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... as stated. On leaving the White House, Jacob Schiff refused to shake the President’s hand, but brushed it by with an air of offended power. “Wasn’t Mr. Schiff angry yesterday!” exclaimed the President the next day. But the President did not know what was going on. When Jacob Schiff was descending the White House steps he said, “This means war.” He gave orders to...

... control the majority of the American press. There are signs, however, that their control does not mean anything, and will not last long. Jacob Schiff had said on February 15, “This means war.” He had ordered a large sum of money used for that purpose. The American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith and others of the numerous organizations of Jewry (how well organized they are the...

... signatories of the recent Jewish defense prove) went to work and on December 13 of the same year—almost 10 months to a day after Jewry had declared war on President Taft’s conclusions—both houses of Congress ordered President Taft to notify Russia that the treaty with Russia would be terminated. Frankfort-on-the-Main had won! In the meantime, of course, the Jewish press of the United...

... in the United States. The end of that American influence was the rise of Bolshevism, the destruction of Russia, and the murder of Nicholas Romanoff and his family. That is the story of William Howard Taft’s efforts to withstand the Jews, and how they broke him. It is probably worth knowing in view of the fact that he has become one of those “Gentile fronts” which the Jews use for...
... as stated. On leaving the White House, Jacob Schiff refused to shake the President’s hand, but brushed it by with an air of offended power. “Wasn’t Mr. Schiff angry yesterday!” exclaimed the President the next day. But the President did not know what was going on. When Jacob Schiff was descending the White House steps he said, “This means war.” He gave orders to...

... control the majority of the American press. There are signs, however, that their control does not mean anything, and will not last long. Jacob Schiff had said on February 15, “This means war.” He had ordered a large sum of money used for that purpose. The American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith and others of the numerous organizations of Jewry (how well organized they are the...

... signatories of the recent Jewish defense prove) went to work and on December 13 of the same year—almost 10 months to a day after Jewry had declared war on President Taft’s conclusions—both houses of Congress ordered President Taft to notify Russia that the treaty with Russia would be terminated. Frankfort-on-the-Main had won! In the meantime, of course, the Jewish press of the United...

... in the United States. The end of that American influence was the rise of Bolshevism, the destruction of Russia, and the murder of Nicholas Romanoff and his family. That is the story of William Howard Taft’s efforts to withstand the Jews, and how they broke him. It is probably worth knowing in view of the fact that he has become one of those “Gentile fronts” which the Jews use for...
... sacrifice a Semitic tradition IT is incontestable that the ancient "Semites" manifested a peculiar leaning towards the practice of bloody sacrifices to their gods. Typical is the Jewish story of Abraham offering to  slay with a knife his first-born, Isaac, as an offering to Yahweh who had commanded him so to do. More typical still is the Semitic idea that his god would require such a murder to be...

... in the lawful method. Those who do not ascribe themselves to the Jewish religious law must be offered up as sacrifices to the High God." Dr. Bischoff may be right. I venture no opinion. Nevertheless, the Jewish Laws do tell us something; without any direct sanctioning of Ritual Murder, they show us without any possibility of doubt, that the Jew is normally at war spiritually with the rest of...

... seen Raphael Levi with the boy in such places and at such times as to remove all doubt of his guilt. Levi was sentenced to death by the order of the Parliament of Metz, and was burned alive. Authority: La France Juive, by Drumont. 1698. Sandomir, Poland. Authority: The Jew Cecil Roth, in Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 24. The highest tribunal in the land, that of Lublin, condemned a Jew for...

...Jewish Ritual Murder...

... Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese h2 { margin-top:2em; } h3 { text-align: center; color: #B50400; } .ref { text-align:right; font-style:italic; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese My Irrelevant Defence: Meditations Inside Gaol and Out on Picture Postcard widely circulated in Poland showing ritual...

... murder of Agnes Hruza, age 19. Jew named Hilsner was found guilty of this crime. (Date 1899, Story in Chapter 10). Missing child alert In 1999, nearly eight-hundred-thousand children went missing. Each day in this country, twenty-three hundred children are reported missing. ... Of the more than eight hundred thousand children reported missing nationally every year, only thirty-five hundred to four...

... prestige of heroism for political crime, we shall send it for trial in the category of thieving, murder, and every abominable and filthy crime. "Public opinion will then confuse in its conception this category of crime with the disgrace attaching to every other and will brand it with the same contempt." (Protocol 19 of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.) "If I am killing a rat with a stick and have him...

... in a corner, I am not indignant if he tries to bite me and squeals and gibbers with rage. My job is, not to get angry, but to keep cool, to attend to my footwork and to keep on hitting him where it will do the most good." -- A. S. Leese, speaking at Reception, 17th Feb., 1937, on his return from prison. See also: Ritual Sacrifice and Murder The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice Notes About The...

... Ritual murders By Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (Dahl) Jewish Occult Murders Jewish Ritual Murder by Hellmut Schramm A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders Ritual murders of children in Chicago (The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice) Jewish leaders raise the cups with blood and drink from them Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world...

... with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents Introduction Chapter 1 - Human sacrifice a Semitic tradition Chapter II - The racial urge Chapter III - Human sacrifice & the Jewish religion Chapter IV - Motive & nature of Jewish ritual murder Chapter V - A relic of the days of witchcraft and black magic Chapter VI - Couldn't happen now? Chapter VII - Jewish ritual murder...

... Chapter XIV - Cases confirmed by constituted authority Chapter XV - The attitude of the catholic church towards Jewish ritual murder Chapter XVI The attitude of the protestant church Chapter XVII Other cases worthy of credence Chapter XVIII Two queer happenings 1839 Chapter XIX What of these? Chapter XX Irrelevant meditations Bibliography of works supporting the blood accusation Introduction ON 15th...

... July, 1936, Mr. Oliver Locker-Lampson, M.P., a childhood friend of the Rothschild family, asked in the House of Commons whether the Attorney-General proposed to institute legal proceedings against the authors or publishers of The Fascist, the issue of that paper for July containing allegations against the Jews of the practice of ritual murder. The Attorney-General replied that the matter was under a...

