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Found: 3417 articles, showing 2180 - 2190
... attorney was his closest friend, a boyhood friend. The attorney said, "What are you doing here?" He said, "What I am doing here? Remember fifty years ago? -- I came to tell you that I wanted to kill my wife. And you said, `Don't do any such thing. Otherwise -- fifty years in jail.' I am thinking that if I had not listened to you, today I would have been out of jail, free. He said, "I...

... am feeling so angry that a desire comes to me -- why should I not at least kill you! Now I am seventy-five. Even if they put me in jail for fifty years they cannot keep me there for fifty years. Within five, seven years I will be dead. But you were not a friend; you proved to be my greatest enemy." To be what you don't want to be, to be with someone you don't want to be with, to do something...
..., who looks almost mad, or drunk, and has a strange face with such big eyes that he creates fear.... But he seems to be sincere too -- he is a wild phenomenon. And it is worth to risk. What can he do -- at the most he can kill me." Finally, he could not resist the temptation because the man had promised, "I will put your mind at peace forever." Emperor Wu reached the temple at four...

... put your mind to silence." The emperor thought, "My God, who has ever heard that with a staff you can put somebody's mind to silence! You can finish him, hit him hard on the head -- then the whole man is silent, not the mind. But now it is too late to go back." And Bodhidharma said, "Sit down here in the courtyard of the temple." There was not a single man around. "...
... be mad, absurd. He was talking and he said, "There is no tongue, so how can I talk?" He was saying, "Look at me, I am without form. Look at me, I am not embodied. The body appears to you but I am not that, so how can I talk?" The mind goes on missing. This is the misery of the mind. You push, it again gathers itself; you hit it, and for a moment there is a sinking and a...

...;I don't follow, I don't understand." And with the ultimate hit, the master said, "I don't understand myself." I go on teaching you, knowing well there is nothing to be taught. That's why I can go on infinitely. If there were something to be taught I would have finished already. Buddhas can go on and on because there is nothing to be taught. It is an endless story, it never concludes...
... it. But Pontius Pilate missed. Intellect will always miss the teaching of the awakened ones, because intellect believes in the direct way, and you cannot hit truth in such a direct way. It is a very subtle phenomenon, delicate, the most delicate possible; you have to move very cautiously, you have to move very indirectly. You have to feel it -- it comes through the heart, it never comes through the...

... to Mahavira -- it was simple. When he left his house he had clothes on; then, passing by a rosebush, his shawl got caught in the thorns, so he thought: It is evening time and the rosebush is going to sleep, it will be disturbing to remove it. So he tore off half of the shawl that was entangled in the thorns and left it there. It was evening time and the gesture was beautiful. It was not for...
... talking only about himself - the Master is speaking. And whenever a Master speaks, he speaks for all the Masters, past, present future. The third question: Question 3: WHY AM I SO AFRAID TO ASK YOU A QUESTION? EVERYBODY IS, BECAUSE TO ASK a question means to put your head in front of me. And one never knows what I am going to do with your head. I may hit, I may cut it. I may make a football of it...

... surface, you may have logical acumen, cleverness, and still, deep down, you are stupid. Now what kind of question is this? It is so absurd just to think of it. Never ask a question which is not relevant to your spiritual growth. And whenever a question arises about your spiritual growth, put all fear aside - you have to ask it! Even if my answer shatters you, even if I hit HARD on your head, I do that...
... manage it, you will miss its spontaneity. You will kill it. Then it will not be the bird on the wing in the sky. Then it will be just the bird in your golden cage - looks only like the bird. Where is that beauty? Because beauty is intrinsically part of freedom. No beauty can exist without freedom. Wherever freedom is lost, beauty is lost. Slavery is ugly. Yes, the bird was beautiful on the wing in the...

... have not said, or your belief is hurt, wounded, you become restless, and in that restlessness you cannot hear what is being said. Otherwise I am saying such simple things. The husband came home drunk again. His wife could not stand it. She screamed at him, "If you don't stop this damnable drinking, I am going to kill myself!" The hapless husband retorted, "Promises, that's all I get...
... around her neck, blood and a head in one hand, and many hands holding weapons to kill. She is the consort of Shiva, and Shiva is Lying down and she is standing on his chest. When for the first time Westerners started to think about this symbol, they were puzzled: "Why? And why do you call this woman 'mother'? She looks like death!" But Hindus say that the mother also has death in her, because...

... she gives birth, then who will give you death, the opposite? The mother gives you birth, then she will give you death also. This has to be so. Kali, the mother, is both dangerous, destructive and creative. She is the mother, the creative force, and she is also death, the destructive force. She loves Shiva but she is standing on his chest as if ready to kill. But this is the nature of life. Love...
...; he is not under house arrest but under protection, because his own people are against him and they may kill him, or they may enter the palace, they may burn the palace. So the Indian government says, "The military is there to protect him from his people." And he goes on saying that he is under house arrest and he is not allowed to go out. This is what is happening to everybody. You are...

... nearer, to know, to watch, to judge. They have not even seen me. They will not recognize me if suddenly they come across me. But they would like to kill me. What has happened to them? A deep fear - the volcano inside and the ego is sitting on top of it. And they are afraid to come near. Even to hear they are afraid; to read, they are afraid, because, who knows, you may be caught in the trap. So it is...
..., unroofed several houses, sucked a couple of wells dry, and scattered a few barns around. No bigger catastrophe had hit the town in years. So, figuring, "Now is our chance," his assistants got down the sixty-point type from the shelf and set up a sensational front-page headline with it. Two days later the editor came storming into the office. "Great Jehosaphat!" he shouted. "What...

...... A lovely but rather flat-chested young woman visited a physician for her periodic physical examination. "Please remove your blouse," the doctor told her. "Oh no," the young lady protested. "I just couldn't!" "Come, come," the doctor replied. "Let us not make mountains out of molehills." But in love that is what happens - people start making...
... nobody to punish you. If you move against the Law you are punished by your own act. It is just as if you are trying to get through a wall, then you hit your head. It is not that God is sitting there ordering the wall to hit this man's head! Foolish! There is no need for any God - if you move against the Law, you suffer. So if you suffer, know well that you are moving against the Law. If you feel happy...

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