
Русская версия: Божий народ

Degenerates Rule The World!

Gregory Klimov Interview


Interview with Gregory Klimov, one of the most prominent High Sociology experts in the world, dedicated to his 80th birthday as presented in:

"Gods Chosen People",

by Gregory Petrovich Klimov,

Gold Library "Peresvet"

Russia, Krasnodar, "Peresvet" publishing, 2002

Copyright (c) 1999 G.P. Klimov

Translated from Russian

What is "power complex"?

Q: Gregory Petrovich, You have been working with a special type of people with Power Complex for almost 50 years What is "power complex ", "complex of ruler"? What is the root of this problem?

A: When close relatives get intermarried, then the children from such marriage will become degenerates. This is an old, well known fact. The Church forbids intermarriage back to 6th generation. But when the group of religious leaders supports such intermarriage, and, on the contrary, forbid the marriage outside the sect, then this sect, within 4-5 generations, will be full of degenerates.

Are you aware of any sect that forbids the mixed marriages and does it for the last 5000 years? - Correct. We all know this sect. Many legends posses extraordinary properties, such as insatiable desire to dominate, abnormal (clearly pathological) desire to be always on top, insatiable desire for power.

They (degenerates) feel like they are the "chosen people", "elite" (delusion of grandeur), but, at the same time, with this, they feel like they are the "persecuted" and "hunted" (the persecution complex).

All this is the alphabet truths. A kindergarten level.

Now, let us try to speak at the higher level, the level of HIGH SOCIOLOGY (DEGENEROLOGY), that I am working with for the last 50 years.

All the world rulers usually have the complex of power. This complex, usually, is a result of suppression of sadism, which, in its turn, is connected to latent homosexual tendencies. The complex of latent homosexuality of Lenin (complex of lea-der) was scrupulously studied by the CIA at the end of 40s - 50s [of 20th century].

The code name of this super secret research project is "The Harvard Project". It is at these facilities, working with a group of researchers of the Harvard University, I was introduced to this subject for the first time. Any person, in possession of such knowledge on this forbidden subject, can find a way to proceed in acquiring more power and get closer to the next generation of rulers, the same way as pawns in the world chess game.

It is self evident, that the leaders of a degenerate sect, knowing this problem as it as they feel it with their own skin, and practicing this game for the last 5000 years, will have a great advantage over those, who play this game without necessary preparation, groping in the darkness.

We all saw on TV the cases where 5-6 strong paramedical assistance could not control one frail madman. The energy produced by this insane individual, is the best illustration of what can be done by a single half-insane, sadistic idiot, possessed with desire for power. These kind of people are like the weapons of mass destruction.

At this junction, many know the main principles of the atomic bomb, but only a limited circle of the devotees have the necessary knowledge and skill, necessary for manufacturing of nuclear weapons, and, which is not less significant, will be able to deliver the nuclear head to its target.

The same thing is applicable to HIGH SOCIOLOGY, except that degenerates are more proficient at destruction of countries compared to nuclear weapons.

They are nearly as effective (but, at the same time, more lethal), as biological weapons.

The degenerates usually hate the normal people. They derive a genuine satisfaction to observe how one brainless sadistic leader-pervert, placed in position of power with their hand, starts a war against another brainless sadist-pervert, whom they placed in power, but as a head of another country.

Millions upon millions of normal people perish for the sake of entertainment and sadistic pleasure of the leaders of the degenerate sect.

So, you wish to ask me how is it done? This is done with the help of Masonry. Masons, Illuminati, Rotaries and so on (... our name is the legion, as we are many - answered the demon to him), are all clubs, where degenerates carefully observe the behavior of the potential candidates, and, if they see the presence of strong homo-sadistic tendencies in the candidate, they begin to actively promote such candidate closer to the levers of power and might.

Q: How could degenerates be identified?

A: Let us begin with trying to figure out what is degeneracy. First of all, the very term "degenerate" we always use as a purely medical term, and not as an offending word.

