Leslie Fry |
Waters Flowing Eastward |
The preceding chapters have been devoted to a study of the Jewish world organization, its historical background, its branches, its aims and the methods whereby they are obtained. If the reader has followed the thread thus far patiently and objectively, his mind has doubtless grasped, not only the historical facts and specific Jewish plans for the immediate future, but also something of Jewish character and psychology in general. A full knowledge of the latter—which can be gained only through personal experience—is the greatest safeguard against Jewish snares and pitfalls of everyday life. In the following pages will be found the names of men and women prominent in political, economic and social circles who, lured by the tempting bait, have become enmeshed in Jewish intrigue. To all the world they appear to play an independent role; but in reality they are merely puppets whose every move is worked by strings from behind the scene.l The close observer will discover, slavishly serving the Jewish cause under the mask of benevolence, democracy or liberalism, bishops, archbishops, prime ministers and national presidents, government officials of every rank and leading representatives of all other professions (lawyers, economists, scientists and the rest). He will recognize them at once as traitors who have sold themselves and their country for their own personal advantage. " Every man aims at power, everyone would like to become a dictator if only he could, and rare indeed are the men who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of securing their own welfare."2 But these traitors, when the great day comes, like their counterparts in the French and in the recent Russian revolutions, will pay the price of treason with their heads.3 Not less useful to the Jewish cause than those holding official positions, are the rich scions of socially prominent families: their wealth and their prestige are the " force and make-believe " of the Jewish countersign.* A rich young Bostonian, Garland, gave millions of dollars to the foundation which bears his name, and appointed as one of its trustees the notorious " red ", William Zebulon Foster. " Foster told them that the Garland Foundation could be depended upon whenever anyone got into trouble because of radical political opinions. Several of the organizers of the Communist party and of its ' legal' political branch, the Workers' party, were promised regular monthly salaries by Foster, to be paid from the Garland Foundation " Another example is the Philadelphian, William Curtis Bok, who, on the death of his grandfather, Cyrus H. K. Curtis, in 1933, inherited6 a major interest in the huge Curtis Publishing Company, comprising The Ladies Home Journal, Good Housekeeping, The Philadelphia Public Ledger, The New York Evening Post and other journals.7 Bok, now 35, on his return from Soviet Russia, founded a new group to facilitate Bolshevik propaganda in America: " There came into being in Philadelphia last week (July, 1933) a new investigating agency sponsored by the American Foundation. It was called The Committee on Russian-American Relations and its membership included such potent figures as the Morgan partner, Thomas W. Lamont, whose son Corliss is a near Communist; the Harvard economist Frank W. Taussig;8 the lawyer Paul D. Cravath,9 a Russian recognitionist; James D. Mooney, President of General Motors Export Co.; Dean Roscoe Pound, of Harvard Law School, a Liberal of the first water; Hugh L. Cooper, the engineer who built the Dnieprostry Dam for the U.S.S.R. Modestly buried away in the middle of the committee list was the name of its Chairman and sponsor— Curtis Bok."10 Many more examples of rich people of good families, such as Mrs. Elmhirst (nee Dorothy Whitney), Lady Astor, the Dowager Countess of Warwick, come to mind, but space does not allow mention of all here, nor of a discussion of how and why each was inveigled into the Jewish net and into the base r61e of patron and purveyor to criminals. Suffice it to say that, in general, these people " thirst for the emotion of success and applause, of which we (the Jews) are remarkably generous. And the reason why we give them this success is to make use of their high conceit of themselves, to which it gives birth. For that insensibly disposes them to assimilate our suggestions without being on their guard against them, in the fullness of their confidence that it is their own infallibility which is giving utterance to their own thoughts, and that it is impossible for them to borrow those of others... You cannot imagine to what extent the wisest of the goyim can be brought to a state of unconscious naivete in the presence of this high conceit of themselves; and at the same time how easy it is to take the heart out of them by the slightest ill-success, though it