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... money is in its internationalism. It stretches a chain of banks and centers of financial control across the world and plays them on the side of the game that favors Judah. This center was, and for the moment is, in Germany, at Frankfort-on-the-Main, but feverish anxiety now accompanies the fear that it may have to be moved. Destiny is overtaking the Jewish World Power. The gold which is their god...

...; they were money-lenders to nations whose representatives they had corrupted to seek the loans. They did business precisely on the plane of the money-lender in the side street who induces the rich man's son to borrow a large sum, knowing that the father will pay. That is scarcely banking. Brains of that sort may "get" money, but will not "make" money. The deposit banking of the...

..., deciding the duration of the war and the hour of so-called peace, these groups constitute a danger which no one doubts after once having clearly seen it. Men who can thus manipulate money in time of war can do so in time of peace. The United States is living under some of that peace manipulation now. The reader of the Protocols is much impressed by the financial notes that are sounded throughout their...

... proposals. The Jewish defense against the Protocols, that they were written by a criminal or madman, is intended only for those who have not read the Protocols, or who have overlooked the financial plans they offer. Madmen and criminals do not coolly dissect one money system and invent another, as do the Protocolists. It will be worth while, in view of the sidelights that these articles have thrown on the...

... money question, to recall some of the forecasts and plans made in these most remarkable documents which have been attributed to the Wise Men of Zion, the world leaders of the inner council. "When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of the revolutionary party; when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse." So wrote the great Jewish...

... loans by the land banks. It is necessary for industry to deplete the land both of laborers and capital, and, through speculation, transfer all the money in the world into our hands. . . . . "To destroy Gentile industry, we shall, as an incentive to this speculation, encourage among the Gentiles a strong demand for luxuries, all-enticing luxuries." There is the Idea &mdash...

...; Extravagance and Debt support the Jewish money-lender's power. He does not lend to build industry, but to drain it. Independent industrial or agricultural wealth menaces his rule. Industry must be curbed by speculation; speculation must be encouraged by extravagance; an industrious people soon works itself free of its debt slavery; therefore invent new excitements to keep it in debt. Entice people from the...

... are worth transcribing here: "You know that the gold standard destroyed the governments that accepted it, for it could not satisfy the demand for currency, especially as we removed as much gold as possible from circulation." Whether the first statement is true remains to be seen; the others are demonstrably true. The gold in the ground and the gold that is money is under Jewish control...

..., and they withdraw it when they will. The stupid so-called "Gentile" says, "Why should they withdraw it? They cannot make any money that way!" Once again remember the distinction: it is not a matter of "making" money but of "getting" it; panics are more quickly profitable than is a long period of prosperity for men whose commodity is money. Indeed, men who deal...

... in money as a commodity and on the Jewish plan, lose their prestige if prosperity continues too long. The banker who is a banker, who lives to serve industry and the community — he profits by prosperity, but not so the money sharks. "We created economic crises for the Gentiles by the withdrawal of money from circulation. Mass capital stagnated, money was withdrawn from use by the various...

... governments, and they in turn were obliged to turn back to the capitalists for loans. Such loans naturally embarrassed the governments owing to the payment of interest charges, and made them subservient to the capitalists. . . . ." The withdrawal of money from circulation will create panics; everyone knows that. Such withdrawal of money is within the decision of a very small group of men...

.... Here in the United States we have been for a long fifteen months witnessing such a withdrawal and its effects. The word went by wire across the land, setting a date. On that date values began to crash all over the country, and honest bankers tried to help, while others who knew the game profited hugely. As shown in the last article, money was withdrawn from legitimate use, that it might be lent to...

... money speculators at six per cent, who in turn lent it to desperate people at rates as high as 30 per cent. No intelligent person will attempt to explain such events on the ground of natural law or of honest practice. These things occurred in this country within recent days. It is the "elastic" system, you know, with the public as a monkey on one end of the "elastic." A splendid...

... and borrowing. And its creditors are constantly discounting their obligations and are putting it into worse hands than ever. Even the Liberty Bonds are almost passed out of the hands of the people into the hands of Jewish fiscal agents who "get" money out of the necessities of the people who sell and out of the necessities of the government which borrowed. And if all signs do not fail, we...

... historically true, whether it will prove prophetically true or not. Compromising loans and interest are Jewish devices, historically Jewish. Practically and at present the Jew prefers not to borrow except in such a way as to place all business risks on other people's money while he keeps his own safely, and the payment of interest is an abomination to him. These statements of the Protocols have at least...

... confiscation of money in order to regulate its circulation." (3) "We must introduce a unit of exchange based on the value of labor units regardless of whether paper or wood are used as the medium. We will issue money to meet the normal demands of every subject (citizen), adding a total sum for every birth and decreasing the total amount for every death." (4) "Commercial paper will be...

... bought by the government, which, instead of paying tribute on loans as at present, will grant loans on a business basis. A measure of this character will prevent the stagnation of money, parasitism and laziness, qualities which were useful to us as long as the Gentiles maintained their independence, but which are not desirable to us when our kingdom comes." (5) "We will replace stock...

... government organizations are costly, it is necessary to raise money for maintenance. Consequently, it is necessary to study carefully in this particlular the problem of checks and balances." (2) Kinds of taxes to be raised: (a) "The best method of taxation is to establish a progressive tax on property." (b) The receipt of purchase money or an inheritance will be subjected to a progressive...

... stamp tax." (c) "Any transfer of personal property, whether in money or other form of value . . . ." (d) A luxury tax — "the latter will be taxed through the medium of a stamp impost." The rich are to be taxed in proportion to their wealth: "A tax on a poor man is the seed of revolution and it is detrimental to the government which loses the big...

... will be regarded as the financial support of the government and the exponents of peace and prosperity. The poor will realize that the rich are paying the money necessary to attain these things." This was written at least as early as 1896. How many forms of taxation have come precisely as here outlined! How illuminating also the following remark: "Money should circulate; and to hinder free...

... circulation has a fatal effect upon the government mechanism, which it lubricates. That thickening of the lubricator may stop the correct functioning of the whole machine. The substitution of a part of money exchange by discount paper has created just such an impediment." Remember that when next you hear the Jewish plan that "Gentiles" shall do business with their own bits of paper, while...
..., with money, with ambition. Live it - because that is the only way to know it. Go into the deepest hell the world can make available to you, know it - because only by knowing is one liberated. And then, suddenly a light will dawn on you. You will see the whole absurdity of it. And you start returning home; then you start returning towards the source. For thirty-five years go into the world, and then...