Those of you, who can not even tolerate this very term (and I met quite a few of those in my 50 years of experience, especially in the literary circles), could replace it with something like dying-out; they say it helps.

I repeat, in the world of our surrounding, the degenerate may turn out to be someone quiet, well educated professor of aesthetics at the local University. And so, degeneracy is a natural process, existing on the planet Earth for thousands of years. Degeneration is an intrinsic part of the life cycle. Birth, youth, maturity, old age, death. At the level of an individual, this process is well known to all of us and there is no need to explain it to anyone.

We shall talk here about degeneracy at the level of a clan (family).

Many historians, for quite some time, realized that the life cycle of the clans is very similar to a life cycle of a human being. It seems that God (Mother Nature, if you wish) provides every clan with approximately the same time period for existence on our sinful planet.

When some clan went through the period of maturity and entered the domain of the golden dawn of age, God (Mother Nature) rings the bell for the first time.

This bell ring tells the members of the clan that the time for this clan, here on this Earth, is coming to an end. It expresses itself as a turn-off of the normal drive to propagate with the help of natural sexual relationships.

If the clan listens the voice of God and remains childless or will adopt a child, then what awaits him is a golden old age. At this time, the clan usually achieves the financial independence and can begin to take part in various charity projects, such as sane art, sane science, sane literature. The members of such clan quietly enjoy the period of golden old age and, finally, part to another world, leaving the charity foundations they created as a reminder of their good deeds.

On the other hand, if it turns out to be disobedient clan, the one rebelling against God, then its members will ignore the voice of God and will attempt to delude no one less than God itself with the help of ways of reason. They will attempt to deceive God with the help of artificial insemination (made with finger), or fictitious marriage - to sleep with a woman, while, in their head, imagining they are sleeping with a man, or a dog, or their own mother (i.e. motherf..ker).

Or, they they will deceive God in following way - the wife, with agreement of a husband-degenerate (or without such permission), would go to a local pub and finds, as a one-night-stand, non suspecting healthy young man (travelling to heaven on someone else's cock).

As you can see, Russian people knew of these kind of people for quite some time and expressed its opinion about it all in many, difficult to understand, on the first look, sayings.

The members of this disobedient, God-robbing clan will being to support and finance the degenerate charity - degenerate art, degenerate science, degenerate literature. Using the mass media, they will begin convincing all that what they are doing is normal, and there is nothing wrong with it, and those, who do not understand this, are those, who fall behind times and became enemies of the world progress.

For such con men, God (Mother Nature), soon will find another bell ring. To perverted sexual tendencies, the mental diseases add.

If, after all this, the clan persists in its struggle with God, then there is the third, and final, bell ring, expressing itself in form of birth defects, such as withered-away-hand (Stalin), horse foot (Goebbels), a rabbit lip, wolf's mouth, cross-eyedness, and so on and so forth. Under the normal, primitive conditions, this guarantees the disobedient clan will leave the scene of historic events after one or two generations. Who, in his clear mind, would be willing to marry a cross-eyed, sadistic sexual pervert?

Three stages of degeneracy

So, there are three stages of degeneracy:

1. Sexual perversions.
2. Mental deceases.
3. Birth defects.

Now, as we introduced three stages of degeneracy, we can return to your original question as to how to identify degenerates. Well, it is VERY simple to identify them. Just look at the family tree of a particular clan. If you find that tree is healthy, if there are many new branches on it, and there are many new shoots spreading out (healthy children), then what you have in front of you is a normal, healthy human being.

On the other hand, if the family tree is dying out (many families without children), if it has many dry, dying out branches (suicide, mental diseases, deranged or abnormal children), then you are looking at a clan, that entered a golden age of dawn.

The only thing remains, is to find out what kind of a degenerative clan this is, well-meaning or God-robbing. This could be done quite easily also. Just look carefully what does this clan support in its surroundings. Does it spread the poison of decadence in art, science or literature, or it fights it with all its strength, supporting the sane art, sane science and sane literature [sane, in terms of healthy, normal, non psychotic].

Q: How many degenerates are out there in your opinion?

