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Found: 3428 articles, showing 940 - 950

...;ALTHOUGH THIS MAN IS YOUNG, HE IS QUALIFIED FOR THE TRAINING." TOZAN RESPONDED, "THE VENERABLE SIR SHOULD NOT OPPRESS A GOOD MAN BY REGARDING HIM AS A WORTHLESS FELLOW." Tozan finally became himself a great master. He is saying that he will come - Ma Tzu will come - and he will not come alone. It was the habit of Ma Tzu that he is referring to. He always traveled with an enlightened...

... understanding. So he says, "ALTHOUGH THIS MAN IS YOUNG, HE IS QUALIFIED FOR THE TRAINING." TOZAN RESPONDED, "THE VENERABLE SIR SHOULD NOT OPPRESS A GOOD MAN BY REGARDING HIM AS A WORTHLESS FELLOW." He felt offended. He must have been thinking that he would be appreciated. But I agree with Nansen... there was a little truth in his understanding that 'he will come, but he will wait for a...

...; he is at the most saying that he is qualified for the training. TOZAN RESPONDED, "THE VENERABLE SIR, SHOULD NOT OPPRESS A GOOD MAN BY REGARDING HIM AS A WORTHLESS FELLOW." This destroyed the small truth that he has shown in saying, 'he will come, but he will wait for a companion.' You are not supposed to be offended by a master, for the simple reason that perhaps you deserved what you got...
... cross." Just look around, imagine everybody carrying his own cross... there are not even people to crucify them, because they are carrying their own crosses! The whole thing would be so hilarious. Existence never produces the same person again. Similarity is not the rule of this beautiful universe, but uniqueness. And the moment you accept uniqueness, you accept a tremendous respect for others as...

... they are. Let me say it in a different way. The moment you respect yourself as enlightened, you cannot do anything other than respect everybody as enlightened, as they are. There is no need for everybody to fit into a certain category. Enlightenment is not a category such that you have to eat the same kind of food. If there was a certain rule like this, rather than eating spaghetti I would have...

..., "The thing has to be decided here now: either you have to declare yourself a man or you have to declare yourself also a woman." Under the impact of Meera that poor priest had to accept, "I am also a woman." Meera said, "Then from now onwards the rule is changed. Only women can enter this temple. Those who think they are male, cannot enter." If you look into the lives of...

... these mystics, these enlightened people, you will not find any similarity. You will find only utter uniqueness. Sometimes they are so ordinary that you may not even recognize them. Sometimes they are so radiant that even those who are blind will see their light. But there is no general rule and there are no fixed characteristics. You don't have to fulfill certain ideals. My own approach is to take...
... categories: the "heads" and the "hands". That's actually how we divide people: the proletariat, the labourers are called the hands, and the bosses are called the heads. It is not coincidental, it is significant. The heads rule the hands, the heads dominate the hands. But there is no third category - the "hearts" - and the Master belongs to that third category which is almost...

... allow people to reach the truth. And soon that old guy will die and then my people will rule. They will be the priests, the high priests, and they will dominate for centuries." Your temples, your churches, your synagogues, your mosques are dominated by the disciples of the devil! Just watch with consciousness and you will see that all the priests have invisible horns and a tail. Look at their...
... are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents The Eternal Isle of Paradise 1. The Divine Residence 2. Nature of the Eternal Isle 3. Upper Paradise 4. Peripheral Paradise 5. Nether Paradise 6. Space Respiration 7. Space Functions of Paradise 8. Paradise Gravity 9. The Uniqueness of Paradise The Eternal Isle of Paradise (118.1...

... personality activities as the upper side, and the opposite surface as the nether side. The periphery of Paradise provides for activities that are not strictly personal or nonpersonal. The Trinity seems to dominate the personal or upper plane, the Unqualified Absolute the nether or impersonal plane. We hardly conceive of the Unqualified Absolute as a person, but we do think of the functional space presence...

... inner and the outer zones of the force center. It is believed by many that the mid-zone is the control mechanism of the midspace or quiet zones which separate the successive space levels of the master universe, but no evidence or revelation confirms this. This inference is derived from the knowledge that this mid-area is in some manner related to the functioning of the nonpervaded-space mechanism of...

... stages ultimata. (126.3) 11:8.7 3. Postgravity Stages (Universe Power). In this stage, energy-matter discloses response to the control of linear gravity. In the central universe these physical systems are threefold organizations known as triata. They are the superpower mother systems of the creations of time and space. The physical systems of the superuniverses are mobilized by the Universe Power...
... What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents The Corps of the Finality 1. The Havona Natives 2. Gravity Messengers 3. Glorified Mortals 4. Adopted Seraphim 5. Glorified Material Sons 6. Glorified Midway Creatures 7. The Evangels of Light 8. The Transcendentalers 9. Architects of the Master Universe 10. The Ultimate...