be nothing more than silencing the applause they enjoyed, and reducing them to slavish submission for the sake of winning a renewal of success."11 Much has already been written about Bolshevism being led by Jews;12 the same applies to it in Mexico, China and Spain, where the systematic violence and terrorism, oft alluded to in the Protocols as Jewish means of exercising power, have had full play. War is now waged against civilization in Europe and the United States, but it assumes another aspect. The ascent of the Jew to power in those countries is made on the ladder of Fabianism, of which Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Bolshevism and Internationalism are the chief rungs. The definition and aims of Fabianism are given by the Fabians themselves as follows: Basis of the Fabian Society The Fabian Society consists of Socialists. It therefore aims at the reorganization of Society by the emancipation of Land and Industrial Capital from individual ownership and the vesting of them in the community for the general benefit. In this way only can the natural and acquired advantages of the country be equitably shared by the whole people. The Society accordingly works for the extinction of private property in land, with equitable consideration of established expectations, and due provision as to the tenure of the home and homestead: for the transfer to the community, by constitutional methods, of all such industries as can be conducted socially: and for the establishment, as the governing consideration in the regulation of production, distribution and service, of the common good instead of private profit. The Society is a constituent of the Labour Party and of the International Socialist Congress: but it takes part freely in all constitutional movements, social, economic and political, which can be guided towards its own objects. Its direct business is: (a) the propaganda of Socialism in its application to current problems; (b) investigation and discovery in social, industrial, political and economic relations; (c) the working out of Socialist principles in legislation and administrative reconstruction; (d) the publication of the results of its investigations and their practical lessons. The Society, believing in equal citizenship of men and women in the fullest sense, is open to persons irrespective of sex, race or creed, who commit themselves to its aims and purposes as stated above and undertake to promote its work. The Society took the name of Fabian from the policy of temporizing it adopted, claiming to imitate that of the Roman dictator, Fabius Cunctator, during his fight against Hannibal, whom he eventually defeated at Tarentum, 215 B. C. Frank Podmore, well-known spiritualist and occultist, one of the founders of the Fabian Society, is quoted as saying to one of its earliest members:—"For the right moment, you must wait, as Fabius did most patiently, when warring against Hannibal, though many censured his delays, but when the time comes, you must strike hard, as Fabius did, or your waiting will be in vain and fruitless." The Fabian Society waited forty years, striking a continual series of covert blows at the political, economic, social and religious structure of England, and in 1924 it came to power with the advent of the first Labour Government, which can be called the offspring of the Fabian Society. The period had been fruitful, if long. There is no gainsaying that the Fabian Society has been first and foremost a gathering of intellectuals—a rebellious Intelligentsia whose accomplishments seem the realisation of Weishaupt's dream of Masonic Illuminism, cleverly combined with Moses Mendelssohn's dream of Jewish Illuminism (Haskalah). Historically, it was founded in 1883 at the time when in the realm of philosophy and metaphysics, the political economy of John Stuart Mill, in England, and the Positivism of Auguste Comte, in France, had thrown perturbation into the minds of numerous thinkers and given abundant food to the Freethinkers of the epoch. Henry George's book on Socialism, Progress and Poverty, was in great vogue. The direct influence leading to the formation of the Fabian Society was, according to E. R. Pease, its historian, exercised by Thomas Davidson, the founder of The Fellowship of the New Life, which society culminated in The Ethical Society of Culture in New York. Considerable impulse was also given to the budding association by its assimilation of Robert Dale Owen's socialistic principles. Among the intellectuals who joined The Fabian Society soon after its inception in 1884 was the Irishman, George Bernard Shaw, who was elected a member in that year. At that time, The Fabian Society had completely seceded from the Fellowship of the New Life and had formulated its own Socialistic programme. The following year, Sidney Webb, now Lord Passfield and