A: The statistics for the third stage of degeneracy (birth defects), and the statistics for the second stage of degeneracy (mental diseases) are available in the open press. You can find it yourself. The statistics of the first stage of degeneracy (sexual perversions) is not that easy to find. Let us take the data, published in the USA, by Dr. Wittels and Dr. Kinsey.

Dr. Wittels, in his work, titled "The Sexual Life of American Women", provides the following statistics:


20% had many lesbian relationships.
51% dreamt of lesbian relationships, going to the point of orgasm.


15% had many lesbian relationships.
32% dreamt of lesbian relationships, going to the point of orgasm.

Well, but how it turns out to be with men?

Dr. Kinsey provides us with following statistics:

4% had many homosexual relationships.
33% dreamt of homosexual relationships,
going to the point of orgasm.

The other scientific research gives is a different spread of data, but, most of it, is in the range of 33-50%. So, one person out of three (two), will fall into a category of first stage of degeneracy.

But, as soon as this data was analyzed according to professional occupation criteria, a quite interesting picture has developed:

5% - peasants (farmers).
10% - workers (factory).
50% - intellectuals.
75% - those, working in art and science areas.
90% - employees of mass media organizations.

This gives us a new look at the old idea of the class struggle. But the class struggle of not wealthy with poor, but of degenerates with normal people.

The New York Times paper published the results a study, conducted by the group of American scientists. They analyzed 78 of the greatest personalities in the entire history of mankind. It turned out that:

37% - had acute mental diseases throughout life.
83% - were obvious psychopaths.
10% - were slightly psychopathic.
7% - were normal people.

When the research data was narrowed down to 35 of the most genius representatives of the mankind in its entire history, it turned out:

40% - suffered acute psychic diseases.
90% - were psychopaths.

That is exactly the reason, there exists three 90% laws in degenerology of professor Igor Borisovich Kalmykov:

90% - of all serious crimes are related to degeneracy.
90% - of all diseases (excluding infectious) are related to degeneracy.
90% - of all geniuses in the history of man kind were degenerates.

I was studying this field for 50 years and, after spending all that time on research, I came to a conclusion:

degeneracy needs to be studied by the national security departments of all states without exception.

This is necessary so that we would never go to war, nation against nation, just for the sake of entertainment and sadistic satisfaction of the leaders of a degenerate sect.

I would also recommend to introduced the basics of degenerology into the high schools and the first years of college, so that the normal people would be able to know about existence of a huge class of degenerates and could make a correct choice while they are young in order to create a healthy family.

Q: But how do you know you are not a degenerate yourself?

A: In the previous question, we have discussed how do check for degeneracy with the help of a family tree. This is a simple an relatively simple self-test, available to practically anyone.

But there are special cases also. What to do if you are abandoned child and do not know your family tree? What to do if you are an adopted child, whom, in most of the cases, their degenerate pseudo-parents, simply would not talk about it (often, they do not even have this information available). These adopted children will be utterly convinced that they and their adopted parents are one family.

Among the class of degenerates, there are so many satanic combinations, that even the Satan himself will break his leg on it. For example, do you know that degenerates adopt a huge number of children? Hundreds of thousands a year.

These adopted children won't get married with the real children of degenerates (we already spoke of abnormal sexual relationships among the degenerates).

These adopted children, when the time comes to create their own families, will be seeking, seeking, seeking among their own degenerate friends and, at the end, will find another partner, who was also a normal, adopted child.

These new families would be 100% normal, but everything around them, including themselves, will be convinced, 100%, they are also degenerates, as they, foaming at their mouths, will defend all degenerate concoctions of their "parents" and friends.

So, you see how everything got complicated in a wink of an eye? That is why, all the rules and laws of Degenerology always talk about 90% and never 100%. Otherwise, the children and grand children of those "adopted couples" would cry out loud:

- Yes, we are 100% degenerates in a second, or even third generation! Just look at us! We are normal! Our children are normal! So, how do you explain this all to us, our dearest friend?