... greed. And if you talk about anger, that is not his problem. if you talk about sex, that is not his problem. You will be surprised to know: greedy; people have no sexual problem. That's why Marwadis have to adopt children. Greedy people don't have sex-energy: their whole energy moves into greed. Money becomes their love object: they don't care a bit about women. So if you tell a Marwadi to take the...

... vow of celibacy, he will be ready; it is not difficult. But don't tell him about renouncing his money or wealth: that is his problem. A politician does not bother much about women; his whole thrust, his sexual thrust, is his politics. He wants to reach Delhi, Moscow, Washington; his whole energy is involved in that. His ambition is his sex. He wants to penetrate the capital, the capital is his woman...

... is seducing them into neo-sannyas. And to help people somebody has put a notice on his door; that's how this question has arisen. Somebody has put a notice on Paritosh's door: Office of the Grande Seducer of the Oldies - just to help people, so those who want to find the office can find it easily. The sixth question: Question 6: WHAT IS YOUR ATTITUDE TO MONEY? I have lived without money, I have...

... lived with money, and I have one confession to make: it is always better to live with money than without. Money is useful. One should not be used by it, that's all. I'm not against money; it should be used. It is a good, utilitarian invention. It helps. It is tremendously useful; but use it, don't be used by it. Money should not be your master; you should be the master, that's all. And if you have to...

... choose, then my suggestion is: always choose to be with money. I am not saying that you will be more happy; I am saying only that you will have more choice to choose your misery according to your heart. A poor man has not much choice: he has to be miserable, whatsoever the misery happens to be. A rich man has much more choice. The poor man has to suffer in a limited way. The rich man suffers...

... trying to choose to live with money or without, I would say to live with money. it will give you more experience, it will bring you to God sooner - because you will be tired sooner. A poor man is never tired of money, remember. Because he has no money - how to be tired of something you don't have? A poor man always hankers and desires and dreams about money. Only a rich man is finished with money. In...

... fact, that is the definition of a rich man: one who is finished with money, he is the rich man. he has known, he has seen what money can give. And now he would like to have something more that Money can never give. I am not saying money can give you God, or peace, or happiness. But there are foolish people... One MAHATMA came to see me a few years ago, and he said, "I have renounced money...

... because through money you cannot have bliss." But I said, "Who told you, in the first place, that you will have bliss? Through money you can have a beautiful house. Who told you that you will have bliss? Who has told you that you will have happiness? You will have a big car." There are foolish people who expect that through money bliss is going to happen. Then they become disillusioned...

... one day. Money is not wrong; their illusion, their projection, was wrong. Money is not at fault. If you go and try to squeeze oil out of sand, and oil does not come out of it, will you say that the sand is at fault? You were foolish, you were stupid. In the first place, who had told you that by squeezing sand you would get oil? Money cannot give you bliss, cannot give you peace, cannot give you God...

..., cannot give you paradise. But to come to know this, one has to have money. Then you become clearly aware of what money can give and what money cannot give. When a person has known what money can give, his efforts start moving beyond the money, beyond the world. Money is a beautiful invention, one of the most important inventions man has ever made, next only to language - the first is language, the...

... second is money. These are the two most important foundations for civilization, society, culture. I am not against it; I am simply saying what money can give and what money cannot give. If you are thinking that by hoarding money, one day suddenly you will become meditative, then you are a fool. Not bye hoarding money are you going to become mediative. And remember, not by renouncing money are you going...

... to become meditative. These are both foolish people. First they think that through money they will get God, then one day they think that by renouncing money they will get God - but in both cases they remain money-oriented. God has nothing to do with money. You can have God with as much money as you want, and you can have God without money, without as much money as you want. God has nothing to do...

... with money. A rich man can become meditative, a poor man can become meditative. But my understanding is thins: that if a poor man wants to become meditative, he will need TREMENDOUS intelligence - because he will have to see the futility of money which he does not have. He will need tremendous intelligence. Kabir must have been tremendously intelligent - I think more intelligent than Buddha and...

... Mahavir. My reason for saying so is this: Buddha had money, Mahavir had money. If they became fed-up, it is simple, it is logical. It is as simple as "two plus two are four." If Buddha had not renounced the palace, then it would have proved only one thing: that he was stupid. If he renounced, that does not prove that he was very greatly intelligent, that simply proves an average intelligence...

.... But Kabir, Christ, Mohammed - they are more intelligent people. They didn't have money, they didn't have anything, and still they became aware that money is useless. They didn't have a great kingdom, and without having it they renounced it. They must have been very sharp people, tremendously alert. They could see through things that they didn't have. Their transparency, their clarity, was tremendous...
... Babylonian Talmud: Baba Mezi'a 42         Previous Folio / Baba Mezi'a Contents / Tractate List / Navigate Site Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Baba Mezi'a Baba Mezi'a 42a MISHNAH. IF A MAN DEPOSITED MONEY WITH HIS NEIGHBOUR, WHO BOUND IT UP AND SLUNG IT OVER HIS SHOULDER1  [OR] ENTRUSTED IT TO HIS MINOR SON OR DAUGHTER AND LOCKED [THE DOOR] BEFORE THEM, BUT NOT PROPERLY, HE...

... IS LIABLE, BECAUSE HE DID NOT GUARD [IT] IN THE MANNER OF BAILEES. BUT IF HE GUARDED IT IN THE MANNER OF BAILEES, HE IS EXEMPT. GEMARA. As for all, it is well, since indeed he did not guard it in the manner of bailees: but if HE BOUND IT UP AND SLUNG IT OVER HIS SHOULDER — what else should he have done? — Said Raba in R. Isaac's name: Scripture saith, and thou shalt bind up the money in...

... thine hand2  — even if bound up, it should be in thy hand.3 R. Isaac also said: One's money should always be ready to hand,4  for it is written, and thou shalt bind up the money in thy hand. R. Isaac also said: One should always divide his wealth into three parts: [investing] a third in land, a third in merchandise, and [keeping] a third ready to hand. R. Isaac also said: A blessing is...

... it is said, The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy hidden things. Samuel said: Money can only be guarded [by placing it] in the earth.10  Said Raba: Yet Samuel admits that on Sabbath eve at twilight the Rabbis did not put one to that trouble.11  Yet if he tarried after the conclusion of the Sabbath long enough to bury it [the money] but omitted to do so, he is responsible...