ex-Minister of the Colonies, as well as Sydney Olivier, now Lord Olivier, who has held several Government appointments, were elected members of The Fabian Society. Soon afterwards, the late Mrs. Annie Besant, later head of the Theosophical Movement, also was elected a member. Fabian Socialism, at the outset, groped its way along all the beaten paths of the Social Revolutionists who had preceded them. It also made incursions into Babouvism, Marxism, Bakounist Anarchism and the then existing various Social-Democratic groups. Being, however, mainly composed of intellectuals, bureaucrats, civil servants, journalists, etc., the Fabians, whose fundamental slogan was the righting of the wrongs of the working class, had no keen desire for riotous street manifestations and confined their earliest activities to drawing-room meetings. It does not enter within the limits of the present sketch to retrace the history of the Fabian Society, but the point which should be regarded as of great importance is that out of the drawing-room meetings alluded to above, there emerged the truly Fabian tactics of temporizing and the decision taken and followed of penetrating into or, as Bernard Shaw himself expressed it, of permeating numerous existing societies with Fabian socialistic ideas and principles. This method of penetrating into organizations, political and economic, and of boring from within, gave, in time, remarkable results. Fabians, mainly Civil Servants, easily found their affinities in Liberal circles and, moreover, owing to their loudly proclaimed socialistic profession of faith, obtained the confidence of the working classes. They were indeed sitting on both sides of the fence and recruiting the good-will of both Liberal and Labour organizations. The study of Fabianism is one of almost unparalleled opportunism. Fabians seemed to have formulated no original creed of their own, but were animated by an unswerving resolve to get to the top and govern England. They accepted the creed or tenets of any camp into which they penetrated and, by degrees, converted its adherents to their own views. In this manner Fabian members secured their positions in political, industrial and educational fields. To suit even Anarchism, they formed a special Fabian branch which bore the name of The Fabian Parliamentary League. No field of exploitation seems to have been overlooked by these socialist intellectual Illuminati: I. POLITICS. In Politics, their range of activities has been well defined by one of its leaders, Bernard Shaw, in a paper he read at a conference in 1892, at Essex Hall. The policy of " permeation " of the Fabian Society was clearly outlined and much stress laid upon the enumeration of results already achieved. Within a year of this conference, in January 1893, The Independent Labour Party was formed by the grouping of the local Fabian societies then in existence. These groups, under the leadership of Keir Hardie, Friedrich Engels (co-worker with Karl Marx), and Marx's daughter, E. Aveling, had accepted, as their code, Marxism thus summarised:—To establish a Socialist State where Land and Capital will be held by the Community. On such principles was Russia transformed into Soviet Russia in 1917. The author of The History of The Fabian Society does not fail to point it out as the Parent Society, emphasizing the fact that the Marxist Independent Labour Party was but its offspring. Thus, leading, on the one hand, Marxist Socialism and having, on the other, so permeated the Liberal party that they also practically ruled it, the Fabians were soon able to take part in local elections, and propose their own candidates for appointments on School Boards, Vestries, County Councils, Women's Liberal Federations, Liberal and Radical Unions, etc. They spared no pains in pushing forward the autonomy of municipalities as well as the various schemes for National Insurance, Old Age Pensions, Tariff Reform, Employers' Liability, Workmen's Compensation, etc. Politically also, through their offspring, The Independent Labour Party, they asserted their defeatist and anti-patriotic tenets during the Boer War of 1899-1902, when they expressed their wish " to see the Boers successful and the British Army driven into the sea." By 1903, The Independent Labour Party, after 10 years of indefatigable efforts among the Trade Unionists, gave its parent, The Fabian Society, the opportunity and satisfaction of presenting England with a full-fledged Labour Party. Up to that time, Fabian candidates had contested and won seats in Parliament as Liberals. The practice of the policy of interlocking directorates had never been better evidenced than by the tactics of Fabianism. The outbreak of the War in 1914 furnished the Illuminati of Socialism with the opportunity of manifesting their anti-patriotic feelings much more openly than they had done