Well, very simply. Everyone can perform a quick and easy self-test. For all those, that fall into the 3rd stage of degeneracy (birth defects), and the 2nd category of degeneracy (mental diseases), it seems everything is clear. What remains to be seen, is whether you fall into the first category of degeneracy (sexual perversions).

In our progressive age, many sexual perversions, under pressures of degenerate propaganda in mass media (disinformation), became nearly a norm.

The position 69 is already recommended in schools in the USA as a good contraceptive measure. Many, out of category of normal people, started doing this.

So, how do we check ourselves on the subject of sexual perversions? Well, very simple actually. Try to do THIS in a normal way, as our fathers and grandfathers did age in, age out, "face to face, and the man on the top". Try several times. Without lies, without deceit. Do not try to imagine, when you have sex with your wife, that you have sex with some other man, or a dog, or a pig...

If the results of this self-test will be positive, there is nothing to worry about for you. You were simply brainwashed by degenerate propaganda and you got accustomed to doing idiotic things.

Even if the previous analysis of "your family tree" gave you a different result, it all means that you were not told that you are adopted child, or your parents were not told they were adopted children.

In case the result of a self-test on sexual perversions turn out to be negative, then let God help you to make the correct choice. But we will talk about this later.

Q: Why not assume we are all degenerates?

A: Your question reminded me of a story about one old prosti... God [play of words, meaning "forgive me, God], who, before her death, expressed her entire life philosophy with one phrase:

"The entire world is a whore house and all the people are"...

I would think, in the same way, could formulate their own view of life the thieves, alcoholics and drug addicts. They believe it all to the depths of their own hearts. They all believe that the whole world is just like them.

It is understood, there are thieves, forgive me God, alcoholics and drug addicts. But there are also many normal people. They build houses, roads, bridges and tunnels. They transport thousands of people in the air planes, trains and busses. They fly to cosmos. They constantly create.

There are so many normal people, that despite all the destructive energy of of the class of degenerates, they could not be destroyed, despite the fact that this war is going on for thousands of years. All the family clans with healthy families will be my witnesses.

Q: What do you think about the IMF (International Monetary Fund)?

A: The structure of power of degenerate class of the West is practically the same as was the structure of power of the Communist Party of the East. Any soviet organization, including the "Movement for Peace and Economic Cooperation", had many technical experts-referents. They usually occupied the lower echelons of the structure, and it would also include a relatively low number of high quality, patented communists in top management positions.

Can you imagine any soviet organization, where, in the top positions, there would be someone else but the members of the Party?

The same thing is applicable to the Western equivalent of the soviet COMINTERN-HOMINTERN - the international union of brotherhood of faggots-degenerates.

So, answering your question, I think that 90% of the leaders of the IMF must be patented degenerates.

The remaining members of this organization, such as ordinary technical personnel, I think, is sufficiently well trained [whipped-in] not to ask the inconvenient questions as to the nature of criminal decisions and a party line of their leaders.

Q: What do you think of Yeltsin and his team?

I think that all the debates regarding his activity are the result of people thinking as though Yeltsin and the degenerates he gathered around himself are working for the good of Russia. This is a very dangerous misconception. They are all just a gang of degenerates, who were placed to do exactly what they are doing, and rather successfully at that.

Their main task is to hunt down the economy, of the wealthiest country in the world, in the shortest possible time frame, so it ended up in the dead end street; to accumulate the biggest amount of national debt, at loan sharking rates, as possible, and to spend all that money on the most idiotic projects nobody needs; completely destroy the defense capabilities of the country; to break anything that can be broken; but most importantly, to chase the future generation into the debt slavery for eternity. I would think, they were able to accomplish their task they were given quite successfully.

And, when they will cut to pieces the last Russian submarine, then, you all shall know the true face of Western democracy, that is under the foot of the leaders of degenerate sect for a long, long time.

Q: Is it possible to have a normal government in Russia?

A: Your question regarding the government of Russia (or, for that matter, the government of any other country or state) has brought us to the second part of our discussion about the degenerate ones.