... [if it is stolen]. But if he [the depositor] was a scholar, he [the bailee] might have thought, He may require the money for habdalah.12  But nowadays13  that there are money-diviners,14  it can be properly guarded only [by placing it] under the roof beams. But nowadays that there are house breakers,15  it can be guarded only [within the void spaces] between bricks. Raba said...

... not required. And how much [is necessary]? — Said Rafram of Sikkara:24  one handbreadth. A certain man deposited money with his neighbour, who placed it in a cot of bulrushes.25  Then it was stolen. Said R. Joseph: Though it was proper care in respect to thieves,26  yet it was negligence in respect to fire: hence the beginning [of the trusteeship] was with negligence though its...

... deposited money with his neighbour. On his demanding, 'Give me my money,' he replied, 'I do not know where I put it.' So he went before Raba, [who] said to him: Every [plea of] 'I do not know' constitutes negligence: go and pay him. A certain man deposited money with his neighbour, who entrusted it to his mother; she put it in her work basket and it was stolen. Said Raba: What ruling shall judges give in...

... justified in not burying the money, as the scholar might require same for wine. The practice of reciting habdalah at home was not widespread; v. Ber. 331. [In the third century, when Babylonia entered upon its bitter struggles with the Romans for the possession of the rich lands of the Euphrates; v. Krauss, op. cit., p. 415.] Lit., 'sounders', who can sound the earth to discover cavities where money may...

... be hidden. Who break through the beams. Who by rapping at the wall can discover its cavities and treasures. Asheri a.l. observes that all this held good only in the days of Samuel and his successors, when rappers, diviners, etc. were to be feared. Nowadays, however, we do not fear all this, and it is sufficient if a bailee puts the money entrusted to his charge in the place where he keeps his own...

... placing money in the earth. If the leaven is covered by less, a dog can smell it. A town S. of Mahuza. So Jast. Rashi: in a fowler's trap. Who would normally not think of looking there for it. V. supra 36b. Because if a bailee entrusts the deposit to another he is responsible. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference Baba Mezi'a 42b 'All who deposit do so with the understanding that the wife and...

... children [of the depositary may be entrusted with the bailment].' Shall we say to his mother, 'Go and pay:' she can plead, 'He did not tell me that it [the money] was not his own, that I should bury it.' Shall we say to him, 'Why did you not tell her?'1  he can argue, 'If I told her it was mine, she was the more likely to guard it well.' But, said Raba, he must swear that he had entrusted that money...

... to his mother, and his mother must swear that she had placed that money in her work basket, and it was stolen. Then he [the bailee] is free. A certain steward for orphans2  bought an ox on their behalf and entrusted it to a herdsman. Having no molars or [front] teeth to eat with, it died.3  Said Rami b. Hama: What verdict shall judges give in this case? Shall we say to the steward, 'Go...

... loss, it would be even so. But we treat here of a case where the orphans suffered no loss, because the [first] owner of the ox was found and they received their money back from him.5  Then who is the plaintiff? — The owner of the ox, who pleads that he [the steward] should have informed him. But what was he to inform him? He knew full well that it was a sale under false pretences! &mdash...
... MONEY TO JEHOIARIB AND THE TRESPASS OFFERING TO JEDAIAH etc. Our Rabbis taught: Where he gave the trespass offering to Jehoiarib and the money to Jedaiah the money will have to be brought to [whom] the trespass offering [is due].5  This is the view of R. Judah, but the Sages say that the trespass offering will have to be brought6  to [whom] the money [is due].7  What are the...

... circumstances? Do we suppose that the trespass offering was given to Jehoiarib during the [time of the] division of Jehoiarib and so also the money was given to Jedaiah during the [time of the] division of Jedaiah? If so, why should the one not acquire title to his and the other to his?8  — Said Raba: We are dealing here with a case where the trespass offering was given to Jehoiarib during the...

... [time of the] division of Jehoiarib and [so also] the money was given to Jedaiah during [the time of] the division of Jehoiarib. In such a case R. Judah maintained that since it was not [the time of] the division of Jedaiah,9  it is Jedaiah whom we ought to penalise, and the money has therefore to be brought to the [place of the] trespass offering,5  whereas the Rabbis maintained that as it...

... was the members of the Jehoiarib division that acted unlawfully7  in having accepted the trespass offering before the money,10  it is they who have to be penalised and the trespass offering accordingly should be brought6  to the [place where] the money [is due].7 It was taught: Rabbi said: According to the view of R. Judah, if the members of the Jehoiarib division had already...

....15 It was taught: Rabbi said: According to R. Judah, if the trespass offering was still in existence, the trespass offering will have to be brought16  to [whom] the money [is due]. But is R. Judah not of the opinion that the money should be brought to [whom] the trespass offering [is due]?17  We are dealing here with a case where e.g. the division of Jehoiarib has already left without...

..., however, having made any demand,18  and what we are told therefore is that this should be considered as a waiving of their right in favour of the members of the division of Jedaiah. Another [Baraitha] taught again: Rabbi said: According to R. Judah, if the trespass offering was still in existence, the money would have to be brought to [whom] the trespass offering [is due].19  But is this not...

... the ram of the atonement whereby an atonement shall be made for him,24  thus implying25  that the money must be paid first. One of the Rabbis, however, said to Raba: But according to this reasoning will it not follow that in the verse: Ye shall offer these beside the burnt offering in the morning26  it is similarly implied27  that the additional offering will have to be...

... the husband's brother, Keth. 75a. [H] two bodies, (Rashi); last. 'with a load of grief'. So that irrespective of any undesirable consequences whatsoever it was an advantage to her to become betrothed to 'the person she hath chosen to dwell together'; cf. Rashi a.l. I.e. to Jehoiarib. To Jedaiah. V. p. 642, n. 7. At least so far as the division of Jedaiah accepting the money is concerned; why then...

... did R. Judah order the payment to be taken away from Jedaiah and handed over to Jehoiarib? That Jedaiah accepted the money. V. p. 642, n. 8. Before the money was paid, in which case the trespass offering becomes disqualified. To whom the money was paid and not by Jehoiarib who accepted the previous trespass offering. I.e., of the Jehoiarib division. I.e., to the disqualified trespass offering. V. p...

.... 646, n. 16. V. p. 648, n. 6. V. p. 648, n. 5. For the money accepted by Jedaiah. To Jehoiarib. Regarding the money and the trespass offering. And the money should thus remain with Jedaiah. Even from Jedaiah (during his time of service) for the trespass offering accepted by Jehoiarib. I.e., the money will be handed over to Jehoiarib who will sacrifice the trespass offering when their time of service...
... Frankfurt which he shares with the Schiff family 1786 The Bavarian government publish the details of the "Illuminati," plot 1788 Kalmann (Carl) Mayer Rothschild is born 1790 Mayer Amschel Rothschild states: "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws" Julie Rothschild is born 1791 The Rothschilds' get, "control of a nation's money". Government debt and inflation soar...

... Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies." David Pappen, President of Harvard University, lectures on the influence "Illuminism" is having on American politics and religion Nathan Mayer Rothschild leaves Frankfurt for England, where with a large sum of money given to him by his father, he sets up a banking house in London 1800 The Bank of France is set up. Napoleon: "The hand...

... that gives is among the hand that takes. Money has no motherland, financiers are without patriotism and without decency, their sole object is gain" Salomon Mayer Rothschild marries Caroline Stern 1806 Napoleon: "to remove the house of Hesse-Cassel from ruler-ship and to strike it out of the list of powers" On hearing this, Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau, flees Germany, goes to Denmark and entrusts...

... back to colonial status" 1812 Backed by Rothschild money, and Nathan Mayer Rothschild's orders, the British declare war on the United States The Rothschilds' plan is to cause the United States to build up such a debt in fighting this war that they have no option but to surrender to the British Mayer Amschel Rothschild dies. In his will he lays out specific laws that the House of Rothschild are to...

... On the stolen money Nathan made no less than four profits 1815 The five Rothschild brothers work to supply gold to both Wellington's army (through Nathan in England), and Napoleon's army (through Jacob in France), and begin their policy of funding both sides in wars The Rothschilds love wars because they are massive generators of risk free debt Risk free, because the victor will honour the debts of...

... and Rothschild do a massive bonds seloff At the seloff climax, Rothschild begins to buy it all back, making a killing on the highest quality, government guaranteed paper When news comes out about the war, the Rothschild end up making 20 times more money on their investment scam Nathan Rothschild openly brags that he made 2500 times more money compared to hist startup capital The ownership of these...

..., Nathan Mayer Rothschild swears that some day he or his descendants will destroy the Tsar Alexander Ist's entire family and descendants 1816 The American Congress pass a bill permitting yet another Rothschild dominated central bank, which gives the Rothschilds' control of the American money supply again 1818 Rothschild agents purchase vast amounts of French government bonds causing their value to...

... increase Then they dump the lot on the open market causing their value to plummet and they step in and take control of the French money supply 740 Khazaria Khazaria - 740 (Click on map) In 740 A.D. in a land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, known as Khazaria, a land which today is predominantly occupied by Georgia, but also reaches into Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, and Romania...

... be born just over 1,000 years later in Germany, a man named Bauer, who would spawn the Rothschild dynasty. He would not live to see this dynasty usurp the wealth of the world through deception and intrigue, which they would finance through the vast riches they accumulate as they usurp the wealth of the world by gaining control of the world's money supply. He would not live to see his people demand...

... England for the purpose of lending money to the Crown. Britain had paid her way as she went until the Jew arrived." 1694 The deceptively named, "Bank of England" is founded. In fact it is a private institution founded by Jews The deceptively named, "Bank of England," is founded. It is deceptively named as it gives the impression it is controlled by the Government of England when in fact it is a private...

... institution founded by Jews. In his book, "The Breakdown of Money," published in 1934, Christopher Hollis explains the formation of the Bank of England, as follows. William III William Paterson "In 1694 the Government of William III (who had come in from Holland with the Jews) was in sore straits for money. A company of rich men under the leadership of one William Paterson offered to lend William £1,200,000...

... years Following four years of the Bank of England, the Jewish control of the British money supply had come on in leaps and bounds. They had flooded the country with so much money that the Government debt to the Bank had grown from its' initial £1,250,000, to £16,000,000, in only four years, an increase of 1,280%. Why do they do it? Simple, if the money in circulation in a country is £5,000,000, and a...

... money in circulation with the £15,000,000 they sent out into the economy. Stage two of the plan This causes inflation which is simply the reduction in worth of money borne by the common person, due to the economy being flooded with too much money, an economy which the Central Bank are responsible for. As the common person's money is worth less, he has to go to the bank to get a loan to help run his...

... business etc, and when the Central Bank are satisfied there are enough people with debt out there, the bank will tighten the supply of money by not offering loans. This is stage two of the plan. Stage three, is sitting back and waiting for the people in debt to them to go bankrupt, then seize from them real wealth, businesses and property etc, for pennies on the pound Stage three, is sitting back and...

... waiting for the people in debt to them to go bankrupt, allowing the bank to then seize from them real wealth, businesses and property etc, for pennies on the pound. Inflation never affects a central bank, in fact they are the only group who can benefit from it, as if they are ever short of money they can simply print more. 1744 Mayer Amschel Bauer, an Ashkenazi Jew, is born in Frankfurt, Germany Mayer...

... Amschel Bauer On February 23rd, Mayer Amschel Bauer, an Ashkenazi Jew, is born in Frankfurt, Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house. Moses Amschel Bauer places a red hexagram sign above the entrance door to his counting house. This sign is translates into the number 666) Moses Amschel Bauer places a red sign above the entrance door to his counting...

.... Rothschild becomes close associates with Prince William, and ends up doing business with him and members of the court Rothschild subsequently becomes close associates with Prince William, and ends up doing business with him and members of the court. He soon discovers that loaning money to governments and royalty is far more profitable than loaning to individuals, as the loans are bigger and they are...

... tithes (taxes) and also removes the Church's exemption from taxation. 1790 Mayer Amschel Rothschild states: "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws" Mayer Amschel Rothschild states. "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws." Julie Rothschild is born On May 1st, Julie Rothschild is born. 1791 The Rothschilds' get, "control of a...

... nation's money". Government debt and inflation soar The Rothschilds' get, "control of a nation's money," through Alexander Hamilton (their agent in George Washington's cabinet) when they set up a central bank in the United States called the First Bank of the United States. This is established with a 20 year charter. Within the first five years of the life of this central bank, the American Government...

... sum of money given to him by his father, he sets up a banking house in London At the age of twenty-one, Nathan Mayer Rothschild leaves Frankfurt for England, where with a large sum of money given to him by his father, he sets up a banking house in London. 1800 The Bank of France is set up. Napoleon: "The hand that gives is among the hand that takes. Money has no motherland, financiers are without...

... patriotism and without decency, their sole object is gain" In France, the Bank of France is set up. Napoleon would soon see that a free France would mean a country free of debt, and he subsequently states,. "The hand that gives is among the hand that takes. Money has no motherland, financiers are without patriotism and without decency, their sole object is gain." Salomon Mayer Rothschild marries Caroline...

