a non-Jewish resident of the murder. The case dismissed on false grounds Witnesses who said anything against Jews were badly treated without exception -- one need recall only Xanten and Skurz -- were rudely spoken to, and cross-examined until Wehn believed that they had been...

... only possible perpetrators -- In spite of these practices, he didn't get anywhere; Wehn wanted to achieve something positive -- for the exoneration of the Konitz Jews. Thus he suddenly came around to the opinion that only homosexuals could have committed the murder. Cunningly, the Jews knew how to steer suspicion onto a young master tailor whose father, having died a year previously, had been the...

... for the anti-Semites. Here the suspicion is legitimate that the murder was planned in advance and was performed with the intention of putting the blame for it on the Jews. "The entire behavior of the anti-Semitic spokesmen and of the (297) anti-Semitic press compels [us] to accept this... anti-Semitism and criminality are identical concepts, insofar as there may well be criminals who are not anti...

... with several gentlemen on the day of the murder until the nighttime. By his proposal, all these witnesses were questioned under oath by the investigating magistrate of the district court at Konitz, and he was left in peace from further defamation. The burial of Winter was described by the Jews as an "animal show" The burial of the murdered gymnasium student took place during the period of activity of...

... course from [considering] as the motive, the blood-accusation of ritual-murder, raised during the investigations by fanatics or the ignorant, which shames all of Christendom -- since such [an accusation] can originate only from malice or dark superstition." Inspector Braun fabricates a case against innocent people including a girl! -- In line with this principle, he conducted his activities, which...

... Hoffmann Inspector Braun declared that he would very soon bring the master butcher Hoffmann and his daughter to confess the murder, and there began the shameful doings against an old established and respected citizen and councilor of Konitz, which evoked the greatest outrage in all of Germany. In his defense statement, [3] Hoffmann described in detail how the Jews and their helpers wanted to stamp him as...

... Winter's, a gymnasium professor, stated that on the evening of the 11th of March, thus on the day of the murder, he had heard the frightful scream of a human being from the synagogue toward half past seven. From this Braun drew the following astute conclusions: Next to the synagogue was located the wagon shed of Hoffmann; in this shed, between seven and eight o'clock in the evening, Winter and the...

... , after they had previously carried out a very thorough house search at my [home], brought me and my fourteen year-old daughter to the police office and charged us both with having committed the murder of the gymnasium student Winter. Both the Commissars thereby put forth the claim that I had, on 11 March, (300) toward seven o'clock in the evening, missed my daughter, had searched for her, and came upon...

... butcher Hoffmann. The grounds for the decision of cessation laid down by the Konitz court should be rendered in their essential points due to their importance: Case against Hoffmann dismissed by the Konitz court "According to the medical expert opinion of the district physician Dr. Müller and of the general practitioner Dr. Bleske of 29 June 1900, the murder of the gymnasium student Winter occurred...

... for this reason not come into consideration as the perpetrator ..." The Hoffmann episode in the Winter murder tragedy had reached its end. The actual victors here were also the Jews: if they did not succeed, as in the year 1884 in Skurz, in bringing a likewise innocent, non-Jewish butcher to the dock, they could still say: the judicial investigation due to the murder of Winter was not opened against...

... thoroughly erase the traces of a blood-murder! The Murderers The court decision of 19 July 1900 assumed [the existence of] several murderers -- which doubtless was correct. In order to tie up and gag the young, exceptionally powerful Winter in such a manner, in order to be able to cut through the throat of his living body, a larger number of men was required. The murderers had to have found a suitable...

... field at the other side of the city. Reconstruction of the murder based on eyewitness statements On the basis of eyewitness statements, which will be yet more closely dealt with in a special section, the murder of Winter can be reconstructed in the following manner: On the days of the 14th, 15th, 20th and 21st of April 1900, the Jews had their Easter festival, for which non-Jewish blood was needed...

... noticed in Tisza-Eszlár! -- The murderers themselves, in the course of the night and of the following day, again departed from Konitz in all directions with their booty, the blood of Winter. The conformity of Winter's murder with the ritual-murder of the boy Cybulla in Skurz which occurred in the year 1884 is striking: at both murders the disarticulation of the thighs was performed with the greatest...

.... replied: "The blood is costly this year, it's costing us a half million Marks"; [6] 2. the merchant S. in Zempelburg; Moritz Levy visited the young merchant S., from whom the Levys had purchased a bicycle, conspicuously often in the weeks before the murder. At every opportunity, the Jew asked whether S. also was in the best of health, forced himself in close proximity to him for the alleged purpose of...

... comparing the size of their bodies, and urgently requested him several times to come to Konitz, in order to get the money for the bicycle. -- Downright creepy seemed 3. the case of the worker Laskowski of Frankenhagen; Eight days before the murder of Winter, Moritz Levy had purchased a cow from the farmer Grabowicz in Frankenhagen and thereupon demanded especially forcefully, that a young and strapping...

... farmhand, Tucchinski , should deliver the cow in Konitz on the Sunday, 11 March. On (306) the forenoon of the day of the murder, the 11th of March , when Winter still had not been lured into the trap, both young Levys drove to farmer Grabowicz and heard that not Tucchinski, but rather the worker Laskowski was given the task of getting the cow to Konitz. The Levys then made the utmost effort to bring...

... slaughtered some months later, and that Eisenstädt, on the day of the slaughter, the 11th of March 1900, himself appeared in Konitz and returned to Prechlau just on the Monday. He was bringing along a little box with very nasty-smelling contents, a box which disappeared immediately when strangers began to take notice of it! Ritual-slaughterers participated in the murder of Winter On the basis of sworn...

... statements by witnesses, it was further determined that, besides Eisenstädt of Prechlau, the following foreign ritual-slaughterers participated in the murder of Winter: 1. the brother of the Prechlau Eisenstädt, the Schlochau Eisenstädt, left the Catholic hospital (Borromäus-Stift) at Konitz on the evening of 11 March, and remained away the entire night, from the 11th to the 12th of March, as could be...

... the place as on the day of the murder! On Monday, the 12th of March, witnesses noticed how the Konitz Rabbi Kellermann and the Konitz schächter, who a short time later fled to America, both with top hats on their heads, were inspecting a piece of meat (liver?) in the Rabbi's room, made incisions in it with a knife, and were making microscopic examinations of it. It must have been a type of religious...

... conversation between Rabbi Kellermann and another , probably foreign, Jew who was unknown to her. She clearly heard the following sentences: "Have you kept something in mind?" -- "That so many devils are crawling around here?" -- "That nothing gets out [about the murder]!" In addition, the conversations of other Jews were heard, which allowed the conclusion to be made [that there was] far-reaching complicity...

... and knowledge [of the crime]! As already mentioned, the right arm of the murder victim was discovered on 15 March at the Evangelical churchyard, and the head on 15 April in the meadow at the city woods. Now the Jewish merchant Israelski was seen: as, on the morning of 15 March, toward six fifteen, he was walking to the said churchyard with a sack in which there was a longish object after the manner...

.... Israelski was charged due to the latter occurrence, but was acquitted by the five judges of the criminal court, among whom the Jewish district judge Bohm was to be found! -- The wife of Israelski said to the bailiff: "The Russian Jews are gone and my husband is now supposed to be the scapegoat!" Testimony of the chief witness, Masloff, present at the murder scene But the chief witness, the worker Masloff...

..., found himself located at the hour of the crime at the murder-cellar, and was able to observe the actions of the murderers outside of the cellar from his own vantage point. His incriminating statements given on 8 June 1900 before the examining judge at the district court in Konitz, Dr. Zimmermann, should be reproduced exactly. Masloff stated the following to the record: "On Sunday, the 11th of March...

... after his slip of tongue about the murder The Jewish merchant Samuel Rosenthal from Kamin, a little town in the direct vicinity of Konitz, said shortly after the murder of Winter, in the presence of non-Jewish witnesses: "I'm going to Konitz, then I'll tell [the names of] all who were there at the slaughtering of Winter." (311) -- On the following day, Rosenthal allegedly committed suicide... In...

... Polzin (Pomerania) lived a relative of the Konitz Levys. As was proved, he was present in Konitz with them on 11 March. On his return, he brought along a little flask of blood. He was not arrested! The father of the victim receives a letter admitting Jews did the murder and an offer a large sum of money for silence In Prechlau, on 11 June 1900, the father of the victim received a letter whose...

... handwriting pointed to a "leading" Konitz Jew -- but this Jew, too, was not bothered [by the authorities]! The letter, whose photocopy is still preserved, has the following text (after removal of numerous mistakes in spelling): "To Herr Winter in Prechlau. Since the proceedings against H. (Hoffmann is meant!) have begun, we ask that you remain silent, we assure you that nothing will come of the murder. This...

... represent only a fraction of the events mostly already investigated in the court documents, the father of the murdered boy made application at the State Attorney's office at Konitz in November 1900 to initiate criminal proceedings against the Jewish schächter Levy and his son Moritz for aiding and abetting at the murder of his son. The Law Court The procedure of the examining judge, Dr. Zimmermann...

... "Winter murder case." Since all tracks clearly pointed, totally independently from one another, at the house of the Jewish schächter Adolf Levy, the judicial investigation, with every [attempt for the] sparing of Jewry, had to finally concern itself with the Levy family. Several witnesses arrested in the most ruthless manner as per judge Zimmermann To the greatest shock of town and country, the...

...-Jewish accused took place from 26 October till 9 November 1900 before the Konitz jury court. The attempt was made by the defense to bring forward a portion of the evidentiary material which gave indication of the Jewish culpability at the murder of Winter, and with surprising success; for both the jurors as well as the audience became convinced that the murder only could have been committed by Jews for...

...? Triumph of Jewish influence and lobbying: attention shifted to non-Jews It did not succeed in saddling a non-Jew with the bestial crime, although the infamous tactics of the entire Jewish-inspired proceedings aimed at doing so -- but also, a preliminary investigation against no Jew whatsoever for the murder of Winter was opened, (315) and that was the decisive thing, the actual triumph of Jewish...

... "uneducated folk" could accept the "medieval fairy-tale" of blood-murder Deditius, Wehn, Braun, Zimmermann, and Settegast -- to wit, that only the completely "uneducated folk" could accept the "medieval fairy-tale" of blood-murder as their opinion, while legal people were freeing themselves of this prejudice, which, again, means that they had rejected in advance a Jewish perpetration [of the murder]! That...

