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Found: 1343 articles, showing 510 - 520
... inner guide? It will be difficult if you don't go through catharsis. But you can feel a difference by and by because the Freudian unconscious is just a repressed thing. If something appears in you with a violent force, know well that this violent force is coming because you have repressed it in the first place. If something simply appears in you without any violence, just bubbles up silently, easily...

... working in cunningness, cleverness, competition, jealousy, violence. Follow their path, the inner guide is not for you. If you want to gain something of the world, then don't listen to the inner guide. But ultimately you will feel that although you have won the whole world, you have lost yourself. Jesus says, "And what does a man get if he loses his soul and gains the whole world?" Who will...
... you. Be available in those pauses. They will tear you apart. They will destroy you. That's why I say I have come to destroy, not to fulfill. But remember: the ONLY way to fulfillment is through destruction. If you are destroyed utterly, only then will you be utterly new. Through crucifixion is resurrection. Let me first become your crucifixion. Let me first become your cross. And then the second...

... stepping-stone. Shaking, trembling, but still you go into the unknown. To be a sannyasin is to choose courage. Both possibilities exist in every human being! fear and courage. All will depend on which you choose between the two. Never choose fear. It cripples. It paralyzes. It destroys you without giving you a chance of resurrection. Courage will ALSO destroy you, but that destruction is very creative...
... the great significance of the word samadhi. At times the word samadhi is also used to mean a grave. The grave of a sage is called a samadhi. It is rightly called so. Samadhi is a kind of death, but a profound and remarkable one. The body remains here after death, but the mind within is destroyed. At this moment of the mind's destruction the sage says, "O my mind full of ego and desires...

... you meet your doom. You are at the gates of destruction, you are about to be rubbed out." At the gates of samadhi the mind becomes a void; thoughts cease to come, doubts and uncertainties of the mind disappear, the waves of the mind become calm. There is absolutely no mind. When there is no mind, there is samadhi. I have told you that one meaning of samadhi is a grave - the grave of a saint...
... is absolutely wrong. There can be no teaching more dangerous than this. It is not psychological. It is very unintelligent. Forgiveness does not arise through the destruction of anger, it is attained through the transformation of anger. Forgiveness is not destruction of anger, it is anger becoming tuned and musical. So if we are opposed to anger and try to destroy it, then we are trying to destroy...
..., and to go into the black hole is to go into destruction. We don't know what happens on the other side. My idea, for which some physicist has to find evidence, is that the black hole on this side is a white hole on the other side. The hole cannot be just one side; it is a tunnel. I have experienced it in myself. Perhaps on a bigger scale the same happens in the universe. The star dies; as far as we...

... miles, and the go on calling me something which I have left far behind. Even if I die and my people can remain rejoicing, loving, the energy field will remain. I cannot take it away with me. But if they start being ordinary again, jealous, full of hate, hostility, violence, then they will destroy the energy field. I have created the energy field; now it is existing almost independent of me. And my...
... your energies are not moving into creation they will still be moving, but then they will become destructive. Destruction is creativity standing on its head; something has gone wrong, something has taken a wrong turn. All destructive people could have been great creators. But if the energy is not allowed, if you become afraid and frightened with the new.... And when the creativity possesses you it is...

... good as Gautam Buddha. To kill a man is as good as to be compassionate, to love is as good as to hate. Because how to decide what is good and what is bad? There is no criterion. Man is a tabula rasa, man is an emptiness, there is no way to decide. All is good - murder is good, suicide is good, destruction is good. Now this is a totally different interpretation. And the sentence is the same: Existence...
...? And the major part of you is from the animal, so the major part will win. So those who fight, they are creating their own defeats. If you want to be defeated, fight. If you want to win, do not fight. Victory needs knowledge, not fight. Fight is a subtle violence. And this is strange, but this has happened: those who talk about nonviolence to others are very much violent against themselves. There are...

... violent with yourself. Tantra is absolutely nonviolent. It says, if you cannot be nonviolent with yourself, you cannot be nonviolent with anyone else - that is impossible. A person who is violent to himself will be violent to everyone; in his nonviolence also he will be just hiding his violence. Aggression can be turned against yourself, but that aggressive attitude is destructive. But that doesn't mean...
... feel powerful. You become a master inside. But this is through conflict; this is through struggle and violence. And it always happens more or less that a person who has been practicing yoga for many lives comes to a point where the whole journey becomes drab, dreary, futile, because the more ego is fulfilled, the more you will feel it is useless. Then the follower of the path of yoga turns to tantra...

... going to do much violence; she will simply relax. And the man under her cannot do much, he will have to relax. This is good. If he is on top he is going to be violent, he will do much. And nothing is needed to be done on her part. For tantra you have to relax, so it is good that the woman should be on top. She can relax better than any man. The feminine psychology is more passive, so relaxation comes...
... ordinary a human being as anyone else - nothing special, just ordinary. In his own branch of knowledge he may be a genius, but in life he is just ordinary. Science includes only your intellect, not your totality. An intellect has a violence, it is aggressive. That is why very few women can be scientists - aggression is not natural to them. Intellect is male, aggressive, violent: that is why men are more...

... the whole is and the individual is not. In these past few decades, these past two or three decades in the West, psychedelic drugs have become very significant. And the attraction is really one of expansion, because under the influence of the drug your narrowness, your limitations, are lost. But it is a chemical change, nothing spiritual happens out of it. It is just a forced violence on the system...
... Gandhi told Kasturba and all his other sons, "This house, for Haridas, is closed. If he comes to this house close the door; he is dead for me." Haridas went there; after he had graduated from the university, he went because he thought he would go, fall at the feet of his father and ask his forgiveness. He hoped that a man who talks about non-violence, love, compassion, was going to forgive...

... about non-violence, love, compassion - in actuality, the vengeance. And the vengeance was such that he was thinking even about after death: "When I die you have to be aware that Haridas should not be allowed to give fire to my dead body. I have disowned him, he is no longer my son." He never loved himself. He tortured himself as much as possible. But when people torture themselves in the...

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