... status." 1812 Backed by Rothschild money, and Nathan Mayer Rothschild's orders, the British declare war on the United States Backed by Rothschild money, and Nathan Mayer Rothschild's orders, the British declare war on the United States. The Rothschilds' plan is to cause the United States to build up such a debt in fighting this war that they have no option but to surrender to the British The...

... Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau had entrusted to Mayer Amschel Rothschild for safekeeping, the Jewish Encyclopaedia, 1905 edition, Volume 10, page 494, gives the following account of where it ended up. "According to legend this money was hidden away in wine casks, and, escaping the search of Napoleon's soldiers when they entered Frankfurt, was restored intact in the same casks in 1814, when the...

... elector (Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau) returned to the electorate (Germany). The facts are somewhat less romantic, and more businesslike." This last line indicates the money was never returned by Rothschild to Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. The encyclopaedia goes on to state. "Nathan Mayer Rothschild invested this $3,000,000 in, gold from the East India company knowing that it would be needed for...

... Wellington's peninsula campaign." On the stolen money Nathan made no less than four profits Furthermore, on the stolen money Nathan made "no less than four profits". On the sale of Wellington's paper which he bought at 50 cents on the dollar and collected at par. On the sale of gold to Wellington. On its' repurchase. On forwarding it to Portugal." 1815 The five Rothschild brothers work to supply gold to both...

... instructs his workers to purchase all the consuls they can lay their hands on. When news comes out about the war, the Rothschild end up making 20 times more money on their investment scam When the news comes through that the British had actually won the war, the consuls' rocket up to a level even higher than before the war started, leaving Nathan Mayer Rothschild with a return of approximately twenty to...

... one on his investment. Nathan Rothschild openly brags that he made 2500 times more money compared to hist startup capital In fact, Nathan Rothschild openly brags that in his seventeen years in England he has increased his initial £20,000 stake given to him by his father, 2500 times to £50,000,000.. The ownership of these bonds, or consuls, gives the Rothschild family complete control of the British...

... care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets" "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." The Rothschilds' also use their control of the Bank of England to replace...

... Rothschilds' control of the American money supply again The American Congress pass a bill permitting yet another Rothschild dominated central bank, which gives the Rothschilds' control of the American money supply again. This is called the Second Bank of the United States and is given a twenty year charter. This of course means the end of the British war against America with the deaths of thousands of...

... increase. Then they dump the lot on the open market causing their value to plummet and they step in and take control of the French money supply On November 5th they dump the lot on the open market causing their value to plummet and France as a whole to go into a financial panic. The Rothschilds' then step in to take control of the French money supply, in a similar way to their manipulation of the British...
... said: 'Come, let us divide the head too.' 'What! Shall I not receive even as much as before?' exclaimed he. 'Until now', he [R. Eleazar] replied, 'the money was [altogether] mine; had I not given you a little more [than half], It would have looked like usury. Now, however, we are partners: what will you plead? I have worked rather more? But people say 'The average aris binds himself to the landowner...

..., the local usage here is to breed [until fully grown], and we learnt: Where it is the usage to breed, they [the young] must be fully bred.24 Two Cutheans25  entered on a share partnership.26  Then one went and divided the money without his partner's knowledge. So they came before R. Papa.27  Said he to him [the plaintiff]: What difference does it make? Thus did R. Nahman rule: Monies...

... he is only entitled to his own half, and no more. Samaritans. As in the case of breeding, one investing the money, and the other trading with it. This shews that though by this time Jews regarded them as Gentiles, they nevertheless submitted to Jewish jurisdiction. For last year you upheld his dividing without my knowledge, but now disallow mine without his. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible...

... full weight, but not if some are good, and others of full weight.3 R. Hama used to hire out a zuz for a peshita per day.4  [As a result] his money evaporated.5  Now he argued, [Wherein does it differ] from a spade?6  But the analogy is false: the self-same spade is returned, and its depreciation is assessable; whereas the self-same coins are not returned, nor can their depreciation be...

... estimated.7 Raba said: One may say to his neighbour, 'Take these four zuz and lend money to so-and-so,'8  [because] the Torah forbade only usury which comes from the borrower to the lender. Raba also said: One may say to his neighbour, 'Here are four zuz, and persuade so-and-so to lend me money.' Why so? He merely receives a fee for his talking; just as Abba Mar, the son of R. Papa, used to take...

... balls of wax from wax dealers, and then persuade his father to lend them money. But the Rabbis protested to R. papa: Your son enjoys usury. He replied: Such interest we may enjoy: the Torah forbade only interest that comes from the borrower [direct] to the lender; but here he receives a fee for his talking, which is permitted. MISHNAH. ONE MAY ASSESS COWS, ASSES, AND ALL ANIMALS WHICH TOIL FOR THEIR...

... was, nevertheless, ruled that if one assesses a cow for his neighbour, and says to him, "Your cow is charged to me at thirty denarii,18  and I will pay you a sela' per month," — it is permitted, because he did not assess it as money.' But did he not? — R. Shesheth said: He did not assess it as money whilst alive, but only in case of death.19  R. papa said: The law is: For a...

... ship, both hire and loss [is allowed], - To Next Folio - Original footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files That the litigant doubts my impartiality. Hence there can be no question of unfair division of money, as there may be in respect of wine. Some coins of particular mint were preferred to any others for current use; they were considered 'good'; on the other hand, money-changers, who...

... assessed them by weight, preferred those of full weight. Now, if all are 'good' or of full weight, one partner himself may make the division; but if some are 'good' and the others of full weight, they are not accounted as already divided, since some prefer the first and others the second. I.e., instead of calling it lending, he hired out money, as one hires any other commodity. [Such an arrangement was...

... not without advantage to the borrower, as it exempted him, in the same way as any other hirer, from responsibility in case of an unpreventable accident befalling the money, v. infra 93b (cf. Tosaf.)]. V. infra 71a; the penalty for usury is that one's wealth disappears. One may charge for hiring a spade; why not for hiring out money? Even if by chance the same coins should be returned. Though the...

... lender thus receives interest. V. supra p. 398, n. 7. V. p. 399, n. 10. This is discussed in the Gemara. In consideration of a loan for stock. In the first case, the money is expended on the field itself and therefore it is the equivalent of renting a better field, and hence worth more, notwithstanding that the 200 zuz must be separately repaid. But here the capital value of the shop and ship is not...