... desired stage had been thereby approached, which a Jewish organ dressed in the following words: "By every appearance, the investigation in the matter of the Konitz murder affair is coming (316) to a conclusion. According to every probability, a criminal case (!) will result as the outcome, which claims a certain interest merely by the method of the murderer and the speculations and debates attached to...

... his person...," therefore a criminal case, which merely claimed "a certain interest," was to remain of this blood-murder to the end! Deditius It's necessary in this connection to bring closer attention to the person and behavior of the Mayor of Konitz, in order to uncover his unwholesome influence, also, on the course of the proceedings. Deditius, earlier Mayor of the Silesian city of Strehlen, had...

..., especially for finding the body parts of the murder victim: Deditius declined with the suggestion that the gentlemen could go in the houses themselves and search with their dogs, if they absolutely wanted to do that! -- one was supposed to believe that the decisions about domestic law were still currently the mayor's! Deditius personally beat with a whip young people But the same Deditius personally beat...

... portrait the case of a witness interrogation should still be briefly touched upon, which can be described as typical. The man who voiced his observation as to presence of Jewish ritual slaughterers was ruined economically -- A respected and honorable Konitz citizen made very important observations on the day of the murder and on the day after, which related to the presence of Polish Jews, ritual...

... markedly dampened after these bad experiences, and finally waned entirely. However, some brave German men, like the anti-Semitic Reichstag Deputy Liebermann von Sonnenberg, mentioned in the beginning, still remained, who possessed the courage to bring up the Konitz blood-murder, even in the Reichtag (which should not be forgotten about him) [9] -- though without result -- and that (to be sure) still...

...) -- The Germania wrote: "Soon a quarter-year will have elapsed since the trunk of the murdered Winter was discovered in the Mönchsee [Monk Lake], and the murderer has still not been found, and it has the well-justified appearance, as if he won't be found, too. The present highly unusual circumstances give us reason to subject the story of the murder to a closer examination. The fear and the worry for...

...; (320) conspicuous the obligingness toward foreign emissaries, who, in the interest of the accused Jews are seeking to give another twist to the case. Now the case has taken the turn that the universally respected Christian butcher Hoffman is charged with the murder by the assumption of absurd motives. Conspicuous are the even more energetic proceedings against Hoffmann, and conspicuous the...

... result of the entire case is, up to now, unfortunately, objectively an undermining in the people of the consciousness of Law and the security of the Law, just as of the belief in the impartiality of Justice! Let them not allow themselves to hope that the case can die away, that the people of Konitz will be satisfied with a settlement on the order of Skurz. Murder must be atoned for. And if the...

... buried there: It is the faith of the people in Right and Law." The Liberté, the leading paper of the French-speaking part of Switzerland, wrote at the beginning of January 1901: "The infamous murder of Konitz is still not atoned for. If it remains without atonement, so will the belief of the German people in the Hebraic blood-ritual be strengthened in the same measure as the trust in justice is...

... diminished..." Theodor Fritsch: authorities have plainly made desperate efforts not to find the guilty And Theodor Fritsch made this judgement in 1911 in the Hammer: [10] "The murder has remained unsolved up until the present day... The events at the trial were of such an unusual kind, that one must say: the authorities have plainly made desperate efforts, in order not to find the guilty parties." The...

... murder case, many Jews abandoned the city. -- That is correct, for up till the year 1903, not fewer than 130 Jews emigrated from Konitz... But a Jewess had better knowledge of the fate of Winter (322) than those "in charge of" the "Konitz case": Under the headline "Ritual murder solved after 38 years," the Dresden Freiheitskampf [Freedom Struggle] reported in its Nr. 349 issue of 1938: The letter...

... evidencing Jewish ritual-murder was found "Dirschau, 18 December 1938. -- The murder of the high school student Ernst Winter in Konitz, which aroused enormous excitement and set loose a wave of outrage in Germany and in the entire world around the turn of the century due to the mysterious circumstances which accompanied the crime, has now, after 38 years, been surprisingly cleared up. At the clearing out...

... of the ground level of a house which was in Jewish possession since 1900, the letter of an accessory to the crime was discovered, from which it emerges without a doubt that Ernst Winter fell victim to a Jewish ritual-murder." -- The Jew Hartwig had bought this property in Konitz around the turn of the century. The letter, which was found by a fortunate accident when the ground floor of the house...

... was being cleared out, reads: "Winter has been ritually sacrificed" "Ernst Winter has been sacrificed in Konitz , and woe unto Israel, three times woe, if it does not abandon the blood-sacrifice. We will remain pariahs as long as it remains. It is indeed murder!... A Jewess and accessory, but an unhappy one. M 1900." In 1884, Skurz, 1891, Xanten, 1898 and 1899: Polna, 1900, Konitz -- five ritual...

... Deputy Liebermann von Sonnenberg became the advocate for the German cause. In December 1900, he wrote: "The conscience of the German people is not permitted to find peace!" (325) On 7 February 1901, he broached the subject of the Konitz blood-murder in the Reichstag. [13] The "Vereinigung zur Aufklärung des Konitzer Mordes" [14] [Union for the Solution of the Konitz Murder] was created in Konitz by...

... Staatsbürgerzeitung [Citizen Times]; its publisher Bruhn and the editor Böttger were sentenced to imprisonment due to "offensive articles" which appeared in connection with the "Winter murder case" -- but both nonetheless entered the Reichstag in 1903 and worked against Jewish interests. Willi Buch, in his notes which have already been cited above, gives the following vivid picture out of the times around the turn...

... of the century: "The ritual-murder of Konitz had caused fierce reactions... The anti-Semitic movement had become a genuine people's movement, with all its merits and weaknesses. The Jewish Question was the subject of conversations and kept emotions stirred up. There was no meeting which wasn't filled up, even to the last seat... Things were very lively, for the most part, due to the almost never...

... absent opponents..." And in another passage: "It is very much typical that there was no reform movement since around 1900, which didn't have some sort of relationship to anti-Semitism." -- It was the time when Edouard Drumont's Verjudetes Frankreich [Judaized France] appeared in the 142nd edition, after the attempt was made in vain to remove the author in a duel, and Henri Desportes published his...

... never was undertaken. From the notes of the Hammer , we shall select only those which at least allow the strong suspicion of a ritual crime to arise. A few selected cases of ritual murder published in Hammer 1910 On December 29, Helene Brix, who was in service with the Jewish riding equipment proprietor Salomons in Nassenheide near Stettin, vanished without a trace on the day before the final day of...

... populace, after decades-long experiences, had their own opinions about this, in that they proceeded to the most effective means of struggle, the boycott of Jewish businesses. This latent anti-Semitism had, in the (329) course of two generations, continually received new impetus due to a whole chain of extremely suspicious murder cases which remained unsolved, so that the Jewish segment of the population...

... present, in the state of greatest excitement, spoke openly of a new blood-murder. On the day of the kidnapping, numerous foreign, mostly Polish-speaking Jews had been noticed in the near vicinity of the place. The newspapers were cautious in their suggestions, any traces for the presumption of a crime were lacking... They explained that there could be no question of a blood-murder, since no serious...

... when four masked men made an attempt to steal the body of Schiefelbein, in order, perhaps, to remove the traces of the crime. Also in this case nothing became known about the further results of the investigation! Furthermore, on the first day of the Pentecost holiday 1913 in Berlin, the dismembered body of the twelve-and-a-half-year-old boy Klähn was discovered. The servant Josef Ritter, who had been...

... separated from the trunk, the legs from the body; the body itself was totally cut up, so that heart, lungs and liver were visible. The parts of the body had been skillfully cut apart, so that it had the appearance as if an operating surgeon had been at work. The victim had to have been dismembered in a closed space. Traces of blood were totally absent. The murder victim was later identified as the twelve...

... its own secret laws and in this officially recognized exceptional position understood how to evade the workings of universal law; consciousness of law and State were thereby certainly afflicted in their vital nerves! But once all accompanying circumstances were so positioned that the Jewish murder pestilence absolutely had to be understood in order to avoid people taking steps for self-help, then...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm...
... bishop in armor. Passive obedience by force supports thrones and oligarchies, Spanish kings, and Venetian senates. Might, in an army wielded by tyranny, is the enormous sum total of utter weakness; and so Humanity wages war against Humanity, in despite of Humanity. So a people willingly submits to despot-ism, and its workmen submit to be despised, and its soldiers to be whipped; therefore it is that...

... its level, and deprives it of that understanding of the universal aim, at the same time human and divine, which makes the missionary nations. A free people, forgetting that it has a soul to be cared for, devotes all its energies to its material advancement. If it makes war, it is to subserve its commercial interests. The citizens copy after the State, and regard wealth, pomp, and luxury as the great...

... man, thou shalt obey his precepts! Thy soul is immortal! Thou shalt do nothing to degrade it! III. ⊕∴ Thou shalt unceasingly war against vice! Thou shalt not do unto others that which thou wouldst not wish them to do unto thee! Thou shalt be submissive to thy fortunes, and keep burning the light of wisdom! IV. ○∴ Thou shalt honor thy parents! Thou shalt pay respect and homage...

... alike; weakness and poverty equally potent in those Courts as power and wealth; the avenues to office and honor open alike to all the worthy; the military powers, in war or peace, in strict subordination to the civil power; arbitrary arrests for acts not known to the law as crimes, impossible; Romish Inquisitions, Star-Chambers, Military Commissions, unknown; the p. 27 means of instruction within...

..., the prosperity of tyrants and the murder of martyrs, we must believe there is a wise, just, merciful, and loving God, an Intelligence and a Providence, supreme over all, and caring for the minutest things and events. A Faith is a necessity to man. Woe to him who believes nothing! We believe that the soul of another is of a certain nature and possesses certain qualities, that he is generous and...

... series of errors and blunders, ending in war, calamity, and the necessity for a tyrant. When the nation feels its feet sliding backward, as if it walked on the ice, the time has come for a supreme effort. The magnificent tyrants of the past are but the types of those of the future. Men and nations will always sell themselves into slavery, to gratify their passions and obtain revenge. The tyrant's plea...

... riots and massacres, are as much the ministers of God as the earthquake; and the fate of nations depends more on them than on the intellect of its kings and legislators. A civil war in America will end in shaking the world; and that war may be caused by the vote of some ignorant prize-fighter or crazed fanatic in a city or in a Congress, or of some stupid boor in an obscure country parish. The p. 43...