... consideratlon. As an ultimate result of this "consideration," I was sentenced to six months' imprisonment among criminals on 21st September, 1936, the Judge in the case being a 31st Degree Mason of the Scottish Rite. But it is important to note that the conviction was obtained, not on the ritual murder issue alone, which was not relied upon by the Prosecution for the purpose of silencing me, but on the whole...

... contents of the July Fascist, and particularly on words used by me with reference to the disposal of the Jews. Under the law of libel, the truth of my statements  with reference to Ritual Murder could not be used as  an argument in my defence; it was deemed sufficient under the law that the statements had been written, and that they "rendered His Majesty's subjects of Jewish faith liable to...

... suspicion, affront and boycott" and so amounted to a Public Mischief. I came to Court very fully prepared, if the truth of my  statements was challenged, to justify the statements I had made in The Fascist, and was even ready to demand that "Rex," the prosecutor, should produce from the Public Records Office certain Close and Patent Rolls of the State wherein Jewish Ritual Murder is recorded as an...

... established fact in this country! But I was forbidden by the Judge to use this line of defence; it did not matter who else had charged the Jews with ritual murder, or how often, or what historic facts proved it, or how many convictions there had been under proper juridical authority; thus, when I asked Inspector Kitchener, the only witness who appeared against me, "When you brought this case, were you under...

... the impression that Ritual Murder was a thing of the past?" and he replied "Yes," the Judge intervened with the remark "The truth of a libel is no defense, I must point out again." Again, the Attorney-General, who was acting as Prosecuting Counsel, interrupted another question of mine to the same witness, by the remark: "In my submission, it is correctly laid down that the  defendant is in no...

...-Masonic Hidden Hand  wanted was the truth about Ritual Murder! Since I came out of prison on 6th February, 1937, I have, until recently, been too busy to write on the subject of Ritual Murder; but finding that there are, even among anti-Jewish workers, people who, never having investigated the matter for themselves, still imagine that Jewish Ritual Murder not only has not existed and does not exist...

... my readers will arrive on the matter. The subject of Ritual Murder has always been one that the Jewish Money Power, which controls this country as well as most others, has taken all possible steps to suppress. The reason is that Ritual Murder was the dynamite which finally blew the Jew out of England in 1290, out of Spain in 1492, and out of Germany in our time. The Jews know it; and I know it too...

...! But there is no British law, and no 11th Commandment, which makes Ritual Murder by Jews a forbidden topic in this country. Sir Richard Burton's book about it was published shortly after his death near the end of the last century; Strack's book, defending the Jews against the accusation, was translated and published in England in 1909; whilst the Jew, C. Roth, published his Ritual Murder Libel and...

... live together. In this aim, I keep troth with the greatest of English kings, Edward I, who expelled the Jews from these shores in 1290. The maintenance of Free Speech demands that  Jewish Ritual Murder shall be a subject for open discussion, like Suttee and Thuggee and the sacrifices of Aztec Mexico, all of which were ritual murders which, like the Jewish variety, would be practised to-day if...

... the Aryan had not interfered to prevent them. If the world thinks that I have not, in this book, proved my case, let it laugh ! I can bear it ! But can the Jews? The Jewish Chronicle (25th September, 1936) complained after my trial was over that there had been no opportunity for the Jews to refute the charge of Ritual Murder. Well, they have one now! ARNOLD LEESE 1st March, 1938 In compiling this...

... done. In Excavations at Gezer, R. A. S. Macalister tells us  that the bodies of sacrificed young children were found in all semitic strata; this work describes the remains of these victims of which pictures are given. Isaiah charges the Jews with "enflaming themselves  with idols under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys under the clifts of the rocks" (lvii, 5). There are...

... with being hereditary murderers, which term can have no other meaning than ritual murderers. "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do; he was a murderer from the beginning." This is in the Book on which "witnesses" are sworn when they give evidence against "anti-semites" who expose the murder of Christian children by Jews! "Rabbinism was but an unfolding of Pharisaism...

... has a decided instinct towards sadism. It is, I believe, the strong Armenoid or Hither Asiatic strain which exists in the Jewish Nation upon which we have to lay the responsibility for many unpleasant Jewish traits and practices, among them Ritual Murder. The Jews are a nation without a home, not a race; they are a mixture of races, and the racial constituent which is most frequently to be found...

... wanton cruelty. Wherever the Hither Asiatic or Armenoid Race  predominates, there is organised cruelty to prisoners of war; in Afghanistan, the women come out after a battle to search for the enemy wounded on whom they practise horrible mutilations; in Southern Algeria, there is a similar practice against French wounded, whilst recent operations in Abyssinia prove that there is a craving for the...

... so long. I am convinced that it is to the Race rather than to the Talmud or the Kabbala that we must look before we can understand the urge for Ritual Murder and the love of torture which crops up in individuals in all countries into which the Hither Asiatic or Armenoid Race has penetrated. Chapter III Human sacrifice & the Jewish religion I AM not a student of the Talmud. I have no intention...

... of becoming one. For the same reason, I shall not become a student of Occultism or of Drainage Systems. I smell the bad smells and remain aloof. Nevertheless, because the advocates of Jewry use a certain line of argument in denying that there has ever been any such thing as Ritual Murder of Christians by Jews, I am obliged to quote a few unimpeachable authorities on the subject. This "argument" is...

... that the Jewish religious law not only-does not sanction the practice of Ritual Murder, but forbids the consumption of blood altogether. It is an argument that has been used throughout the ages, and is used now, and has even been the foundation for the verdict "Not Guilty," in cases where Jews have been on trial for ritual murder! It was the argument used by the Sultan of Turkey when, for money...

... bribes, he issued a firman (1840) saying that the Ritual Murder Accusations against Jews were calumnies. (Described in later chapters in more detail). But it is known that there have always been two methods of instruction among the Jews: one Exoteric, which openly taught the Laws of Moses and the Rabbinical traditions; the other Esoteric, or mysteries confided only to certain persons bound to secrecy...

.... This latter, the Esoteric teaching, is associated with Occultism and what is known as Black Magic, and the Mystical Cabbala is its source, for certain rites and ceremonies blood is necessary; and secret rites exist which are known only to the few. Even if the written Jewish Laws do not sanction the practice it does not prove that Jews have not done Murder in accordance with some Occult Ritual. Let a...