... increased; therefore the money advanced for stock is an ordinary loan, and the higher rental constitutes interest. In each case the money is expended in the shop or ship itself and therefore permitted. I.e., one may hire a ship at the lessee's risk in case it is damaged or sunk. I.e., the two together should be forbidden. For if the ship be assessed and the lessee accepts all responsibility, it is as...

... though he had borrowed money to its value, and the rent is usury. [H] (V. B.B. Sonc. ed. p. 206, n. 3) I.e., one may not accept a business on a profit sharing basis, whilst guaranteeing the investor absolute safety of his money, like 'iron sheep', which cannot come to harm. For if the investor's money is secured, it is a loan, on which he receives half profit as interest. Because one may receive from...
..., WHAT IS YOUR MESSAGE IN SHORT? Parinirvana -- better known in the commune as Paribanana -- Buddha's message in short is: Be a light unto yourself. And mine? Be a joke unto yourself! The sixth question: OSHO, WHY AM I ALWAYS THINKING OF MONEY? What else is there to think about? Money is power. Everybody else is thinking of money, don't be worried. Even those who are thinking of the other world... they...

... have different coins but they are also thinking of money. Money represents power, with money you can purchase power. Your saints are also thinking of money -- they call it virtue. By virtue you can purchase a better house in heaven, a better car, a better woman. A few people are not that greedy, they are thinking only of the money that is current in this world. A few people are more greedy, they...

... think of the other world. And if you are thinking of virtue to attain to paradise, what is it except money? A man stops thinking about money only when he starts living in the present. Money is the future; money is security for the future, a guarantee for the future. If you have a good bank balance your future is safe. If you have a good character, even life after death is safe. The whole world is...

... thinking in terms of money. Those who think in terms of power politics are thinking in terms of money, because money is nothing but a symbol for power. That's why you can go on accumulating more and more money, but the desire never leaves you to have still more -- because the thirst for power is unlimited, it knows no end. And people are thirsty for power because deep down they are empty. Somehow they...

... want to stuff that emptiness with something -- it may be money, power, prestige, respectability, character, virtue. Anything will do; they want to stuff their inner emptiness. There are only two types of people in the world: those who try to stuff their inner emptiness, and those very rare precious beings who try to see the inner emptiness. Those who try to stuff it remain empty, frustrated. They go...

... have the right way of seeing it. You see it through the mind; that is the wrong way. If you put the mind aside and look into your emptiness, it has tremendous beauty, it is divine, it is overflowing with joy. Nothing else is needed. Only then a person stops thinking about money, stops thinking about power, stops thinking about paradise -- because he is already in paradise, because he is already rich...

..., because he is already powerful. But ordinarily, Ramdas, it is not just to do with you; everybody thinks in some way or other about money. Two mothers were talking. One said to the other, "I haven't seen you in a long time. How is your son and what is he doing?" She replied, "My son is a famous actor in Hollywood and he's making a fortune. He just built a new home that cost three hundred...

... thousand dollars. What is your son doing?" Said the other mother, "My son is doing even better. He is gay and lives in Hollywood; he just moved in with an actor who has a three-hundred-thousand-dollar home." A young woman has decided to put aside some money for a rainy day and informs her husband that each time they make love she will expect him to put five dollars in the piggy bank. That...

... household, takes pity on him and gives him a hundred liras to visit the red-light district. When Sarah, the neighbor, sees Sammy running out of the house, she calls him, "Where are you running to like that? You look so very happy!" Sammy shows her the money and tells her that he is going to spend it on a beautiful young girl. "Give me the money!" proposes pretty Sarah. "You won't...

... regret it, you will see!" Rachel soon comes to know about it. Very indignant, she explodes, "The bitch! When she was pregnant last year, I did the same for Isaac, her husband, for nothing!" People are continuously thinking of money and money and money. It is nothing special to you, Ramdas, you are a normally abnormal person, as neurotic as everybody else. But please come out of this...

... neurosis. Live the moment, drop the future, and money loses its glamor. Live the moment with such totality and abandon, as if there is no other moment to come to you again, as if this is the last moment. Then all desire for money and power simply leaves you. If suddenly you come to know that today you are going to die, what will happen? Will you still be interested in money? Suddenly all desire for money...

... will leave you. If this is the last day, you can't waste it thinking about tomorrow, having more money in the world; there is going to be no tomorrow. Because we live in the tomorrows, money has become very important. And because we don't live, we only imitate others, money has become very important. Somebody makes a house, and now you are feeling very inferior. You were not at all dissatisfied with...

... your own house just a few days before, but now this man has made a bigger house: now comparison arises, and it hurts, it hurts your ego. You would like to have more money. Somebody has done something else, and your ego is disturbed. Drop comparing and life is really beautiful. Drop comparing and you can enjoy life to the full. And the person who enjoys his life has no desire to possess, because he...

... knows the real things of life which are worth enjoying cannot be purchased. Love cannot be purchased. Yes, sex can be purchased. So one who knows what love is will not be interested in money. But one who does not know what love is, is bound to remain interested in money, because money can purchase sex, and sex is all that he knows. You cannot purchase the starry night. One who knows how to enjoy the...

... night full of stars won't bother much about money. You cannot purchase a sunset. Yes, you can purchase a Picasso -- but one who knows how to enjoy a sunset will not be interested at all in purchasing a painting. Life is such a painting, such a moving, alive painting. But people who don't know how to see a sunset are ready to purchase a Picasso for millions of dollars. They will not even know how to...

... not be so much obsessed with money. The obsession is arising because we have forgotten the language of celebration. Hence money has become the only thing to brag about -- your life is so empty. I will not tell you to renounce money. That has been told to you down the ages; it has not changed you. I am going to tell you something else: celebrate life, and the obsession with money disappears...
... was lit17  on the Sabbath, all agree that it is forbidden [to handle it]; if a lamp was not lit therein, all agree that it is permitted. Rab Judah said in Rab's name: If a bed is designated for money, it may not be moved.18  R. Nahman b. Isaac objected: A NEW LAMP MAY BE HANDLED, BUT NOT AN OLD ONE. To Part b Original footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files Yet he may not...

... forbidden, even if money was not actually placed there. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference Shabbath 44b Now if a lamp, though made for that purpose, may be handled if it was not lit, how much more so a bed, which was not made for that purpose! Rather if stated, it was thus stated: Rab Judah said in Rab's name: In the case of a bed which was designated for money, if money was placed upon it,1...