... to the workmen!" no other principle will save a Republic from destruction, either by civil war or the dry-rot. They tend to decay, do all we can to prevent it, like human bodies. If. they try the experiment of governing themselves by their smallest, they slide downward to the unavoidable abyss with tenfold velocity; and there never has been a Republic that has not followed that fatal course. But...

... concerned in making the laws, but also in their execution. No man ought to be more ready to obey and administer the law than he who has helped to make it. The business of government is carried on for the benefit of all, and every co-partner should give counsel and co-operation. Remember also, as another shoal on which States are wrecked, that free States always tend toward the depositing of the citizens...

... will sometimes hit the mark. There is some truth in all men who are not compelled to suppress their souls and speak other men's thoughts. The finger even of the idiot may point to the great highway. A people, as well as the sages, must learn to forget. If it neither learns the new nor forgets the old, it is fated, even if it has been royal for thirty generations. To unlearn is to learn; and also it...

... better against them than a wand, unless it be the rapier of ridicule. The SWORD is also the symbol of war and of the soldier. Wars, like thunder-storms, are often necessary to purify the stagnant atmosphere. War is not a demon, without remorse or reward. It restores the brotherhood in letters of fire. When men are seated in their pleasant places, sunken in ease and indolence, with Pretence and...

... Incapacity and Littleness usurping all the high places of State, war is the baptism of blood and fire, by which alone they can be renovated. It is the hurricane that brings the elemental equilibrium, the concord of Power and Wisdom. So long as these continue obstinately divorced, it will continue to chasten. In the mutual appeal of nations to God, there is the acknowledgment of His might. It lights the...

... beacons of Faith and Freedom, and heats the furnace through which the earnest and loyal pass to immortal glory. There is in war the doom of defeat, the quenchless sense of Duty, the stirring sense of Honor, the measureless solemn sacrifice of devotedness, and the incense of success. Even in the flame and smoke of battle, the Mason discovers his brother, and fulfills the sacred obligations of Fraternity...

... pronounced of God upon whatever is unrighteous in the conduct of national affairs. When civil war tears the vitals of a Republic, let it look back and see if it has not been guilty of injustices; and if it has, let it humble itself in the dust! When a nation becomes possessed with a spirit of commercial greed, beyond those just and fair limits set by a due regard to a moderate and reasonable degree of...

... that grasps at the commerce of the world cannot but become selfish, calculating, dead to the noblest impulses and sympathies which ought to actuate States. It will submit to insults that wound its honor, rather than endanger its commercial interests by war; while, to subserve those interests, it will wage unjust war, on false or frivolous pretexts, its free people cheerfully allying themselves with...

... crushes down all that is of impediment in its way, as its keels of commerce crush under them the murmuring and unheeded waves. A war for a great principle ennobles a nation. A war for commercial supremacy, upon some shallow pretext, is despicable, and more than aught else demonstrates to what immeasurable depths of baseness men and nations can descend. Commercial greed values the lives of men no more...

..., conceit, or spite, deciding an election and placing Folly or Incapacity or Baseness in a Senate, involves the country in war, sweeps away our fortunes, slaughters our sons, renders the labors of a life unavailing, and pushes on, helpless, with all our intellect to resist, into the grave. These considerations ought to teach us that justice to others and to ourselves is the same; that we cannot define our...

... and its punishment sure. Revenge has been said to be "a kind of wild justice;" but it is always taken in anger, and therefore is unworthy of a great soul, which ought not to suffer its equanimity to be disturbed by ingratitude or villainy. The injuries done us by the base are as much unworthy of our angry notice as those done us by the insects and the beasts; and when we crush the adder, or slay the...

... again and shoot out budding boughs over the threshold. *      *      *      *      *      * Every commonwealth must have its periods of trial and transition, especially if it engages in war. It is certain at some time to be wholly governed by agitators...

... chimera, where men remove from State to State with indifference, like the Arabs, who camp here to-day and there to-morrow. If you have Eloquence, it is a mighty force. See that you use it for good purposes -- to teach, exhort, ennoble the people, and not to mislead and corrupt them. Corrupt and venal orators are the assassins of the public liberties and of public morals. The Will is a force; its limits...

... great disciplines of War, the Monarchy and the Priesthood, all that the CAMP, the PALACE, and the TEMPLE may symbolize, to train the multitudes forward to intelligent and premeditated combinations for all the great purposes of society. The result will at length be free governments among men, when virtue and intelligence become qualities of the multitudes; but for ignorance such governments are...

... as some new development of villainy. War has not ceased; still there are battles and sieges. Homes are still unhappy, and tears and anger and spite make hells where there should be heavens. So much the more necessity for Masonry! So much wider the field of its labors! So much the more need for it to begin to be true to itself, to revive from its asphyxia, to repent of its apostasy to its true creed...

... difficulties and disputes; and to bind Republics, Kingdoms, and Empires together in one great band of peace and amity. It would not so often struggle in vain, if Masons knew their power and valued their oaths. Who can sum up the horrors and woes accumulated in a single war? Masonry is not dazzled with all its pomp and circumstance, all its glitter and glory. War conies with its bloody hand into our very...

... wrong done to another is an injury done to our own Nature, an offence against our own souls, a disfiguring of the image of the Beautiful and Good. Punishment is not the execution of a sentence, but the occurrence of an effect. It is ordained to follow guilt, not by the decree of God as a judge, but by a law enacted by Him as the Creator and Legislator of the Universe. It is not an arbitrary and...

... punishes nor public opinion condemns. In the Masonic law, to cheat and overreach in trade, at the bar, in politics, are deemed no more venial than theft; nor a deliberate lie than perjury; nor slander than robbery; nor seduction than murder. Especially it condemns those wrongs of which the doer induces another to partake. He may repent; he may, after agonizing struggles, regain the path of virtue; his...

... many judicial murders have been committed through ignorance of the phenomena of insanity! How many men hung for murder who were no more murderers at heart than the jury that tried and the judge that sentenced them! It may well be doubted whether the ad-ministration of human laws, in every country, is not one gigantic mass of injustice and wrong. God seeth not as man seeth; and the most abandoned...

... acquits himself. See, therefore, that you exercise your office cautiously and charitably, lest, in passing judgment upon the criminal, you commit a greater wrong than that for which you condemn him, and the consequences of which must be eternal. The faults and crimes and follies of other men are not unimportant to us; but form a part of our moral discipline. War and bloodshed at a distance, and frauds...

... vice; a scorned and blighted name; seared and crushed affections; desperate fortunes; these are steps that might have led any one among us to unfurl upon the high seas the bloody flag of universal defiance; to wage war with our kind; to live the life and die the death of the reckless and remorseless freebooter. p. 135 Many affecting relationships of humanity plead with us to pity him. His head once...

... work resolutely for its amelioration. Those who under-value this life, naturally become querulous and discontented, and lose their interest in the welfare of their fellows. To serve them, and so to do our duty as Masons, we must feel that the object is worth the exertion; and be content with this world in which God has placed us, until He permits us to remove to a better one. He is here with us, and...

... often is a country at war; nor can every one be allowed the privilege of offering his heart to the enemy's bullets. But in these patriotic labors of peace, in preventing, remedying, and reforming evils, oppressions, wrongs, cruelties, and outrages, every Mason can unite; and every one can effect something, and share the honor and glory of the result. For the cardinal names in the history of the human...

... himself and everything around him are mysteries, to torture and slay others, because they cannot think as he does in regard to the profoundest of those mysteries, to understand which is utterly beyond the comprehension of either the persecutor or the persecuted. Masonry is not a religion. He who makes of it a religious belief, falsifies and denaturalizes it. The Brahmin, the Jew, the Mahometan, the...

... will live always if he avoids war; but, if the lances spare him, old age will give him no quarter. Better live well than live long. When a man lights a fire in his house, death comes before it goes out." And thus said the Indian books: "Honor thy father and mother. Never forget the benefits thou hast received. Learn while thou art young. Be submissive to the laws of thy country. Seek the company of...

... great conquerors. There is no law that limits the returns that shall be reaped from a single good deed. The widow's mite may not only be as acceptable to God, but may produce as great results as the rich man's costly offering. The poorest boy, helped by benevolence, may come to lead armies, to control senates, to decide on peace and war, to dictate to cabinets; and his magnificent p. 174 thoughts and...

... those who will snatch from them by treachery what they have acquired by arms or institutions. He knows that if, after being released from the toils of war, the people neglect the arts of peace; if their peace and liberty be a state of warfare; if war be their only virtue, and the summit of their praise, they will soon find peace the most adverse to their interests. It will be only a more distressing...

... war; and that which they imagined liberty will be the worst of slavery. For, unless by the means of knowledge and morality, not frothy and loquacious, but genuine, unadulterated, and sincere, they clear the horizon of the mind from those mists of error and passion which arise from ignorance and vice, they will always have those who will bend their necks to the yoke as if they were brutes; who...

..., notwithstanding all their triumphs, will put them up to the highest bidder, as if they were mere booty made in war; and find an exuberant source of wealth and power, in the people's ignorance, prejudice, and passions. The people that does not subjugate the propensity of the wealthy to avarice, ambition, and sensuality, expel luxury from them and their families, keep down pauperism, diffuse knowledge among the...

... able-bodied, works for a shilling or two a day, and the woman shivering over her little pan of coals, when the mercury drops far below zero, after her hungry children have wailed themselves to sleep, sews by the dim light of her lonely candle, for a bare pittance, selling her life to him who bargained only for the work of her needle. Fathers and mothers slay their children, to have the burial-fees...

..., or hold it at the pleasure, of any one man. The keystone of the Royal Arch of the great Temple of Liberty is a fundamental law, charter, or constitution; the expression of the fixed habits of thought of the people, embodied in a written instrument, or the result of the slow accretions and the consolidation of centuries; the same in war as in peace; that cannot be hastily changed, nor be violated...

... design, in making the world; and are not at war with the great purpose of life. It teaches that everything is beautiful in its time, in its place, in its appointed office; that everything which man is put to do, if rightly and faithfully done, naturally helps to work out his salvation; that if he obeys the genuine principles of his calling, he will be a good man: and that it is only by neglect and non...

... stormy seas of time; to do that which it is right to do, not because it will insure you success, or bring with it a reward, or gain the applause of men, or be "the best policy," more prudent or more advisable; but because it is right, and therefore ought to be done; to war incessantly against error, intolerance, ignorance, and vice, and yet to pity those who err, to be tolerant even of intolerance, to...

