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Found: 2871 articles, showing 710 - 720
..., we believe it will begin with some kind of worldwide economic disaster. Not a complete crash, but enough to allow them to introduce some kind of in-between currency before they introduce their electronic cash to replace all paper or plastic money. The in-between currency will be used to force anyone with savings to spend or turn in their cash because they understand that people who have money and...

... are not dependent upon them might be the very ones who will mount an insurrection against them. If everyone is broke, no one can fund a war of any kind: paper currency will cease to exist. This is one of the first signs. But to implement the worldwide electronic money system, everyone in the world who might have money in the future, will have to have a way to transfer money electronically. Before...
... enlightened blesses you, any desire is bound to be fulfilled. Existence can never say no to the enlightened consciousness. For the enlightened man, existence is always 'yes'; there is a deep synchronicity. So the people who gathered around Meher Baba were not seekers, they were people who wanted position, power, money, prestige - all the wrong kinds of people. And because he was engaging people in wishful...

... they will not give that food to Ethiopia or to India or to any other country where people are starving and dying. Nobody cares about human beings; everybody cares about money. These money-minded people cannot be called sane: that food has to be destroyed; otherwise the market prices will fall, and they don't want their prices to fall. They want their prices to remain stable, so the food has to be...

... and that takes money. Just to save that money, they were giving it to Libya. But President Ronald Reagan started going insane against Libya for no reason at all, bombed the poor country, bombed Kadaffi's three houses, killed one of his daughters - for no reason at all - and pressured Europe so that all the supplies that they were giving to Libya would be stopped. Mountains of butter collected in...
... remind you, I am not a businessman. For the simple reason, I don't have even a bank account anywhere in the world. I don't have even pockets in my robe. I have not touched money for fifteen years. I remained in America for five years, but I have not seen a dollar bill. How can you call me a businessman? Perhaps you may have heard that I have ninety-three Rolls Royces. In fact, I don't have even a Honda...

... Royce, but being a miser he could not manage. At least when he dies we should bring a Rolls Royce to carry his dead body to the cemetery." The second son said, "You are just being stupid. For a dead man what difference does it make whether you are carrying him in a Rolls Royce, or in a Ford? It doesn't matter. The dead man is dead. He will never know the difference. Why waste money?"...

...; The third man said, "Even Ford will cost money. My suggestion is, we should phone to the municipal corporation, and they can bring their truck in which they go on throwing beggars and others into the cemetery. A dead man is dead, whether he is your father or your mother, it does not matter." Before the fourth was going to speak, the old man somehow managed to sit up in the bed and said...

..., "Wait! Just find out where my shoes are." They said, "But what you are going to do with shoes. You were going to die." The man said, "I am still alive. Just give me my shoes. I will walk to the cemetery. You are all for wasting money." Now this man, what do you think? If he dies he is going to be born, his whole life he must have repressed thousands of desires, even at...

... the point of death he is concerned about money. A man of meditation dies without any desires. He dies in silence. Hence there is no question of his being born in another form. And a man of meditation knows that death is a lie, that death has never happened; it only appears from the outside. You see somebody dying, from the outside, but you don't know that is happening inside the man. His inner being...
..., "Your mind is simply upside down. Just find a man!" I tried many people. Whomever I spoke to, he said, "Forget all about it. Why should I get involved in trouble?" But I managed to persuade one of my servants, because I told him, "You see, she has so much money. The husband has left much money. You cannot earn that money in many lives. Money, a ready-made beautiful girl...

... married to this rich man you have become rich. Don't forget, just two years before you were almost a beggar. He was earning then - he was never a beggar." And from her somehow my grandfather managed to get the name, and the servant was gone. When I tried to ask where he had gone, where he had been sent, nobody answered. I have never again seen the servant. They must have just given him some money...
... is getting into debt: nine million dollars he has spent on traveling. The last time he went to Australia, just two days before him the British queen had also gone to Australia. More money was spent on the pope's visit to Australia than on that of the queen of England. And these are the people who say, "Blessed are the poor." But finally, the Polack pope died and went to heaven with pomp...

... removed from office, the whole Catholic hierarchy and bureaucracy turned against that intelligent man. In the whole history of Christianity, perhaps he was the only pope who had some intelligence, some humanity, some understanding. At the same time, he ordered an investigation into the Vatican bank which would have shown that the bank was laundering hundreds of millions of dollars of Mafia heroin money...

... every year. These are your religious institutions. The Vatican bank itself, which is under the pope, is nothing but the greatest Mafia organization. Hundreds of millions of dollars of heroin money... They go on talking and preaching against drugs, while behind the curtain they are dealing in drugs themselves. He also ordered a meeting to announce that the church supported birth control. He was really...

... promoted Marcinkus, the head of the Vatican bank, to Archbishop, and made him part of his personal group. This is the man who was running all the Mafia heroin money through the bank. In 1982 Archbishop Marcinkus was involved in a huge financial scandal after an Italian bank collapsed. One of his business friends was found hanged beneath a London bridge. And another colleague, who was in jail on charges...