during the Boer War. It was then that their policy of interlocking directorates bore abundant fruit. What one might call the " melting " property of The Fabian Society became more evident for, as such, it did not create a record of anti-patriotism. That particular task was entrusted to its members of the Labour Party andthe Independent Labour Party who took a prominent part in the formation of the Union of Democratic Control, which counted the Zionist Jew, Israel Zangwill, amongst its leading band-masters. The shameful defeatist, pro-German activities of the Prime Minister of England, Ramsay Macdonald, Fabian and Labourite during the World War, and the open support given to Bolshevism by his Labour Party have for ever sullied the political honour of England and are a matter of history. Yet another aspect of Fabianism is the great part it took in the formation and, later, direction of The League of Nations, which Bernard Shaw calls an incipient international government. II. ECONOMICS. In the realm of the Economic, Industrial and Financial life of England, The Fabian Society played no less a part than in politics. With its slogan of " Progressive Policy ",1? it invaded Agriculture, preaching the Nationalisation of land, in other words, the confiscation of landed property. The first blow to Industry was struck in Lancashire, the stronghold of English industry, in 1890, with the help of the late Mrs. Annie Besant,14 as chief spokesman and agitator. Later, the Cooperative movement was captured and Fabi-anised and subsequently delivered over to the Independent Labour Party and Labour Party. It is due to the Socialists having been so successful in conquering industry that, during the World War, sabotage assumed such appalling proportions in the munition factories in England. As to the financial " ideas " of The Fabians, whose basic principle is the ruin of Capitalism, they became realities when taxation of the people took undue proportions in the shape of income tax, super-tax, death duties—, and are to be followed by Capital Levy. The promised benefits to the working class to be derived from such schemes as the National Health Insurance and Workmen's Compensation and Dole, Old Age and Widow's Pensions, have proved a myth. Yet they have gone a long way towards furthering the plans exposed in the Protocols, which aim at reducing to bondage the Goyim, rich and poor alike. III. EDUCATION. In the matter of Education, the Fabian Illuminati have followed a theory which is none other than that suggested by one of the souls of Bavarian Illumin-ism, Nicolai, in the 18th century. Having secured posts on the School-boards of the country, it became very easy for Fabian socialists to instil their educational de-Christianised principles in the school curriculum. Their attack on religious teaching was subtle but deadly, as seen in the Education Act of 1902. They boasted openly of having in their ranks several Anglican bishops and divines, the list being headed by Bishop Headlam, one of the earliest Fabians. Eventually they won, having, as has always been their wont, resorted to intensive propaganda, generously distributing their tracts and leaflets. From Our Political Correspondent. The Government is to be presented with a brand new policy. Certain ministers are to take part in its preparation. It is called a " long run" Under Fabian educational schemes come the formation of the Educational Groups and of " The Nursery," the latter designed as a kind of training school for very young prospective Socialists. Women's groups were also formed, the members of which participated in all movements tending to a fuller feminist emancipation. But, by far, one of the most important steps taken by the Fabians along educational lines has been their inauguration in existing Universities of " University Socialist Societies," which in 1912 were finally grouped by Clifford Allen into " the Universities Socialist Federation." Fertile seeds of Fabian Socialism are also sown at the Summer Schools organized annually by the Society, which E. R. Pease rightly terms a " propagandist society ". The culminating triumph of the Fabians, in the realm of education, was the creation of the London School of Economics and Political Science at the London University where, today, one of the chief lecturers is the Jew socialist, Harold J. Laski, Member of the Executive Committee of the Fabian Society and Chairman of its Publishing Committee. As has been suggested already, and as can be seen from the succinct expose here given, Fabianism left no field unexplored or unexploited. For fifty years, it has treated England to doses of both pure and diluted Marxism, mostly diluted, as the English, by the very nature of their steady and conservative characteristics, are not easily aroused to excesses like those perpetrated by the Paris " Communards " of 1871. But, on the other hand, they have been thoroughly permeated, and their poisoning has been one of long process. The results are, to the naked eye, the history of England since the War, politically and economically. Lloyd George's Coalition Government had been kind to Socialism, but the real harvest-time came when the Labour Party won the election In 1924 and its members governed, or rather misgoverned, England. It needed nothing short of the Bolshevist alliance which Macdonald wished to force upon the country to provoke the remaining sound reaction of the English people and prompt them to overthrow the Labour Government. But this show of resistance was ephemeral. How pitiful it is to know that the return of the Labour Party to power, in May, 1929, is entirely due to the incompetence of a Conservative Government, in which the people trusted for sane administration of the affairs of State. Yet, the Prime Minister, Leader of the Conservative Party, Mr. Baldwin, could not claim ignorance of the Judeo-masonic plans contained in the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion. He found it easier deliberately to disregard them. Be that as it may, England was once more in the hands of the Labour Party with the inevitable and ubiquitous Ramsay Macdonald and, according to the latest report issued by the Society "eight Fabians are members of the Cabinet and fourteen others hold offices in the Government without seats in the Cabinet.'" From the Jew-led Fabian Society issue the chaotic words and deeds which are steadily wrecking not only general prosperity, but also combating with international forces drawn from all quarters of the globe any attempt at national readjustment such as the present movement in Germany. The drawing-room meeting system described by E. R. Pease, and which in America is known as " parlor-bolshe-vism," formed to gain well-to-do adherents, still functions, as witness the following article which appeared in the London Evening Standard of May 28, 1931: A 10-YEAR PLAN FOR SOCIALISTS HOUSE PARTY RESULTS IN CALL FOR CLEARER THINKING. policy, and is planned " for ten years ahead." MR. COLE GETS TO WORK OPEN MIND ON EMPIRE BUYING AND PREFERENCE. To-morrow evening a group of Socialists and Trade Unionists will begin fashioning the new plan at a meeting to be held at Transport House.15 The prime movers are Major C. R. Attlee (Postmaster-General), and Mr. G, D. H. Cole. Sir Stafford Cripps (the Solicitor-General), Mr. Ernest Bevin, and Mr. Noel Baker, M. P. (Mr. Arthur Henderson's Parliamentary Private-Secretary) are among those expected to accept Society is more intellectual than political. This ascendancy is, of course, due to the all-powerful influence list politicians, economists and trades unionists foregathered at week-ends. Out of these meetings grew the new Fabian Research Bureau (of which Major Attlee is chairman and Mr. Cole secretary), which received the official blessing of the Labour movement two months ago and is now established in premises in Abing-don Street.17 the invitation of Major Attlee and Mr. Cole at tomorrow's meeting. AFTER THE WEEK-END PARTIES. The new policy—or the plan for a new policy—had its origin in a series of house parties held last year at Easton Lodge (the Labour Chequers),16 when Socialism. It is with this new policy that we are presently concerned. Outside of England, the Fabians are affiliated with strong Socialist groups professing the same ideas in Denmark, South Africa, Canada and Australia, Japan, United States, Spain and Germany. Lectures by Fabians were also given in Paris at the Comite d'Etudes Nationales, founded and directed by the Jew, Albert Kahn, and also at the Club du Faubourg, organized by the Jew, Leo Poldes, as well as to the French Socialist Party, headed by the Jew Leon Blum. On November 1, 1930, the Evening Standard, already, quoted, contained the following lines: GOVERNMENT BY FABIANS tion has been made from the membership of the Society, the latest examples of which are the new Air Minister, Lord Amulree, and the new Solicitor-General, Sir Stafford Cripps. I am told that at least 90 per cent of the members of the Government are on the rolls of the Society, and that, contrary to regulations, so are a good many highly placed Civil Servants. The Civil Servants would probably defend themselves by saying that the Many Labour members are talking about the dominance in the Government of that very academic body, the Fabian Society. I find that many people believed that this organization, through which many intellectuals entered the Socialist movement, had ceased to exist. But it goes on with a membership, small but influential, of some 5,000. Yet practically every recent appointment, either to high or low office, in the Labour administraon Lord Passfleld and his wife, Mrs. Sidney Webb, with whom the Fabian Society