... hearts, are often most apathetic toward all improvement of this world's systems, and in many cases virtual conservatives of evil, and hostile to political and social reform, as diverting men's energies from eternity. The Mason does not war with his own instincts, macerate the body into weakness and disorder, and disparage what he sees to be p. 232 beautiful, knows to be wonderful, and feels to be...

... Pharoschim or Pharisees. Whether their name was derived from that of the Parsees, or followers of Zoroaster, or from some other source, it is certain that they had borrowed much of their doctrine from the Persians. Like them they claimed to have the exclusive and mysterious knowledge, unknown to the mass. Like them they taught that a constant war was waged between the Empire of Good and that of Evil. Like...

... Dragon, or principle of Evil. Tempted by Ahriman, the first man and woman had fallen; and for twelve thousand years there was to be war between Ormuzd and the Good Spirits created by him, and Ahriman and the Evil ones whom he had called into existence. But pure souls are assisted by the Good Spirits, the Triumph of the Good Principle is determined upon in the decrees of the Supreme Being, and the...

... generative and conceptive power, which penetrates everything, and without which nothing could subsist for an instant. Man fell, seduced by the Evil Spirits most remote from the Great King of Light; those of the fourth world of spirits, Asiah, whose chief was Belial. They wage incessant war against the pure Intelligences of the other worlds, who, like the Amshaspands. Izeds, and Ferouers of the Persians are...

... to Heaven, from a million miserable hovels; where men, willing to labor, and starving, they and their children and the wives of their bosoms, beg plaintively for work, when the pampered capitalist stops his mills; where the law punishes her who, starving, steals a loaf, and lets the seducer go free; where the success of a party justifies murder, and violence and rapine go unpunished; and where he...

... who with many years' cheating and grinding the faces of the poor grows rich, receives office and honor in life, and after death brave funeral and a splendid mausoleum: -- this world, where, since its making, war has never ceased, nor man paused in the sad task of torturing and murdering his brother; and of which ambition, avarice, envy, hatred, lust, and the rest of Ahriman's and Typhon's army make...

... beatitudes of Heaven, see with pleasure the writhing agonies of those justly damned for daring to hold opinions contrary to his own, upon subjects totally beyond the comprehension both of them and him. Where the armies of the despots cease to slay and ravage, the armies of "Freedom" take their place, and, the black and white commingled, slaughter and burn and ravish. Each age re-enacts the crimes as well...

... as the follies of its predecessors, and still war licenses outrage and turns fruitful lands into deserts, and God is thanked in the Churches for bloody butcheries, and the remorseless devastators, even when swollen by plunder, are crowned with laurels and receive ovations. Of the whole of mankind, not one in ten thousand has any aspirations beyond the daily needs of the gross animal life. In this...

... kings need not make war upon it, to crush it out of their way. It is only necessary to let it alone, and it soon lays violent hands upon itself. And when a people long enslaved shake off its fetters, it may well be incredulously asked, Shall the braggart shout For some blind glimpse of Freedom, link itself, Through madness, hated by the wise, to law, and Empire? p. 297 Everywhere in the world labor is...

... beggary, in all the human cesspools and sewers everywhere. Here, a sewing-woman famishes and freezes; there, mothers murder their children, that those spared may live upon the bread purchased with the burial allowances of the dead starveling; and at the next door young girls prostitute themselves for food. Moreover, the Voice says, this besotted race is not satisfied with seeing its multitudes swept...

... away by the great epidemics whose causes are unknown, and of the justice or wisdom of which the human mind cannot conceive. It must also be ever at war. There has not been a moment since men divided into Tribes, when all the world was at peace. Always men have been engaged in murdering each other somewhere. Always the armies have lived by the toil of the husbandman, and war has exhausted the...

... resources, wasted the energies, and ended the prosperity of Nations. Now it loads unborn posterity with crushing debt, mortgages all estates, and brings upon States the shame and infamy of dishonest repudiation. At times, the baleful fires of war light up half a Continent at once; as when all the Thrones unite to compel a people to receive again a hated and detestable dynasty, or States deny States the...

... with gore, shrieks to Heaven at a single murder, perpetrated to gratify a revenge not more unchristian, or to satisfy a cupidity not more ignoble, than those which are the promptings of the Devil in the souls of Nations. When we have fondly dreamed of Utopia and the Millennium, when we have begun almost to believe that man is not, after all, a tiger half tamed, and that the smell of blood will not...

... Civil War are all around us: the land is a pandemonium: man is again a Savage. The great armies roll along their hideous waves, and leave behind them smoking and depopulated deserts. The pillager is in every house, plucking even the morsel of bread from the lips of the starving child. Gray hairs are dabbled in blood, and innocent girlhood shrieks in vain to Lust for mercy. Laws, Courts, Constitutions...

..., Christianity, Mercy, Pity, disappear. God seems to have abdicated, and Moloch to reign in His stead; while Press and Pulpit alike exult at universal murder, and urge the extermination of the Conquered, by the sword and the flaming torch; and to plunder and murder entitles the human beasts of prey to the thanks of Christian Senates. Commercial greed deadens the nerves of sympathy of Nations, and makes them...

... constantly recurring whisper, that the miseries and calamities of men, their lives and deaths, their pains and sorrows, their extermination by war and epidemics, are phenomena of no higher dignity, significance, and importance, in the eye of God, than what things of the same nature occur to other organisms of matter; and that the fish of p. 300 the ancient seas, destroyed by myriads to make room for other...

... content, if it can remove a difficulty a step further off. It cannot believe that the world rests on nothing, but is devoutly content when taught that it is borne on the back of an immense elephant, who himself stands on the back of a tortoise. Given the tortoise, Faith is always satisfied; and it has been a great source of happiness to multitudes that they could believe in a Devil who could relieve God...

... pure Morality. All that teach the cardinal tenets of Masonry we respect; all teachers and reformers of mankind we admire and revere. Masonry also has her mission to perform. With her traditions .reaching back to the earliest times, and her symbols dating further back than even the monumental history of Egypt extends, she invites all men of all religions to enlist under her banners and to war against...

..., and deliberately invents and industriously circulates the most unmitigated and baseless falsehoods, to coin money for those who pursue it as a trade, or to effect a temporary result in the wars of faction. We need not enlarge upon these evils. They are apparent to all and lamented over by all, and it is the duty of a Mason to do all p. 335 in his power to lessen, if not to remove them. With the...

... imperfect civilization. On the contrary, he sits down, folds his hands, and blesses and glorifies himself in his idleness. It is time that this opprobrium of toil were done away. To be ashamed of toil; of the dingy workshop and dusty labor-field; of the hard hand, stained with service more honorable than that of war; of the soiled and weather-stained garments, on which Mother Nature has stamped, midst sun...

... must kill him, or themselves die. It never yet did answer, and it never will answer, for any man to do nothing, to be exempt from all care and effort, to lounge, to walk, to ride, and to feast alone. No man can live in that way. God made a law against it: which no human power can annul, no human ingenuity evade. The idea that a property is to be acquired in the course of ten or twenty years, which...

... aid in the celebration of the Mysteries; nor at a still later day was Constantine, the Christian Emperor, allowed to do so, after his murder of his relatives. Everywhere, and in all their forms, the Mysteries were p. 375 funereal; and celebrated the mystical death and restoration to life of some divine or heroic personage: and the details of the legend and the mode of the death varied in the...

... of the Zodiac. In the absence of Osiris, Typhon, his brother, filled with envy and malice, sought to usurp his throne; but his plans were frustrated by Isis. Then he resolved to kill Osiris. This he did, by persuading him to enter a coffin or sarcophagus, which he then flung into the Nile. After a long search, Isis found the body, and concealed it in the depths of a forest; but Typhon, finding it...

..., reigned gloriously, and at her death was re-united to her husband, in the same tomb. Typhon was represented as born of the earth; the upper part of his body covered with feathers, in stature reaching the clouds, his arms and legs covered with scales, serpents darting from him on every side, and fire flashing from his mouth. Horus, who aided in slaying him, became the God of the Sun, answering to the...

... Mysteries, that though slight and ordinary offences could be expiated by penances, repentance, acts of beneficence, and prayers, grave crimes were mortal sins, beyond the reach of all such remedies. Eleusis closed her gates against Nero: and the Pagan Priests told Constantine that among all their modes of expiation there was none so potent as could wash from his soul the dark spots left by the murder of...

... mark of sorrow, while he was in utter darkness. He met with many obstacles, had to prove his courage, and expose his life against armed enemies; represented various animals, and at last, attaining the permanent light, he was instructed by the Arch-Druid in regard to the Mysteries, and in the morality of the p. 430 Order, incited to act bravely in war, taught the great truths of the immortality of the...

... to an explanation of the symbols of Masonry; and especially to those which are connected with that ancient and universal legend, of which that of Khir-Om Abi is but a variation; that legend which, representing a murder or a death, and a restoration to life, by a drama in which figure Osiris, Isis and Horus, Atys and Cybele, Adonis and Venus, the Cabiri, Dionusos, and many another representative of...

..., warring against and destroying Osiris. p. 448 From the journey of the Sun through the twelve signs came the legend of the twelve labors of Hercules, and the incarnations of Vishnu and Buddha. Hence came the legend of the murder of Khu_ru_m, representative of the Sun, by the three Fellow-crafts, symbols of the three Winter signs, Capricornus, Aquarius, and Pisces, who assailed him at the three gates of...

... abounding in springs and rivulets. Orion, on the same meridian with the Stars of Taurus, died of the sting of the celestial Scorpion, that rises when he sets; as dies the Bull of Mithras in Autumn: and in the Stars that correspond with the Autumnal Equinox we find those malevolent genii that ever war against the Principle of good, and that take from the Sun and the Heavens the fruit-producing power that...

... injure the health and derange the system; inclement weather, derangement of the seasons, and eclipses. Osiris and Typhon were the Ormuzd and Ahriman of the Persians; principles of good and evil, of light and darkness, ever at war in the administration of the Universe. Osiris was the image of generative power. This was expressed by his symbolic statues, and by the sign into which he entered at the...

... head and human body, encircled by a serpent. In the Sadder is this precept: "When you kill serpents, you will repeat the Zend-Avesta, and thence you will obtain great merit; for it is the same as if you had killed so many devils." Serpents encircling rings and globes, and issuing from globes, are common in the Persian, Egyptian, Chinese, and Indian monuments. Vishnu is represented reposing on a...