... Ritual Murder. "To this general belief are added the suspicions, often justified, against the Jews addicted to magical practices. "Actually, in the Middle Ages, the Jew was considered by the people as the magician par excellence; one finds many formula of exorcism in the Talmud, and the Talmudic and Cabbalistic demonology is very complicated. "Now one knows the position that blood always occupies in...

... Cabbala. How ridiculous then is the "argument" that because the Mosaic Laws and the Talmud do not demand Ritual Murder, and even forbid the use of blood, Isaac Abrahams cannot be guilty of any sort of Ritual Murder! Take an analogous case. The Eighth Commandment forbids stealing. Have you ever heard that fact brought up in the defence of a Christian on trial for that crime? Can you imagine prisoner's...

..., without further investigation of the Jewish laws, that Ritual Murder is contrary to these laws. I would concede it because the point is of no importance whatever to my case against the Jew. If the point were established what difference does it make to the verdict of the Trent affair, the Damascus affair, or to the scores of cases I am going to bring before you in later chapters? Another point. Is it...

... likely that we should find clear sanction for such a crime as Ritual Murder in the Jewish Laws? Why, if such a thing were to be found, I venture to say that not a Jew would be left alive, so great would be the popular indignation against the Jewish nation. We should treat them exactly as Sir W.H. Sleeman treated the Thugs, the ritual murderers of India, when he stamped them out of existence as...

... hereditary criminals in the last century. Dr. Erich Bischoff, the chief German authority on Jewish law and religion, claims to have laid his finger on a passage authorising Ritual Murder in the Thikunne Zohar (Edition Berdiwetsch), a book of cabbalistic theosophy. The passage runs: "Furthermore, there is a commandment pertaining to the killing of strangers, who are like beasts. This killing has to be done...

... mankind, and upon this argument I base my statement that Jewish Laws show ample foundation for the scientific investigator to take the view that there is nothing improbable in the reality of Jewish Ritual Murder. I am not going to take the same line as other anti-Jewish investigators have done about this matter; I am not going to quote any Mosaic Laws nor any Talmudic tenets. I am simply going to quote...

... belief is that the Ger, or stranger, in fact all  those who do not belong to their religion, are brute beasts, having no more rights than the fauna of the field." I have long known this to be the Key of International Politics; and it shows that what would be Murder to an Aryan is only Slaughter to a Talmudic Jew. Page 81. "The Talmud declares that there are two kinds of blood pleasing to the Lord...

... Gentile to take steps to remove the Jews from our midst by expulsion to a National Home of their own, and by legal means. There is good reason to think that it is the "Chassidim" sect to which most recent Jewish Ritual Murders can be traced; the Chassidim is sometimes considered to be a modern sect which arose in Poland only in the 18th century; but the Jewish Encyclopaedia (1905), Vol. IX, p. 661, says...

... that the Pharisees were originally identical with the Chassidim; the Chassidim are fanatical to a degree, and soaked in mysticism. Chapter IV Motive & nature of Jewish ritual murder THE motive of Ritual Murder of Christians by Jews is almost certainly hate. It is in fact the same motive that Disraeli admitted to be the cause of revolutionary activities against Gentile governments; to use his...

... endure." Hatred of Christianity is a tradition among the Jews: just as hate of England is a sort of perverted religion among an inferior class of Irishmen. It must be remembered that the Hymn of Hate which was debited to the Germans during the war was actually written by the Jew Lissauer. One of the principal Jewish feast-days is that of Purim. This feast is an orgy of hate against Haman, the story of...

... whom is found in the Book of Esther of the Old Testament. The story, which is probably a myth, is that Xerxes, King of Persia, became enamoured of a Jewess, Esther, and made her Queen in place of his rightful wife. Haman, the King's sister, complained to him of the conduct of the Jews who, he said did not keep the laws, and obtained from the King an order to slay them. Esther pleaded with the King...

... and prevailed upon him to summon Haman to a banquet. There, Queen Esther further prevailed upon the King to spare the Jews and hang Haman on a gallows prepared for the execution of her guardian. Instead of the Jews being destroyed, their enemies were slaughtered, including Haman's ten sons, who were hanged. This feast is often celebrated by an exhibition of gluttony, intoxication, and curses on the...

... memory of Haman; and even to this day in London, the Jewish bakers make cakes in the shape of human ears which are eaten by the Jews on this day, and are called " Haman's Ears," revealing once again the inherent hate and barbarism of the Jew in our midst. The two principal feast-days associated with Ritual Murder have been (1) Purim, and (2) Passover, the latter at Easter and the former about one month...

... before it. When a Ritual Murder occurred at Purim, it was usually that of an adult Christian who was murdered for his blood; it is said that the blood was dried and the powder mixed into triangular cakes for eating; it is possible that the dried blood of a Purim murder might sometimes be used for the following Passover. When a Ritual Murder was done at Passover, it was usually that of a child under...

... seven years old, as perfect a specimen as possible, who was not only bled white, but crucified, sometimes circumcised and crowned with thorns, tortured, beaten, stabbed, and sometimes finished off by wounding in the side in imitation of the murder of Christ. The blood taken from the child was mixed either in the powdered state or otherwise into the Passover bread. Another festival at which it is...

... thought that Ritual Murder has sometimes been indulged in is Chanucah, which occurs in December, commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem under the Maccabees in B.C. 165. Examples of Purim murders are those of Damascus, Rhodes, Xanten Polna, Gladbeck and Paderborn. Although hate is the principal motive, superstitious traditions are also involved, one being the association of blood-sacrifices with the...

... idea of atonement; some Jews have confessed that Jewry cannot be saved or return to Zion unless every year the blood of a Christian is obtained for the purpose of ritual consumption. Political murders, such as the Jewish murder of the Tsar and his family and of other Russians, have sometimes been accompanied by features suggestive of ritual, but I do not wish to complicate this book by guessing at...