has been the passion of their lives. If, on the one hand, the British Government is run by avowed Fabians, the present United States Government is in exactly the same position. The " brain trust " of Franklin D. Roosevelt is composed of several Jews, among them Bernard M. Baruch, Herbert Swope, Mordecai Ezekiel, James Warburg, Frank W. Taussig, Others like Swanson, Secretary of the Navy,18 Arthur Bullitt, Louis M. Howe, Raymond Moley, Tugwell, George N. Peek, if not Jews, were closely connected with Jews and such radical organizations as the Conference for Progressive Political Action, the Rand School for Communism, the Friends of Soviet Russia, the League for Industrial Democracy. The League for Industrial Democracy19 is the American counterpart of British Fabianism. It runs parallel to the Ethical Culture Society, founded by the Jew, Felix Adler, the Conference for Progressive Political Action, the Intercollegiate Socialist League, the Intercollegiate Liberal League, the American Civil Liberties Union, and countless other subversive groups. Under the heading " Other Fabian Organizations ", mentioned in the Fabian Society's annual report for 1932, one reads:
Is not one forcibly reminded of the following sentence? " We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this oppression, when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces—Socialists, Anarchists, Communists—to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our social masonry ".20 Not less than English Universities, have the American colleges been permeated with Fabian theories, and hardly any of them are without a branch of the National Student Forum (long headed by John Rothschild) or of the Intercollegiate Liberal League,21 founded at Harvard in 1921. Particular attention must be drawn to the Rand School of New York, founded in 1905 which, ten years ago, was raided by order of the United States Government on account of its Communist teaching.22 The penetration of Fabianism in the church of America is fully evidenced by the subversive activities of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America.23 As President Roosevelt's " brain trust" was recruited from such centres, it is clear that the composition of both the British and American Governments is similar. It is Jewish-radical or, to use plain language, Jewish-bolshevist. Both governments are run by men who are merely puppets in the hands of Jews highly placed in the secret councils of the central Jewish Kahal, the present-day Zionist World organization, whose object is the ultimate destruction of all our religious, social and industrial institutions and the annihilation of our freedom. It is therefore interesting to note that plans, evolved in the numerous bolshevist-socialist centres created by Fabians, Liberals and Socialists, are being executed in both the British Empire and the United States. It is curious to compare these wonderful socialist economic plans with those which were to have been the basis of the ideal Jewish State in Palestine, after the Balfour Declaration. They were formulated in 1919 by Bernard A. Rosenblatt, a prominent Zionist, in his book Social Zionism. From it we cull only the following lines, not devoid of a certain interest:— A. The Jew as a social force in history:
The press notice of Rosenblatt's book in the American Jewish News is headed Will the Jews again lead the world?"27 The " experiment" of this ideal socialism having originally failed in Palestine, it is to be tried now in both England and America. In England, the centralisation of all the plans for the " new policy " has, for quite some time, been worked under the name of " Political and Economic Planning" or " P. E. P. ", and in America it has taken the name of " N. R. A. " (National Recovery Act). The plans of both are identical, only the method of execution is different. Whereas the English must be dealt with slowly, and as it were taken unawares, the American people, on account of the ignorance and the primitiveness of the masses, can be treated brutally, as is being done by Hugh Johnson28 and other henchmen of President Roosevelt. In America, coercion is the order of the day; "freedom" is now a meaningless word; whereas the Englishman is asked to forego his freedom for the sake of patriotism, the American masses, aliens to the Anglo-Saxon race, are swayed only by cupidity and the promise of material prosperity. Both methods produce the same results: the concentration of all material resources in the hands of the Jews, the lowering of our standard of living, and complete physical and moral degradation.29 — 1. "Who will ever suspect that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries? " Protocol No. 13, supra, p. 152. See also quotation'from Coningsby, supra, pp. 100-102. 