... Draco; to which also refers "the War in Heaven, when Michael and his Angels fought against the dragon." Sanchoniathon says that Taaut was the author of the worship of serpents among the Phœnicians. He "consecrated," he says, "the species of dragons and serpents; and the Phœnicians and Egyptians followed him in this superstition." He was "the first who made an image of Cœlus"; that is...

.... Whether the existence of evil is rightly explained in this creed or in that, by Typhon the Great Serpent, by Ahriman and his Armies of Wicked Spirits, by the Giants and Titans that war against Heaven, by the two co-existent Principles of Good and Evil, by Satan's temptation and the fall of Man, by Lok and the Serpent Fenris, it is beyond the domain of Masonry to decide, nor does it need to inquire. Nor...

... controls His Universe; would fain see and talk to Him face to face, as man talks to man: and we try not to believe, because we do not understand. He commands us to love one another, to love our neighbor as ourself; and we dispute and wrangle, and hate and slay each other, because we cannot be of one opinion as to the Essence of His Nature, as to His Attributes; whether He became man born of a woman, and...

... blood, depopulating realms, and turning fertile lands into deserts; until, for religious war, persecution, and bloodshed, the Earth for many a century has rolled round the Sun, a charnel-house, steaming and reeking with human gore, the blood of brother slain by brother for opinion's sake, that has soaked into and polluted all her veins, and made her a horror to her sisters of the Universe. And if men...

... and strength from our Father, which alone can put an end to that fatal war which our desires have too long waged with our destiny. When these move in the same direction, and that which God's will renders unavoidable shall become our choice, all things will be ours; life will be divested of its vanity, and death disarmed of its 'terrors. Qu∴ What are the symbols of the purification necessary to...

... themselves. A war among them brought them to the confines of the Realm of Light. Delighted, they sought to conquer it. But the Chief of the Celestial Empire created a Power which he placed on the frontiers of Heaven to protect his Eons, and destroy the Empire of Evil. This was the Mother of Life, the Soul of the World, an Emanation from the Supreme Being, too pure to come in immediate contact with matter...

... shivers the cylinder to atoms. A little shoot from a minute seed, a shoot so soft and tender that the least bruise would kill it, forces its way downward into the hard earth, to the depth of many feet, with an energy wholly incomprehensible. What are these mighty forces, locked up in the small seed and the drop of water? Nay, what is LIFE itself, with all its wondrous, mighty energies, -- that power...

... Barbarossa. The characters, religious and military, attention to the sick and wounded in the Hospital, and war against the Infidel in the field, are no longer blended; but the same duties, to be performed in another shape, continue to exist and to environ us all. The innocent virgin is no longer at the mercy of the brutal Baron or licentious man-at-arms; but purity and innocence still need protectors. War...

... it, he must speak the Truth, and all the Truth, no more and no less; or else speak not at all. To purity and innocence everywhere, the Knight Commander owes protection, as of old; against bold violence, or those, more guilty than murderers, who by art and treachery seek to slay the soul; and against that want and destitution that drive too many to sell their honor and innocence for food. In no age...

... besides. He was the Apollo of the Scandinavians, and is represented in the Voluspa as destined to slay the monstrous snake. Then the Sun will be extinguished, the earth be dissolved in the ocean, the stars lose their brightness, and all Nature be destroyed in order that it may be renewed again. From the bosom of the waters a new world will emerge clad in verdure; harvests will be seen to ripen where no...

..., and the stars flashing overhead spoke to their hearts almost in an audible language. Jupiter, with his kingly splendors, was the Emperor of the starry legions. Venus looked lovingly on the earth and blessed it; Mars, with his crimson fires, threatened war and misfortune; and Saturn, cold and grave, chilled and repelled them. The ever-changing Moon, faithful companion of the Sun, was a constant...

... first, in their execution by the Devata or Subordinate Genii, to whom is entrusted the control over the various operations of nature. And this was part of their doctrine: "One great and incomprehensible Being has alone existed from all Eternity. Everything we behold and we ourselves are portions of Him. The soul, mind or intellect, of gods and men, and of all sentient creatures, are detached portions...

... a straight path to the riches of beatitude. p. 606 Thou, O God, possessest all the treasures of knowledge! Remove each foul taint from our souls! "From what root springs mortal man, when felled by the hand of death? Who can make him spring again to birth? God, who is perfect wisdom, perfect happiness. He is the final refuge of the man who has liberally bestowed his wealth, who has been firm in...

... their permission. They exercised the power of excommunication; and without their concurrence war could not be declared nor peace made: and they even had the power of inflicting the punishment of death. They professed to possess a knowledge of magic, and practised augury for the public service. They cultivated many of the liberal sciences, and particularly p. 619 astronomy, the favorite science of the...

... to evil, the human race staggered blindly onward into the thick darkness of unbelief, bound fast by the strong cable-tow of the natural and sinful will. Moral corruption was followed by physical misery. Want and destitution invaded the earth. War and Famine and Pestilence filled up the measure of evil, and over the sharp flints of misfortune and wretchedness man toiled with naked and bleeding feet...

... might be beyond reproach, he could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless he were born again; symbolically dying, and again entering the world regenerate, like a spotless infant. 7th. The murder of Hiram, his burial, and his being raised again by the Master, are symbols, both of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Redeemer; and of the death and burial in sins of the natural man, and his being...

... particular practical plan of action for the Church, the State, the Community, the Family, and his own individual life. It will ever make a vast difference in the conduct of a people in war or peace, whether they believe the Supreme God to be a cruel Deity, delighting in sacrifice and blood, or a God of Love; and an individual's speculative theory as to the mode and extent of God's government, and as to the...

... world. No voice would speak from the Earth to comfort him. It is a cruel mother, that great Earth, that devours her young, -- a Force and nothing more. Out of the sky would smile no kind Providence, in all its thousand starry eyes; and in storms a malignant violence, with its lightning-sword, would stab into the darkness, seeking for men to murder. No man ever was or ever can be content with that. The...

.... He applied the same idea to the rising and setting of the sun; and, like the Magi, held that God or Ormuzd in the body resembled light, and in the soul, truth. Aristotle, like Plato, admitted a principle of Evil, resident in matter and in its eternal imperfection. The Persians said that Ormuzd, born of the pure Light, and Ahriman, born of darkness, were ever at war. Ormuzd produced six Gods...

... war which Proclus regarded as symbolizing the resistance opposed by dark and chaotic matter to the active and beneficent force which gives it organization; an idea which in part appears in the old theory of two Principles, one innate in the active and luminous substance of Heaven, and the other in the inert and dark substance of matter that resists the order and the good that Heaven communicates to...

... good, tells us that every moral agent deserves reward when he does well, and punishment when he does ill. This principle is universal and necessary. It is absolute. If it does not apply in this world, it is false, or the world is badly ordered. But good actions are not always followed by happiness, nor evil ones by misery. Though often this fact is more apparent than real; though virtue, a war...

... or light in that way. Every relation, of hate, scorn, or neglect, to mankind, is full of vexation and torment. There is nothing to do with men but to love them, to admire their virtues, pity and bear with their faults, and forgive their injuries. To hate your adversary will not help you; to kill him will help you still less: nothing within the compass of the Universe will help you, but to pity...

... substituting faith for science, reverie for experience, the fantastic for the reality; and the inquisitors who for so many ages waged against Magism a war of extermination, have succeeded in shrouding in darkness the ancient discoveries of the human mind; so that we now grope in the dark to find again the key of the phenomena of nature. But all natural phenomena depend on a single and immutable law...

..., and the Key of the Divine Power: but he alone understands how to avail himself of it who comprehends the necessity of never revealing it. If Œdipus, in place of slaying the Sphynx, had conquered it, and driven it into Thebes harnessed to his chariot, he would have been King, without incest, calamities, or exile. If Psyche, by submission and caresses, had persuaded Love to reveal himself, she...

.... This force was known to the ancients. It is a universal agent, whose Supreme law is equilibrium; and whereby, if science can but learn how to control it, it will be possible to change the order of the Seasons, to produce in night the phenomena of day, to send a thought in an instant round the world, to heal or slay at a distance, to give our words universal success, and make them reverberate...

... Ainsoph, and that of the Vestige of the Light of the Garment; whereby such manifestation was prevented. Wherefore HE directed the letter Yo_d, since it was not so brilliant as the Primal Ether, to descend, and take to itself the light remaining in the Primal Ether, and return above, with that Vestige which so impeded the manifestation; which Yo_d did. It descended below five times, to remove the vital...

... their victory, and making their offerings with humble devotion, vowed that from thenceforth, as well they as their posterity, in time of war, would wear a cross of St. Andrew for their badge and cognizance. John Leslie, Bishop of Ross, says that this cross appeared to Achaius, King of the Scots, and Hungus, King of the Picts, the night before the battle was fought betwixt them and Athelstane, King of...

... spare the conquered. Valor is then best tempered, when it can turn out a stern fortitude into the mild strains of pity, which never shines more brightly than when she is clad in steel. A martial man, compassionate, shall conquer both in peace and war; and by a twofold way, get victory with honor. The most famed men in the world have had in them both courage and compassion. An enemy reconciled hath a...
... - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Jewish Occult Murders Contents Introduction How could fanatical Jews commit acts of human sacrifice? The New York Herald describes the vicious murder of Father Thomas Matzo of Zion There are two kinds of blood pleasing to God Three innocent...

... children witnesses poisoned Too many witnesses were killed and much evidence had been destroyed Head of Atlanta Jewish society B'nai B'rith found guilty of murdering the young Gentile girl Shortly after Phagan's murder, Jews formed the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith A Long-Lost Skeleton In a Synagogue Cellar A Jewish woman admitted participating in a human sacrifice on Oprah Winfrey show A multi...

...-generational family who practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism Young Palestinian children have been repeatedly found around Israel, with their blood drained Scraps of skin are cut. The tongue was often cut out. The intimate parts of boys are either cut out, or the boys were circumcised Jewish ritual murder usually occurred around the time of the Jewish holidays of Purim and Passover Purim festival is...

... commonly associated with ritual murders by Jewish fanatics Jews are able to stifle any "impartial investigation" into ritual murder Jews control the press Truth itself is anti-Semitic Pressure on the US Congress 'Slush fund' provided bribe money and expenses to combat blood accusations Psychological games that Jews play - Anti-Semitism "Anti-Semitism" is "useful" as "a weapon in political discourse...