... the meaning of signs left symbolically by the murderers. Chapter V A relic of the days of witchcraft and black magic ON 6th May, 1912, The Times published a letter, signed by many men of authority, protesting against what they called the revival of "the hideous charge of Ritual Murder" which was being brought against a Jew at Kiev. "The Blood Accusation," they said, "is a relic of the days of...

... attempting to prejudice the course of the criminal trial of the Jew Beiliss at Kiev, a course which they would never pursue in any other cause! Let us confound the signatories of The Times letter out of the mouths of Jews themselves. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, pp. 266-7, gives a list of Accusations of Ritual Murder made against the Jews through the centuries; 122 cases are listed in...

... chronological order, and no less than 39 of them were made in the 19th century! There were far more than double the number of Blood Accusations made in the 19th century than in any previous century, according to this authoritative Jewish list. Let us examine the list of Ritual Murder Accusations made by a converted Jew, Cesare Algranati, in 1913, and published in Cahiers Romains; here are listed 101...

... accusations, of which 28 were made in the 19th century and only 73 for all the eight preceding centuries! Even the Jew Roth gives the argument away, for he says (p. 16 of his Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, 1935), "The nineteenth century proved little less credulous than those which preceded it." "Anti-semitic" authors' lists of Blood Accusations agree in this respect with the lists made by Jews; Der...

... Sturmer, the paper of Julius Streicher, in a special Ritual Murder issue published in 1934, shows that in the 19th century 32 charges of ritual murder were made, which is ten more than in any other century in European history recorded by it. The fact that the charges increase in number as the age becomes more and more enlightened is particularly significant, because the Jewish Money Power and its...

... to open the eyes of the student and the ethnographer; it will stand on record until Elijah." Chapter VI Couldn't happen now? THIS argument, "It couldn't happen now," seems quite good enough for a lot of people when it is applied to the matter of Jewish Ritual Murder. It is, perhaps, comforting to the democratic mind to think that "Progress" ensures that such an evil practice, even if it occurred in...

... centuries between them! In view of that, why boggle at the idea of Jewish Ritual Murder still surviving? Why make such a fuss when Jews are charged with the practice of Ritual Murder? Other Asiatics are known to have practised it until 1850, and, if left to themselves, would doubtless have maintained the custom. In India, from 10,000 to 50,000 murders were perpetrated every year by a religious body known...

... 19th century until the British put an end to it under Sleeman. It was a long time before the British administration learned of the existence of Thuggee, so carefully was it concealed; another analogy with Jewish Ritual Murder! "It couldn't happen now." Why not? And on 13th September, 1937, a telegram was sent to The Times from Delhi reporting the sacrifice of a 17-year-old youth to propitiate the...

... anything but itself? Smothered in their self-complacency, these all-sufficient ones ask for facts. But what facts are there that fools can understand? How can the helpless superficial grasp the hopelessly profound, for are not realities reserved for the wise?" Alongside this clotted nonsense was a picture of a ritual murder, with the victim crucified, below it, a portrait of the author, an obvious Jew. I...

... take it that- "it would happen now" if this Jew had his way! Chapter VII Jewish ritual murder in England before the expulsion of 1290 THE first known case happened in 1144; after that, cases cropped up from time to time until the Jews were expelled from the realm by Edward I. The most famous of these cases was that of Little St. Hugh of Lincoln in 1255. I record these cases in chronological order...

...; and I do not deny the possibility of some of them in which details are lacking, being "trumped-up" ones, where death may have been due to causes other than ritual murder and the Jews blamed for it; but the case of St. Hugh, particularly, was juridically decided, and the Close and Patent Rolls of the Realm record definitely cases at London, Winchester and Oxford. There seems no reason to doubt that...

... many cases of ritual murder have been unsuspected and even undiscovered. 1144 - Norwich. A twelve-year-old boy was crucified and his side pierced at the Jewish Passover. His body was found in a sack hidden in a tree. A converted Jew, called Theobald of Cambridge, confessed that the Jews took blood every year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so doing could they ever obtain...

... also in the Victoria Country History of Norfolk, 1906, Vol. II, is an illustration of an old painted rood-screen depicting the Ritual Murder of St. William, the screen itself is in Loddon Church, Norfolk, unless the Power of Jewish Money has had it removed. No one denies this case as a historical event, but the Jews of course say it was not a Ritual Murder. The Jew, C. Roth, in his The Ritual Murder...

... would allow the boy's death to be celebrated as a martyrdom of a saint without having satisfied themselves that wounds on the body confirmed the crucifixion and the piercing of the side. And why the relatives should bury the boy in a sack and then dig it up and hang it in a tree would puzzle even a Jew to explain. John Foxe's Arts and Monuments of the Church records this ritual murder, as did the...

... Bollandists and other historians. The Prior, William Turbe, who afterwards became Bishop of Norwich, was the leading light in insisting that the crime was one of Jewish Ritual Murder; in the Dictionary of National Biography (edited by a Jew!) it is made clear that his career, quite apart from this Ritual Murder case, is that of a man of great strength of character and moral courage. 1160 - Gloucester. The...

... similar stories in England and elsewhere points to their origin in the fanatical hatred of the Jews of the Middle Ages and the common superstition, now wholly discredited, that ritual murder was a factor of Jewish Paschal Rites. Attempts were made as early as the 13th century by the Church to protect the Jews against the hatred of the populace and against this particular accusation." At a recent visit...

... questions the historical facts in this case; but Jews and Judaised Gentiles unite in denying the fact of Ritual Murder. Strack, in his The Jew and Human Sacrifice, written in defence of the Jews against the Blood Accusation, omits all mention of this famous case, which is the subject of the Prioress's Tale (Canterbury Tales) of Chaucer and is referred to in Marlowe's Jew of Malta. Hyamson's History of the...

... Jews in England devotes the whole of Chapter IX to "Little St. Hugh of Lincoln," showing the importance of the Ritual Murder issue in the Jewish mind today. The following Close Rolls of the Realm refer to the case of St. Hugh: Henry III, 39, m. 2,7.10 1255; 39, m. 2,14.10.1255; 40, m. 20, 24.ii.. 1255; 40,m.13,13.3.1256; 42, m. 6; 19.6.1258. And the Patent Rolls, Henry III, 40,m.20,26.11.1255; 40,m...

