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Found: 3428 articles, showing 1850 - 1860
.... V. J.E. s.v. 'Dreams'. Heb., hilketha, v. next note. So Rashi and Ran on the basis of our text. Mishnah is the law in broad outline, which characterises the whole of our present Mishnah, as compiled by R. Judah I. Hilketha (halachah) (law, rule) would appear to connote here the Talmudic discussion thereon, i.e., the amoraic development of the Mishnah. For tanu ([H],) referring to amoraic teaching...
... literally. Gen. XLVIII. 5. The reference being to Ephraim and Manasseh, who were already born. I Kings XIII, 2. This verse was spoken in the reign of Jeroboam I. Biblically. Sc. 'born' and 'to be born'. Lit., 'the language of the sons of men', which applies nolad to those who are yet to be born. Which are spawned and hatched respectively. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference      ...
... throws [an article] and it comes to rest upon the branch,8  Rabbi holding, We say, cast the branch after its trunk;9  but the Rabbis maintain; We do not rule, Cast the branch after its stock? — Rather it is this [ruling of] Rabbi. For it was taught: If one throws [an article] from public to public ground, and private ground lies between: Rabbi holds him liable; but the Sages exempt him...
... does not amend his pleas in any way when in court, but after leaving the court comes In again and amends them, the rule that he may alter his original plea does not apply, because we assume that someone has suggested the amended plea to him. The Nehardeans [on their side] admit that if [after saying, 'It belonged to my father'] he pleads, 'my father who bought it from your father,' he is allowed to...
... presence of the occupier?4  [According to Samuel then,] what did Rab mean to teach us in this ruling? That [as a rule] a protest raised not in the occupier's presence is invalid?5  But [how can this be,] seeing that Rab has laid down6  that a protest raised not in the occupier's presence is valid? — Rab [in making this latter statement] was giving the reason of the Tanna of our...
... we to understand this? — R. Papa said: If for instance people call it, 'The field of so-and-so's well.' As R. 'Aha b. Awia was once sitting in front of R. Assi, he laid down the following rule in the name of R. Assi b. Hanina: A cistus hedge forms a partition in the estate of a proselyte. What is a cistus hedge? — Rab Judah said in the name of Rab: The plant with which Joshua marked the...
... is therefore equivalent to 'a roof with a parapet', or 'a roof chamber'. [So Rashb. R. Gersh. and Yad Ramah define it simply as a low-ceilinged upper storey. V. however Krauss, op. cit. I, 23, and Tosaf. 64a, s.v. [H]]. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference Baba Bathra 63b For what purpose is the new rule laid down by Resh Lakish?1  — [In order to tell us] that if the vendor...
... in possession of the money or article; in accordance with the rule, 'he who claims must produce the proof'. Lit., 'before'. The istira was a silver coin equal to a provincial sela or half a zuz. A perutah was a very small coin of the value of a hundred and ninety-second part of a zuz. Cf. Zuckermann, op. cit., 22f. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference          ...
... that [the reference is to] new wine upon grapes; and yet [are they not disqualified only] if it imparts a flavour?2  — No, [they are prohibited] however small the quantity be. Since, however, it states in the sequel: THIS IS THE GENERAL RULE: WHATEVER DERIVES ADVANTAGE [FROM YEN NESEK BY ITS] IMPARTING A FLAVOUR IS PROHIBITED; WHATEVER DOES NOT DERIVE ADVANTAGE [FROM YEN NESEK BY ITS...
... can't change. So simply allow the change if any comes. And if your body starts swaying, trembling, allow it, simply leave all control. Satdeepa. Sat means being, and deepa means light - the light of being. There are three lights possible in man. One light comes through concentrated thinking. Concentration functions as fuel, so a man who can think concentratedly has a certain light, but it is only on...

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