..." According to the FBI, in the year 2000, 876,213 people were missing Appendix Description of ritual murder of Father Thomas Talmud - Terrible Murder in the East The Austrian consul at Damascus received immense sums of money from Rothschild Rothschild overcame the papal government by the influence of gold Secret Jewish religious book collection of Rabbi Joseph I. Shneerson was a Lubavitcher Hasidic rabbi...

... outspokeness. Dr. Hale was also denied the right to practice law, after spending several years in law school, graduating with the title Juris Doctor, and then passing the bar exam. It wasn't long after this speech that Dr. Hale gave about Jewish ritual murder when he was imprisoned on trumped up charges. Jews in the government were able to convict Hale for what one of their agents did. Hale is now in...

... commonly referred to as "Jewish ritual murder," yet Jews sought to make the Gentile who reported these crimes appear worse than the fanatical Jews who committed them. Now, all observant people can readily admit that human sacrifice has occurred in the past among various sects. The Aztec's bloodstained temples of the past attest to this. The practice called suttee in India, where women would sacrifice...

... still, to this very day, commit the heinous crime of ritual murder? If you ask most Jews about this accusation of ritual murder, they'll vehemently deny any involvement in it, of course. And they're probably telling you the truth. If there are Jewish hatemongers who engage in these acts - and I believe there still are - it is probably only a small number among them. So, if this is the case - and I...

... nowadays; but, if you take a look at an older dictionary, you'll see that I'm right about this. Ancient historians Apion, Democritus and Posidonius described instances of Jewish ritual murder. In 168 BC, an intended victim, not a child, was discovered at the Jewish Temple, which Apion reported. Jewish historian Flavius Josephus reiterated Apion's research, though Jospehus disagreed with Apion's findings...

... children safe. Unfortunately, that was not the last such incident of Jewish ritual murder. Why did these Jews continue to engage in such wicked crimes? Dr. Arnold Leese, who wrote a book about Jewish ritual murder in the early part of the 20th century in England, noted some interesting facts surrounding the incident: "A converted Jew, called Theobald of Cambridge, confessed that the Jews took blood every...

... year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so doing could they ever obtain their freedom and return to Palestine; and that it was their custom to draw lots to decide whence the blood was to be supplied" The tragic murder that occurred to innocent William set a precedent. Because of Thomas of Monmouth's books that he wrote about the good child, others began to record these wicked...

... correctness, there were over 20 children who were ritually murdered by Jews and made saints. In 1290, in Oxford, England, a Jew by the name of Isaac de Pulet was arrested for the ritual murder of a Gentile child. Perhaps, this was the defining moment, as Jews were permanently banished from England a month afterwards. It was only after the king of England himself was murdered four centuries later by Lord...

..." during this blood-letting process. The child also had puncture marks over the entire body. The child became a saint. In the book "Lives of the Saints," Father Alb an Butler, describing the child as an "Infant Martyr," described the event surrounding this: "... [T]he Jews in the city of Trent decided to vent their hate ... by slaying a Christian child at the coming Passover; and Tobias, one of their...

... forever, and it was not until approximately 1967 that Jews were "officially" allowed back. There were many reasons cited for the Jews' banishment, such as overall wickedness; but one reason was particularly interesting, a "serious and detestable crime." Well-respected historian "William Walsh argues in his book Isabella of Spain that this crime was that of the ritual murder of Christopher, who later...

... forest. The guilty man was put to death. The details of this case were described in a small [French] book: Abrege duprocesfait aux Juifs de Mets [Summary of the Trial Against the Jews of Metz], 1670." In 1690 Belarus, Jews reportedly murdered a young child by the name of Gavril in a ritualistic fashion. In 1997, Belarus sian television made a documentary about this child's murder. Only 23 years prior...

... Gypsy, and el Islam. Fortunately, newspaper clippings and other books now tell this grisly tale in full. The New York Herald describes the vicious murder of Father Thomas The New York Herald of April 6, 1850, reported the case on its front page under the title Mysteries of the Talmud - Terrible Murder in the East. The article, which is relatively long, describes the vicious murder of Father Thomas...

... a certain boy found cruelly murdered in Kiev had been killed by fanatical Jews and that Jews, for occult purposes, had carefully drawn all blood from the dying child; that it was an instance of Jewish ritualistic murder; that Beiliss was innocent." While it was proven to have taken place inside the synagogue at the Jewish-owned Zaitsev factory, the jury could not determine for certain that Beiliss...

... like OJ Simpson in the US, Beiliss was allowed to walk unpunished. Later, he emigrated to the United States, where he lived out the rest of his life. Prosecuting attorney G.G. Zamyslovsky wrote a 520-page book about this, which was called The Murder of Andrei Youschinsky. But the Bolshevik revolution occurred shortly thereafter. Jews participated in Zamyslovsky's kangaroo court, which was the very...

... Mendel Beiliss was being given, Leo Frank was tried for the murder of a 12-year-old Gentile girl, Mary Phagan, in the United States. Frank was the chapter head of the Atlanta Jewish society B'nai B'rith, which is Hebrew for Brotherhood of the Covenant. Frank was found guilty of murdering the young Gentile girl. One writer described the child's innocent, lifeless body: "She bled freely, not only from...

... the wound in her head, but from other parts of her body." An objective view of this incident is thoroughly described in the more recent book The Murder of Little Mary Phagan. Because it is impartial, Jews seem to be disturbed by it. Shortly after Phagan's murder, Jews formed the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith Shortly after Phagan's murder, Jews formed the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai...

... inability to purchase a pacemaker to continue living and his Jewish beneficiaries wanting to vindicate their deceased co-religionist. In 1919, a Gentile accused Jews of ritually murdering his child in Chicago. It is not certain whether this event was truly a ritual murder or merely a baseless accusation. In some cases, though certainly not all, Jews are unfairly accused of ritually murdering a child. For...

..., roughly the equivalent of Webster's Dictionary for the US. He is shown here on a Russian postal stamp. Many such well-respected people as Dr. Dal have said that Jewish ritual murder is true. For instance, Increase Mather, an early administrator of Harvard University, once said, "[Jews] have been wont once a year to steal Christian children, and to put them to death by crucifying out of scorn and hatred...

... Jewish survivor of a multi-generational family who practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism." It seems likely that if the transgenerational Jewish ritual murder cult has survived, that such actions would most likely occur in Israel, where many fanatical Jews reside. A few years later, in 1995, some Gentile children from Romania were found being reportedly kidnapped and exported to Israel. Israeli...

... seems to be the latter. Some Jews say that Jews are completely innocent. For instance, Jewish scholar Richard Po-Chia Hsia writes in his book The Myth of Ritual Murder that Jews never use any blood, even that of an animal, on page 8. However, contradicting himself on the very next page, he says: "[I]n medieval and early modern times ... among Oriental Jews, the blood of circumcision was used for...

... conditions and with such signs of external violence that they attested to images of excruciatingly painful deaths. This is the kind of murder for which the Jews are accused. Also, the incidents of this nature exclusively occurred only in places where the Jews live. We must ask ourselves: In what type of circumstance can we attribute the renewed cases of babies who suffered painful deaths of babies who were...

... the murder and, afterwards, put on again. The parents and siblings of babies who have experienced such tragic deaths wonder: For what possible reason would people commit such deplorable acts to innocent babies? Without a purpose, it could never be done; yet it continues to happen repeatedly over time. The ordinary killer, in any case, would be satisfied with one murder. But a murderer who kills for...

... culprits, nearly every time, from deserved execution. "And they - by using their machinations, by giving false oath assurances of innocence, and by using false propaganda that suggested such accusations were merely the result of accomplished injustice with slander built on them - almost always were well prepared for such accusations. "The Jews punished those who demonstrated credible evidence against...

... them." Jewish ritual murder usually occurred around the time of the Jewish holidays of Purim and Passover You might ask when these hatemongering Jews engage in such wicked behavior. Typically, these Jewish sacrificial events usually occurred around the time of the Jewish holidays of Purim and Passover, both of which have an underlying message of deeply imbued, pathological hatred towards Gentiles...

.... Purim celebrates when, in history, Jews were able to murder a noble Gentile, Haman, his wife, his children, and also murdered thousands of other Gentiles who sought to put an end to wicked acts perpetrated by Jews who were criminals. This might be viewed as similar to what occurred to the good Czar of Russia, his wife, his son who was sick, his daughters, and all other relatives, not to mention over...

... have said so far about Jewish occult murder having occurred around the globe is true, why don't we hear more about these crimes? Well, that is a fair question. The truth of the matter might also surprise some here today: Jews control the media, for the most part. Jews say that such talk is merely hateful anti-Semitism, but it is not. Rather, it is a fact with which we must deal. Jews are able to...

... stifle any "impartial investigation" into ritual murder As early as 1916, we see well-respected Thomas Burbage write that "by means of the press [that Jews] control" and "their great wealth," Jews are able to stifle any "impartial investigation" into ritual murder. Jews control the press So, what evidence is there that Jews control the press and use this to suppress ritual crimes committed by their...

...." More recently, other quotes by Nixon have been revealed, showing that he could also cite many of the names of these Jewish Media Barons. As noted previously, Jews try to suppress any talk about Jewish ritual murder. This includes even other Jewish new sources that mention this and even when it might only be a vague reference. For example, in 1996, Newsweek merely used the term "blood libel" in an...

... people write. The Zionist Organization of America pressured the Egyptians to retract the aforementioned article about a reported Jewish ritual murder that had reportedly occurred and was mentioned in the newspaper Al-Ahram, lest America purportedly refrain from giving the Egyptians any aid. The Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein wrote: Pressure on the US Congress "We urge...

... minds. At the same times, Jews try to avoid talk of the Bolshevik revolution, which Jews were overwhelmingly dominant and which resulted in the murder of over 40 million Gentile Russians. Psychological games that Jews play - Anti-Semitism An example of these psychological games that Jews play can be seen in many respected Jewish works. For example, Jewish author Gavin Langmuir writes in his book...

... are many such works that spell out all the nefarious details of these crimes. Jewish Ritual Murder by Dr. Arnold Leese. And there is another book by the same name - Jewish Ritual Murder - by Dr. Hellmut Schramm, which also describes this and has recently been translated into English and is available on a CD. There is a booklet by Dr. Harrell Rhome called Debacle in Damascus Well-respected writer...