... drawn at horses' tails and hanged." Further authorities: Reiley, Memorials of London, p. I5; H. Desportes, Le Mystere du Sang. 1290. Oxford. The Patent Roll 18 Edward I, mem. 21, 21st June, 1290, contains an order for the gaol delivery of a Jew, Isaac de Pulet, detained for the murder of a Christian boy at Oxford. Only one month after this, King Edward issued his decree expelling the Jews from the...

... Kingdom. There is, then, every reason to believe that it was the Oxford murder which proved the last straw in toleration. The reader will see (p. 20) that it was a similar ritual case which was one of the main stimulants to the King and Queen of Spain to expel professing Jews from that country in 1492. The Jews, in attempting to escape responsibility for these deaths by Ritual Murder, do not hesitate to...

... Chapter, I record such cases between 1171 and 1510 inclusive; and I would point out to the reader the great importance of the murder of St. Simon of Trent in 1475 and of the Toledo case in 1490; in fact, should the reader be one of those who approach the subject as unbelievers, I recommend that he should read about these two cases first, and the others after. The following abbreviations are used in this...

... dealt with a number by putting them to death. Frederick II called together a number of converted Jews, who denied the existence of Jewish ritual murder. But Frederick's bias is evident in his own words when, in publishing his decision, he gives his objects in calling these people together, "although our conscience regarded the innocence of the aforesaid Jews adequately proved on the ground of several...

... writings." Had Frederick II lived today, he would have relied little upon religious literature in deciding whether Jewish Ritual Murder exists or not. Authority: Chron. Hirsaug., and Magd. Cent., 13, C. 24. 1247. Valreas, France. Just before Easter, a two-year-old girl's body was found in the town moat with wounds on forehead, hands and feet. Jews confessed under torture that they wanted the blood of the...

... Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. This monument was first placed in a street of the Jews' quarter as a reminder of the monstrous crime and as a punishment for the whole of Berne Jewry. Later, it was removed to its present situation. 1288. Troyes, France. Some Jews were tried for a ritual murder and 13 were executed by burning. Authority: Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, Vol. XII, p. 267. 1286. Oberwesel, on...

... the Rhine. A boy named Werner was tortured for three days at Passover, hanged by the legs and bled white. The body was found in the river. This boy was beatified in the diocese of Treves, and his anniversary is on 19th April. A sculptured representation of this ritual murder is still to be seen in the Oberwesel Church. Authorities: Aventinus, Annals of Bavaria, 1591, 17, p. 576; Chron. Hirsaug...

... in 1937 there is no trial for a crime where the criminals have escaped! The boy has been sanctified by Pope Benedict XIV in his Bull Beatus Andreas, Venice, 1778, which says he was " cruelly assassinated by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ." This last is admitted by Pope Clement XIV, who wrote his report on the investigation he made into the matter of Jewish Ritual Murder when, as...

... case. An engraving on wood representing the Ritual Murder still exists in the church. 1468. Sepulveda, Segovia, Spain. The Jews sacrificed a Christian child on a cross. The Bishop of Segovia investigated the crime, and ordered the culprits to Segovia, where they were executed. It is important to know that this Bishop was himself son of a converted Jew; Jean d'Avila was his name. Colmenares's History...

..., Lanzhat, had killed a child at Passover to get the blood of which they partook in wine and cakes. No one has ever dared to try and deny the historical events of this case; only the Jews invent "reasons" why it was not Ritual Murder! But there is no escape from the opposite conclusion. In 1759 in answer to a Jewish appeal from Poland, the Inquisition sent Cardinal Ganganelli (later he became Pope Clement...

... an investigation, he actually says of this Trent case (see Report of Cardinal Ganganelli, in C. Roth's The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, 1935, p. 83): "I admit then as true the fact of the Blessed Simon, a boy three years old, killed by the Jews in Trent in the year 1475 in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ (although it is disputed by Basnage and Wagenseil); for the celebrated Flaminio Cornaro...

... stated, Clement XIV was obliged to recognise that it was a case of Jewish murder in hatred of Christianity. St. Simon's shrine is in the Church of St. Peter, Trent; relics of him are still shown, among them the sacrificial knife. In short, the Ritual Murder of St. Simon at Trent is supported by such evidence that those who doubt it are thereby condemning without reason high juridical and ecclesiastical...

... Episcopal Court of Padua 1490. Toledo. This is a most important case, the circumstances of which have been clarified for us by W. T. Walsh in his interesting book on Isabella of Spain, 1931 (Sheed & Ward), in which he devotes pp. 441 to 468 to his researches on this Ritual Murder charge. Had it not been for Mr. Walsh, I might have been influenced by the Jewish Encyclopedia's statement (1903, Vol. II1...

..., p. 262) that "Modern historians even deny that a child had disappeared at all" in this case! Strenuous efforts were made by Loeb and H. C. Lea to clear the Jews from guilt of this murder; as also by Abbe Vacandard. Walsh shows that on 17th October, 1490, a Jew named Yuce confessed to having been present at the crucifixion of a boy called Christopher at La Guardian near Toledo. He made this...

.... Lea, and on the Catholic side the somewhat too credulous Abbe Vacandard were better qualified to weigh the evidence after the lapse of four centuries?" Walsh is not an "anti-semite." He is a historian, and has not suggested that ritual murder is part or any official Jewish ceremony. But he says: "The historian, far from being obliged to make wholesale vindication of all Jews accused of murder, is...

... free, in fact, bound to consider each individual case upon its merits." Walsh states (p. 441) that this case of Ritual Murder was "one of the chief factors, if not the decisive one, in the decision of Fernando and Isabel" (for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain). He shows that the complete record of testimony in the trial of one of the accused has been available since it was published in 1887 in...

... practice of Ritual Murder thereby condemn some of the finest characters on the stage of European history. Finally, we must record that the murdered boy was canonised as St. Christopher on the authority of Pope Pius VII. 1494. Tyrnau, Hungary. A boy was bled white and killed. The Jew culprits were betrayed by the confession of women, who were persuaded to do so by the sight of some instruments of torture...