...  it may not be handled; if money was not placed upon it, it may be handled. But if it was not designated for money, then if money is lying upon it [now], it may not be handled; if money is not lying upon it, it may be handled, provided that there was none upon it at twilight.2 R. Eleazar objected: As for its wheel-work, if detachable, it has no connection therewith, is not measured with it, does...

... not protect together with it in [the matter of] a covering above the dead, and it may not be rolled on the Sabbath if there is money upon it.3  Hence if there is no money upon it [now] it is permitted, though it was there at twilight? — That is according to R. Simeon, who rejects [the law of] mukzeh,4  whereas Rab agrees with R. Judah. - To Next Folio - Original footnotes renumbered...

.... See Structure of the Talmud Files Even on weekdays, and it was removed before the Sabbath. Yet it has thereby been set apart and employed for something (sc. money) that may not be handled on the Sabbath, and therefore may not be handled itself either. Before the commencement of the Sabbath. For if there was money upon it at twilight, it could not be handled then, and being interdicted then it...

..., it does not save them from uncleanness. For the body itself does not intervene, while the wheel-work has not a capacity of forty se'ahs, and it is not counted as part of the whole. The object which becomes unclean is technically called a tent or covering (ohel) of the dead. With respect to the last clause Ri explains: if it is not detachable it may be rolled even if money is lying upon it, because...

... the wheel-work is then only part of the carriage, whilst there is no money upon the body thereof, which is the chief portion. Nevertheless, since money may not be handled for any purpose whatsoever, he admits that the wheel may not be rolled when there is actually money upon it now. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference                    ...
... Babylonian Talmud: Baba Mezi'a 61         Previous Folio / Baba Mezi'a Contents / Tractate List / Navigate Site Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Baba Mezi'a Baba Mezi'a 61a now, since this is redundant in respect of money neshek, as it is already written, Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother,1  utilise the subject [to teach that the prohibition of] ribbith [applies...

... to] money.2  [From this] I know it only of the borrower:3  whence do we know it of the lender? Neshek is stated in reference to the borrower; also in reference to the lender:4  just as with respect of the neshek written in reference to the borrower, no distinction is drawn between money and provisions, neshek and ribbith,5  so also, in respect to neshek written in reference to...

... the lender, you must draw no distinction between money and provisions, neshek and ribbith. Whence do we know to extend [the law] to everything?6  From the verse, neshek of anything that is lent upon usury. Rabina said: There is no need of any verse [to teach] either that the prohibition neshek in respect of victuals, or of ribbith in respect of money, [applies to the lender]. For were it...

... written, 'Thy money thou shalt not give him upon neshek, and thy food upon marbith,' [it would be] even as you say.7  Since, however, it is written, Thy money thou shalt not give him upon neshek and upon marbith thou shalt not lend thy victuals,8  read it thus: 'Thy money thou shalt not give him upon neshek and upon marbith, and upon neshek and upon marbith thou shalt not give thy victuals.'9...

... renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files The object of the loan being unspecified, it must include money, particularly as the verse ends, neshek of anything for which there can be neshek. It is one of the methods of the Talmudic exegesis that if a verse is redundant in respect of its own subject, it is applied to some other. This verse is assumed to refer to the debtor, and thus translated: Thou shalt...

... not cause thy brother to take neshek, neshek of money etc. This follows because [H] is [H], causative; were the lender referred to, Scripture should have written [H]. Hence it teaches that if a borrower repays more than he receives, whether money or provisions, he transgresses two injunctions. Lev. XXV, 37. I.e., the prohibitions under neshek and ribbith apply to both money and food. To things which...

... are neither money nor food. For then the two clauses would be distinctly separated, neshek being related to money, and marbith to provisions. Literal translation with disregard of the accents. I.e., since neshek and marbith are coupled in the middle of the verse, they are both read with the first half of the verse, which treats of money, and with the second half, dealing with provisions. V. supra...

.... Since the Tanna deduces its applicability to the lender by a gezerah shawah, how can Rabina, an Amora, maintain that it is inherent in the verse itself, it being axiomatic that an Amora cannot disagree with a Tanna? V. p. 364. n. 4. Therefore the gezerah shawah teaches that the lender violates these injunctions, whatever he lends upon usury. Since the essence of all three is the taking of money (or...

... goods) to which one is not entitled, had one been prohibited, the others would have followed as a matter of course. Lit., 'novel'. It is a principle of exegesis that an anomaly cannot provide a basis of analogy for other laws. The thing stolen is taken against the desire of its owner. Since the money of which the victim is defrauded is given of his own free will. So the injury remains permanently. But...

... in robbery and usury the victim's forgiveness may wipe it out. Even in fraud, though the money is given of one's free will, still he does not consent to be defrauded. Lit., 'buying and selling'. I.e., by robbery or usury. But overcharging is sometimes a normal incident in trade, i.e., when one is particularly in need of an article, he may knowingly overpay. That robbery is prohibited, the...

... distinguished in Egypt between the first-born and one who was not a first-born;14  even so, it is I who will exact vengeance from him who ascribes his money to a Gentile and lends it to an Israelite on interest,15  or who steeps his weights in salt, or who [attaches to his garment threads dyed with] vegetable blue16  and maintains that it is [real] blue.'17 Rabina happened to be in Sura on the...

...: What is R. Johanan's reason?33  The Writ saith, He hath given forth upon usury, and hath taken increase: shall he then live? he shall not live: he hath done all these abominations:34  For it [this transgression] death is prescribed, but not return [of the money]. R. Adda b. Ahaba said: Scripture saith, Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy God:35  fear is prescribed, but...

.... XV, 38, 41); weights: Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have: I am the Lord your God which brought you out of the land of Egypt (Lev. XIX, 36). Though this, particularly where the child is a first-born on the father's and not on the mother's side, is not always known to man but only to God. Gentiles being permitted to take interest, Jews pretended that their money...

.... Lit., 'according to these words'. Lending a sum of money for a larger return is Biblically forbidden; but buying ahead, as illustrated in the Mishnah, was prohibited by the Rabbis. I.e., usury as defined in the first clause. Job XXVII, 17: i.e., if a man received interest, his heirs ('the just') are under no obligation to return it, but may put it to their own use. Surely not! If interest that is...
... ultimate that even if the whole world is against it, it makes no difference at all. You don't need any validity from anybody else. The last question: Question 4: BELOVED MASTER, WHY DO I ALWAYS FEEL THAT SEX AND MONEY ARE SOMEHOW DEEPLY CONNECTED WITH EACH OTHER? Nirmal, they are connected. Money is power; hence it can be used in many ways. It can purchase sex, and down the ages that has been the case...