... influence can ever be brought to bear upon their policies, and their oath of allegiance is only to the Paradise Trinity. (346.1) 31:0.13 The finaliters maintain their own headquarters on Paradise, in the superuniverses, in the local universes, and on all the divisional capitals. They are a separate order of evolutionary creation. We do not directly manage them or control them, and yet they are absolutely...

... Havona Finaliters. 2. Gravity Messengers (346.7) 31:2.1 Wherever and whenever Gravity Messengers are functioning, the finaliters are in command. All Gravity Messengers are under the exclusive jurisdiction of Grandfanda, and they are assigned only to the primary Corps of the Finality. They are invaluable to the finaliters even now, and they will be all-serviceable in the eternal future. No other group...

... of these messengers. We know they are highly personal beings, divine, intelligent, and touchingly understanding, but we do not comprehend their timeless technique of traversing space. They seem to be competent to utilize any and all energies, circuits, and even gravity. Finaliters of the mortal corps cannot defy time and space, but they have associated with them and subject to their command all but...
... What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. The New Continental Land Stage The Age of Early Mammals 2. The Recent Flood Stage The Age of Advanced Mammals 3. The Modern Mountain Stage Age of the Elephant and the Horse 4. The Recent Continental-Elevation Stage The Last Great Mammalian Migration 5. The Early Ice Age 6...

... placental-mammalian world domination. The southern land bridge was extensive, reconnecting the then enormous Antarctic continent with South America, South Africa, and Australia. In spite of the massing of land in high latitudes, the world climate remained relatively mild because of the enormous increase in the size of the tropic seas, nor was the land elevated sufficiently to produce glaciers. Extensive...

... period ended. Even the mammals of large size and small brain soon perished. Brains and agility had replaced armor and size in the progress of animal survival. And with the dinosaur family on the decline, the mammals slowly assumed domination of the earth, speedily and completely destroying the remainder of their reptilian ancestors. (695.4) 61:2.6 Along with the disappearance of the dinosaurs, other...

.... Enormous herds of horses joined the camels on the western plains of North America; this was truly the age of horses as well as of elephants. The horse’s brain is next in animal quality to that of the elephant, but in one respect it is decidedly inferior, for the horse never fully overcame the deep-seated propensity to flee when frightened. The horse lacks the emotional control of the elephant, while the...
... his right to rule. But these false hopes were not to live for long. This mighty shout of the multitude had hardly ceased to reverberate from the near-by rocks when Jesus stepped upon a huge stone and, lifting up his right hand to command their attention, said: “My children, you mean well, but you are shortsighted and material-minded.” There was a brief pause; this stalwart Galilean was there...

... Capernaum Crisis Book Contents Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. At Jairus’s House 2. Feeding the Five Thousand 3. The King-Making Episode 4. Simon Peter’s Night Vision 5. Back in Bethsaida 6. At Gennesaret 7. At Jerusalem (1698.1) 152:0.1 THE story of the cure of Amos, the Kheresa lunatic, had already...

...: “Here is our king.” The wonder-working deliverer of Israel had come. In the eyes of these simple-minded people the power to feed carried with it the right to rule. No wonder, then, that the multitude, when it had finished feasting, rose as one man and shouted, “Make him king!” (1702.3) 152:3.2 This mighty shout enthused Peter and those of the apostles who still retained the hope of seeing Jesus assert...
... Christian religion and even the ringing of church bells. Civil war is not allowed to develop. The army is side-tracked, and kept apart from its King by his seizure at an early stage. So powerful is the unseen control by 1789 that apparently, the dregs of the French population victoriously liquidate all their natural leaders, in itself a most unnatural and suspicious phenomenon. More suspicious still is...

... another; to overthrow all leadership, and establish rule of the mob, apparently, in reality of course their own. Just in this manner do the Jews today plan to use the Red Army. Such a policy directed by aliens of this type could not long continue once a national army had thrown up a real national leader; their outlook and policy must inevitably be poles apart. It was not long before the First Consul...
... tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following: As for what you say that the King of Spain 3 obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that...

... your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power. (Signed) PRINCE OF THE JEWS OF CONSTANTINOPLE." The protocols given...
... nazirite's vow and abjure wine.7 [How is it that in enunciating the general rule,8  the Mishnah] mentions first 'substitutes' and then gives examples of 'allusions'?9  — Raba, others say Kadi,10  said: There is a hiatus [in the Mishnah] and it should read as follows: 'All the substitutes for the nazirite vow are equivalent to nazirite vows, and all allusions to the nazirite vow are...

... trappings. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference Nazir 2b With inheritance, again. the basic type of inheritance is dealt with first. Granted all this, [in the case of the nazirite vow] why should not the substitutes be enumerated first? — There is a special reason, viz., that [the rule regarding the efficacy of] the allusions is derived [from the scriptural text] by a process of inference1...

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