... was acquitted. The sentence of acquittal, dated 28th February, 1603, given in full in the Jew Roth's The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (p. 78), released the accused "because the Hebraic witch abhors the shedding of blood" and "various Princes held this rumour of the use of blood to be vain and false?" We hold that such absurd reasoning as all excuse for acquittal is clear proof that the Court was...

... Ritual Murder. the local court having exculpated him. 1748. Duniagrod, Poland. Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. Mentioned by Roth. 1753. Pavalochi, Poland. Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. Mentioned by Roth. 1753. Zhytomir, Poland. In this case, a three-year-old boy was murdered; Jews were tried by the Episcopal Court of Kiev and condemned to death. A painting...

... supposed to commemorate this murder is even now visited by pilgrims to the Carthusian Monastery at Kalwarya near Cracow. Authority: The Jew Cecil Roth, in Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 25. Of course, the Jew Roth denies that the cases quoted were Ritual Murders. Chapter X Well authenticated cases in the nineteenth century AMONG these are the famous cases at Damascus, 1840; Tisza Eszlar, 1882; and...

... whom four recognised the ritual character of the murder. The Jewish murderers were transported to Siberia. Monniot says the facts of this case are not contested. 1840. Rhodes. On the eve of Purim a small Greek boy was missed; he had been seen entering a house in the Jewish quarter; after that he was never seen again. It is interesting to note that the time of this event was the same as in the famous...

..., Austria being in need of loans from the Rothschilds. But "owing to the efforts of Count Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore" (to quote again from the Jewish Encyclopedia) "a firman was obtained from the Sultan which declared all accusations of ritual murder null and void." The Jews were released! Now Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore were all rich Jews. Cremieux and Montefiore figure in the Damascus case...

... murder. We spare the reader the sickening details of the crime according to the confessions and admissions of the depraved Jewish murderers; long extracts from the trial's proceedings can be obtained in the following French book: Le Crime Ritual chez les Juifs, by A. Monniot, prefaced by the celebrated Edouard Drumont, 1914, from P. Tequi, 82 Rue Bonaparte, Paris, price 10 francs. This book shows that...

... best to deal with each of these matters separately: 1. The Press Agitation This was on the usual Jewish lines Ritual Murder was "a Gentile invention"; Comte Ratti-Menton, the French Consul, who had insisted on the investigation, was attacked from every angle; the Jews were being persecuted, and so on and so forth. 2. Agitation by Public Meetings. For example, in London, the gullible democracy was...

... of his subordinate's action and that the English Consul was of the same mind. 6. Bribery of Austrian Diplomats. Throughout the proceedings, the Austrian Consul supported the Jews against the charge of ritual murder. Here, from a Jewish source, is the reason, duly confessed: From The History of the Jews in Vienna, by the Jew, Max Grunwald, 1936 (Philadelphia), pp. 228-9: "Following the policy of the...

...; Rothschild's money power; the Austrian Chancellor, Metternich; the Austrian Consul at Damascus; the Consul's attitude towards the Ritual Murder charge. A continuous chain of Jewish corruption by Money. 7. Suppression of the Reports of the Trial. We have already mentioned in the second paragraph of this description of the case the record of the trial published in Achille Laurent's book. This book cannot now...

... was English Consul at Damascus 30 years after the Ritual Murder, studied the whole question of the Blood Accusation, and: eventually wrote The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, of which I have the edition edited by NS. H. Wilkins and published by Hutchinson in 1898. This work contains a damning indictment of the Talmud, and a list of Jewish Ritual Murders, but Wilkins in his Preface (p. x) writes: "In...

... the exercise of the discretion given to me, I have thought it better to hold over for the present the Appendix on the alleged rite of Human Sacrifice among the Sephardim and the murder of Padre Tomaso (Father Thomas); the only alternative was to publish it in a mutilated form." Let us follow therefore (1) the Book, (2) the Appendix on Ritual Murder. (1) The Book. This is easy. It is well nigh...

... unobtainable. (2) The Appendix on Ritual Murder. What happened to it? This is what happened to it. See D. L. Alexander versus Manners Sutton, King's Bench Division, 27th March, 1911, reported in The Times the following day. Herein D. L. Alexander, a Jew and President of the Jewish Board of Deputies was able to show that he had obtained an assignment of the manuscript from the surviving executors of Sir...

... light. This book is of over 600 pages, and is called A tiszaeszlari bunper (The Tisza Eszlar Murder Trial). These facts can also be checked from the diary of the Hungarian Minister for Justice of the period, Theodor Pauler, which diary had been kept in the Hungarian National Museum. Another son of the Jewish sexton was Maurice Scharf, aged 14. He admitted that he had seen through the keyhole of the...

... 14-year-old Maurice, the Judge told him that his tale could not be true as Esther was alive; the boy replied that "no one could be alive after being cut on the neck like that." A number of Jews were arrested, and confessed that they had taken part in the ritual murder of Esther to get her blood for the Passover. One would think that there would be little more to report. But no! All Israel got to...

... the place of the murder by looking through the keyhole. By spreading reports that Esther had run away; or had been drowned. The Examining Judge caused the river to be dragged without result. By arranging that a corpse should turn up and be "identified" as Esther's. On 18th June, a girl's body dressed in Esther's clothes, which were far too small for the purpose, was drawn out of the River Theiss by...

... all the evidence may be explained by giving one example: In November, 1882, a new Committee of Experts was formed to make a further examination of the body found in the river five months before, and this committee declared that the findings of the former committee had no scientific basis, that the body was Esther's and that as the throat was not cut, it could not have been a case of ritual murder...
... invented by our learned elders has for long past been giving royal prestige to capital. 7. Capital, if it is to co-operate untrammeled, must be free to establish a monopoly of industry and trade: this is already being put in execution by an unseen hand in all quarters of the world. This freedom will give political force to those engaged in industry, and that will help to oppress the people. Nowadays it...

... is more important to disarm the peoples than to lead them into war: more important to use for our advantage the passions which have burst into flames than to quench their fire: more important to eradicate them. The principle object of our directorate consists in this: To debilitate the public mind by criticism; to lead it away from serious reflections calculated to arouse resistance; to distract...
... amino acids, and leave the rest to us. Many people become anemic, drowsy after meals is another sign that worms are present. Certain parasites have the ability to fool the body of the host, into thinking the worms are a part of the body tissue. Therefore the body will not fight the intruder. The host, now works twice as hard to remove both its own waste and that of the parasite." (Parasites The Enemy...