... were numbered, and it depended on how much money you had. In fact, in the old days, that was the only way to know how rich a man was; it was a kind of measurement. How many wives has he? Now, Hindus, particularly ARYA SAMAJIS, criticize Hazrat Mohammed very much for having nine wives - and they don't think of Krishna who had sixteen thousand wives. And he is not an exception, he is the rule. In this...

... country, as in other countries, down the ages, the woman has been exploited - and the way to exploit is money! The whole world has suffered through prostitution, it degrades human beings. And what is a prostitute? She has been reduced to a mechanism, and you can purchase her with money. But remember perfectly well that your wives are not very different either. A prostitute is like a taxi, and your wife...

... is like your own car, it is a permanent arrangement. Poor people cannot make permanent arrangements, they have to use taxis. Rich people can make permanent arrangements - they can have their own cars. And the richer they are, the more cars they can have. I know one person who had three hundred and sixty-five cars - one car for every day. And he had one car made in solid gold.... Money is power, and...

... power can purchase anything. So, Nirmal, you are not wrong that there is some connection between sex and money. One thing more has to be understood. The person who represses sex becomes more money-minded, because money becomes a substitute for sex. Money becomes his love. See the greedy person, the money maniac: the way he touches hundred-rupee notes - he touches them as if he is caressing his beloved...

...; the way he looks at gold, look at his eyes - so romantic. Even great poets will feel inferior. Money has become his love, his goddess. In India, people even worship money. There is a particular day to worship money - actual money - notes and coins, rupees, they worship. Intelligent people doing such stupid things! Sex can be diverted in many ways. It can become anger if repressed. Hence the soldier...

... has to be deprived of sex, so that the sex energy becomes his anger, his irritation, his destructiveness so he can be more violent than he ever was. Sex can be diverted into ambition. Repress sex: once sex is repressed, you have energy available, you can channel it into any direction. It can become a search for political power, it can become a search for more money, it can become a search for fame...

..., name, respectability, asceticism, etcetera. Man has only one energy - that energy is sex. There are not many energies within you. And only the one energy has been used for all kinds of drives. It is a tremendously potential energy. People are after money in the hope that when they have more money, they can have more sex. They can have far more beautiful women or men, they can have far more variety...

.... Money gives them freedom of choice. The person who is free of sexuality, whose sexuality has become a transformed phenomenon, is also free of money, is also free of ambition, is also free of the desire to be famous. Immediately all these things disappear from his life. The moment sex energy starts rising upwards, the moment sex energy starts becoming love, prayer, meditation, then all lower...

... manifestations disappear. But sex and money are deeply associated. Your idea, Nirmal, has some truth in it. A wizened little client in a fancy whorehouse is heard shouting from the upper floor: "No! Not that way! I want it my way, the way we do it in Brooklyn. So quit it! Do it my way or forget it!" The madam climbs the stairs and erupts into the girl's room. "What is the matter with you, Zelda...

... different about it?" "In Brooklyn I get it for nothing." People can be so obsessed with money, as much as they are obsessed with sex. The obsession can be shifted towards money. But money gives you purchasing power and you can purchase anything. You cannot purchase love, of course, but you can purchase sex. Sex is a commodity, love is not. You cannot purchase prayer, but you can purchase...

... priests. Priests are commodities - prayer is not a commodity. And that which can be purchased is ordinary, mundane. That which cannot be purchased is sacred. Remember it: the sacred is beyond money, the mundane is always within money's power. And sex is the most mundane thing in the world. A man enters a modern Chicago whorehouse-nightclub run by the gangland syndicate which is now planning to...

... streamline its image. The whorehouse takes up various floors of a skyscraper hotel, and he is received by a lovely young receptionist in a sexy uniform, who sits him at a teakwood interview desk and asks how much money he wants to spend. She explains that prices range from five dollars up to one thousand dollars, depending on the quality and number of girls wanted. Everything is shown on the television...

...?" he asks at last. "Of course," says the receptionist. "Seventh floor - roof garden. One dollar a shot. Self- service." Money is certainly associated with sex, because sex can be purchased. And anything that can be purchased is part of the world of money. Remember one thing: your life will remain empty if you know only things which can be purchased, if you know only things...

... have traveled so far. In your own capital I have a follower who has attained to the same state, and he is so poor that he may be willing to sell it. I am not willing, because I don't need any money. You can see I am naked, I don't need any clothes, I am utterly satisfied - I don't have any needs, so what will I do with your money? Even if you give me your whole kingdom I am not going to accept it. I...

... had my own kingdom - that I have renounced. I had all that you have got!" And Bimbisara knew it, that Mahavira had had all and had renounced, so it was difficult to persuade this man to sell. Certainly, money meant nothing to him. So he said, "Okay, who is this man? Give me his address." And Mahavira told him, "He is very poor, lives in the poorest part of your city. You may...

... can die for you right now, I can cut off my head - but how can I give you my samadhi? It is not sellable, it is not purchasable - it is not a commodity at all. It is a state of consciousness. Mahavira must have played a joke on you." Unless you know something which cannot be sold and cannot be purchased, unless you know something which is beyond money, you have not known real life. Sex is not...

... beyond money - love is. Transform your sex into love, and transform your love into prayer - so one day even kings like Bimbisara may feel jealous of you. Become a Mahavira, a Buddha, become a Christ, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu. Only then have you lived, only then have you known the mysteries of life! Money and sex are the lowest, and people are living only in the world of money and sex - and they think...

... they are living. They are not living, they are only vegetating, they are only dying. This is not life. Life has many more kingdoms to be revealed, an infinite treasure which is not of this world. Neither sex can give it to you, nor money. But you can attain to it. You can use your sex energy to attain it, and you can use your money power to attain it. Of course, it cannot be attained by money or by...

... sex, but you can use your sex energy, your money power, in such an artful way that you can create a space in which the beyond can descend. I am not against sex, and I am not against money, remember it. Always remember! But I am certainly for helping you go beyond them - I am certainly for going beyond. Use everything as a step. Don't deny anything. If you have money, you can meditate more easily...

... than the poor person. You can have more time to yourself. You can have a small temple in your house; you can have a garden, rosebushes, where meditation will be easier. You can allow yourself a few holidays in the mountains, you can go into isolation and live without worry. If you have money, use it for something which money cannot purchase, but for which money can create a space. Sexual energy is a...

... is possible only through meditation, not through sex alone. Use sex, use money, use the body, use the world, but we have to reach God. Let God remain always the goal. Enough for today. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...

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