... Michael Hoffman wrote about this in BLOOD one of his newsletters. Dr. Ed Fields dedicated an older issue putiip lie v'er of his newspaper about this. Dr. James Warner has reproduced an older German newspaper about this. Dr. A. Jess op's translation of The Life of St William of Norwich is an interesting book. Dr. William Sharpe also wrote about the murder of William in an article that appeared in the New...

... York State Journal of Medicine of 1 November 1971. Dr. Moustafa Hass's book the Matzp of Zion tells about the ritual murder of Father Thomas. Dr. Philip DeVier has recently written a book called Blood Ritual There is even a videotape, which shows numerous rare pictures, woodcuts, and drawings of Jewish ritual murders, called Human Sacrifice among the Fanatical Hasidic Jews from Ancient Times to the...

... happens to all, but I certainly have my suspicions with some. March 28 of this year marks the Jewish Passover. If you have children, please keep a close eye on them until at least sometime after this date for their sake. Appendix Description of ritual murder of Father Thomas In the book Historic Oddities and Strange Events (London: Methuen & Co., 1891) by Baring Gould, M.A., an actual response from one...

... of the people questioned in the ritual murder of Father Thomas is given. Mussa Abul Afia promulgated: "I am commanded to say what I know relative to the murder of Father Thomas, and why I have submitted to become a Mussulman [Muslim]. It is, therefore, my duty to declare the truth [emphasis changed]. Jacob Antibi, Chief Rabbi, about a fortnight before the event, said to me - 'You know that...

...." Talmud - Terrible Murder in the East Next follows the full text of the newspaper article that appeared in The New York Herald of April 6, 1850, No. 5781, which reported the case on its front page under the title Mysteries of the Talmud - Terrible Murder in the East: "The present age is not only characterized by wonders, improvements, discoveries and inventions, in all the branches of literature...

... statements. "It was in the month of August, 1840, that this atrocious murder was perpetrated. As soon as it became known to the authorities of Damascus, the Jewish population of that city immediately sent an envoy to Vienna, for the purpose of informing Mr. Rothschild that a certain barber, called Solomon - one of the accomplices in the murder - had to embrace the religion of Mohamet [Mohammed] in order to...

..., French consul at Damascus, had determined to avenge the brutal murder of his countryman, and persisted in carrying out his noble intentions, notwithstanding all the gold and jewels which the Jews and their women carried to Salakir, the consul's country seat, to induce him to favor their plans. Finding Ratimanton resolute and unshaken, the next step consisted in bribing the French cabinet. "Mr. Le Comte...

... document written about the trial. "Hereupon Rothschild refused to pay the Austrian government until such time the original report should be found and delivered to him. Orders were now upon all the men-of-war in the Achipelago, and to the police in the different cities of the East, to arrest a certain Abdallah, who, it was thought, had carried away the precious relic of the 'Great Nation.' "But all these...

... attempts proved entirely abortive, for the manuscripts of the trial could not be found. "Pope Gregory XVI, perceiving in this circumstance a probable triumph for the Catholic religion, sent Cardinal Bernetti to Damascus to renew the trial, and to gather all possible accounts relative to the murder. Rothschild overcame the papal government by the influence of gold "But Rothschild, fearing from this side...

... says "March 12/25, 1911." This is because, at the time, the Russian calendar was behind the rest of the world's calendar by 13 days for reasons unknown, which changed to be concurrent with other nations after the Jewish Bolshevik revolution. The following is what the letter promulgated: "AMERICAN CONSULATE. "Odessa, Russia. "November 13, 1913. "Subject: Ritualistic murder at Kiev. "The Honorable...

... Secretary of State, Washington, D.C. "Sir: "Recently, there has occurred within this consular district a murder and trial which not only has assumed political proportions and engaged and stirred the whole of Russia, but also abroad wherever the press and telegraph reach. I refer to what is ordinarily known as the 'Ritualistic Murder' trial at Kiev. Up to now I have abstained from sending in a report upon...

... treatment. At least two prsons must have taken part in his murder, and one of these appears to have held something over his mouth and nostrils, possibly to prevent his crying out, and possibly also to produce through suffocation and a more copious flow of blood. The murder attracted great attention and excitement. "The governor general of the province and the Ministry of Justice ordered a search for the...

... investigators found, or thought they found, that the murder of the Youshchinsky boy had been committed in the brick factory of Zaitsev, and that a Jew living there named Mendel Beiliss had caught the boy and dragged him into a kiln, after which the child was not seen again alive. It is a matter of record that those witnesses who had stated that they saw Beiliss catch the boy have since died. "The evidence was...

... not complete, consisting, in part, as follows: That there were secret proceedings carried on at the brick factory; that well-known fanatical leaders of Jews from places in Russia and abroad had secretly resided there about the time of the murder; that in a very short time all those who died who had professed knowledge of the case likely to be injurious to the cause of the Jewish side, two children...

... had lasted a month, the jury gave its verdict 'that a certain boy found cruelly murdered in Kiev had been killed by fanatical Jews and that Jews, for occult purposes, had carefully drawn all blood from the dying child; that it was an instance of Jewish ritualistic murder; that Beiliss was not guilty.' "As a result of the above trial, opinions vary very materially. The Jews say that the trial proves...

... have never committed ritual murder and that such talk is merely anti-Semitism. However, this doesn't seem to be the case. In this booklet, based on a speech that was given by Rev. Dr. Matt Hale, we see that not only have Jews actually committed such barbaric actions in the past, but that there seems to be some convincing evidence that it still occurs to this very day by fanatical Jews, who are...

... obsessed with their religious rites. You may find much of the information contained herein to be shocking. You may find it sickening. It may be surprising. It has long been said that "the truth is stranger than fiction," and there is no other event for which this is more applicable: the original true crime. See also: Ritual Sacrifice and Murder The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice Jewish Occult Murders...

... Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese Jewish Ritual Murder by Hellmut Schramm A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders Ritual murders of children in Chicago (The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice) Jewish leaders raise the cups with blood and drink from them Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world The Hidden Tyranny - shocking...
... men, Christians not called men. Makkoth (7b) - Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian. Orach Chaiim(225, 10) - Christians and animals grouped for comparisons. Midrasch Talpioth 225 - Christians created to minister to Jews always. Orach Chaiim 57, 6a - Christians to be pitied more than sick pigs. Zohar (II, 64b) - Christian idolators likened to cows and asses. Kethuboth (110b). - Psalmist...

... nothing that breatheth:" RSV Deuteronomy 20:16 Scriptures 046 From Jewish "scriptures": Israelites are commanded to murder all the people of the lands where they intend to live, and to kill all the people of foreign nations that do not submit themselves in slavery. RSV Deuteronomy 20:10-18 Scriptures 047 Deuteronomy 20:10 (King James Version) "When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then...

... themselves to kill Jews. Abhodah Zarah (15b) - Suggest Gentiles have sex relations with animals. Abhodah Zarah (22a) - Suspect Gentiles of intercourse with animals. Schabbath (145b) - Gentiles unclean because they eat accordingly Abhodah Zarah (22b) - Gentiles unclean because they not at Mount Sinai. Iore Dea (198, 48). - Clean female Jews contaminated meeting Christians. Kerithuth (6b p. 78) - Jews called...

... (388,15) - Kill those who give Israelites' money to Christians Sanhedrin (59a) - 'Prying into Jews' "Law" to get death penalty Hilkhoth Akum (X,2) - Baptized Jews are to be put to death Iore Dea (158,2) Hag. - Kill renegades who turn to Christian rituals. Choschen Ham (425,5) - Those who do not believe in Torah are to be killed. Hilkhoth tesch.III,8 - Christians and others deny the "Law" of the Torah...

... (245c) - Shedding blood of impious offers sacrifice to God. Zohar (II, 43a) - Extermination of Christians necessary sacrifice. Zohar (I, 38b,39a) - High place in heaven for those who kill idolators. Hilkhoth Akum (X,1) - Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians Hilkhoth Akum (X,1) - Either turn them away from their idols or kill. Hilkhoth Akum (X,7) - Allow no idolators to remain where Jews...

... Talmud and every Jew who helps him in it ought to die. - Aboda Zora 8-6, Szagiga 13. It is forbidden to disclose the secrets of the law. (the Talmud) - dektut Chadasz, 171, 3. "To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly." - Libbre David 37. "If a Jew be called upon to...

... heathen, because she rears a child for idolatry; nor should a heathen woman [be allowed to] suckle a child of an Israelite woman, because she is liable to murder it." "... But the Sages say: A heathen may suckle a child of an Israelite woman, so long as there are others standing by her, but not if she is on her own. R. Meir, however, says: Not even while others are standing by her, for she may take the...

... opportunity of rubbing in poison on her breast beforehand and so kill the child. "... in the case of idolaters and shepherds of small cattle one is not obliged to bring them up [from a pit] though one must not cast them in it - that for payment one is obliged to bring them up on account of ill feeling. Abaye, however, said to him: He could offer such excuses as, 'I have to run to my boy who is standing on...

... rob a goy - that is, he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him. -- (Schulchan ARUCH, Choszen Hamiszpat 28, Art. 3 and 4). Scriptures 040 From Jewish "scriptures": "Those who do not confess the Torah and the Prophets must be killed. Who has the power to kill them, let them kill them openly, with the sword. If not, let them use artifices, till they are done away with...

... no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it:" -- Deuteronomy 20:12 (King James Version) Scriptures 050 Deuteronomy 20:13 (King James Version) "And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword:" -- Deuteronomy 20:13 (King James Version) Scriptures 051 Deuteronomy 20:14 (King James Version...

...) Scriptures 067 16 "But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:" -- (Deuteronomy 20:16) Scriptures 068 "For murder, whether of a Cuthean [Gentile] by a Cuthean, or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, punishment is incurred; but of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no death penalty." 36 -- (Sanhedrin 57a) Scriptures...

... United Artists. Scriptures 081 We are told in Scripture that David was a man after God's own heart, yet he said: "Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O'God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men. For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain. Do not I hate them, O'Lord, that hate thee? I hate them with PERFECT HATRED: I count them MINE ENEMIES. Search me, O'God, and know...