In the first part, we learned that there exist a large class of degenerates, a fact, absolutely unknown to normal people. In the second part of this discussion, we shall show that the class of degenerates is not homogeneous. The degenerates may be GOOD, BAD or DISGUSTING.

Once again, I would like to point out that the term degenerate is used here as a pure medical term (to die-out) and should not be perceived as an insulting word. For example, Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky was obviously a degenerate. His abnormal sexual life and the absence of children make it abundantly clear. Despite of this, he was creating the most amazing music, and was a quiet and well educated person. His music was not decadent and he did not promote the agenda of decadence in music or art. At the same time, as I said, he did not have children. All this allows us to classify him as GOOD degenerate.

Yes, you can ask me: What does it have to do with anything when you talk about absence of children? You see, even the father and the mother were GOOD degenerates, and they created a lot of good in their lives, constantly fighting the demons, and there is no guarantee of any kind their children will continue their work. Just the opposite, the children of degenerates completely destroy all that good, their parents were able to manifest, and, furthermore, they continue to pursue this destructive course to the very end.

Do you remember the famous book by Etel Lillian Vionovitch, "OVOD"? The father was arch-bishop, and his son was a revolutionary, and all of that ended up in tragedy. This is a typical history. That is why the child-less-ness (celibacy) is a very important criteria to classify someone as GOOD degenerate. As soon, as we realize this, we can proceed to your question regarding the normal government.

Is it possible for a human with normal, just like everybody else's, muscles on his legs to participate and win in running competition? Yes, he can. At the level of the school team. Yes, he can participate, and even win, at the level of town or city. Yes, he can participate, but has no chance to win at the level of a country or state. And he has no chance to even participate at the world level, and we aren't even talking about the ability to win.

Do you understand what am I leaning toward? Only a man with over-developed muscles of his legs has a chance to win in competitions of the level of a country or on the global level.

The same principles are applicable to free wrestling ... for power.


As they say, certain matter [shit] will always float toward the surface.

So, the class of degenerates is not homogeneous. There are GOOD degenerates, BAD ones, and DISGUSTING ones.

GOOD degenerates will always remain our friends. In the government, they will forever fight with DISGUSTING degenerates as policemen forever fight with the criminal elements.

BAD degenerates in the government will be making it look like there is nothing going on. They will even attempt to stop the DISGUSTING degenerates at the time of their attacks on the normal men.

DISGUSTING degenerates usually begin with attack on GOOD degenerates, as GOOD degenerates, just as a defense system in the body, could quickly recognize and disable the DISGUSTING degenerates.

Once GOOD degenerates in government are suppressed, the DISGUSTING degenerates immediately start a full scale attack against a class of normal people.

In the Marxist-Leninist philosophy, this process is called the law of unity and struggle of the opposites as a fuel for the engine of progress. A thousand years before them, the Romans formulated this law as:


So, how do you know which kind of degenerates rule your country?

Well, by the same method we find out if there is a cat under your bed at home. We will wave the paper mouse, tied to a thin thread, and will see what kind of reaction we get.

Let us wave with our paper mouse in front of the government we are testing...

How does this government react on the movement of rights of homosexuals?

How does this government react on the death sentence to degenerate-criminals?

How does this government defend the interests of the class of the blue-color workers of this country?

How does this government defend the interests of the parasitic class of degenerates?

Simple questions. Simple answers. Simple text.

The same methodology could be applied to any other structure - science, art, army, press, TV...

This test will give you a clear picture of which departments in your government are totally occupied by DISGUSTING degenerates, that are stagnating under the directions of BAD degenerates, that are under control of GOOD degenerates, who fight with force, saving and protecting themselves, and, at the same time, the entire class of normal workers from the ferocious attacks of DISGUSTING degenerates.

I am often asked, is there a possibility for the normal people to come to power?

My answer to this question: Theoretically, YES. But in practice, if normal person comes to power, he won't stay there for long.

"To live with the wolves, you have to howl like a wolf".

Q: What do you think about those, who struggle for the "purity of blood"?