... interfere in the Vatican. And the pope was hiding the man inside the Vatican; the arrest warrant was waiting outside. These are your religious leaders. The Polack pope also strongly reprimanded priests around the world for their involvement in politics, but he himself ordered one hundred million dollars of Vatican money to go to the Solidarity group in Poland who were fighting the communist government. I...
... the money currents amounts to an instinct. His establishment in one country represented another base from which the members of his race could operate. Whether by the natural outworking of innate gifts, or the deliberate plan of race unity and loyalty, all Jewish trading communities had relations, and as those trading communities increased in wealth, prestige and power, as they formed relations with...

... suffer, and the nation that yielded to them their fullest desire was favored by them. And it is credibly stated that they have made certain nations feel the power of their displeasure. This system, if it ever existed, exists in greater power today. It is today, however, threatened as it has never been. Fifty years ago, international banking, which was mostly in control of the Jews as the money brokers...

... of the world, was on top of business. It exercised the supercontrol of governments and finance everywhere. Then came that new thing, Industry, which expanded to a degree unguessed by the shrewdest prophets and analysts. As Industry gathered strength and power it became a powerful money magnet, drawing the wealth of the world in its train, not, however, merely for the sake of possessing the money...
..., landowners and the like; they have money and money's worth. There is no doubt that these fugitives had leading positions in the Bolshevik régime, perhaps they were commissars, or even 'judges' on the 'Blood and Inquisition courts' of the so-called 'Tschreswytschaika' or short 'Tscheka' — their purses and pockets are filled, not with worthless paper money — for they themselves have...

... manufactured that, millions and billions of it, which they have thrown before the Christian brood, the 'goies' — no, filled with money and precious jewels that no more show traces of blood and tears, but shine and glitter the same as in those happy hours of their rightful owners. "But the people over there (in Russia. — Ed.) are awakening; they wonder about the source of all this terror. The...

... resemble the kind you see in the States. They have nothing in common with the other people. They have money, plenty of it, and they seem to think this ship is a floating pedlar's cart and tobacco store. They come up the gangway and wave British five-pound notes in the air, offering them for a carton of cigarettes. Or they have gold watches that they will trade for a few pounds of soap. From the looks...
... now been introduced, namely, a form of money to which the title 'credit' had been given." The debts of the French Kingdom though substantial were by no means insurmountable, except in terms of gold: and had the King's advisers decided to issue money on the security of the lands and real wealth of France, the position could have been fairly easily righted. As it was the situation was firmly gripped...

... money, the more so as we have removed gold from circulation as far as possible." And Again:- "Loans hang like a Sword of Damocles over the heads of rulers who . . . come begging with outstretched palm." No words could describe more aptly what was overtaking France. Sir Walter Scott in his Life of Napoleon, Vol. 1, thus describes the situation:- "These financiers used the government as bankrupt...

... intended in future to finance U.S. loans on a debt free basis similar to the debt free money known as "Greenbacks," with which he had financed the Civil War. Previous · Contents · Next ...
... sophist teacher, Zeno... and he was not just a sophist, he was a genius. It is unfortunate that his genius became associated with sophistry because that was prevalent. You pay him money and he can prove anything -- anything in the world. You just say it, he has a price for it. He proved strange things which logicians have not been able to disprove even now, after two thousand years, and whatever he has...

... proof. This question was asked by one king, thinking that Zeno would not be able to prove this -- and he was ready to give any amount of money if Zeno should prove that the arrow does not move. Zeno proved that the arrow does not move, and even up to now there is no way to disprove him. His argument is that for movement, the arrow has to go from point 1 to point 2 to point 3 to point 4; obviously it...

... understand that competition is meaningless. You have to meditate deeply and recognize that you are not like anybody else. And competition can be only among similar people -- and everybody is dissimilar, unique. Once the competitive mind disappears, many things change in you; then you are not jealous. If somebody has a beautiful face and somebody has more money, and somebody has a more powerful body, you...

... simply accept the fact that a few trees are tall and a few trees are small. But existence accepts them all. The disappearance of competitiveness will also help you to get rid of greed. People go on accumulating -- they want to be in a better position than you, with more money than you, with everything better than you. And their whole life is wasted in that. Purification is almost going through a fire...
... the view of R. Simeon b. Gamaliel, who maintains: Abortions take no possession of their graves.25  He therefore teaches us [otherwise].26 Come and hear! 'The surplus [of a collection] for the dead must be used for [other] dead,27  but the surplus [of a collection] for a [particular] deceased person belongs to his heirs'?28  — This refers to a case [where the money was] collected...

...] because they might be confused with the vestments of the dead.4 Come and hear! 'One may not put money in a bag which was made to hold Tefillin.5  But if one [incidentally] put Tefillin in a bag, he may afterwards put money therein'?6  — Let us put it thus: If a man made it [for Tefillin] and placed Tefillin therein, it is forbidden to put money in it: and this is in accordance with R...

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