... mankind as with womankind: it is abomination." Small wonder that Christ denounced the Pharisees as nullifying the word of God and violating every concept of human decency. -- from THE JEWISH RELIGION: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling TALMUDIC IMMORALITY, ASININITY AND PORNOGRAPHY: THE REPROBATE MIND Chapter V Murder Scriptures Murder 001 Murdering Your Neighbor As noted elsewhere, regarding...

... murder of the non-Jew, it is good and meritorious, providing you do not get caught and thus get the Talmudic religion exposed for what it is. However, permissible murder in Judaism embraces more than just killing Gentiles. Murder by suffocation is permissible. Here shyster hairsplitting is inserted in the Talmud, it being permissible to seal up a neighbor in an airtight "alabaster chamber," providing...

... one does not put in a lighted candle to help eat up the oxygen, but merely allowing the victim to expire by breathing the oxygen up himself unaided, this is acceptable. (See Exhibit 86 from Sanhedrin 77a-77b of the Talmud) Under Talmudic "law" other forms of murder are also permissible: Binding up your neighbor so that he dies of starvation. Just bind up the neighbor before it is hot or cold enough...

... to kill him and all is well - you are guiltless of what follows. (See Exhibit 85) Binding up your neighbor so that he dies of sunstroke. (See Exhibit 85) Binding up your neighbor so that he dies of cold. (See Exhibit 85) Binding up your neighbor so that a lion may kill him. (See Exhibit 85) He could not have fought the lion anyway, so, it is acceptable, says the Talmud. Letting mosquitoes bite your...

... Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling TALMUDIC IMMORALITY, ASININITY AND PORNOGRAPHY: THE REPROBATE MIND Chapter V Scriptures Murder 002 Ten "Innocent" Murderers It is granted in the Talmud that the Bible forbids taking a man's life - but that merely means taking his life all by yourself. In other words, you must not take the whole of his life all alone, which permits you, nevertheless, to help nine other...

... exempt." (See Exhibit 88) -- from THE JEWISH RELIGION: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling TALMUDIC IMMORALITY, ASININITY AND PORNOGRAPHY: THE REPROBATE MIND Chapter V Scriptures Murder 002 "Mercy" Killings Approved Elaborate pains were taken, rather recently, by Rabbis to deny that "mercy" killings are permitted in Judaism - because they are. The public discussion was on whether or not a...

... Terefah, he is exempt; whilst if a Terefah committed murder: if in the presence of a Beth Din [i.e. a Talmudic law court] he is liable; otherwise he is exempt." (See Exhibit 88 and Exhibit 89) -- from THE JEWISH RELIGION: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling TALMUDIC IMMORALITY, ASININITY AND PORNOGRAPHY: THE REPROBATE MIND Chapter V Perversions Scriptures Perversions Bestiality 001 Bestiality...
... served practically as his garrisons in the long civil war between him and his half-brother, Henry of Trastamara, who after his victory became Henry II (1369-79). [15] The same Pedro I gave the Jews of Castile the right to establish a country-wide inquisition against Jewish religious deviants - more than one hundred years before the establishment of the more famous Catholic Holy Inquisition. As in other...

... that by 1572 the process of reduction of the king to a figure head and exclusion of all other non-noble estates from political power was virtually complete. In the following two hundred years, the lack of government turned into an acknowledged anarchy, to the point where a court decision in a case affecting a nobleman was only a legal license to wage a private war to enforce the verdict (for there...

... Slavs was well under way, with the systematic massacre of millions of civilians and prisoners of war. However, it is the recurrent persecution of Jews in so many countries during the classical period which is the model (and the excuse) for the zionist politicians in their persecution of the Palestinians, as well as the argument used by apologists of Judaism in general; and it is this phenomenon which...

... political forces of liberalism and socialism - historically the same forces that continue in various ways the tradition symbolized by the War of Dutch Independence (1568-1648), the English Revolution and the Great French Revolution. On the European continent the main shibboleth is the attitude towards the Great French Revolution - roughly speaking. those who are for it are against antisemitism; those who...

... empire. It is therefore easy for the Zionists to ignore half of the relevant facts, revert to the segregationist stance of classical Judaism, and claim that since all Gentiles always hate and persecute all Jews, the only solution would be to remove all the Jews bodily and concentrate them in Palestine or Uganda or wherever. [26] Some early Jewish critics of zionism were quick to point out that if one...

... alliances are well known. Herzl allied himself with the notorious Count von Plehve, the antisemitic minister of Tsar Nicholas II; [27] Jabotinsky made a pact with Petlyura, the reactionary Ukrainian leader whose forces massacred some 100,000 Jews in 1918-21; Ben-Gurion's allies among the French extreme right during the Algerian war included some notorious antisemites who were, however, careful to explain...

... Peasant War of 1525, in France the Jacquerie of 1357-8 and many other popular revolts, not to mention the many slave uprisings in all parts of the world. All of them - and I have intentionally chosen to mention examples in which Jews were not targets - were attended by horrifying massacres, just as the Great French Revolution was accompanied by appalling acts of terror. What is the position of true...
... believe they are deluded). Sacrifices are also done on high holy days. I have seen an animal "psychically killed" in front of me, and have no way to explain what I saw. I have also seen human sacrifice, but these were very rare (I believe I have seen two or three real ones in my life, the rest were set-ups). They really don't want to kill off their children, they want a new generation to grow up and...

... that I would die a traitor's death, as an example to them all, unless I came back into the fold of "family". I fought the dark impulse to give in to save my life, then in my mind, cried out "Jesus, save me". Instantly, the love and peace of God filled my heart. I was no longer afraid, and I told him, "No, because you are defeated, you just don't realize it. You can kill my body, but I serve a God who...

... brutally by adults, or the screams of a child psychologically terrorized, they would do anything they could to stop this abuse. There are children as young as three and four being used in pornographic films, beaten black and blue if they refuse to comply. There are toddlers being forced to watch brutalities, then given a stick and told to go over and hit the victim themselves, or they will be beaten. The...

... child hesitates, it doesn't want to, and the adults hit the child, until the child goes, tears streaming down its face, and unwillingly does what the adults tell it. This is cruelty beyond belief. To see a slightly older child with an electric dog collar around its neck, shocked when it tries to "escape" and treated as an animal, to the laughter of the adults and older children around it, and the...

... the plans of the Illuminati for the Middle East, and how will it affect the rest of the world? Will we see WWIII? Svali: The conflict in the middle east is only to the advantage of the Illuminists. They HATE Israel, and hope one day to see it destroyed, and are biding their time. One of the olive branches offered by the UN when it takes over is that they will prevent war in the middle east, and this...

... the world scenario the Illuminati taught me? It was cult propaganda, but this is how they believed the New Order would be ushered in: There will be continued conflict in the Mid-East, with a severe threat of nuclear war being the culmination of these hostilities. An economic collapse will devastate the economy of the US and Europe, much like the great depression. One reason that our economy...

... continues limping along is the artificial supports that the Federal Reserve had given it, manipulating interest rates, etc. But one day, this won't work (or this leverage will be withdrawn on purpose) and the next great depression will hit. The government will call in its bonds and loans, and credit card debts will be called in. There will be massive bankruptcies nationwide. Europe will stabilize first...

... dollars will be pretty useless (remember after the Civil War? Our money will be worth about what confederate money was after the collapse). All this said, it could just be cult propaganda taught to me and others to frighten us. It may be that none of this will happen. I sincerely hope not. I also strongly believe that God is able to stay the hand of the wicked, and to take care of our nation and others...

... up a gun one day and learns how to shoot (and hit their target). Where did these people learn to aim and shoot? Where did they do their target practice, and develop their deadly accuracy in many cases? When I was a trainer in the Illuminati, there was one command that every trainer learned first when working with their subjects. And assassin training was then mandatory for ALL children. I went...

... through it and do not know of any children in the Illuminati who have not. The command? The "halt" command. This is the FIRST command put in, it freezes the child or teen or adult in place, and is ground in. Why do trainers learn this code first for the person they work with? Because of the real risk that the person may try to kill them, and the halt code bypasses this. This is a person who has been...

... horrendously abused in atrocious ways from infancy on. This is a person taught since age five to shoot, first with air guns and BB shot, later real guns, and to practice using VR equipment. This is a person taught in early childhood to kill coldly and emotionlessly on command. This is a person who is told to shoot their brother or sister during a VR exercise, and they believe it is real under hypnotic trance...

... the person to an organized occult group?). People do not suddenly become killers. It is a learned process to overcome the natural horror of killing other human beings, a process begun in earliest childhood by the Illuminati. You have to FORCE a child to kill. Here is how it is done (how it was done to me): [1] When the child is 2 years old, place them in a metal cage with electrodes attached. Shock...

.... The child will then go into the corner and vomit afterwards, while the adult praises them for "doing such a good job". This is the first step. The animals get bigger over time, as the child gets older. They will be forced to kill an infant at some point, either a set up or VR, or in reality. They will be taught by age nine to put together a gun, to aim, and fire on target and on command. They will...

... well trained combat/killing machines with command codes to kill, and they have been tested over and over to prove that they WILL obey on command. This is how children in the German Illuminati are brought up, I went through it myself. Q: Svali, you said earlier that a 'halt' program is one of the first programs installed in children. What exactly does it consist of? Is it just a code word, or a more...

..., and/or through spiritual dimensions, and even to be able to "psychically kill" an animal (or human) without touching them. Out of body travel, where the child can visit a room, describe what is there, and details of conversations, is also done. The child will be taught to have above normal intelligence, usually in the range of 120 (minimum) to above 200. IQs of 160 and above are NOT uncommon in this...

..., the person has to be young to develop those abilities and also traumatized. This is a sad fact. Also, many if not most of the abilities developed are harmful and destructive. The spiritual travel and time travel always exact a price, and slowly will kill or destroy the person if engaged in too often. I have seen 'Spiritual' in the Illuminati who did this, and they had completely white hair by the...

... aren't stupid. They work under secrecy. They change locations frequently and kill those who talk to law enforcement. Bribes and other means are used to cover their tracks, and they hire excellent lawyers. Okay, now lets look at the Illuminists. The 1% of our nation involved are extremely intelligent. They have sworn an oath on pain of death from toddler-hood on to never reveal their true allegiance to...

..., outside of Christian literature, there is not much out there that would engender trust in other human beings. Q: I was shocked to hear you say you were forced to shoot a friend of yours. Are many members forced to shoot or kill someone, or is this just for punishment training? Is it just outsiders who are killed? Are you able to discuss the shooting, or is this too hard to discuss? Svali: The friend was...

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