... outcry against them became greater than ever. And Edward had to expel them to avert a civil war. It is not recorded that one Jew took advantage of the right to till the soil." (Jews Must Live, Samuel Roth) Parasitism 005 "The Bolsheviks had promised to give the workers the industries, mines, etc., and to make them 'masters of the country.' In reality, never has the working class suffered such...

... Kaganovitch. All the big industries and factories, war products, railways, big and small trading, are virtually and effectively in the hands of Jews, while the working class figures only in the abstract as the 'patroness of economy.' The wives and families of Jews possess luxurious cars and country houses, spend the summer in the best climatic or bathing resorts in the Crimea and Caucasus, are dressed in...
... was removed we passed into a great warehouse packed with half-assembled electrical equipment: unfinished war production-a scene common to all the German factories immediately after the war. Vassiliev halted beside several large, long wooden cases. They contained enormous glass utensils with spherical swellings in their middle; they were packed with great care, and held by special clamps. The...

... years of the war all the large German works shifted their industrial plant and established branches and depots in areas less subject to air attack. Moreover, immediately before the capitulation the more valuable installations and stores of raw material were removed and secretly deposited in various remote parts. We often came across most interesting material in the least expected places. It was of...

... uncertainly: "Berlin-Dahlem ... I think..." That was good enough. During the war Berlin-Dahlem had been the headquarters of the secret laboratories for atomic physics engaged in atom-splitting experiments. At this stage Colonel Vassiliev telephoned from Arnstadt to report that the Special Group experts had arrived. I knew that Lieutenant-Colonel Yevtikov was a sluggish sort of individual, so I asked...

... Weapons. By the last few months of the war the Germans had cyclotrons for atom splitting at their disposition. But the catastrophic situation at the fronts and the destruction of the German heavy-water plant in Norway by the R. A. F. forced them to suspend attempts to solve the secret of the atom. Before the final capitulation they scattered all the atom laboratory equipment in spots which seemed safe...

... Babelsberg were allowed to visit the area until the entire equipment had been removed to the Soviet Union. Later, Colonel Kondakov explained that we had not discovered anything new in the sphere of atomic research in Germany. Similar equipment was being made in the U. S. S. R. before the war, under the supervision of Professor Kapitza. Owing to wartime difficulties, Germany had been unable to conduct the...

...." "Why did you say that?" It was my turn to be astonished. "Have you forgotten where we are? Not a day passes without a murder being committed. It's been drummed into our heads that we've got to take the utmost care. We've been told not to let our driver spend a night in a car alone, for he's sure to be murdered if we do. You know for yourself what things are like." "And where were you told all this...

... terrorism after the war. - Tr.). Finally he tested the door lock. My companions occupied one room, and I had the one next to it. Now, for the first time since I had arrived in Germany, I felt a little dubious. I bolted the door, thought for a moment, then took out my pistol and slipped it under my pillow. After undressing I put out the light and plunged beneath the enormous feather bed. The following...
... leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, THE FUTURE WAR, the peace conference, WHERE WITH THE HELP OF ENGLAND A FREE AND JEWISH PALESTINE WILL BE CREATED." (Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 108) 563 "Once we perceive that it is Judaism which is the root cause of antisemitism, otherwise irrational or inexplicable aspects of antisemitism become rationally...

..., the Jews entered history; and have often been since, at war with other people's cherished values. And by continually asserting their own national identity in addition or instead of the national identity of the non-Jews among whom they lived, Jews have created or intensified anti-Semitic passions... This attempt to change the world, to challenge the gods, religious or secular, of the societies around...

... numbers have drastically lowered, possibly indicating that more of our people survive. Perhaps the 6 mills often publicized (though our best figure is 4.3 million) may also need to be revised lower, we hope so. Dr. Nathan Nussbaum, Honorary Director, Centre for Jewish Holocaust Studies. According to official documents in the French Republic (institute for the Examination of War-criminals) the number...

... published by a committee of the Legislature of New York, presided over by Senator Lusk; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 124) 574 "We Jews had more power than you Americans had during the War [World War I]." The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, p. 205) 575 "With him (Bela Kun) twenty six commissaries composed the new government [of Hungary...

..., in effect, it was the same as what Mr. Cox now says. After showing that Bolshevism by reason of the ruthless tyranny of its adherents was a serious menace to civilization Mentor observed: 'Yet none the less, in essence it is the revolt of peoples against the social state, against the evil, the iniquities that were crowned by the cataclysm of the war under which the world groaned for four years...

... associates that all must now work for Soviet recognition." (Article by Samuel Gompers, New York Times, May 7, 1922; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 133) 588 "The mode of government which is the most propitious for the full development of the class war, is the demagogic regime which is equally favorable to the two fold intrigues of Finance and Revolution. When this...

... a Court of Justice, nor a Tribunal, it decides for itself its own powers. 'It is a medium of combat which operates on the interior front of the Civil War. It does not judge the enemy but exterminates him. It does not pardon those who are on the other side of the barricade, it crushes them.' It is not difficult to imagine how this extermination without mercy operates in reality when, instead of the...

... 'dead code of the laws,' there reigns only revolutionary experience and conscience. Conscience is subjective and experience must give place to the pleasure and whims of the judges. 'We are not making war against individuals in particular,' writes Latsis (Latsis directed the Terror in the Ukraine) in the Red Terror of November 1918. 'We are exterminating the Bougeoisie (middle class) as a class. Do not...

... for these walks he contents himself with laughing disdainfully and saying: 'What! They would never dare' psakrer, 'and he is right. They do not dare. What a strange country!" (Letter from Bukharin to Britain, La Revue universelle, March 1, 1928; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 149) 600 "All the cement floor of the great garage (the execution hall of the...
... authority, should not tolerate but expel them. They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ; they call our blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and Her Son a bastard ... if they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the...

