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Found: 1214 articles, showing 630 - 640
... sometimes you do such hard work, and nothing succeeds; everything fails. Your arrangement is not right. You are functioning through a wrong center. When a warrior goes to the war, to the war front, he should go when the death center is in his hands. Then... then he can kill very easily. Then he is death incarnate. That is what is the meaning of an "evil eye": the man whose death center has got...
... is always in two minds; that's the way the mind functions, thrives, and lives. Sun and moon: that has also to be understood. Because every man is also a woman and every woman is also a man. How this is possible: you can remain divided inside - the man separate from the woman, the inner woman separate from the inner man. Then there will always be a conflict, a certain tug-of-war. This is the...

... a means. And no man or woman is a means. She feels she is being used like a thing, reduced to thing. hood. Her soul seems to be lost; that's why she is angry. And she tries to reduce the man to a thing. She turns the husband into a henpecked husband; she forces him. And this goes on. This is more a conflict than love - a struggle. More like war than like love - more like hatred than like love...
... the word 'love' in the same way? Brotherhood, democracy, communism, humanity, peace? In the name of peace only war happens, and preparation for war. Then one has to understand one thing: one need not become too conditioned for or against words; words are neutral. The word 'god' itself has tremendous beauty. It comes from a Greek root in which g stands for 'that', o stands for 'which', d stands for...
... NOT A PERSON, THEN HOW CAN I LOVE YOU?" We have been told that we can love only persons. The truth is just the opposite: you cannot love the person. Persons can only fight, persons can only be in conflict, because wherever two egos are, there is conflict, a CONSTANT war - sometimes hot, sometimes cold, but the war continues. Sometimes the warriors are tired so they maintain a certain peace...
... not watched? Only Germans call their country 'fatherland', every other country calls it 'motherland'. These are dangerous people! 'Motherland' is okay. By calling your country 'fatherland' you are starting something dangerous, you are putting something dangerous on foot. Sooner or later the aggression will come, the war will come. The seed is there. All the religions that have thought of God as...

... fought a war in the name of religion. They have never tried to convert a single human being by any force, by coercion of whatsoever sort. Mohammedans have tried to convert people with the sword, against their will, against their conscience, against their consciousness. Christians have tried to manipulate people to become Christians in all kinds of ways - sometimes through the sword, sometimes through...
..., war, destruction. Somebody says, "My country is the greatest country in the world" - now this is neurosis. Somebody says, "My religion is the greatest and the highest religion in the world" - now this is neurosis. And this neurosis has gone to the very blood and to the bones, and people have become very, very dull, insensitive. They had to become, otherwise life would be...

... want to be a part of this rotten game, I don't want to be a part of this political game. I see things, and I would like to live my own life. I don't want to become anybody's slave. I don't want to be killed on any war front. I don't want to fight - there are far more beautiful things to do." But for millions there is nothing; the society has taken away all possibilities for their growth. They...
... the world? Or is your God a little neurotic, enjoys suffering? A sadist, enjoys this torture? Millions of people dying in a war, being killed, thrown into fire and gas chambers -- he is the creator, and he is simply not worried! He cannot even stop a Hitler killing millions of Jews -- unnecessarily, for no reason at all. What type of creator is this? If God creates the world then he must be a Devil...

..., because the world doesn't seem so good. It cannot come out of good, seems to be inconsistent with good. God means "the good," and this world doesn't show any sign of goodness -- exploitation, violence, war, killing, misery, anguish, tension, madness... For what has this creation been created? And if God is responsible, then he is the greatest criminal. These problems arise, and theologians...
.... These strategies are simply cunning, political, playing on man's fear and greed. Exploiting man, taking advantage of his innocence, ignorance. I am against the whole company of messiahs, prophets, founders of religions. A single man has declared war against all the religions of the world. I am fighting with every argument that they have proposed for thirty-five years continuously, and they have not...

... will be increasing every day faster and faster. For two reasons: The politicians are creating the situations -- I am not converting anybody. The politicians are creating the situation in which, if they succeed, this whole beautiful life on the earth will be destroyed. And the politicians can disappear only if nations disappear. War can disappear only if nations disappear. My people belong to no...
... will not have atomic weapons, you will not have war. You will not have crimes; you will not have courts. You will not have politicians. You won't have saints, popes; these all will disappear. You will have very innocent, simple but joyous people all around. They will be doing things, but they will be very simple things, not complicated. Nothing like nuclear weapons. They will make houses, but they...

... monogamous a country is the more people will be repressed. And their repressiveness will become violence, war, homosexuality, prostitution, sodomy. It will take all kinds of forms, which will be difficult because they have already moved away from nature. If we want that the world should not end into such an ugly disease, marriage has to be dissolved, every religion has to drop the idea of celibacy...
... all sides and in all directions as if you are in a great war with existence. There is no war going on, you are simply befooled by yourself. Nobody is there to destroy you. The whole supports you; the whole is the very earth on which you are standing, the very sky in which you breathe, you live. In fact, you are not - only the whole is. When one understands this, by and by one drops the inner...

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