2. Protocol No. 1, supra, pp. 114-120. It must be borne in mind that many of these men have, at one time or another in their lives, been involved in some crooked business or scandal and dread its disclosure: supra, pp. 119-120. 3. The aristocracy who served the Jewish cause in bringing about these revolutions were not even rewarded with life but perished with the innocent under the edifice they had so efficiently undermined. 4. Protocol No. 1, supra, p. 118. 5. Whitney, Reds in America. (Beckwith Press, New York, 1924), pp. 80-81. 6. Together with his mother and younger brother. 7. Curtis's gross receipts from advertising for 1929 amounted to 73 million dollars; and for 1930, to 67 millions. 8. See infra, p. 211. 9. Notorious radical and shadow of Otto H. Kahn. In 1924 Cravath tried to secure the nomination of Otto Kahn as President of the English Speaking Union; and the manoeuvre was defeated only by the timely exposure of Kahn's bolshevist activities. It was proved that Kahn's house was a meeting place for Soviet agents, such as Nina Somorodin, Clare Sheridan, Louise Bryant and Margaret Harrison. 10. See Time (Chicago Weekly) for July 17, 1933. 11. Pw/oco/No. 15, supra, pp. 158-9. 12. Supra, pp. 39-40. 13. Compare the subversive Conference for Political Progressive Action in America. 14. Supra, p. 204. 15. The premises of The Labour Party. 16. Easton Lodge is the seat of Frances, Dowager Countess of Warwick. The Socialism of all " Parlor-Bolsheviks " reminds one of the Jew Isaac McBride's utterance: "We are going to milk the bourgeoisie and they will help us to keep [up] the struggle against themselves." 17. No. 23 Abingdon Street is the seat of the S. S. I. P. (Society for Socialist Inquiry and Propaganda) ; the new Fabian Research Bureau: and the Socialist League. 18. See Whitney, Reds in America, pp. 49, 58, 59. 19. Among the members of the Board of Directors of this League in 1926 figured Justine Wise, daughter of Rabbi Stephen Wise. 20. Protocol No. 3, Supra, p. 124. 21. Felix Frankfurter was one of its sponsors. 22. It is noteworthy that the Rand School received important financial support from the former Mrs. Willard Straight, nfe Dorothy P. Whitney, now the wife of Leonard Elmhirst who, according to Mr. Israel Sieff's statement, is Chairman of the agricultural group of the P. E. P. One of the lecturers at the Rand School who has come into recent prominence is Raymond Moley, personal adviser to President Roosevelt, and his special delegate to the London Conference, 1933. 23. See Sanctuary, Tainted Contacts (New York, 1931). 24. Louis D. Brandeis, an active Zionist, formerly close personal adviser to President Wilson during the War, and who, since then, has been sitting as Justice on the Federal Supreme Court at Washington. 25. The late Samuel Gompers, President of The American Federation of Labour. 26. If wholesale murder as practised by Trotzki (Braunstein) is only " the necessary evil involved on this Jewish tendency toward social justice," one hesitates to ask what evil would be necessary in order that the Jews might confer on us some greater social blessing. 27. The introduction to Rosenblatt's book is by Judge Julian W. Mack, U. S. Circuit Judge, on Juvenile Court, 1904-1917; member Board of Inquiry on Conscientious Objectors, 1917-1918; President Zionist Organization of America, 1921. 28. " In 1927, Baruch asked Johnson to join him in his New York office, and ever since, the General has been Baruch's right-hand man... During most of these years (after the War) Johnson was in touch with a man who was in the thick of many contests of finance, battles of Wall Street, and intrigues of international banking. This was Bernard Mannes Baruch, suave and rich New York capitalist, friend and sup porter of the President, who gave Johnson to Roosevelt... Another ace man on the Roosevelt staff here, George N. Peck, Administrator of the Farm Relief Act, was also a War Industries Board member, friend of Baruch, partner of Johnson in plough-making." Chicago Tribune, August 16, 1933. 29. " All people are chained down to heavy toil by poverty more firmly than ever they were chained by slavery and serfdom; from these, one way or another, they might free themselves, these could be settled with, but from want they will never get away." Protocol No. 3, supra, p. 123. " The aristocracy which enjoyed by law the labour of the workers was interested in seeing that the workers were well-fed, healthy and strong. We are interested in just the opposite—in the diminution, the killing out of the goyim. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because, by all that this implies, he is made the slave of our will and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will." Supra, p. 124. " The need for daily bread forces the goyim to keep silence and be our humble servants." Protocol No. 13, supra, p. 152. |
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