A: God Almighty hates racism of any kind. God Almighty hates the very idea that some peoples will call themselves the "chosen peoples". This is racism in the worst manifestation of it.

Read Douglas Reed. His monumental work, "ZIONIST DEBATES", covers this subject really well, and to my opinion, it would be really useful for some of our priests to introduce themselves to this work, before they sing praises toward Old Testament.

Any person, that is trying to protect "purity of blood" with the help of mixed marriages with normal people of other nationality, is risking the speeding of the process of degeneracy of his own nation. Especially, if this is a small nation.

Let me accentuate it one more time: We are talking about marriages between the normal people.

Q: What do you think about the arousal of a "NEW NATION"?

A: Let us imagine that someone decides to bring all the members of degenerative sect to one place, lets say the island Madagascar. (Ah, but they DID have such a project at the end of 30s. Dig up some archives. Very interesting subject.)

There will be degenerates from the USA, RUSSIA, CANADA, ETHIOPIA, IRAQ, ENGLAND, FRANCE...

Sooner or later, they will start intermarrying. What do you think would be the result of such marriages? Normal children?

That is my answer to your question regarding the marriages between the members of a degenerate sect and creation of a "NEW NATION" of workers.

Utterly different problem arises when they try to mix the blood between the members of a degenerate sect and local (pygmy) population. You see, it is difficult for degenerates to continue their own blood line. Thus, the term DE-GENERATES, the OUTCAST.

Simply stating, their sexual habits are well expressed in Russian swearing slang [which is rooted in term 'mother']. They are literally doing all that, which teens speak of in the entry ways [to their buildings].

In similar ways, once a degenerate decide to marry a local pygmy, the normal person will not be able to participate for a long time in his pathological orgies. Only the newly baked local degenerate-primitive will satisfy him.

Remember, we were speaking of the effect of a "sucking sponge" and the effect of a "global sewage system".

The degenerative sect, like a sponge, sucks-in all the freshly-baked local degenerates-primitive people. They are working like a global sewage system, constantly gathering all the defecation of all the nations of the world.


About the only way to get out of this vicious circle is not to beget the children or to adopt a child, but this is a subject of a separate discussion.

Q: How are you doing as far as religion goes?

A: My religion... But why does it bother you on the first place? Read my books. All the seven of them. Formulate your own opinion instead of listening to your degenerate friends.

But, if you mean religion as a subject, then it is a different story. As I said before, degeneracy is an inseparable part of a life cycle. This process is going on for thousands of years. It was simply called something else before.

When a new, freshly baked degenerate begins to understand that he is different from other normal people, he has a choice. He can become GOOD, BAD, or DISGUSTING [degenerate]. Lets us look at this on a simple example. When a young sadistic homo-teen begins, for the first time, sense the demons of degeneracy

impulses of domination,

he can:

1. Join the local street gang (or create one of his own) and begin to rob and kill the local normal people.

2. Join the police academy. To become a policeman and to begin to murder and attack the local members of the criminal structures.

Do you see the difference? The same thing is applicable to religion. Once the young homo-teen sensed the presence of destructive demons of degeneration, he can join any monk brotherhood, where the brothers, as a rule, are very experienced in the processes of degeneration, will help him to fight these demons.

The monk brotherhoods accumulated thousands of years experience in fighting this evil.

Do you know what I am talking about here: fast, prayer, hard physical labor, silence, but the most important, celibacy (not getting married).

Only those brothers, who will pass through the many years of test in their struggle with demons of degeneration, will be promoted to more responsible positions in the church hierarchy (at the very least, it was this way before).

Who, if not them, know what we are talking about here? They all felt it with their own skin. The priests of the majority of religions know about degeneracy very well.

They are those, who help the local, freshly baked pygmy degenerates to make the right decision: to make the right choice between God and Devil. When the priest listens to confession, he pays little attention to small sins, but, as soon, as he discovers any indications of degenerate behavior, he immediately starts a detailed discussion with the youth and, simultaneously, he highly recommends to join the local brotherhood.