... from perishing. (Emphasis supplied) Emperor Hadrian and the Talmud Hadrian was Emperor of the Roman World empire from 117 A.D. to his death, 138 A.D. In 132 A.D. the Jews began a revolt, and for four years carried on a bloody war. Otherwise Hadrian's reign was peaceful. The reason for this Pharisee revolt is told by Rodkinson in his History of the Talmud: One of the causes of the great revolt against...

... order of Pope John XXII, and accompanied by robbery and murder of the Jews by the mob. 1553 Rome Pope Julius III - Similar burnings by the same order took place in Barcelona, Venice, Romagna, Urbino and Pesar. ...bsp; "Here three wagons full of books were burned: but first they were carried through the streets of the city, while royal officers proclaimed publicly that their condemnation was due to...

... badge (to warn Christians); forbidding intercourse with Christians, as employees, in marriage, arid barring their testimony as witnesses in legal matters (their license for perjury under the "Kol Nidre" then being well known). "Gregory IX, ... in various official documents insisted on the strict execution of the canonical laws against the Jews ... his successor," (to continue quoting) "Innocent IV...

... book of Esther, which so nicely agrees with their revengeful people - they who imagine themselves to be the people of God, who desire to think they must murder and crush the heathen ... As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do so now, if only they could ... Without any modern-day Jewish Encyclopedias or Soncino translations of the Babylonian Talmud, one sees that...

... Kochba" (leader of the Pharisee revolt against Rome in 135 A.D., in which according to historian Gibbon, about a million non-Jews were sadistically slaughtered) "and a worldly king, who would slay the Christians, divide the world among the Jews and make them rich lords ... Luther reflected upon that passage in II Peter 2 about those who "speak great swelling words of vanity," promise liberty, but "they...

... Christ. We do not curse them, but wish them all manner of bodily and spiritual good; permit them to lodge with us. We don't steal and mutilate their children; do not poison their [page 11] water; do not thirst after their blood ... Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they complain about being captives among us. Jerusalem was destroyed more than 1400 years ago and during that time we...
... between the Fascist aggressors and the British and French imperialist clique." (Statement issued by Dimitrov, General Secretary of the Komintern, The Pravda, November 7, 1938). 652 "The truth then is, that the Russian Comintern is still confessedly engaged in endeavoring to foment war in order to facilitate revolution, and that one of its chief organizers, Lozovsky, has been installed as principal...

... Telegraph was unaware that Chicherin's mother was a Jewess. The Russian Molotov, who became Foreign Minister later, has a Jewish wife, and one of his two assistants is the Jew, Lozovsky. It was the last-named who renewed the treaty with Japan in 1942, by which the Kamchatka fisheries provided the Japanese with an essential part of their food supplies." (The Jewish War of Survival, Arnold Leese, p. 84; The...

...' has been formed, composed of 100 percent Jews. Only an insignificant number of former Jewish capitalists left Russia after the storm of the Revolution. All the other Jews residing in Russia enjoy the special protection of Stalin's most intimate adviser, the Jew Lazare Kaganovitch. All the big industries and factories, war products, railways, big and small trading, are virtually and effectively in...

... supervision of the police and arrested on several occasions. It was in 1906, when he was engaged in smuggling arms into Russia, that he live in St. Petersburg under the name of Gustave Graf. In 1908 he was arrested in Paris in connection with the robbery of 250,000 rubles of Government money in Tiflis in the preceding year. He was, however, merely deported from France. During the early days of the War...

... Fahey, pp. 45-46) 668 "In spite of the frightful pogroms which took place, first in Poland and then in unprecedented fashion in the Ukraine, and which cost the lives of thousands of Jews, the Jewish people considered the post-war period as a messianic era. Israel, during those years, 1919-1920, rejoiced in Eastern and Southern Europe, in Northern and Southern Africa, and above all in America." (The...

... with Dr. Herzl in the first Zionist Congress which was held in Basle in 1897. Herzl was the most prominent figure at the Jewish World Congress. Herzl foresaw, twenty years before we experienced them, the revolution which brought the Great War, and he prepared us for that which was to happen. He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey, that England would obtain control of Palestine. We may expect important...

... now." (Henry Ford, in an interview quoted in the New York World, February 17, 1921) 692 "You {non-Jews} resent us {Jews}, but you cannot clearly say why... Not so many years ago I used to hear that we were money-grubbers and commercial materialists; now the complaint is being whispered around that no art and no profession is safe from Jewish invasion... We shirk our patriotic duty in war time...

... late World War. You believe that book. All right... we will underwrite every word of it. It is genuine and authentic. But what is that besides the unquestionable historical conspiracy which we have carried out, which we never have denied because you never had the courage to charge us with it, and of which the full record is extant for anybody to read? If you really are serious when you talk of Jewish...

... have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and have played havoc with them. We {Jews} have been at the bottom of not merely of the latest war {WWI} but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how...

... France and America. If we were not, we did not know our own interests. The Republican revolutions of the 18th Century freed us of our age-long political and social disabilities. They benefited us... You go on rattling of Jewish conspiracies and cite as instances the Great War and the Russian Revolution! Can you wonder that we Jews have always taken your anti-Semites rather lightly, as long as they did...

... army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century. Jonathan Williams recorded in his Legions of Satan, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that 'a holy war will now being in America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal...

... move towards clean government. He was forced and driven by threats, even murder-threats, to carry out the orders of the Jews. Billy Sunday made public this statement of Coolidge. There followed a general attack upon the Evangelist. Then his son was framed and committed suicide, whilst the father's death was hastened in sorrow for the loss." 698 DO YOU KNOW WHO REALLY BROUGHT THE BLACK SLAVES TO...
... foretold: "And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord God shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name." (Isaiah 65:15) This was shortly after his Godly prophecy that Christ would be born from the line of Judah. "Thus saith the Lord ... I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and one of Judah an inheritor of my mountains [Jerusalem] and mine elect shall inherit it...

... war goes on, with continuous charges of "discrimination" raised by Oriental and Negro Jews against the Western Jews. At a recent Bible conference I sat next to a little blue-eyed lady with a German accent, who kept boasting: "I am Jewish!" Finally, I asked her two questions which silenced her: "How do you know you are Jewish? How far back can you trace your ancestry to the patriarch Judah of about...

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