I repeat once again, this is all a big oversimplification, but I think it will help you to outline the general scope of the problem and its resolution. This is GOOD.

On the other hand, the homo-teen may join the local clubs of degenerates (Illuminati, Masons, Rotary and so on), that were created by the leaders of a degenerate sect for the purpose of directing the destructive energy of local degenerate-pygmies against the normal people, and against the normal structures of the States.

This would be DISGUSTING.

But what is BAD in that case?

BAD would be when this teen will not follow God (brothers), won't follow the leaders of the degenerate sect (THIS WOULD BE DISGUSTING), but, instead, will attempt to deceive God itself with the help of marriage on a normal human being, thus, destroying all the dreams about the happy family and healthy children.

Q: What is your opinion on Masonry?

A: Illuminati, Shriners, Masons, Theosophists, Anthropomorphists and so on (...our name is legion, as there are many of us - answered demons to Him), all these are the clubs for the people, who think of themselves as being the "chosen people", special people, oppressed and persecuted by bureaucracy, Church, academic circles, or any other normal governmental structure. They are all waiting for their hour to get even.

Depending on their profession, they join one of the degenerate club. Sure, there will always be some curious fools around, the on-lookers, who will serve as a cover, screen, decoration. The true goal of these degenerate clubs is to find out who are the active homo-maniacs, who will not stop under any circumstances in order to crawl to power.


Q: Do you think there is world conspiracy?

A: World conspiracy... You see, degenerates are like the microbes of a plague. They kill the healthy human organism, but also perish with it.

Degenerates are like AIDS viruses. They attack and destroy the defense mechanisms of the organism and lead to its death. Are microbes engaged in conspiracy to kill a healthy body? Do they have a plan of attack on defense mechanisms? I don't think that the microbes and viruses would engage in a world conspiracy against the healthy people. They simply destroy and kill according to their nature. They are incapable of doing anything different. Such is their nature.

Nevertheless, if someone would start installing containers with the microbes of plague in the strategic locations, such as the metro stations, the airports and railroad stations in order to make as many people ill or dead, do they have any kind of plan?

If someone places degenerates to the strategically important positions in mass media, television, education system, army, do they have any kind of plan? Would YOU give me an answer to this question yourself?

Q: Do you think that Mr. X is a degenerate?

A: My dear friends, all the normal people of the Earth, please, read carefully this discussion from the top and my books.

Even if some reader feels himself as a degenerate, he always has a choice:

He can become good, bad or disgusting.

On the other hand, many members of degenerate sect think fallaciously that they are also degenerate. Many of them were adopted children, or their own parents were adopted children. In any case, 90% of the greatest people in the history of the mankind were degenerates.

So, what are you trying to say then, that the Mr. X is from the same company? Please, be very careful with degenerates and Degenerology. As I warned you before, this is very effective weapon, as effective, as biological, but, at the same time, it is as dangerous. Will you start experimenting with plague bacteria at home after one or two days of education in a biology lab?

Study this science thoughtfully, carefully. Take your time on contemplating things you read here and, in no case, rush to conclusions. Me, personally, begin to consider a human bio-negative, degenerate only after he himself demonstrates it to me in action. Several times.

As a rule, an average person need to demonstrate around 5-6 degenerate indicators in order to be added to the category of degenerates. Even if he himself will be shouting at all the corners of the streets:

"But I am a 100% degenerate", but, at the same time, will continue to fight with demons of degeneration, and will continue fighting the bio-negative degenerates, he, as before, will remain our friend and an ally.

One more suggestion. I received hundreds of letters from my readers from different countries: Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Israel, England, France, USA, Germany, Japan... And nearly all of these letters contain one very interesting observation:

my readers gave my book to read to all their friends, as a litmus test, and silently observed their reaction. The result is always be the same, they lost half of their so-called friends.

Therefore, observing the reaction to this discussion, on my books, on my web page, you, quite independently, will be able to make your own conclusions regarding that Mr. X and many of his friends.

-- Gregory Petrovich Klimov